Despicable by Rory Miles


Late the next morning, Ronan and I are sitting at the breakfast bar, laughing at a story he’s telling. Dax comes down first, eyeing us with an unreadable look and grabbing his cup of coffee. His night shift ended early, and since Ronan and I were passed out, and Creed had the one the night before, he must have decided to let the next guard shift slide.

“Look at Mr. Silver Fox breaking his own rules,” I comment with a grin.

Giving me a look over the rim of his mug, he glares at me. “Next time, I’ll send you out there.”

“Fine, I told you I’m perfectly capable of helping. Just tell me when and where.”

With a grunt, which sort of sounds like a resounding no, he sits on my other side, running his hands over his face to try and wake up. The dark circles under his eyes are prominent, and something tells me he hasn't slept since he got in around five this morning.

“You two work it out?” he asks, not a bit bothered by the fact that we had sex.

“I think Ronan came to the realization he can’t hide from me.” I lean toward Dax. “He definitely likes me,” I whisper.

“Can’t say I blame him.” Dax drinks his coffee, staring me down over the rim of his cup again.

“You’re not upset?”

“Nope.” He takes another drink. “You’re late for your shift,” he tells Ronan.

“I know.” Ronan rubs his hand over my leg. “This was worth it though.”

The corner of Dax’s mouth kicks up, and he hums in agreement. “I imagine it was.”

Interesting. I expected him to get upset at Ronan for slacking off or at least say something more, but it seems the drill sergeant is learning to bend the rules from time to time without getting curmudgeonly about it.

“The shipment comes in today,” he says, changing the topic like we’d been talking about the weather instead of the strange love-square we have going on.

“Need help?” I grin at Creed as he comes into the kitchen with a yawn. “Morning, sunshine.”

“Yeah, yeah,” he mumbles, ever the morning person, and heads to the coffee.

If anything, coffee will bring us together. At least we can all agree it’s a miracle worker.

“You can help if you want. Creed, can you check on the pipe again? I want to make sure the patch is holding.”

Creed gives him a thumbs up, opting not to use words just yet as he rests his butt against the counter by the pot of coffee.

“I better go. I’m late for my shift because of you.” Ronan tugs a strand of my hair, and I glare at him.

“I didn’t make you late. You made that decision.”

“Again, worth it.” He kisses my cheek and hops off the barstool, flipping the guys off before rushing out of the door.

When I’m done staring after him like some sort of swooning fool, I turn back to my coffee to take a drink, stopping the cup in front of my face when I see the curious look Creed is giving me. He winks at me, and Dax sighs rather dramatically. You’d think he was the woman in the room.

“What?” I ask Dax.

No. Of course I don’t sound defensive.

“You might have a magical vagina after all.”

I snort and give Dax a look. “Explain yourself, Old Man.” Finally, I take a sip. While the coffee isn’t great, it’s better than nothing and I’ve grown to like the bitter acidic ways of cheap coffee as of late. The taste resonates with my feelings about Chad.

“You’ve got my friends wrapped around your pretty little finger.”

Setting my cup down, I put my hand on my chest. “You think I’m pretty?” I ask, focusing on the important part. “Thank you.”

He scoffs.

“Listen,” I say, leaning closer. “Creed and I don’t mind sharing.” Then a little louder, I say, “Right Creed?” Sliding my gaze to his, I smirk at the wide-eyed expression he shoots me. I can practically hear him screaming shut up.

Yeah, he didn’t think I noticed how he watched Dax, or how Dax sometimes gives him a look that I know all too well? Well, I’m all about making this happen. I know Creed would be more than excited to hook up with Dax. The thought of them together sets my blood on fire, and I can only hope they’ll let me be a part of their first time connecting.

“Is that so?” Dax asks, voice growing husky.

I slip my eyes back to his, watching as they drop to my lips then shoot to Creed. Dax doesn’t hide anything, and I hum in approval, a bit too proud of myself for making this a thing. I mean, it’s not a thing yet because the thing hasn’t happened, but come on, it’s totally a thing!

“As long as Creed’s okay with it,” I say, giving him an out. I did push the subject, but ultimately it is up to him on whether or not this happens. I may push him from time to time, but I’d never agree to something he isn’t comfortable with.

Dax watches Creed with a heated gaze, and Creed’s face grows an adorable shade of scarlet. He takes a drink of coffee, liquid courage and all that, and nods.

“Yeah, I’m good.” He avoids Dax’s stare, only looking at me.

I smile at him, hopefully letting him know I’d never do anything to hurt him. I wouldn’t have mentioned it if I wasn’t one hundred percent sure Dax was into it too. He nods in understanding, and I sigh in relief.

“You too scared to say it to me?” Dax asks, drawing both of our attention to him. He’s resting his forearms on the bar, leaning over it slightly. In the morning his voice is a little gravelly, and I can’t help but wonder how he would sound during sex.

Creed’s swallow is audible, but to my surprise, he answers Dax. “I’m good with it, Dax.”

“Good with what?” Dax presses, his eyes narrowing to slits.

I want to smack and kiss him all at the same time because he’s torturing Creed, but then again, it’s incredibly sexy to watch him make Creed squirm.

Finally finding himself again, Creed pushes off the counter he’s leaning on and puts his hands on the one in front of us, leaning forward enough to stare directly into Dax’s eyes.

“Sharing. You, me, her. I want all of it.”

Oh. My. Men. Don’t you love it when men, men? Ugh. Be still my vagina. I fan myself because the solar panels must be broken or something and the air must be off. I’m on fire right now.

Dax chuckles darkly, slowly lowering his gaze and checking Creed out. I nearly fall out of my chair when Creed takes in a sharp breath, because fucking hell.

“We’ll see about that, Creed.” Dax sits back, picking up his coffee and flicking his gaze to me. “See? Magic. Vagina.”

I burst out laughing, and they both follow seconds later. They can blame this on me all they like, but if I never showed up, I bet things would have evolved at their own pace. Not at Chaotic Bellatrix pace.

Some people hate chaos, and in turn, end up hating me because they’re stuck in between nonexistent lines they think exist in the world, but really the lines are self-imposed. I like when people let me take a giant eraser and free them of their confines, helping them enjoy everything there is to love about life.

If anything, chaos is my gift to the world.

Ronan, Dax, and Creed are fully accepting of me for who I am. And for some reason, my mind whispers that perhaps things are a little too good to be true.