Twisted Complications by Nikita Parmenter

Chapter Thirty-One


“Ah fuck,” I groan as pain rockets through me at my quick movement. “Why do I feel like I had a fight with bull and fucking lost.”

I study the faces of the guys around me, all of them looking, worried but relived. Now that I’m not panicking that I’ve been drugged and taken somewhere I realise that I’m in a hospital, the only reason I’m not still freaking out is that all of the guys are surrounding me and I know I’m safe.

“Interesting analogy there, Sweetheart.” Trick grins.

“You’ve got a broken rib and finger, a concussion and you’re pretty much just one big bruise.” Cash answers squeezing my hand gently, the one that’s not got the broken finger.

“Do you remember what happened?” Atty asks gently.

My mind is hazy for a second before it suddenly comes back to me with startling clarity.

“A red car started following me, so I decided to come back home. When I was on our road another car came at me, on my side of the road with their lights on full. The car behind me sped up and I remember thinking that I had a better rate of survival landing in the bushes than I did being squished between the two cars or thrown over the top of them both.” I tell them.

While digesting what I’ve told them, although it doesn’t seem to surprise them which makes me think that they’ve probably already come to the same conclusion, something else occurs to me.

That mother fucking rat bastard.

“Does anyone have my phone?” I ask.

“Erm where was it?” Jensen asks.

“In my bike jacket.” I point to the jacket draped over a chair in the corner. I think I might’ve cried if they had cut that off me.

“Here you go, Angel.” He says handing me the phone. “It looks like its survived.”

“Thanks.” I grin, aware that it probably has an edge to it thanks to my current mood.

I’m going to have to fucking rest for even longer, I just got done fucking resting. I pull up the number that Liam rang me on last and press call putting it on speaker since I know the guys are going to want to hear both sides of the conversation. It may not be the smartest thing to ring the guy that’s just tried to kill me but in my mind he’s Larry, and I’m fucking pissed at him.

Understatement of the fucking century.

“Who are you calling, Puddin’?” Rage asks, the others falling silent at his question.

I put my finger to my lips to motion them to be quiet just as the line clicks and Liam’s voice comes through the speakers.

“Hello, dear. This is a surprise, what can I do for you?”

Atlas’s eyes widen and the others look at me like I’ve gone crazy.

“Don’t hello dear me! You’ve got some fucking nerve considering you want something off me. Do you really think that running me off the fucking road is the best way to get what you want?”

“You’re hurt?” Is the only reply I get and even I can hear the worry in his voice.

That doesn’t make much sense.

“What the fuck?” Atty mutters quiet enough that Liam doesn’t hear.

“Of course, I fucking am. You had two fucking cars run me off the damn road, I’m lucky I’m not dead!” I continue to rant.

“Ever, while I can understand why you would think that it’s me that orchestrated that, I have no intention of harming you. If I wanted you dead, you would be. It wasn’t me that organised that.” He says sincerely.

The thing is, I actually believe him, the shock in his voice when I first told him and the worry, isn’t something that easily faked and the truth of it is he has never tried to harm me before and I was at his drop once a month. I know something has changed since then but we’re still in the dark as to the reason why.

My eyes lock with Atlas, his father’s behaviour is clearly confusing him as much as it’s confusing the rest of us.

“Atlas?” Liam barks through the phone.

“Yes father?” He replies cautiously.

“I assume that you are looking into who is behind this?”

“Of course. You were our first suspect, for obvious reasons.” He replies with a bite, his jaw clenched.

“Ah, Ever’s figured out who I am then. Sorry I didn’t tell you my real name, dear. That wouldn’t have ended well.” He apologises confusing the fucking hell out of me. Before I can work out what to reply, he carries on. “Atlas keep me updated. When you find the culprits let me know, and I’ll bury them.” He hangs up, without another word.

“What the fuck was that?” I ask thoroughly confused.

“Fuck knows, at this point he’s becoming as much a mystery when it comes to you as Phoenix and all that shit.” Rage grumbles.

“We still don’t know why he wants you, but he’s just confirmed that he has no intention of harming you, just harming those you love in order to get you to comply.” Luc mutters.

“But with what? He hasn’t told you what he wants from you.” Trick frowns.

“Do we believe that he didn’t send the cars?” Jensen asks, his hand absently running through my hair gently.

“I do, he was actually worried about her. If he’d sent them, he’d be gloating, going on about how this was a warning next time they’d succeed. It’s his usual go to. We’re missing a massive piece of the puzzle and he’s clearly not interested in telling us what the fuck is going on.” Atty paces as he thinks, his voice is calm and not raised though so it’s not triggering me.

“Ah, you’re awake!” A nurse says bustling into the room and ignoring the giant glaring men. “Now you’re awake, we can give you some stronger painkillers if you’d like. You’ll have to stay tonight but you should be good to go tomorrow.”

Panic spears through me.

“I’m not staying here over night, and no thank you to the stronger painkillers.”

“I really must advise that you stay here.” The nurse says, trying to put her foot down and I turn my panicked gaze on the guys.

I can’t stay here alone; I hate hospitals and I’m not in any condition to defend myself if whoever did try to run me over comes back to finish the job. Not to mention, I wasn’t that smart when I called Liam, he now knows I’m injured and easy to kidnap. He may not want to harm me, but he wants me for something and the type of man that he is, it’s not going to be anything that I’m going to want to be a part of.

The guys instantly form a wall between me and the nurse. A wall of deliciously toned backs and ass’s facing my way. If it didn’t hurt so damn much to move, I’d be tempted to bite one of their ass’s. It’s also a nice distraction from the panic that was building.

“While we understand that, Ever would like to leave. If you could get us her discharge papers, some information on what to look out for and anything else she might need, that would be great, thank you.” Trick tells the nurse giving her no room to argue.

I hear her huff indignantly before the door closes and the guys turn back to me. I don’t quite raise my eyes in time.

“Were you just checking out our asses?” Atty smirks, raising his eyebrow in question.

“Hey, not my fault. Don’t have such gorgeous butts and I won’t want to take a bite out of them. If we’re being honest, you’re pretty damn lucky I can’t move very well right now.”

Jensen snorts and one of them chuckles.

“I never know what’s going to come out of your mouth.” Trick grins affectionately.

He moves to the head of my bed his hand gently running across my leg before he dips his head and kisses me slowly.

“I’ve never been so scared in my fucking life.” His eyes flash with fear.

“You remember when we first got you back, I warned you that we were going to be clingy bastards?” Luc says, his blue eyes, haunted.

“Yeah.” I reply.

“Well, you haven’t seen anything yet, Firecracker.”

“I can’t say I’m disappointed.” I grin.

The doctor finally comes in with everything I need and what the guys need to look out for. Cash takes over that bit, understanding more of what he’s saying than the rest of us.

“I understand that you don’t want any stronger painkillers.” The doctor states turning his attention my way. “The ones that I have prescribed you are stronger than your over the counter meds, but they are nowhere near as strong as what we would normally give you, those ones carry the risk of addiction, these don’t. I highly suggest that you take them at least for the first few days as you’re going to be in a lot of pain.”

“Thank you.” I reply.

I’m glad he didn’t push the issue and instead found a way around it. I’ve been around so many different types of drugs and watched them destroy so many lives that I don’t want anything to do with them, I will admit I need stronger painkillers than I usually use though.

I’ll just use them sparingly.

“Good, that’s everything. Any issues, come back and see us.” He smiles, and leaves the room, letting a nurse pushing a wheelchair through on his way out.

“I’ll just leave this here for you dear.” She smiles before leaving the wheelchair by the door and following the doctor out.

“Anyone know where my clothes are?” I ask gesturing to the hospital gown I’m currently wearing.

“They’re here, Sweetheart.” Trick says, handing me the clothes.

I look down at them, spotting an issue right off the bat. I can’t bend to put my jeans on and trying to wrangle myself into my tight tank top is going being a nightmare.

“Can someone help me put my jeans on please?”

“Of course, Dragonfly.”

“Do you want us to leave?” Riot asks.

“No, it’s okay, you’ve all seen me naked and I’m comfortable with all of you anyway.” I shrug. Flipping the covers off of my legs, then carefully and painfully starting to move them to the side so that I can hang them over the edge of the bed, making it easier to put the trousers on.

“Here, let me help, Sunshine.” Riot offers and he gently starts move my legs as I use my one good hand to help turn me. It’s fucking hard work and by the time I’ve finally moved my legs, I’m exhausted.

“That was painful to watch.” Jensen grimaces, and look over the rest of them.

All of them have them same frown on their faces, not liking to watch me struggle except from Rage who is turned facing the door. He must’ve thought I didn’t mean him when I said I was comfortable in front of all of them. After all its just like getting dressed at the beach, I have underwear on.

His consideration and respect makes my heartbeat faster.

“Ready?” Rafe asks.

“Let’s do this.” I say trying to psych myself up.

I hold my feet out and Rafe gently tugs the jeans over my feet, even the small tug to get the cuffs over my heels hurts and I grit my teeth.

“Alright. Cash help her stand up and I’ll pull them up.” Rafe orders.

I hold my hands out to Cash and he gently helps me stand.

“Aw fuck, that hurts.” I mutter squeezing my eyes shut as a wave of dizziness crashes over me.

“You okay?” Luc asks worriedly, all of them moving a step closer.

“Yep.” I say shortly.

Rafe takes that as a go ahead to pull my trousers up and I can honestly say that I fucking hate skinny jeans. Eventually they’re up and I sit back down.

“I am going to have a ritualistic burning of all of my fucking skinny jeans as soon as I can.” I growl.

“Sounds like fun, I’ll help.” Jensen grins.

“Deal.” I hope he realises I’m being deadly serious.

“Here you go Puddin’.” Rage interrupts handing me a t-shirt that can only be his.

He’s got a hoodie on so he’s not going to be walking around the hospital topless not that I think anyone is going to mind. I haven’t seen him shirtless but the way his shirts cling to him and the size of his arms, well it’s easy to make and educated guess at what’s hiding underneath.

“Thank you, Rageykins.” I grin, because I can’t help but be a smartass.

He doesn’t stop his grin in time to pretend he’s pissed at me and instead just shakes his head looking away.

Rafe even has to help me put the shirt on and as its gently dropped over my head I get a whiff of cedar and woodsmoke. I barely restrain myself from sticking the collar over my nose and leaving it there.

It smells so good.

Finally, I’m dressed, and Jensen moves Cash out of the way so he can help settle me in the wheelchair. I’d normally protest this but I’m in pain and I’m exhausted just from putting my damn clothes on. We move through the hospital quickly since I’m in the chair, Trick makes us wait outside the doors so that he can go and get the SUV, that way we’re not leaving the wheelchair in the middle of the lot and we can get home quicker, plus it means I don’t have to walk.

As soon as we’re in and settled, Jensen and Luc following behind in Luc’s car that looks brand new, my stomach grumbles.

Rafe grins from next to me. “I’ll cook breakfast as soon as we’re home, Dragonfly.”

“Thank fuck, I’m starving.” I chuckle.

Trick takes the roads home carefully, apologising every time we go over a bump.

“Home.” I grin as we pull into the drive.

Once they’ve helped me out of the damn SUV, I shuffle slowly into the house and straight over to the couch where I ease myself down.

“This is going to get old real fast.” I grumble, resting my head on the back of the couch and closing my eyes.

“We’ll keep you entertained.” Riot grins.

I raise my eyebrow in question as I turn to him, sensing there’s something more to it.

“We have a plan.” Jensen grins, carefully sitting down next to me his hand going back to my hair as his fingers play with strands.

“Oh?” I ask curiously, “What’s the plan?”

“I’ve named it operation entertain Ever. Two of us are going to stay with you while the rest of us go to school, we’ll get your work and bring it back for you.” Jensen starts to explain.

“You should start to feel a lot better in the next couple of days and able to go back.” Cash says.

“Although you won’t be able to do combat class still.” Rage adds.

“What happened to that coach anyway?” I ask, changing the conversation.

“He’s been reprimanded and put on leave for a while. He’ll be back eventually, but we’ll keep an eye on him. He’s had a stellar record and led the school to championships in a couple of sports, so they’re reluctant to let him go.” Atty answers me.

“Several of the guys that witnessed it, backed all of us up and aren’t pleased with him, he’s going to have a hard time when he eventually does come back.” Rage adds.

“It’s nice to know that they aren’t all assholes here.” I reply, inhaling the delicious smells wafting from the kitchen.

“Do you want to eat in there?” Rage calls from the kitchen.

“Yes please, I’m down now I don’t want to get back up.” I call back.

“I’ll go help him carry stuff.” Riot says getting up, Cash following.

“Oh no, you sit back down.” Luc chuckles pointing to Jensen who had started to get up to help. “We want to eat the food not show it to the floor.”

I let out a small chuckle, thankfully it doesn’t hurt my ribs, I stopped myself before it could. It’s not my first rodeo with broken ribs. Trouble being it’s been long enough that I can’t remember how long it took until I was able to do certain things.

Dinner or I guess its breakfast now, is absolutely delicious. I’m so exhausted though that halfway through my eyes keep closing for longer between bites.

“Is she eating while asleep?” I hear Rage ask incredulously.

“Is that safe?” Jensen asks sounding impressed.

“Alright Sweetheart,” Trick says, gently taking the fork out of my hand and the plate off my lap. He ever so gently scoops me up off the couch and I snuggle into his chest sighing happily, my eyes still closed. “Let’s get you to bed.”

“So, fucking cute.” Atlas mutters to a chorus of agreements from the others.

The gentle sway of Trick’s body as he carefully carries me upstairs has me sinking further towards oblivion. I must’ve fallen asleep for a second because before I know it Trick is carefully placing me on my bed.

“Do you want me to take your pants off?” He asks quietly, already removing my shoes.

“Yes please.” I reply sleepily, my eyes still not wanting to open. I reach down and unbutton them.

He ever so carefully starts to pull them down my legs.

“Fucking hell, I never realised how tight girls’ jeans were.” He mutters.

I let out a quiet chuckle. “No more skinny jeans.”

“Good call, Sweetheart.” He finally manages to get them peeled off my legs and pulls the covers up over me.

“Thank you, stay?” I ask quietly.

“Of course.” He says moving over to the other side of the bed, I drift in and out of sleep as he gets ready for bed.

I hear the TV turn on quietly before he gets in and I move closer to him as he threads his fingers through mine, I finally fall into a deep sleep.