Beast I Can’t Tame by L.K. Shaw

Chapter 14


I almost regret askingto be included in meetings with the captains of the families. Christ, is this really what being the head of the entire syndicate is about? Fucking paperwork? Moderating petty arguments between this associate and that associate regarding a couple hundred bucks? Attending meeting after meeting to discuss profit margins and payroll?

“You look bored,” Jacob notes, shuffling papers on his desk inside the conference room at Empire.

The last few people left only moments ago, including Pierce, who’d needed to run home for something, making it just the two of us.

“I guess I didn’t realize how, well, boring your job is,” I admit. “If I had any aspirations to take over the syndicate, I’m pretty sure I’ve been cured me of them. I didn’t join the organization for this.”

He throws his head back in laughter. “What did you expect? No matter how much we toe the line between legal and illegal endeavors, we are still a business. Well, perhaps more like a corporation with a lot of smaller businesses within its corporate umbrella. That means a lot of fucking paperwork.”

I recline in my chair. “I guess I’m not sure what I expected. More drug exchanges and weapons purchases.”

There’s no way I’ll admit that I dropped out of high school and the thought of running a business this large terrifies me.

“Oh, those happen, and depending on who the seller is, that’s what the captains and soldiers do. I only attend deals if I have a particular relationship with the dealer. At least when it comes to our arms sales,” Jacob explains. “I tend to leave our other recreational purchases to those who have already built a rapport. Dealers tend to get a bit twitchy when too many players enter the equation.”

It makes sense. “Still, I thought there would be a lot more action and a lot less red tape.”

“Sorry to disappoint. And regardless of whatever else my father was, he knew how to run his businesses. Which, in turn, makes my life easier. At least when it comes to paperwork,” Jacob says.

The intercom on his desk phone buzzes. “Mr. Ricci, an Officer Davenport is downstairs.”

“Send him up.”

I glance at him in surprise, although I’m not sure why. Of course he has law enforcement on his payroll. At least I assume—hope—the cop joining us is an off-record employee and not someone here to give us a hard time. Moments later there’s a knock on the door.

“Enter,” Jacob calls out and rises from his seat to circle the desk.

In steps a dark-haired man wearing jeans and a polo. And much younger than I expected him to be. I imagined a paunchy, aging cop working on padding his retirement with the funds he earns by Jacob lining his pockets. Instead, striding across the room is a young, fit guy probably only a few years younger than the man whose hand he shakes. They turn to me.

“Davenport, this is Giovanni Saccone,” he pauses a beat before continuing, “my half-brother.”

I cast him a sideways glance before standing to also shake the officer’s hand. “A pleasure.”

“You’re looking a lot better than the last time I saw you,” he says.

At my confusion he continues. “I was at the accident site that night and watched you get loaded onto the stretcher and into the ambulance. Glad to see you pulled through.”

That explains things. “Thanks, me too.”

“Have a seat, and tell me why you’re here,” Jacob directs and returns to his chair, as do I and Davenport.

“I just got wind that a couple of your associates are in lockup. An anonymous tip came in regarding a deal going down and undercover was on scene to make the arrests.”

“Son of a bitch,” Jacob tosses his pen on the desk. “Did they call our attorney?”

The officer nods. “From what I gather. They’re posting bail and should be out in the next few hours.”

“Do you have any idea who this anonymous person is?” I ask. “Or any way to find out?”

“Not really. That’s the whole point of the hotline. People can call in about anything and not have to give their name. The only way they’re not so hidden is if there’s a reward attached to the info. Then we do have a record of the caller,” he explains. “But this wasn’t anything like that. Just a random person giving us enough information for it to appear credible. I can check to see if there was a recording, try and determine if it was a male or female, although it’s doubtful.”

“If the tip was that credible, then it had to have been someone with inside information. Which might mean we have a leak within the organization.” Jacob growls.

“Let’s hope that’s not the case.” Davenport rises from his seat. “I shouldn’t stay too long. Just figured you’d want to know about your men. If I hear anything else, I’ll let you know.”

The two men shake hands and the cop heads out, pausing for a moment and glancing over his shoulder.

“Thanks for my gift, by the way. I’m enjoying her immensely,” Davenport says with a smirk before walking out the door and closing it behind him.

My questioning gaze darts to Jacob who catches my eye.

“Gift?” I ask.

“Gianna Romano,” he answers.

I should know that name.

“She was Pierce’s former…acquaintance, and the sister of one of the organization’s associates,” Jacob clarifies. “I don’t take kindly to disrespect. It comes with consequences, which she recently discovered by disrespecting both my cousin and Mila at my wedding reception. I couldn’t let that stand. Davenport is known in certain circles as possessing a specific skill set. He gets a reward for his services to the organization, and she is kept in check.”

I vaguely recall a minor altercation that night, but my focus had been on Francesca.

“Skill set?”

Jacob smirks. “He’s a member of an exclusive sex club in Manhattan that caters to those who live a particular lifestyle.”

I’m not sure how I feel about Jacob just giving a woman to another man. He must sense my unease, because he continues. “If you’re worried about her safety, don’t be. Regardless of whatever the two of them do together, I can promise you that it only happens with her full consent. Davenport is strict about that. No need to be concerned that he’s abusing her. Disrespect or not, I wouldn’t tolerate her being mistreated.”

I let it go.

“How many cops do you have on your payroll anyway? And who else’s pockets are you lining?” I ask.

He returns to his chair with a smirk. “Besides Davenport, there’s a homicide detective, a narcotics officer, a couple judges, and an attorney in the DA’s office. Oh, and the mayor and my father had a particularly friendly relationship. Well, one that included more of him paying us rather than the other way around. It would seem there was quite the scandal a few years ago involving an underage prostitute that our illustrious city leader doesn’t want getting out.”

I flinch. “Ouch. Yeah, that would certainly hurt his re-election campaign.”

“Not to mention the devastation it would cause to his pristine public image as the loving husband and doting father,” Jacob adds. “I’m sure a secret like that would do a lot of damage to his children. They’re the ones I feel sorry for.”

A picture of two dark-haired children, a boy and a girl, running and laughing along the beach pops into my head. They look exactly like their mother. Like Francesca.

“You okay over there?” Jacob asks.

I blink and his face comes into focus. “I’m sorry?”

“You looked like you were elsewhere for a second there.”

“Oh, yeah, I was just thinking about something.” A quick glance at my watch confirms it’s getting late. “I need to go. I’m supposed to meet Francesca in less than an hour.”

“Enjoy your evening,” Jacob says.

I rise from my chair with a nod. A quiet night spent having a nice dinner sounds good to me. Especially with her. I can’t shake the image of those kids from my mind though. Would I even be a good father? I’ve had shit examples in my life. The thought of being one terrifies me.