Twisted Complications by Nikita Parmenter

Chapter Twenty-Nine

The next week or so is slow as hell and I get progressively more stabby as it nears the end of the week. Turns out I’m not good at being made to stay put.

Who would’ve guessed it? Sense the sarcasm.

We get into a sort of rhythm with school and research. Peter has become completely invaluable to the whole thing and knows how to get into databases that he really shouldn’t be able to get into. Every time he accesses one of these databases, I see the wheels in Trick’s head turning. We may have Alaric but he’s putting a lot on the line to get us the information that we keep asking for and if Peter can get into these places without being detected, and get us the information we need, then that would cut down the risk to everyone involved.

He is very quickly becoming valuable. Plus, he’s awesome and has a sense of humour that fits in with the rest of us.

Cash took my stitches out on Wednesday and the cut in my side is healing really well so he’s cleared me to do some easy activities at least, which has slightly taken the edge off of my restlessness but only by a little bit. Jensen finally managed to set up the investments for the victims from the job he did with Atlas, we all chipped in and they’re going to be set for life. They won’t need to work again unless they want to. Ever since the warehouse I’m twitchier than ever, it’s like the violence in me was partially satisfied and now it has come back stronger than ever.

It doesn’t help that the guys have gone out on a couple of jobs. Thanks to Trick’s planning, they’ve all gone smoothly. I still can’t leave the school grounds due to the threat that Liam poses, although he’s been worryingly quiet since that well played message, he sent me last week. Instead of making the guys relax more, his silence has put them all more on edge, convinced that he’s planning something.

Which to be fair, he probably is.

I’m going out of my freaking mind. The silver lining to this whole situation, is that our vehicles should finally be arriving today and should be there when we get home from school. Which means, I get my bike back. I don’t even care what the guys say, I will be taking her for a ride around the school grounds. I need the escape. I said when I first got injured that I was bad at it and it hasn’t changed, I hate being out of action and I really hate being told I can’t fucking do something even if it’s for my own good.

If I ever come face to face to Liam, I’m going to punch him in the throat just for that alone.

Because that’s a really smart idea.

Finally, the school day ends and we’re on the way home, the drive seems to take forever I’m so excited to get my bike back and get out on the road for a bit. When we arrive back, I get out of the SUV with a definite spring in my step.

“The vehicles have been delayed by an hour or so.” Cash says, looking at his phone as he steps out of the SUV.

I pout, I can’t help it.

Jensen swoops in, his teeth sinking into my lip and I tug him closer. My desire for him, sears through my veins. He growls as I pull his hair, his tongue tangles against mine as he moves me backwards until I’m pressed up against the SUV, as his hands sweep down my arms and grab my wrists. He lifts my arms so they’re above my head as his hips pin me in place while his teeth nip my lip again. He gathers my wrists in one of his large palms, letting his other hand trail down my arm, brushing against the side of my boob and making my need for him burn even hotter.

“Get it!” Some idiot yells and we pull apart.

Both of us are breathing heavily. I had completely forgotten that we were outside and in full view of anyone who walks past. Jensen’s face snaps in the direction of the idiot, a glare darkening his handsome features, the look does nothing to calm me down. The guy at the gate immediately holds his hands up, backing away quickly and running off down the street.

“Stupid fucking idiot.” I growl.

Jensen chuckles, kissing me softly once more before grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the house. “I didn’t hurt your side, did I?”

“No,” I sigh heavily. “It only hurts if I do something really athletic now.”

“You’re not great at being out of action, are you?” Jensen smirks, watching me out of the corner of his eyes, as we walk into the house.

“What gave you that idea?” I gripe.

“You’ve been stomping around the house muttering.” Rage calls from the bottom of the stairs.

“You’ve been fidgety and restless as fuck.” Trick says.

“The amount of comfort food you’ve suggested we cook for dinner has gone up by a lot.” Rafe grins.

“There’s knife holes in the wall in your bedroom where you’ve been practising.” Atty adds, his eyebrow raised.

I throw my hands up in the air. “Alright, I get it! I just want to do something, go out on a job or at least do combat class or something. I feel like I’m going insane. This is as normal as my life has ever been and I don’t fucking like it!”

“I know Princess, I’d be going just as fucking nuts as you. Maybe you can come on the next job. We’ll just have to make sure no one recognises you.” Atty suggests, I could fucking kiss him that’s how happy he’s just made me.

In fact, that’s exactly what I decide to do. “Hey Atty?”

“Yes Princess?” He says looking up from his phone as he leans on the edge of the table.

“Uh oh.” Jensen mutters, seeing the look on my face.

“Catch me.” I yell taking a running leap.

He catches me effortlessly his grin blinding. I instantly plant my lips on his, kissing him thoroughly and showing him my thanks. When I pull back, he grins.

“I take it you like that idea, Princess.”

I nod enthusiastically.

“Damn, if I’d known that, that would be your reaction I would’ve taken you with me on our last job.” Luc chuckles, I blow him a kiss and then hop down.

“Il mio Cuore the cars are here!” Cash calls from the front door and wriggle against Atty trying to get down.

“Keep wriggling, and I’ll take you upstairs, Princess.” He growls, in my ear sending shivers down my spine.

He puts me down and chuckles as I stand there genuinely conflicted about whether I take him up on his offer or go and get my beautiful bike.

“Go, we can revisit that later.” Atty smirks.

I run down the hallway and out the front door. My bike was one of the first ones unloaded and I rush towards it as the guys come out helping the delivery drivers unload the rest of the bikes from the van while, Cash and Luc go to help them get the cars off the car transport thing. I’m surprised to see Luc’s car in perfect condition on the back. I had no idea what happened to it after his accident, thanks to the stalker fuck.

It’s getting late enough now that the sun is starting set, painting the sky with beautiful red and orange.

I rush to my bike, noting the keys placed in the ignition although it’s not switched on. I immediately swing my leg over and lean forward hugging it. It’s probably ridiculous to have missed something so much, but for a long time this bike was the only thing I could rely on, my only constant. I’m already wearing my bike jacket having anticipated my bikes arrival. So, I hop off my bike and rush inside grabbing my helmet. I can’t wait a second longer to get out on her.

Before I pull my helmet on, I call out to the guys, “I’m going to take my bike out, don’t worry I’m not going to leave campus.” I say sitting back in my bike and pulling my helmet down.

“Alright Sweetheart, have fun.” Trick grins.

They all know how much I’ve missed her and how much I need the escape that she offers.

I blow him a kiss, starting the engine and waving to the guys as the turn my way. They wave back, smiling as their attention quickly switches back to their own vehicles that they’ve clearly missed as much as I missed my bike. As I slowly drive down the drive, so I don’t get in the way of the moving cars my eyes land on the guys’ bikes, I haven’t ever seen them before since they were put into storage for the winter. There are some gorgeous bikes amongst them most of them Harley style rides. I can’t wait to check them out properly.

As soon as I clear the big transporter, I pull back the throttle on my bike, opening it up and speed down the road past all of the giant mansions, despite my excitement I make sure I take note of the roads that I’m heading down so that I can find my way home. I start off fast, the need for the feel of the wind rushing past me pushing me to drive faster still. I take the corners faster than I probably should but the shot of adrenaline it gives me is worth it and starts to calm that raging need inside me that’s done with being restricted to campus. My thoughts calm and I’m left with nothing but the speed and my bike, it’s exactly what I needed.

Despite how easy it would be to leave as I drive past the guarded front gates I don’t, I’m not risking being hurt or abducted or whatever it is that Liam fucking wants me for. After a while, my speed decreases so I’m just cruising nicely, I start to pay more attention to what’s around me rather than just taking a note of the roads so I can get home. I’ve driven straight past the main building, in the opposite direction of the campus houses. I’ve never been down here before, and I am pleasantly surprised at what I find.

This side of campus seems to be dedicated entirely to sports and extra curriculars. Even though it’s dark now most of it is still lit up. To the left of the winding road is a large athletic stadium. As well as a practice field with a track set up next to it. I drive past signs pointing to a swimming pool, hockey rink and a gun range. Which sort of makes sense considering we do weapons training here. On my right however is large sweeping fields, I can just make out the beautiful horses within them and stables in the distance.

I have no idea how we’ve gone this long without realising that this was here, although Cash probably knew. He studied the map and I haven’t even looked at it.

I put it on my to do list to explore.

The road loops right around the back of the main building with signs pointing back to the campus houses. Whereas the front and the athletic side are incredibly looked after and clearly what the academy intends any guest to see the back is less pristine. Nothing that would be obvious normally but in comparison to the other side of the building the differences are easy to tell. Overgrown hedges, cracks in the pavement, windows that are in need of cleaning that sort thing.

The abandoned hallway of classrooms where we found the entrance to the bunker in, must be on this side. I’d be interested to see what the other classrooms look like. There might be something left in one of them that could give us a better clue. We’ve been assuming that the students were the members, but what if some of the teachers were as well? I wonder if any teachers are still here from back then, they’d be fairly old, but it’s worth a shot. May be another lead that we can follow. Anything is worth trying at this point.

I refuse to give up on those missing kids.

Sudden bright headlights on full beam catch my eyes in my side mirrors and I grimace, the only thing I can make out about the asshole is that the car is red. The dickhead still doesn’t turn his lights down when he realises I’m on the road and I figure that some asshole has guessed who I am and decided to mess with me. I try to ignore the lights and read the signs, making my way home. After a couple of turns the car behind sticks with me and I start to get an uneasy feeling in my gut.

I decide my best bet is to speed up, I’m not that far from home and the guys now. If the fucker is following me then he’ll speed up too and if he doesn’t, I’ll know that I’m just paranoid. I really fucking hope I’m just paranoid but the churning feeling in my gut is warning me otherwise. I push my bike to go faster, riding as if I was in one of my races and paying acute attention to the car behind me and the rest of my surroundings. I can’t risk making a mistake now and risk taking myself out because I missed a pothole or something equally ridiculous.

At first, the car behind stays back and I breathe a sigh of relief thankful that for once my instincts weren’t right, that relief is quickly extinguished as the car suddenly accelerates forward, gaining on me quickly. Almost like it was playing with me, giving the hope that the threat was all in my head and then snatching it away quickly. I pull onto our road, taking the corner fast enough that my knee almost touches the floor.

The car behind is still gaining on me and when I see our house not much further up the road, headlights suddenly blind me, coming straight at me. My brain stutters, remembering the last time that headlights were coming at me, I thought I was going to die that time, it looks like I definitely am this time.

With the car behind and the one in front, I have nowhere to go, all I can hope is that the stupid bushes lining the streets are softer than they look. I make the split-second decision to turn into them, it has to be less painful then being hit at speed by the oncoming car or squished between the two of them.

My front wheel hits the curb awkwardly, sending me flying straight into the hedge and over the other side, the feeling of falling through the air is terrifying as the world slows down for the briefest of seconds and my body twists and turns being thrown around like a rag doll. Blinding pain rocks through my body for the briefest of seconds before the world turns black.


After all the guys have unloaded their vehicles and checked them all over to make sure they aren’t damaged, they move the cars and bikes into the garage around the back. Instead of following them back into the house, I decide to stay outside to work on my car. I hadn’t seen Ever drive off earlier and I’m looking forward to seeing what bike she rides regularly. From her excitement at getting it back and her riding skill, I have no doubt that her bike is beautiful. I grab some lights so I can see the engine of my car properly despite the quickly encroaching darkness and get to work.

I finished restoring this car a couple of months ago, Atlas actually helped me but in the last week or so it has started to not run as well as it should be. Since we’ve got a bit of time, the guys doing their own thing. I decided to see if I could figure out what’s wrong with it. I think Rafe is trying to teach one of the others to cook because he’s getting fed up of doing it every night but won’t let us order takeout on all of the days he doesn’t feel like cooking, because we need to be healthy.

I’m finally starting to feel like I could be a part of this family which is surprising to say the least. I pull my head out of from underneath the hood and reach for another tool. Headlights on the road catch my attention, the car is going far too fast for this road, the idiot has his lights on full beam and if he’s not careful he’s going to cause an accident.

As if my words conjure it, I hear the squealing of tires and an almighty crash, sounding like metal scraping against asphalt. Without a second thought, I run down the drive, scaling the gate, because it takes too long for them to fucking open and someone could be hurt.

I frown when I look down the street, no cars are in sight, but I know what I heard, and he definitely caused an accident of some kind. I jog further down the road, starting think I must’ve imagined the whole thing, when I spot the discarded motorbike lying at the edge of the road. It looks pretty badly damaged and I doubt the person who was riding it got out of the accident without at least some broken bones.

Judging from the placement of the bike whoever was riding it must be the other side of the stupid hedges that line the street, I move through a gap between them and my heart drops to my feet when I spot her.

“No, no!” I cry out, rushing towards her and pulling my phone out at the same time.