Mine to Take by Lila Fox

Chapter Seventeen

Zoe made it home before she broke down and started to sob.

She couldn’t believe she’d never see him again. It made her physically ill. How was she going to live without him?

After she buried her face in the pillow and cried until she was exhausted, she just lay there, staring at the ceiling.

The thought of staying and seeing him around and not being able to talk to him was horrible. The thought of seeing him with another woman was ten times worse.

She hadn’t known she’d fallen asleep until she woke to the sound of someone outside her bedroom window. She slowly looked that way and saw her blinds were down, but there was still a gap between them and the windowsill. She didn’t think whoever it was could see the top of the bed because of how it was placed in the room, but they could definitely see her legs, so she kept them as still as possible.

She held her breath and waited to see what would happen, but after a minute, the scraping sound went away. She waited another moment before she rolled off the bed and pulled the blinds all the way down, and then rushed around the house to make sure the doors and windows were locked.

When she was done, she sat down on the side of her bed and waited for her heart to calm down. The curtains were closed now.

She’d never felt so powerless and anxious as she did at that moment, and it was another reason to mourn the loss of Savage. She’d never felt safer than when she was with him.

Anger built within her, taking away some of the sadness. Who in the hell did Freddy think he was to tell her who she could see? She knew from things said around town that his father, who was a cop, was as crooked as they came. The fact he’d be willing to commit first-degree murder was appalling.

More thoughts filled her head. How could she trust Freddy’s word that Savage would be safe after she broke up with him? He could very easily still have him killed, and Zoe wouldn’t have any proof it had been them.

Proof… God, yes. She needed proof to help put them behind bars or at least fired and run out of town.

How could she get Freddy to talk about it again? Then she could record it and then take it to the state police. But how could she do it? Maybe call him the next day to get her to meet her, and then she’d rail at him about what he made her do. He wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed, so she didn’t think he’d ever guess she was setting him up.

She got her phone from her purse and played with it so she’d be able to turn on the recording device easily and not fumble.

Now that she had a plan in place, she felt more in control. This wouldn’t bring Savage back to her, but at least she was doing everything she could to protect him.


Fury untangled himself from Amelia and rolled over to grab his phone.


“Hey, boss, we’re at Savage’s old lady’s place, and a guy is trying to look in her windows.”

Fury walked out of the room so he didn’t disturb Amelia. “Can you tell who it is?”

“No, but Tater is videoing it the best he can with his phone.”

“He’s not trying to get in, is he?”

“Not yet. What do you want me to do if he does?”

“Knock him out and bring him to me.”

“You got it, boss.”

Fury slid back into bed and curled around his woman.

“Everything okay?” Amelia whispered.

He pressed a kiss to her temple. “Yeah, babe. Go back to sleep.”

“All right.”

Within a minute, her breathing had evened out, telling him she was asleep. As tired as he was, he couldn’t turn his mind off, going over scenarios and trying to find the best one for the situation. He was glad Savage had finally gotten his head out of his ass, but he still had to make up to Zoe.

He debated telling Savage about the threat tonight because he knew the guy would freak and probably kill first and ask questions later. That wouldn’t be good for the club because even though they had a few friends in the department, they couldn’t control the whole place.

He still thought hiding drugs in Clarke’s truck was the best solution to get the guy out of town without violence, but he didn’t know if it was enough.

He’d call the club in for church in the morning and see what other ideas they could come up with. But his main objective and the only thing he wanted to do was protect his family, and Zoe was part of that now.