Twisted Complications by Nikita Parmenter

Chapter Twenty-Two

We are in full view of the coffee shop but not so obvious that someone would see us and instantly think that we’re watching the place. It seems entirely weird to me that I’ve watched movies with very familiar scenarios in them and now it has become my reality.

I’m already getting freaking jittery, wanting to get on with it, it’s been a long fucking time since I let my knives out to play to protect someone and because that someone is Rylie, you can bet your fucking ass I’m out for blood. That familiar tingle of adrenalin starts to thrum through me. Muscles tightening slightly with anticipation. I was right, all those weeks ago when I was at the police station in Fresno, I’m not made for the white picket fence life. I thrive in the darkness, in protecting all those who can’t protect themselves.

My knee starts bouncing with the extra energy and Rage looks at me, concern flashing in his eyes.

“Nervous?” He asks.

“I’m nervous about what’s happening to Rylie but I’m anxious to do something. It’s been a long time since I fought, and it probably sounds weird, but I need it.” I explain.

“I get that.” Rage agrees, the other guys nodding.

I can’t believe I’ve been lucky enough to find people who get me. My mind is a pit of apprehension because I’m so worried about what they could be doing to Rylie, what we’re walking into. I’m even worried about why Liam wants me; I’d be less worried if he wanted me dead. That, I could understand. He thinks that one, I told the police in the first place and made them raid my father, taking out part of Liam’s operation at the same time. Which also put his operation under the microscope and secondly, that I’m going to spill everything I know to the cops at the trial for the men that worked with my dad and therefore, worked for him. Which is true, I will, I want those men off the streets.

The fact that he wants me though has me worrying, what does he know?

He can’t know about the other jobs that I did for my father, can he? And more than that, what if it’s finally the backlash I was expecting for setting Jynx free and then helping her get her revenge.

The time we spend in the back of the van waiting gives me far more time to think than I’ve had recently, we’ve been constantly on the go dealing with one thing after a another, it means that all those things that I’ve put a pin into think about later, are now starting to pop up in my brain.

Alaric produces a pack of cards seemingly out of thin air and while the guys play, I think about the next steps when it comes to the bunker case. Yes, I’m referring to it as a case now, Alaric called us a team and I like that. I like that we can do these jobs, helping to rid the world of the scum that plagues it.  Without the red tape, jurisdictions and rules that anyone who works for law enforcement usually have to abide by. I think if I was born into another life, I would’ve aspired to work in law enforcement, as a detective or maybe even in S.W.A.T.

I do love solving a mystery though, as well as being the muscle so maybe a detective would’ve suited me more.

Which brings me back to Phoenix. We know that the list wasn’t a complete list of members because they’re all dead apart from Clint and I’d have to assume that the person responsible is the same guy that Clint said you didn’t say no too. The same one that killed the five students. There was also the page that’s been torn from the back, I don’t think the guy in the mask ripped it out because the page didn’t look freshly torn.

The next step would be trying to find out the other members in Phoenix. We could probably go back to Clint and see if we could get him to name some more of his friends. We could then see if they matched up with those on the list, anyone who wasn’t on the list we could then look into.

It’s not a great idea but it’s all I’ve got at the moment. We need to go through all of the blueprints we found and see if the companies and buildings they belong to still exist today, there may be a link that we can follow. I’ll suggest it to the guys after we’ve rescued Rylie, and we will be rescuing Rylie. She’s tough as nails, it’s one of the reasons why we became friends in the first place, we understood each other. I know that she’s been through some shit in her past though and that has me worried that something is going to trigger her. I have no idea how long she’s been gone for. Her dad must be worried sick, not to mention Darcy, her girlfriend.

“Guys, black SUV just pulled up directly outside the coffee shop, tinted windows.” Trick says from the front seat and immediately, the light-hearted atmosphere in the van changes to something more serious tension running through the air as we all look towards the SUV.

“Looks like fake plates as well.” I comment. I’d recognise fake ones anywhere, I’ve dealt with enough of them.

“Good eye.” Alaric mutters sounding slightly impressed.

“Two have exited, armed with at least two guns each. I’d assume that they’ve got one or more guys in the back, they wouldn’t want to risk Ever escaping, if they manage to convince her to get in, in the first place.” Trick adds.

“That means that we need to approach as carefully as possible. Is there a chance that they’ll recognise me and Jensen?” Luc asks.

“I wouldn’t think so, but the window of opportunity is small, you need to go now.” Alaric says, handing them back a small flat, back device. “It’s got a high-powered magnet on the back as well as an adhesive that will keep it attached to the car over the toughest terrain. I suggest putting it on the underneath.”

“Seems simple enough. Jensen, I have an idea, you stay by the van in case I need a distraction, we’re less suspicious if there’s one of us.” Luc says, hopping out of the van with Jensen hot on his heels.

Jensen walks a bit further down the road leaning near a bus stop and pulling out his phone. He looks relaxed, just like a teenager waiting for his bus and not paying attention to his surroundings. He even goes as far as to put some headphones in his ears, I can guarantee that he doesn’t have a music playing though. Every now and then his eyes dart to where Luc is walking across the road, but not enough to make it look like he’s keeping an eye on him, but more to give the air of offhanded curiosity.

My attention switches to Luc, he walks to the SUV which is fortunately facing away from us so if there are any more people in the back, they aren’t going to see Luc approach. He drops to the floor near the back of it and pretends to tie his shoe as he places the device. Cash immediately opens up the laptop that Alaric gave him and checks the signal.

“It’s good. Strong signal.”

Luc gets up and walks down the street, his pace unhurried as the door to the coffee shop opens and the two guys come out looking pissed. One of them with his phone to his ear. Jensen stays at the stop looking down at his phone and keeping his face mostly obscured as they climb in and start the SUV driving past Luc just as he turns to look in a shop window. As soon as they’re sure that the SUV is no longer in sight, they both make their way back to the van and climb in.

I have to admit that I’m pretty impressed with the efficiency that they pulled that off. I don’t know why I’m still getting surprised at the things these guys do anymore.

“Good job, guys.” Trick says as soon as they get in the van, earning grins.

“Now what?” Rafe asks.

“Now we wait and let them get a head start. We’ll give it twenty minutes and then start to follow. Luc, I need you on the second laptop as soon as we know where they’re headed. I need you to bring up an aerial view of the location so we can see the best plan for infiltrating it.” Alaric says. “Cash, you keep giving Trick directions to where they are and as soon as we find somewhere out of the way, you can pull over and we’ll study the aerial view and make a plan.”

“Got it.” Cash agrees as Trick and Luc nod.

“Ever, keep an eye on your phone, there’s a big possibility that he’s going to ring you.” Atlas says, his eyes worried. “He will threaten you and all sorts of other nasty shit, don’t give in to it and remember the plan.”

“I understand. I doubt he could say anything that I haven’t heard before.” I reply.

Riot’s sitting close to my side, his hand on my leg and he squeezes gently, giving me the silent support that I need. Rafe is sitting on my other side, his fingers threaded through mine, my other hand holding my phone.

“Alright, Cash, is the signal still strong?” Trick asks.

“Yeah, they’re travelling fast though.” Cash replies, still watching the screen.

“Let’s set off then. I want to go in under the cover of darkness. We’ve got a while before then.” Alaric replies, moving from the back of the van up into the front.

With that, we’re on the way. I sort of feel that Alaric’s treating this like a trial run for our team. Seeing how well we work together and where our skills lie. It will give him a good idea of the kinds of jobs we can handle in the future. He already knows how Atlas and Rage work; he knows what they are capable of. When it comes to the rest of us though, other than what Atlas has told him, he’s got no idea whether we can handle what they do.

My phone ringing in my hand pulls me out of my thoughts and I glance down at the screen.

“It’s the same number as this morning.”

“Put it on speaker.” Alaric says as the van falls silent, all the quiet conversations ending abruptly.

“Ever, I’m disappointed in you.” Liam’s voice comes through the phone, I’m once again hit with familiarity.

I snort, “Join the club.”

Atlas stiffens slightly at my nonchalant response, but a chuckle comes through the phone and he frowns, clearly not expecting that reaction.

“I should’ve known that you would’ve been too smart to turn up. But alas, now we have a problem. See, I have your friend Rylie, she’s quite lovely actually, her screams are like music to my ears.” He taunts.

My jaw clenches and I know my eyes are flashing with violence. I swallow down my threats for now.

“How pleasant for you.” I bite out. “What do you want?”

“I want you to meet me, without your little tag alongs.”


“Huntington Bridge, midnight tomorrow.”

“How very cloak and dagger of you.” I scoff.

“I thought you’d like that.” He replies, missing the sarcasm. “If you miss this meeting, Ever, I will kill her.”

“I want proof of life. How do I know you haven’t killed her already?” I reply calmly trying to keep my cool.

“Logan!” He snaps.

“Ever?” I hear Rylie within seconds, sounding desperate and afraid. “Don’t give them what they want!” She adds, a steel to her voice that wasn’t there a second ago.

Suddenly, pain filled screams fills the van and my hand clenches tightly around my phone, the need for blood descending across my senses.

Atlas and Alaric shake their heads at me already guessing what I’m about to do, I ignore them. It’s not in my nature to play nicely.

“If you lay one more finger on her, I promise you that you will lose your fucking life, but before you do, I’m going to play. You seem to know me, no doubt thanks to my father, I don’t know what you want with me, but trust me, you do not want me to play.” I growl, the guys share a look.

“Oh, I know exactly what you’re capable of. No more harm will come to Rylie so long as you do as I’ve asked.” He says, a knowing lilt to his voice before he abruptly hangs up.

“Fucking cunt, I’m going to enjoy taking my knife to him.” I growl.

The van is silent as they watch me, Alaric, Atlas, and Rage exchange a loaded look.

“What?” I ask.

“The way you handled him was pretty fucking impressive.” Alaric starts.

“And hot.” Jensen interrupts and I chuckle darkly.

“What’s surprising though, is the way he responded to you.” Alaric carries on ignoring Jensen’s comment.

“He spoke like he knew you personally.” Rage continues, crossing his arms over his chest and eyeing me suspiciously.

“I’ve been in the same room when one of the big players in the criminal underworld has threatened him, he explodes and they’re dead. You spoke to him in a way that no one has dared to since he rose to power.” Atlas explains, leaning forward and watching me with a mixture of worry and awe.

“What are you getting at?” I ask, starting to get defensive as their stares bore into me.

“Next left.” Cash calls up to Trick. Giving the next direction we need to take and providing a small reprieve from the tension.

I take a deep breath; my violence is riding me hard after that phone call. I know that this situation doesn’t call for that so with effort I unclench my jaw and calm my initial reaction.

“His voice sounds familiar to me, but I can’t place it. I’ve heard of Liam of course, but I’ve never seen what he looks like, so I can’t tell you if I know him or not.” I explain.

“This is the most recent photo we have of Liam; it was taken a week ago.” Alaric pulls out his phone and presses a couple of buttons before handing it over to me.

I stare down at the very familiar face on the screen, he’s cleaner, better presented, has a full head of hair, and is fairly okay on the eye, but it is definitely the fucker.

“Fuck!” I curse.

“You recognise him?” Atlas asks his eyes wide.

“Oh yeah, I recognise the fucker. He looks a lot better than the last time I saw him though.”

“What do you mean the last time you saw him? You’ve been in the same room as him?”

“Many times, unfortunately.” Everyone’s eyes widen with shock, as fear darkens Atlas’s. “I knew him as Jerry though. He was a drop I made about once a month. Always in the same run-down house, he never came to the trailer like most of my dad’s other business associates did. I guess because he’d be recognised, and I was blissfully unaware of who he actually was.” I frown.

I can’t believe Jerry is actually Liam and Atlas’s dad.

“You look nothing like your father.” I point out to Atlas; he just watches me shocked.

“Did he hurt you, Princess?” His eyes darken as the thought occurs to him.

“No, on the contrary actually. His men were the more respectful dickheads, they never tried to grab something they had no right too. Although, I did have a reputation for cutting things off people who tried that, so that might be why.” I smirk, “They also always let me go in with a weapon which gave me a level of security that was comforting. Jerry was one of my more preferable drops. Every time I was there though, he’d always ask the same thing, it became a sort of game, I guess. He’d ask me if I was finally coming to work for him, I always turned him down and he’d laugh it off and send me on my way.”

“You refused him, and he just laughed it off and let you go?” Rage asks, incredulously.

“Yep. Let me guess, people who turn him down usually end up dead?”

“Well, yeah.” Alaric confirms looking confused as hell, and still staring at me like I’m a bug under a microscope.

“And he didn’t hurt you?” Atty asks again, unbelieving and obviously scared as hell that his father’s hurt me.

I carefully move across the moving van, Cash still muttering directions to Trick, although both their attention is focused on me.

Atlas’s arms wrap around me like steel bands and I can feel the slight tremor running through them.

“He didn’t hurt me, Atty. In fact, every now and then, he’d give me a bit of extra money. More than the drugs cost, he’d give it specifically to me. I was suspicious the first time he gave me it, thinking it came with extra strings, but I hadn’t eaten for days and at that point I was desperate. I didn’t care if I got a beating for it. Nothing ever came from it though.”

“What fucking alternate universe have I just stumbled into?” Rage explodes. “He gave you money and expected nothing in return?”

“Yeah. Not every time, but often enough that I probably owe him for not starving.”

“There’s so much more going on here, than we’re aware of.” Alaric, mutters. “That is not how my brother behaves. It reminds me of the Liam he was when we were kids, before the criminal world corrupted him to such an extent.”

“What’s so important about you, though?” Rage says, I’d take offence, but I know he doesn’t mean it that way.

“I don’t know.” I shrug, feeling confused.

Although it’s a shock learning that Jerry is actually Liam, it doesn’t affect my threat. I will kill him if he lays another finger on Rylie.

“I hate not knowing why he wants you. I guess him wanting you alive has nothing to do with you testifying against your dad’s men. Could it be that he just wants you to work for him?” Trick asks, his eyes flicking to me in the rear-view mirror.

“Maybe, I don’t really know why he’d go to all this effort though. I’m more likely to cause him trouble. His men would lose appendages for touching me and let’s not be naïve and think that they wouldn’t try.”

“Well, I’m sure he likes how blood thirsty you are, but I feel like there’s more to this. Something we aren’t seeing yet.” Alaric, muses.

“It’s something else that we need to think about later. We need to focus on Rylie now.” I say, trying to get everyone on back track.