Twisted Complications by Nikita Parmenter

Chapter Twenty-Six


“Alright, maybe we should wait to do that until after she’s stitched up.” Jensen says loudly, making us pull apart.

He probably has a point. I can hear a thread of worry weaving through his tone and my eyes seek him out.

“I’m okay Jensen, really.” I try to reassure him.

“Angel, you have a massive slice in your side. I’m not going to be happy until you’re stitched up.”

“That’s where I come in.” Cash grins. “Let me see?”

So far, they’ve all only caught a glimpse of it since it was mostly still covered by the t-shirt. I turn my chair around since it’s on my right side which is closest to the table and Cash would find it ridiculously hard to stitch it up there. Trick practically jumps to move the chair for me, and I grin. They’ve literally just seen what I’m still capable of, it’s sweet though. God help me if I ever get truly injured, I have a feeling I won’t be able to lift a finger, I might end up going stir crazy.

Cash gently helps me remove the t-shirt, which thanks to me soaking it, is no longer stuck to my skin and the slice.

“Holy fuck.” Luc curses as they all get a good look at the slice, I glance down.

“Yeah okay, that is definitely worse than I thought it was.” I grimace.

“I’ll say, you’re going to need at least ten stitches.” Atlas practically growls.

I should’ve told them; I understand that now and it won’t happen again. It doesn’t matter how many times that I remind myself that I’m no longer fighting alone, some habits are hard to shake.

“Where’s the numbing cream?” Cash asks me as he starts setting up the rest of the equipment.

Now that I understand where they’re coming from, I have a feeling they’re about to get mad again. “It’s all gone.”

“You have got to be fucking kidding me!” Rage growls, “You mean that you were going to stitch yourself up, without fucking numbing cream?”

“What did you think the whiskey was for?” I grin.

“I can’t even, I mean I normally don’t understand women, but you are in a league of your own. You realise that it’s okay to put yourself first for once? I can guarantee that all of us would actually prefer it. Especially in this situation!” He rants.

“I couldn’t have said it better myself.” Atlas agrees, arms crossed over his chest.

I look around at them all and they’re all in agreement with Rage.

“Look, I get where you’re coming from, but after I turned eight, I always came last, with every fucking thing. I was always on my own, I had no one in my corner apart from the brief times that Jynx was around. This is all I know.” I try to explain.

“Alright, let’s just get you stitched up. I don’t suppose you have any numbing cream around here?” Cash says ending the conversation.

“No, but I’ll get some in case this happens again.” Atlas replies, still seemingly a bit pissed at me.

I can’t help my reactions though and I think he gets that.

“It’s alright, I’ve got whiskey.” I grin taking another swig.

“Might be better to do it on the couch so she can lay down flat?” Rafe suggests.

“Good idea, come on Ever, on the couch.” Cash says, as he gets up, he bends forward and kisses my lips gently.

“I can do it myself if you want?” I ask, not liking the worry in his eyes.

“No, it’s okay. I have a better angle than you do.” He reassures me.

He guides me to the couch and Atty gently puts his hand on my arm helping me settle. I have resigned myself to the fact that it will obviously make the guys feel better if I let them take care of me for a bit. I have to admit that it’s kind of nice actually.

Cash gets to work stitching me up, the bite of the needle and the tug as it goes through my skin is familiar. I grit my teeth against the pain and allow my mind to focus on other things to distract me. The guys all stay around me, watching me closely as Cash stitches me up. Once he’s done, he sticks a large bandage over it to keep it clean and then helps me sit up.

“You need to take it easy for a couple of days and keep your stitches dry. I’ll have a look at it on Wednesday. They should be ready to come out by then so long as you don’t do anything that’s going to tug them out.” He warns, looking at me sternly.

“Yes, Sir.” I smirk.

He chuckles, his eyes flaring with heat. “None of that, that will definitely pull them out.”

I pout. “Fine.”

The guys all kiss me good night, apart from Rage, who hesitates slightly like he wants to give me a cuddle but changes his mind and makes his way to his room muttering something that I can’t hear.

Rafe and Riot decide to sleep in my room, looking highly amused when Cash reads them the riot act about not pulling my stitches.

Pun intended.

While they go to their own rooms to shower, I pull out some pyjama’s for probably the first time since I got here, I’ve been sleeping in either just my underwear, sans bra or one of the guys’ t-shirts. When I get into the bathroom, I stare at the shower like it’s an enemy.

How the fuck am I going to shower without getting my stitches fucking wet?

My gaze switches to the sink and I sigh heavily, looks like it’s a sink sponge bath for me, yay. It takes long enough for me to wash everything properly in the sink that Rafe knocks on the door.

“Are you okay, Dragonfly?”

“Yeah, it’s just not that easy washing in the sink.” I reply.

After deciding washing my hair is going to be an impossible task since thanks to the cut in my side, I can’t raise my arm on that side to reach, I give up and get dressed, feeling even more exhausted than I already was.

“You okay?” Riot asks, from the bed as I step out of the bathroom.

“Yeah, I’m tired.” I reply.

He moves out of the way so that I don’t have to climb up the middle of the bed and I settle down, both of them moving closer to me, being careful not to jostle my side.

I’m asleep within minutes.


I sleepily make my way into the kitchen the next morning or I guess afternoon if the clock on the wall is to be believed. Grabbing a cup of coffee, I hazily take a seat at the table, it’s already laid out with pancakes and a hell of a lot of fruit.

“What’s with all the fruit?” Jensen asks groggily as he sits down next to me, I move closer and rest my head on his shoulder.

“We’ve been eating like shit the last couple of days, so today we’re eating healthier.” Rafe says firmly.

I finally look around the table noting that everyone is already here.

“Fair enough.” Trick shrugs, digging in and loading his plate up.

I hide my smile at Luc and Jensen’s horrified looks.

“Oh relax, it’s not going to be completely healthy today, just better than the takeout crap we’ve had the last couple of days. There’s still syrup.” Rafe points out, rolling his eyes and making me giggle.

I load up plate with as much as will fit, digging in with gusto.

“Damn, these are good pancakes.” I compliment around a mouthful of food.

The guys are used to me by now and my lack of manners, I don’t think any of them care.

“Alaric got in contact with me just before I came down.” Atlas starts, his eyes landing on me. “Rylie is safe and being treated at a local hospital, her dad arrived early this morning and won’t leave her side. Alaric said she did exceptionally well when she was questioned and didn’t even drop any hints that not everything was as it seemed.”

“That’s my girl.” I grin, although a pang of sadness hits my chest. I really hope that last night wasn’t our final goodbye.

“The weapons have all been seized and while they were doing the search, they found a large number of drugs being stored there as well. He said to let him know if Liam makes contact with you again which is highly likely. Also, that all jobs from now on will be going through Trick, I gave him your number.” He finishes.

“Thanks, man.” Trick replies relief filling his eyes.

“I need to make arrangements to pay Rylie’s hospital bill. It’s the least I can do.” I say, bluntly. I decided while I was getting up that I wanted to do it for her, I know that they’d struggle to pay for it otherwise.

“It’s already taken care of, Princess.” Atlas replies.

My heart fills with warmth at his gesture. “Thank you, Atty.”

“Anytime.” He smiles.

“We need to write up the reports.” Trick reminds us, making Jensen and Rage groan.

“I hate doing the damn reports. Why do they need to be written by everyone?” Rage groans.

“Because everyone experienced it differently.” Trick says with finality and Rage just glares at his pancakes in sulk.

It’s kind of adorable actually.

“Everyone finished?” Rafe asks.

We all nod and help clean up, as we’re walking out of the kitchen Trick calls us back.

“We may as well get it written now. Then it’s done and we don’t need to worry about it for the rest of the day.”

“Urgh, fine.” Jensen grumbles as we all reluctantly make our way back to the table.

Atty pulls out a load of sheets of paper and some pens putting them on the table.

“Any advice?” Cash asks.

“Yeah. Write them as honestly as you can and don’t leave anything out. If you permanently took someone out, you need explain why you had no other choice.” Atlas explains.

We all start writing the reports and I try to keep it to the point without forgetting anything.

“This feels like a confession.” Jensen says after a while, creases forming between his brows as he frowns.

“He has a point, surely all of this could be used against us?” I add, my own concern clear as I read over what I’ve written on the page.

“I said that when Alaric first started to get us to write them.” Rage says somewhat smugly.

“I brought it up to him and he said that if it starts to look like his big boss is tilting in the wrong direction, a one not favourable to us, then we’ll burn them all. It’s one of the reasons that we make paper copies and not digital. We have no digital copies of our reports.” Atlas answers putting my mind at ease.

“Nothing is really private on the internet, if you have the right hacker.” Cash murmurs.

“Exactly.” Atlas replies.

“Okay, that makes me feel better. Plus, fire, I get to burn it!” Jensen says excitedly and I raise my eyebrow, he shrugs. “What, I like fire.”

“Okay, dude. Is that something we need to be concerned about?” I ask the others.

“Nah, he’s fine, but he is just as clumsy with fire as he is with everything else so on second thoughts, yeah maybe.” Riot chuckles.

“Good to know.” I grin, as Jensen flips Riot the bird.

"It's not like you can talk we all know how much you love fire, I seem to remember a drunk on spiked hot chocolate you, wanting to burn all the wrapping paper." Trick adds, raising his eyebrow and smirking.

I poke my tongue out at him, since I have no defence.

We write in silence for a bit longer until we’re finally done, and I decide now would be a good time to bring up my idea about the blueprints.

“I was thinking that it might be a good idea to look at all of those blueprints that we found in the bunker.” I start and they look at me curiously. “I thought we could see if any of the buildings or companies are still around today and see if there’s a link between any of them.”

“That’s a great idea.” Cash says, pulling his laptop towards himself.

“I’ll go grab the blueprints and my laptop and we can start to look. There was quite a few, so it might take a while.” Luc says, getting up.

“It’s more than we’ve got otherwise, and I think it’s a really good idea. There’s got to be a link somewhere or we’ve thoroughly hit a dead end.” Trick adds in.

“Did Alaric mention finding anything else?” Rafe asks, Atlas.

“He didn’t, but I’ll message him now and see if he’s heard anything. He’s pretty busy with the warehouse stuff and sleeping so it might be a couple of days before we hear anything.”

“Sounds good.” I reply.

“Has it occurred to anyone else that we’ve missed more school than we’ve actually attended?” Luc asks, offhandedly.

“It’s okay, we can make the time up.” Trick answers.

“I’m still looking forward to trying out a combat class.” I grin.

“Not until you’re healed.” Cash reminds me and stick my tongue out at him in retribution.

“It’s alright actually. They taught some good techniques, but it was mostly stuff that we’ve already picked up. Good for honing our skills.” Luc answers me.

“Oh yeah, I forget you guys went to combat class when we found that bunker.” I reply.

“Only for like ten minutes until everyone confirmed that we couldn’t find you guys and then we walked out and started looking for you.” Luc adds.

A buzz sounds throughout the house, telling us someone’s at the gate. Atlas gets up and goes to the door looking slightly confused. I’m guessing that before we got here, they didn’t have many guests, if any.

My phone buzzes in my pocket and I pull it out.

“Got a message from Liam.” I announce.

Eyes instantly find me, worry darkening them.

“Did he threaten you?” Atlas growls, from by the door not having looked to see who’s out there yet.

“He said, well played. That’s it.” I reply.

“Well, that wasn’t what I was expecting.” He replies before finally answering the gate and letting whoever it is in. “It’s Peter.”

“It’s not what I was expecting either. I’d ask if you thought this meant he’s given up but for some reason I don’t think so.”

“I highly doubt it, Puddin’.” Rage agrees with me. “We’ll just keep an eye out. He’ll have something planned.”

“I’d suggest that you change your number, but he found it easily enough the first time. There’s not much point.” Cash murmurs, his eyes focused on his laptop screen, the blueprints spread out between him and Luc.

“I wouldn’t, anyway. I gave Rylie this number.” I reply.

His eyes dart up to mine, filling with sympathy.

“Hey guys, I hope you don’t mind me stopping by.” Peter says, Atlas having let him in the door.

“No of course not.” I grin.

“Whoa, you guys look like you’ve been in to war.” He exclaims and then pales slightly.

“Something like that.” Rage grins.

Peter relaxes, starting to realise that he’s not going to get his head bitten off, whether he realises it or not he’s now, one of us.

“How’s your man?” I ask, smirking. “Still enjoying the ride?”

He bursts out laughing plopping down in the chair next to me, today his outfit consist of lime green skinny jeans, a black cotton t-shirt, tucked in and neon suspenders that match the paint splatters on his docs. I love his style, if only I could pull it off.

“Girl, he got fucking clingy.” He groans, and pouts.

“That’s because he realised he fucked up at the party when he left you.” I point out.

“You want a drink peter?” Riot asks.

“Yes, please, I’d love a coffee.”

“Me too.” I smile.

“Oh, he realised alright, I told him exactly what he did wrong.” Peter grins.

“Ruthless, I like it.” Jensen smirks.

“Why thank you, handsome.” Peter grins.

“So, you’re just missing his dick then?” I smirk.

“Yep, pretty much.” He chuckles. “I did come to see if you guys were alright since you weren’t in school today and the kids started speculating that you got arrested after that stunt at the party.”

“I almost forgot about that.” Luc chuckles.

Peter’s eyebrows raise in shock. I can’t say I blame him, what happened with not so pretty, shouldn’t be something that’s easy to forget. But after the last day or so that we’ve had, its kind of understandable. I don’t tell him that though, instead when he looks at me in question, I just shrug.

Smart man lets it go.

“Actually, I did need tell you and Rage something.” Peter says, his face becoming harsh as he talks to Atlas. “Thomas has started dealing class A’s to the freshmen but doing it in return for favours.” His lip curls with disgust, “The favours are disgusting, degrading, and dangerous. He’s threatening them with you if they don’t do it though and not being clear about the favours when he first approaches them.”

“The fuck?” I growl, “I’ll fucking gut him, taking advantage of the younger kids like that.”

“Whoa, they haven’t exactly been nice to you.” Peter replies.

“Makes no fucking difference. I won’t stand for that fucking shit, especially not when it’s done with Atlas hanging over their fucking heads.” I growl.

Peter’s eyes shine with respect as he nods, smiling slightly.

“No, you won’t, Sweetheart. You’re supposed to be taking it easy.” Trick reminds me.

“Fuck.” I curse.

“Don’t worry Princess, no one uses my name to scare kids. I’ll deal with it personally. I might even take one of the others with me to prove a point.” Atlas grins, his eyes dark with anger.

“I’ll come.” Luc grins.

“Me too.” Rafe growls, his eyes flashing.

“Now?” Atlas asks, after all we are still all healing.

“Hell fucking yes.” Luc says hopping up.

He walks over to me and kisses me, moving out of the way as Rafe does the same but gently picks me up out of my chair being careful of my cut. He hands me off to Atlas who kisses me like I’m the most precious thing in the world to him and then gently sets me down before they all move toward the front door.

“We’ll take the bikes.” Atlas says, “It’s more fun when they run.”

“Be back soon Firecracker, I’ll make him hurt just for you.” Luc grins blowing me a kiss before shutting the door behind him.

My smile is dark.