Despicable by Rory Miles


An entire week passes without incident. I accompany each of the men on a night shift, insisting that I pull my weight because it’s not fair for them to be working so hard when I can help too. Plus, it gives me time to spend with each of them. Ronan is still a little guarded, but day by day he softens. Whatever is going on inside of his head is a mystery, but I make sure he feels included when I’m around him and the other guys.

I think he’s threatened by me. Like maybe he thinks I’ll replace him as part of the trio, but that would never happen because it’s more than clear Creed and Dax love him like a brother. I start to see how my future will play out the more I spend time with them. Creed and I have been sharing a bed, but he isn’t bothered when Ronan or Dax flirt with me. If anything, he eggs them on. I’m definitely not complaining, because I like all three of them. They’re not my family, but they’re quickly becoming close friends… and maybe even lovers. One can dream, at least.

Not bothering to brush my sex-head hair, I stumble down the stairs to start the coffee. My core throbs with delicious reminders of what Creed did to my body last night, and I’m so distracted rubbing my eyes I don’t see Ronan until I crash into him.

His hands grab my waist to keep me upright, and he takes a long deep inhale, groaning in frustration.

“I’m going to kill him.”

“You can’t do that. I think I love his penis.”

Ronan chuckles darkly, pulling me closer. “I can fix that.”

This is my favorite side of Ronan. When I catch him so off guard he forgets to pretend like he doesn’t want me. Maybe it’s because I reek of sex, or because I’m only wearing a t-shirt that he’s decided to pull me closer rather than push me away.

Giving him a hard glare, I shake my head. “You can’t kill Creed. I asked for it.”

And, man, did he deliver.

The coffee machine whirs in the background, and as soon as it starts to drip the bitter aroma floats in the air. I’m so exhausted I don’t care that Ronan is still holding me, nor do I care when he drops his nose to my neck, inhaling again.

He groans then pulls back to look at me. “He’s an asshole.”

“You’re torturing yourself,” I say, wrapping my arms around his neck. “Feeling neglected?”

Walking me toward the counter, he picks me up and sets me on the ledge, pushing between my legs.

“What if I am?”

Man, he’s feisty this morning. Rather than pointing that out, I tip my head to the side and shrug. “Well, I can think of a few ways to—”

Dax bursts into the house, eyes landing on us and widening. “Forget the coffee, we have a new shifter.”

His words snap Ronan out of his lust-induced haze, and he steps out of my reach. “Already?”

I want to cry at the loss of his nearness, but that’s crazy talk. I don’t chase men unless they ask me to, especially not ones who can’t decide if they want me or if they would rather keep their distance. There will be no running after Ronan. I eye his long hair, which is artfully tied in a man bun. Fuck. Maybe I’ll power walk after him. Definitely no running though.

“Yeah, we should go help him.”

Wait a minute. “Why didn’t the greeting committee come for me?”

Neither of them answer, and I huff, assuming the worst. “Well, that’s sexist. You’ll help the man but not me?”

“Can we talk about it later?” Ronan pleads, grabbing a few disposable Styrofoam cups and lining them up by the coffee pot.

“Fine,” I say, tucking my hair behind my ear. “But there better be a good reason.”

Creed comes down the stairs, giving me a lazy, cocky smile when he sees my hair.

“A good reason for what?”

“Why didn't I get a welcoming committee but this new bloke gets one.”

He pauses, eyes flitting to the other two, who give nothing away. “There’s a new guy?” he asks instead of answering my question.

Dax nods. “Come on.”

“Here,” Ronan shoves a coffee into my hand. I guzzle it down, ignoring the burn, and quickly finger comb my hair. It’s not perfect, but I get the biggest knots out.

* * *


I’m surprised they didn’t rat me out, seeing as I’m the one who left her to fend for herself, but happy they didn’t because it’ll give me time to figure out how to tell her that I saw her get tased and then left her. A total dick move, but hopefully she’ll understand.

We run to the dock, arriving as the boat full of guards leaves. A man is face down on the grass, groaning as he pushes to all fours.

Trix gasps then growls. All three of us look at her, but her gaze is set on the newcomer and rage is flaring in her eyes. I look at the guy again, this time with suspicion.

There’s really only one reason she’d be so pissed.

But there’s no way her fated would end up here too, right?

“What the fuck are you doing here?” she seethes, prowling toward him and curling her fingers into fists at her side.

Shit. It is her fated.

Dax is the first to snap out of the surprise, grabbing her around the waist and pulling her against his body. She jerks, but he locks his arms around her to keep her in place. The guy finally stops groaning and gets to his knees, staring at Trix like he has the right to do so.

“Don’t look at her,” I snap, rushing toward him.

His gaze swings to mine, tension drawing his shoulders up. “Like you can stop me.”

Dax and Ronan both growl in response, clearly in agreement with this guy needing to get his ass kicked.

“Of course you already fucked someone else.” The guy sneers at Trix. “Guess I was right. You are despicable. Who’d want you as their fated?”

I surge forward, but Dax releases Trix, and she beats me to the guy, cracking her palm across his cheek hard enough to whip his head to the side. Pride swells in my chest as I watch her. She’s so fucking perfect.

“You’re an asshole.” She shoves his chest, and his eyes flash yellow as he almost loses control of his wolf. “You’re the one who isn’t worthy.”

His face contorts with anger, and he slowly rises, towering over her. Dax, Ronan, and I close the distance and fan out behind her, letting this guy know if he has a problem with our little bundle of chaos, he’ll have to deal with the three of us.

“Enjoy the slut.” He hisses the last word before taking off into the trees.

“I’m going to kick his ass,” Dax mutters, starting after him, but Trix whirls and grabs his arm.

“Don’t. He’s not worth your time.”

“What the hell is he doing here?” Ronan asks even though he knows we don’t have any more information than he does.

“He must have snapped,” I say, eyeing Trix. Usually the rejectors get to stay with their pack, unless they start to show signs of going feral. A rejector being affected by the bond breaking is rare, but it has been known to happen. “You’re not a slut.”

She smiles at me. “Thanks.” Controlling her emotions as best she can, she sighs and turns away, but not before I see the slight misting of tears in her eyes.

She’s tough, but being close to the fated mate who rejected you then hurled insults at you has to be hard. This guy brings nothing but pain for her. And it shouldn’t make me so angry, but right now I’m forcing myself to stay put rather than hunting the douche down and introducing him to my fist.

Oh shit.

I’m in trouble because I like her. A lot.