Sailor Proof by Annabeth Albert


My amazing readers are the reason Sailor Proof came to be. I asked my readers what they wanted more of from me, and the overwhelming response was more military romance. Readers adored the Out of Uniform SEAL series and wanted more like that. In brainstorming with my team at Carina, I decided to go for a lighter military vibe, one with more time away from base. I also wanted to explore another elite job classification in the navy, and thus Sailor Proof and my submarine heroes for the Shore Leave series were born. So, thank you, readers, so much for loving my military romances and wanting more! Your support via social media, reviews, notes, shares, likes, and other means makes it possible for me to continue to write stories that mean the world to me, and I don’t take that for granted!

As with all my books, I am so grateful for the team supporting me, especially at Carina Press and the Knight Agency. Kerri Buckley at Carina had such early enthusiasm for this idea and that made a huge difference. My editor, Deb Nemeth, is always the blend of support and critique that I need, and her encouragement means the world to me. My entire Carina Press team does an amazing job, and I am so very lucky to have all of them on board. A special thank-you to the tireless art department and publicity team and to the amazing narrators who bring my books to life for the audio market.

My behind-the-scenes team is also the best. My revisions were also assisted by invaluable beta comments from Abbie Nicole, Layla Noureddine, and Edie Danford.

Extra special shout-out for Abbie Nicole, who is the best PA I could ever ask for.

I wrote the end of Sailor Proof during a nine-day power outage. My family showed amazing resilience through that natural disaster on top of everything else the past year plus has thrown at us. I am so grateful to my spouse and children for their support. My life is also immeasurably enriched by my friendships, especially those of my writer friends who keep me going with sprints, advice, guidance, and commiseration. I am so grateful for every person in my life who helps me do what I love.