Twisted Complications by Nikita Parmenter

Chapter Twenty-Five


Ever moves away from Rylie, not looking back as she walks towards the tree line. I share a worried look with the guys, Rylie’s words have to have gutted her. And while I understand where she’s coming from, I hate that she’s hurt Ever.

“Come on, let’s get home.” Trick orders, his eyes not moving from Ever’s retreating form.

“Don’t forget to write up the report.” Alaric calls after us.

“Okay, I think I know how it works by now.” Atlas calls back.

We jog to catch up to Ever. Cash gets to her first and opens his arms, inviting her in for a hug, she looks up at him with watery eyes that gut me and shakes her head.

“If I hug you now, I’m going to cry.” She says, “Let’s just get home.”

“Okay, il mio Cuore. If that’s what you want.” He replies, worry creasing his forehead even more.

“Ah, hell.” Jensen curses.

For once he doesn’t look like he’s about to completely panic at her tears, he looks more concerned over the fact that she won’t let herself cry. We move through the woods at a fast pace. My ribs protest, the bruises forming all over me and I have a cut on my cheek that I’m almost certain is going to need stitches. I look over the rest of the guys, checking for injuries. All of us look worse for wear, but we’re all still standing and no one’s having to be carried back to the van.

I send up a thanks to whoever is listening, I couldn’t lose any of my family.

Rafe threads his fingers through mine, his eyes glued to Ever’s retreating form. We’ve just fought hard and I’m fucking exhausted, but by the pace Ever’s setting, you would never have guessed it. I know what she’s doing, I’ve done it before and it’s not good.

“She’s pushing her emotions away.” I say quietly to Rafe.

Atlas and Jensen are trying to get her talking up ahead, but the others all heard me.

“That doesn’t sound good.” Rage frowns.

“Put it this way. It’s fine until it’s not and it’ll all come out, most likely over something small.” I try to explain.

“Shit, let’s get her home. Hopefully, she’ll let her guard down there.” Trick mutters.

I’m so glad that he had the forethought to put the small markers on the trees because everything is pitch black now and looks the same, I wouldn’t be able to guide us out of here if he hadn’t done it. As we move through, Ever guiding us and shining her phone torch so she can see the markers, Trick peels them off the trees as we pass them making sure that no one can trace us back this way. The way back to the van seems to take a lot longer than it did to get to the airfield.

Finally, we see it and we all climb in warily, all of us feeling the battle we just fought, covered in blood and grime. I groan as I sit on the bench seat in the back, Trick driving of course, with Atlas sitting up front as well now there’s no risk of him being recognised.

“Well, that was fun.” Ever grins, no sign of her previous emotions in her face or tone.

It worries me, but I grin. As the guys chuckle.

“I think me, and you, have very different ideas of what constitutes as fun, Sunshine.” I point out and earn a smile in return.

“Well, it wasn’t boring, that’s for sure.” Luc murmurs, his head tilted back resting against the side of the van and his arms crossed.

He’s got a deep gash on his arm where it looks like he’s blocked a knife. That will need stitches, for sure.

The drive back is long, and we finally arrive just as the sky begins to start to get lighter with beginnings of dawn. I am bone tired and let out a massive yawn as I get out of the van.

“Before anyone goes to bed, I’ve noticed that you all have at least one or two injuries that need to be seen to first.” Cash says as soon as we’re in, already carrying the large medical kit from the van.

“Everyone in the front room, at least we can be comfortable.” Trick orders as everyone takes off their boots by the front door, everyone but Ever removes their jackets and I frown slightly, wondering why.

It’s not cold in here.

“I’ll help.” She offers Cash, her voice has a monotone quality to it that worries me.

Cash smiles gratefully as they take the bag through to the kitchen and starts to lay the supplies out on the table, seeing what they both have to work with.

“She thought of Rylie like a sister.” Jensen says worriedly, watching her. “This has to be hurting, but she won’t let any of us comfort her.”

“Maybe it would be better coming from someone she’s not so close to. She cares about you all so damn much, and right now she’s obviously trying not to let her guard down. Maybe she’d accept comfort from me because it won’t mean as much to her.” Rage suggests.

“You keep telling yourself that, dude.” Jensen scoffs and Rage shoots him a sharp look.

“It’s worth a shot. Are you sure though man?” Trick asks, ignoring Jensen’s comment.

“Yeah, I’ve been thinking about what she suggested. I think she’s right if I initiate the hug, I should be okay. She saved my life in there, even if she was a brat about it. The least I can do is try to help her.” He says thoughtfully, his arms are crossed over his chest like he’s trying to protect himself and his eyes never leave Ever.

“If you get triggered, what do we need to do to help?” Atlas asks, seriously.

“Don’t touch me. My mind will be stuck in a memory and touch will make it a thousand times worse and last longer. I can do this.” He says with determination.

“I know you can, but if you can’t, there’s no shame in that man. The majority of us have panic attacks, we know how they work.” Luc reassures him and Rage, nods.

He drops his arms to his sides and walks toward Ever. We all shuffle a bit closer, ready to be there for him if he can’t do it and panics. Also, for her. He’s wrong if he thinks she doesn’t care for him. It’s obvious that she does even if she doesn’t realise quite how much yet, herself.

“Hey Puddin’, I wanted to thank you for saving my ass earlier.” He says, gaining her attention and opening his arms.

He pauses as if asking for permission, she hesitates for a moment, but she gets what a big thing this is for Rage, so she nods her head. Remembering what he told us, she doesn’t move as Rage wraps his massive tattooed arms around her, he pulls her close to his chest and she ever so slowly, gently wraps her arms around his waist. He tenses slightly at first but soon relaxes a look of happiness and shock crosses his features as he realises it worked.

I wonder how long the poor guy has gone without receiving a proper hug. Judging from what he said about his mom, my guess would be never. No wonder he can be a prickly bastard.

Her face is turned towards us, so I see the soft smile that graces her beautiful features when she feels Rage relax. Rage pulls her closer.

“It’s okay, Puddin’. It’ll will all work out.” He says softly.

She breaks, her eyes squeeze closed as fat tears start rolling down her cheeks, her breath hiccups in her chest and she turns her face into Rage’s chest as heart-wrenching sobs rock her frame. I watch Rage closely, worried that it might trigger him to have her hold him so closely, but he’s in complete control as he effortlessly picks her up, cradles her against his chest and moves over to the couch. Settling her on his lap, she grips his shirt, her body still shaking. Her face is buried in his neck now he’s sitting down, and he gazes down at her with heartbreak written all over his normally harsh features. He gently runs his big hands through her hair as we all gather around them, gently offering our comfort.

“It’s okay, Puddin’.” Rage repeats. “We’re all here, none of us are going anywhere.”

“He’s right, Angel. You’re stuck with all of us.” Jensen adds.

“It just hurts.” She mutters, bringing her red and puffy face away from Rage’s neck and then grimacing at the wet patch she’s left behind.

“I know, but it will work out.” Rage reassures her, it seems like he’s finally dropped his guard at least for the moment, as he gently runs his fingers across her cheek, wiping away some of the stray tears.

I share a smirk with the other guys, hook, line, and fucking sinker.

“From what I heard, Sweetheart, Rylie’s not ready for it now. She’s got her own demons chasing her and when she’s ready, she’ll ask for help. At the moment, she wants to stay hidden and that’s absolutely fine. She will call you when she needs you and we will all go to bat for her, I promise.” Trick says passionately.

“You wouldn’t even need to ask.” Cash adds.

“Thank you, guys. That helps. I know she’s not ready yet and that’s fine. It might take years until she’s done hiding, but it still hurts.”

“That’s okay too.” I reply squeezing her hand.

“Hey,” she says, a beautiful blinding grin crossing her features, as she looks at Rage.

The poor guy is stunned into silence as his eyes soften, his answering smile already tugging at the edges of his lips. It’s rare that Ever brings that smile out, but when she does, it knocks the breath out of our lungs.

I’m kind of jealous that he’s on the receiving end of it.

“I’m so proud of you.” She says softly.

“What, why?” He asks, sounding thoroughly confused and slightly dazed thanks to the power if that beautiful smile.

“You hugged me, and I lost my shit, but you’re doing amazing.” There’s a proud glint in her eye.

I’m thoroughly shocked when Rage clears his throat, his eyes darting away as two dusky pink dots appear on his cheeks.

“Thanks, your idea worked.” He finally replies.

Sensing he’s starting to get awkward, Ever gets up slowly, wincing slightly.

“Are you okay?” I ask her.

“Yeah, I’m fine, just a bit sore.” She reassures me. “Let’s get everyone sewn up. I’m exhausted and don’t like that I can see the sun starting to rise right now.”

It seems like all she needed was to release that knot of emotion sitting on her chest about Rylie, and now she’s bounced back, ready to take on the next task. I’m not saying her feelings over it have suddenly disappeared, but I’d be willing to bet that they’ve been dialled down to a more manageable level.

“Jensen first.” Cash orders, walking over to the table and pulling out cleaning supplies and directing Jensen to sit in the chair at the table.

“Riot, you’re mine first.” Ever grins, she gathers the supplies she needs and brings them over to me. I wait to see where she wants me to move.

My eyebrows hit my hairline and a grin splits my lips as she climbs into my lap, straddling my lap.

“Well, that’s one way to do it.” Jensen snorts.

She gives him a look. “What, it’s a better angle and I couldn’t reach otherwise.” She defends, chuckling.

Rage shoots her a look.

“I’m sure you could’ve figured it out, after all, you don’t see doctors straddling their patients, do you?” Rage’s eyebrow lifts.

“Hush, you.” She grins. “There was numbing cream in the bag, so I’ll put some of that on your cheek before I start stitching, okay?”

“Whatever you think is best, Sunshine.” I easily agree.

She applies the cream and then gets up, eyeing the rest of them.

“Okay, who needs stitches?” She asks.

Rafe, grimaces. “I’ve got a cut on my back.”

Ever frowns as she goes to lift his shirt and reveals a cut a few inches long and deep enough to need stitches.

“You should’ve let someone else carry Rylie.” She gently chastises as she applies the numbing cream.

Rafe just shrugs. She ends up putting numbing cream on Luc’s arm, the cut I noticed in the van. Trick’s cheek, Atlas’s shoulder. Rage has a large cut on his thigh, how we didn’t notice that one, I don’t know, although it probably helps that he’s wearing black and didn’t even limp. Ever doesn’t even offer him the numbing cream, sharing a look as he smiles gratefully. I assumed Ever was the one that stitched him up, after his job. She must know something that we don’t.

By the time she’s done, the tube is empty, looks like we had just enough. Once the cream is working on everyone else, she comes back to me, straddles my lap and pokes at the edges of the cleaned cut.

“Can you feel this?”


“Good, stay still.” She orders as she threads a needle and starts to gently move it through my skin.

She’s done in no time at all and her and Cash make quick work of fixing everyone up. Ever even fixes a small cut that Cash has on his forearm in almost exactly the same place as Luc’s.

“Right, that’s everyone done.” Cash says, “Thank you, il mio Cuore.”

“You’re welcome.” Ever smiles, moving into the kitchen and cleaning up supplies.

We all start to disperse and make our way to our rooms to shower and fall into bed.

“What the fuck!” Atlas suddenly booms, making me jump and spin back around.

I can’t quite process what I’m seeing. Ever has finally taken her bike jacket off and her black top underneath is slashed revealing a long and deep wound. Her top is wet with blood and sticking to her side.

“Ah fuck, that’s worse than I thought.” She grimaces, grabbing a bottle of whiskey and taking a sip from the bottle.

“Fucking, hell.” Rage curses going pale, “I picked her up, when she had that, she should’ve screamed.”

“Don’t worry about it, I’ve had worse.” She mutters, gritting her teeth as she starts to pull her top away from the skin.

I think we’re all in shock as we just watch her.

How in the fucking hell was she walking around with that, it’s at least twice as bad as any of our injuries?

She huffs, giving up on trying to get her top over her head and grabs a pair of scissors cutting straight up the front of her top and then taking her arms out, so she’s just sitting there in her bra, she cuts the excess fabric off carefully so it doesn’t tug the wound and then grabs a cloth, dipping it into the warm water and then presses it up  against her wound, I’m guessing to loosen the blood so she can move the rest of the fabric.

A choking noise comes from my left and turn to see Rage’s eyes wide with horror and anger as he takes in the scars that litter Ever’s body.

“She’s had a hard life.” Atlas says gently and Rage’s eyes flood with understanding.

“Why the fuck didn’t you tell us you were hurt that badly?” Jensen asks, his eyes a storm of worry and anger.

“I even asked you specifically if you had any wounds that needed treating immediately.” Cash adds, trying to keep his voice calm.

A small furrow between her eyes forms as she studies us, and it suddenly hits me with blinding clarity.

She doesn’t realise what’s wrong.

“But it didn’t need to be treated immediately. The pressure from my jacket stopped it from bleeding too much. We needed to get Rylie out and get to safety, we didn’t have time to be worrying about something that I could sort out later. I’ve had much worse and gone longer without treating it, the pain was tolerable and wouldn’t have stopped me if we ran into anymore guards.”

A glance at the guys shows their faces darkening with anger, their postures tense and their jaws clenched. Luc’s eyes are flashing dangerously but he’s consciously breathing slowly so he’s not triggered. It’s not aimed at her of course not, but I’m not sure she’ll realise that.

“You’re angry.” She muses, tilting her head and studying us, still looking confused.

I decide to step in before one of them loses their shit and accidentally triggers her, she is genuinely confused about what’s wrong.

“Sunshine. We’re mad because you didn’t tell us you were hurt. I understand your reasoning, but you still should’ve told us. If something had gone wrong and you were bleeding more than you thought and passed out for example, it would take us precious seconds longer to figure out what’s wrong.” I try to explain.

“We’re also not very happy because you had the worse wound of all of us, but you stitched us up first and it should’ve been the other way around.” Trick adds in, seeing that she genuinely doesn’t realise.

“Imagine if it was one of us and we did what you did?” Rafe says gently.

Finally, she gets it and her eyes widen. “Fuck, I’m so sorry. I didn’t think. I’m used to just having to get on with it when I get wounded and then taking care of it later, and I didn’t consider it something that needed to be taken care of when you asked me, Cash. I’ll do better.”

“It’s okay, Princess, you didn’t realise. Just from now on, please tell us when you’re hurt that badly. I think I damn near had a fucking heart attack when I saw it.” Atlas says.

I’d say he was being dramatic but honestly, I think we’re all a bit in shock right now. How she carried on as normal with that wound I just can’t even wrap my head around it.

I lean forward and kiss her softly; she kisses me back fiercely.