Beast I Can’t Tame by L.K. Shaw

Chapter 13


Excitement thrums through me.I need to call Gio and tell him the news. First, though, I have to work up the nerve. I can’t believe how anxious I am. There isn’t any alcohol in my system to provide some liquid courage, either. I glance at the clock, biting my thumbnail and pacing the living room in indecision. It’s way too early to drink anyway.

“Breathe,” I say out loud, then feel ridiculous talking to myself.

It’s just a phone call. One I’ve made plenty of times before. Just pick up your cell and tap the screen. That’s it. Before I can talk myself out of it, I grab the stupid device off the end table and hit Gio’s name.


“Hey,” I stutter just slightly at his husky greeting.

“How’s it going?”

“Good. You?”

“I’m good.” There’s a smile in his answer. “You sound weird. Are you sure you’re okay?”

“What? Oh, yes, I’m fine. Just calling to say hi. See how you’re doing,” I babble, nibbling the ends of my hair in a nervous gesture.

“I’m fine. You’re fine. We’re both fine.” Gio chuckles. “Now, tell me what’s got you acting weird.”

I smack myself on the forehead. Stop being such a dingbat. “I found a photography class.”

“That’s fantastic,” he says with sincere excitement that comes across the line.

“Yeah, it’s through NYU. The instructor is a visiting professor from Ecuador on some type of education exchange program. She seems to be everything I’ve been looking for.”

“I’m really happy for you. I know you’re going to do well. I can’t wait to see what kind of pictures you take. You still haven’t shown me any of your photographs, you know,” he huffs.

That’s because they’re not nearly good enough. I want them to be perfect before I show anybody. “They’re not high quality,” I say.

“Do you think I care about that?” Gio scoffs. “You took them, so they’re going to be beautiful.”

“You’re only saying that.” I’m secretly pleased at the compliment, even if it’s not necessarily true.

“I don’t say things I don’t mean.”

I wave off his words, even though he can’t see me. “Anyway, the class starts Monday.” This is the part that makes me shake. “I thought maybe I could cook us dinner and celebrate. You know, if you wanted to come over.”

When I was younger, I never had any issues with asking a guy out. He either said yes or he didn’t. It wasn’t that big a deal. But asking Giovanni over for a home-cooked meal feels huge. Momentous even.

“I would love to,” he says.

My heart skips a giddy beat. “How about Friday at seven?”

“It’s a date.”

I love the way he says that, his voice deep and rumbling. It skitters over my skin leaving gooseflesh in its wake. Thank god that’s out of the way.

“So, how are things going with you and Jacob?” I ask.

Brenna had called to tell me that he’d met with him and Pierce yesterday at the townhouse. She’d forced herself not to eavesdrop, which I guess has become a habit of hers. She says it’s the only way she can find out about things half the time.

“I guess they’re all right. We’re still figuring everything out, so there’s some awkwardness between us. More than there has ever been.”

“I’m sorry. It certainly has to be a shock for both of you.” It came as a shock to all of us.

“He’s invited me to a few meetings. As a way for me to have a chance at earning the men’s respect.”

“That’s good. I’m sure you’ll win them over before no time,” I tell him.

Gio chuckles. “I’m glad one of us has faith in my abilities.”

“If you can say my pictures are beautiful without even seeing them, then I can say that the men will look up to you before you know it.”

“I appreciate that,” he says.

There’s a lull in the conversation, which gets me thinking. “Anything interesting happen at those meetings?” I ask.

Giovanni’s silent for several more seconds. “Not really anything I should probably talk about,” he says with some hesitance.

There’s a twinge of guilt for putting him on the spot like that. Pierce would kill me if he found out. I take a mental step back. As much as I want to push, it’s not fair of me to try and use any influence I might have. Not when his relationship with Jacob is so tenuous.

“I understand.”

Giovanni’s relief is almost tangible over the phone. “I did have an interesting conversation with your brother, though.”

That peaks my interest and makes me just the slightest bit nervous. “Oh? What about?”

“You. Me,” he says.

“I’m sure Pierce had some overprotective big brother stuff to threaten you about.” He was bad enough in high school scaring off anyone who came to pick me for a date. I can’t imagine what he’s said to Gio.

“I think we both know where the other stands.”

“Which is?” I ask.

“He threatened to kill me if I hurt you, and I threatened to kick his ass if he didn’t back off with his passive-aggressive comments about the two of us.”

Mortification nearly swallows me whole. I’ll have a few choice words for Pierce the next time I see him, that’s for sure. “I’m so sorry.”

“For what?” Giovanni asks, seeming to be genuinely confused.

“My brother,” I say with exasperation. “He has no right to threaten you like that.”

“Francesca, it’s fine. He loves you. I’d be more concerned if he hadn’t said he’d kill me. Besides, you’re worthing dying for,” he adds quietly.

My heart lurches, because he already almost died once. I couldn’t take it if Gio was gone from my life forever. “I don’t want you dying for me. I’d rather you live.”

“Don’t worry, I’m not planning on going anywhere. I think you’re stuck with me,” he says. “At least for as long as you’ll have me.”