Dark Castle by Shanna Handel



Po’s voicecomes over the phone, sheepish as hell. “Shit. Sorry about this, Santo. It was…it’s just that Leo and I have this thing. We’ve been pulling pranks on one another. You know—kid stuff. Last week I crossed the wires on his truck so whenever he stepped on the brake his horn went off. He was pissed. Well, he got my ass this time. He knew I was on watch tonight and he sent up a flare—”

I don’t want to hear about my little brothers’ stupid antics. I cut him off. “It happens again and I’m going to break Ma’s heart.”

“Huh? How?” he asks, confused.

“If it happens again, I’m gonna cut off your family jewels and there goes Ma’s one chance at getting a grandkid with a decent sense of humor. Ora dimmi che ci siamo capiti.Now tell me that you get me.

He mumbles through the phone. “Got it. Sorry about that.”

“Time to leave the kid stuff behind, Po.” I sign off.

Demi might not be here now, but she will come for Stefano just as she did before.

We’ll be ready.

I go find my bride.

Willow’s in the kitchen whipping up a huge stack of pancakes for Posie. Exhausted from the wedding, Posie’s got her head on the table, her hair strewn over her face.

Willow’s face brightens when she sees me. “Good morning, husband!”

“Good morning, Mrs. Russo.” I move around the island, tugging on a lock of Posie’s hair as I pass her. I kiss my wife on her flour dappled cheek.

“Mrs. Russo!” Posie groans. “Does this mean I’m the last standing Rosa?”

“Mom’s still here,” Willow reminds her.

Posie turns up her nose. “She doesn’t count.”

“Posie…” But Willow drops it, topping the pancakes with pats of fresh butter and a river of syrup. She slides the plate across to Posie.

“I’m never getting married.” Posie stabs the stack with a knife and fork, stuffing a huge piece of pancake into her mouth.

Willow smiles up at me. “Never say never, Posie.”

“Never.” She takes another bite. “Ever.”

We need to work on her manners. I cock a brow at Posie. “Thank your sister for breakfast.”

“Thanks,” Posie mumbles with her mouth full of pancake.

I wrap my arms around Willow. Posie makes gagging sounds as I kiss my wife. She melts against me. I think of how I thought I’d never fall in love. How I’d never get married. And now here I am happily hitched to one woman for the rest of my life.

Never say never.

Willow pulls away, worry in her eyes. “What’s going on with my mom?”

“Right now? She’s having French toast served to her by a private chef. Probably sipping on a mimosa and titillating her guest with tales of how she’s going to knock Demi on her ass.”

“Her guest?” Her brow furrows.

“Your dad showed up here this morning, sure that Demi was ready to stand down.” I shake my head. “But we know she never will. She’ll never stop. I put your father in the palace with your mom.”

“Demi will come looking for him again, won’t she?”

“Yes. And when she does, we’ll end this. Once and for all.” I kiss her forehead. “But I don’t want you to worry. I don’t want you involved in any way. Po and Leo are going to take you to the basement where you’ll be safe.”

Posie groans. “God. Not the damn basement again! I don’t need to be there with the women and babies. I’m a hell of a shot. Can’t I be on the wall or something?”

“Language, Posie,” Willow sighs.

I cut my eyes at Posie. “You’ll be in the basement, young lady. Now clear your plate.”

Posie shoots me death rays and grumbles the whole way, but she obeys.

When the girls are in the safe zone with the rest of the unarmed members of our castle, Aldo and Enzo and I go to the palace. We’re surprised to find Prue and Stefano sitting at the dining room table together sipping coffee and laughing like old friends.

Prue stands, gesturing to the open seats. “Come! Let me pour you boys a cup of coffee.”

Men. We’re men.I hold my tongue, slipping into the seat across from my mother-in-law. “We’re good. We need to talk about Demi and make a plan. I’m sure she’ll be here for Stefano soon.”

Enzo and Aldo take seats. Aldo crosses his arms over the table. “It’s time to end this.”

Prue flutters to her seat, sitting with her spine straight, shoulders squared. “Stefano and I have worked it all out over a lovely breakfast.”

Aldo heaves an exasperated sigh, grumbling, “Here we go.”

He has little faith in these two, but I see an opportunity. If Stefano and Prue take Demi out to protect their daughters, the Russo-Meralos wouldn’t have a reason to continue. The Meralos would have no fight with us anymore.

I ask, “What do you have in mind?”

Stefano leans in, clasping his hands on the tabletop. “Prue and I will go now. Before Demi suspects I’m gone. I’ll wait for Demi on the path. I’ll confront her, pleading with her to keep her word to stand down. Prue will be hiding in the woods. She’ll take Demi down.” He shakes his head. “I can help, but sorry, I don’t have the heart to take her out myself.”

“And what happens to you after Demi is gone?” I ask. “The Meralos will come after you.”

He shrugs. “Whatever happens to me after that, so be it.”

Prue sniffs. “I can take care of myself.”

Of course she can. I say, “We’ll send men to guard you. If a fight breaks out, we’ll be there. But try to get her alone if you can. That’d be best.”

Stefano nods. “I can do that.”

Aldo slaps his hands on the tabletop. “What are we waiting for? Let’s go.”

Stefano arranges for Demi to meet him on their path in the woods. Tells her he wants to talk, to make things right. We gather a group of our best men, the ones who are lightest on their feet and you would never know were surrounding you in the woods.

We stop when we’re near the spot, spreading out and hiding behind trees. The tension in the air is so thick you could cut it with a knife. I watch as Stefano walks down the path, one hand slung casually in his pocket. He whistles as he walks.

Demi comes down the path. Alone. So trusting it almost makes me feel sorry for her. But then I remember the vengeance she’s sworn against Willow and her sisters, and I know this must be done. Family first.

She wears a midnight blue cape over her shoulders, her dark hair hanging down her back. “There you are!” She leans in, kissing Stefano’s cheek. “How romantic to bring me here to the place you first proposed. What did you want to talk about?”

He runs his hand over his beard. “I’ve told my girls that you promised to stand down. That they’re safe now. And I want you to tell me that you meant it.”

She smiles a seductive smile, her voice rising an octave. “Why, of course, my love.” But she doesn’t hold his gaze, her eyes flitting up and to the left. “I wouldn’t touch them.”

“Wouldn’t you?” He stares at her until she looks back at him. “Demi. Answer me. Tell me the truth.”

“The truth? You, Stefano, Tano, man with three wives and God knows how many illegitimate children—” she cuts herself off, swallowing hard. She regains her composure. “That’s a pretty grand request coming from you, don’t you think?”

“Punish me. But the girls…they’ve done nothing.”

Her sweet tone turns to a hiss as she creeps toward him. “What’d you expect from me? You spread your seed all around town with no regard to your wife.”

“I wasn’t with you then.” He takes a step away. “Why can’t you leave the girls alone?”

With a dramatic swoop she tosses her cape over her shoulder, hugging her hip with her hand. Her gaze narrows, the venom in her eyes making the hair on the back of my neck stand on end. “I want to be the only one.”

“The only one what?” Stefano asks.

“I’ve loved you and loved you and loved you and all I want in this world is your love in return.” Her face steels. “So the only way to make that happen? To be the only one left that you love.”

Her words hang in the air like icicles.

My intuition was right. She’ll stop at nothing.

Stefano’s jaw tightens, his hand going to his belt. Will he be the one to finally end this? His fingers wrap around the handle of his knife.

And Demi’s laughter peals through the forest, dark and terrible. “My love! Take your hand away from your belt. You won’t stop me. You don’t have it in you.”

Prue steps out from behind the trunk of a giant sequoia. “But I do.”

“Prue.” Demi scowls, her eyes flashing. “It’s you.”

A mean twinkle glints in Prue’s blue eyes. “Yes. I’m here to defend my daughters.”

Demi covers up her shock with a shaky laugh. “The ones you left alone in the woods? After running off their father? I swear a more unfit mother has never lived.” Demi tosses her head back, making her glossy hair ripple like a waterfall.

Prue waves a thin hand in the air, dismissing Demi’s accusations. “The girls were fine. They’re strong girls. The self-reliant kind. They don’t need a man. Unlike you.”

Demi’s eyes cut to Stefano. “Stefano, what are you even doing here with her?”

Guilt clouds Stefano’s gaze. Will he follow through with this? But he squares his shoulders, addressing his wife. “It’s time to end this, Demi. Once and for all.”

Before she can answer, Prue’s raising her palm in the air. A loud crack of thunder rings out through the forest.

Demi’s mouth gapes, her eyes tearing into Stefano’s. Shock and panic etch lines into her face. “My love! No! You’ve betrayed me!”

Stefano stays where he stands, but his arms reach for her. His voice is thick with grief. “I’m sorry. There is no other way. I will always choose my girls.”

Demi goes to raise her own palm, but she’s too late. The bolt of lightning shoots out from Prue’s hand, hitting Demi square in the chest.

Her eyes go wide, blinded by pain. Her mouth gapes, a strange gurgling sound rising from the back of her throat. She starts to fall backward but her body moves slowly, her hair flying around her like a black, shining twisting tornado.

Demi collapses to the forest floor, hands fluttering over her heart. Stefano runs to her. He kneels beside her, taking her into his arms. Cradling her head in his hands, he smooths her hair away from her face. “I’m sorry.”

Her breaths come fast and ragged. She looks up at him, a trickle of blood running from the corner of her mouth. “You swore you would never betray me again.”

“I’m sorry,” he says again. He holds her, his jaw set firmly. His gaze stays on her face as he rocks her in his arms.

She takes her last breath.

Prue kneels beside them, kissing Demi’s forehead. “We were enemies, but I hope you fly freely into the next world, Demi Meralo.”

Together, Stefano and Prue lift Demi’s body and carry her into the woods.