Dark Castle by Shanna Handel

First Epilouge


Our lives have never been better.I still like to skulk about the castle, giving my sisters a hard time. I like to keep them on their toes.

But I’m…happy.

School is easy. The kids are nice. I’m a loner by nature and keep to myself, but I like having them around. They amuse me. My real friends tend to be adults.

Like Sophia, who sneaks me cookies after school when Willow’s trying to stuff me full of vegetables. And Aldo, who’s taught me how to shoot a pistol so I hit the red paper bullseye every time I pull the trigger.

Stefano’s been hanging around and he’s not so bad either. He’s hella good with a knife and taught me how to throw one straight into the trunk of a tree. The sound of the thunk when the tip of the knife sinks into the wood is super satisfying.

Prue stayed around for a while, trying to play mommy. But I have my sisters and I don’t need her. I made that clear. Just like I knew she would, she quickly got bored of us ‘playing house at the castle instead of traveling or doing something interesting with our lives,’ and flew back on her broom to her creepy ass castle.

And Briar, she’s alright. She steps in and buys me the crop tops I like when Willow tries to put me in baby dresses, or calms Willow down when she gets all riled up about my cussing.

But I know who’s got my back. Who’s taken care of me since I was little. Willow. I was crazy disappointed in my awesome big sister when such a kick-ass girl who can clearly take care of herself fell under the spell of a man.


Willow even said ‘obey’ when they read the vows. Her eyes went all glassy and she had this melty smile on her face like she’d been hypnotized. Barf.

I like Santo okay. He’s kinda strict, but always willing to give me a ride into town and he drives the fastest out of all of them, hugging the curves of the road. Makes you feel like you’re flying.

But kiss a guy?


Willow says I’ll think differently when I grow up, but I know I won’t.

I’m never getting married.

And I’m sure as hell never falling in love.

There’s no man in this world who could change that fact.