The Lies That Shatter by A.V. Asher

Chapter Fifteen

Mercedes opened the door and stepped out onto the balcony. This place was absolutely perfect. Inconspicuously nestled within the Outer Sunset District of San Francisco, the two-story duplex offered a distant view of the open ocean over the rooftops. A single security door between the duplex’s units meant Noah would be downstairs, and she would have the privacy she craved for this week.

She took in a deep breath of the sea air, her nerves alive with energy.

Freedom was just within her reach. Freedom and Alec.

It had been eleven months since she’d seen him. Eleven months of loneliness seeping into every inch of her soul. But this week would mark the end of a rough chapter and a new beginning with the man she adored.

Leaving the door open, Mercedes went to her bag and rummaged through it. The cell phone they had assigned her had three numbers on it, Noah’s, her therapist, and her lawyer, Lauren Sabino. Lauren had only been her attorney for the last four months, but she seemed to be on the level and had gotten up to speed on Mercedes’s unique case quickly.

It didn’t stop the cogs of the government machine from grinding to a snail’s pace. The US attorney’s office and the federal marshals had been reluctant to share even the prospective timeline of the witness testimony. Most of what Mercedes knew, she’d learned from the news coverage, and that was limited.

Mercedes pressed Lauren’s number and was disappointed when voice mail picked up. “Hi Lauren, this is Holly Castillo calling you to discuss that package I’m expecting from the UK. I’m wondering if they finally gave you a time it’s expected to arrive. We have other things to discuss as well. Please call me.”

Mercedes tossed the phone onto the bed alongside her unpacked suitcase.

Damn it.She exhaled deeply, trying to chill the anxiousness swirling through her.

Noah grunted as he arrived in her bedroom door, his arms laden with a long wardrobe box. “What on earth is in here? Good lord, it’s heavy.”

“Ooh, those are my clothes.” Mercedes ran to help him lug it into the room and prop it against her bed. “Wanna help me pick the best one?”

“Yes, ma’am.” Noah’s dark eyes gleamed. He knew how to dress her better than she did. More than once, he’d made the modestly dressed Holly Castillo look put together. But now, she would get to dive into a fresh new wardrobe that was all her own.

Mercedes was happy for the distraction as she threw on different outfits for Noah to critique. He sat on the couch, waiting while she changed in her room. When she would come out of the room, he’d grin at her and make comments like; “Definitely a badass bitch in court skirt.” Or “That’s more for an evening out with friends.”

“Okay,” she said, coming into the living room. “I’m excited for this one.”

It was a signature black dress with a deep neckline, one shoulder exposed, the other covered with a sheer fabric that swept against her wrists when she moved.

“That is gorgeous. Alec’s going to love it or he’s a blind man. You should wear the red shoes, though.”

“These?” Mercedes quickly switched out the black heels for the red stilettos. Then modeled them for Noah. “What do you think?”

“Ah, perfecto. He’ll be throwing you on the bed for sure in that one.”

“I hope so. Now if only they’d tell me when he’s getting here.”

Mercedes paused in front of the tall mirror to admire the dress. Her chestnut locks caught her eye and she smiled at her image. The blonde hair of Holly Castillo was gone, and Sadie Elliott had returned.

Noah had flipped on the television and changed it to the trial coverage. The press was going insane. The biggest news channels had sent their top anchors to hunker around the courthouse, each trying to find the best shot for the action inside. The Marcus Cooper was expected to appear in person, defiant that he’d ever been anything but a model billionaire.

The way the press fawned over him was horrifying. They simply could not figure out how to separate the philanthropist from the piece of shit that he was. It made no difference that his generosity only poured into his own charities, often used to supplement his own income.

Mercedes paused when the screen switched to a one-on-one interview with Cooper. His overly contrite expression oozed disbelief that anyone could think he was a monster.

“Ugh, that man has such a punchable face,” she said as she walked to her room. The less she saw of Marcus Cooper, the better.

Pulling a hanger from the closet, she called out. “Hey, do you want to work out later? Maybe we can go to the beach to practice?”

“Nah, we’re going to be a little more locked down here.” Noah called back. “You might meet someone you know.”

“Yeah, that would be awkward.” Mercedes mumbled to herself. Only a few more days and she could be herself again. “How about the little patch of grass out back?”

“Okay, let me know when you’re ready.”

The helplessness during the attack on her safe house had spiraled her too far into a black hole of anxiety and depression. Once she’d healed enough for exercise, Mercedes’s therapist had suggested she take self-defense courses to help her process her trauma. To her relief, Noah offered to train her himself, rather than let a stranger put his hands on her.

What their sweet neighbor thought was a rough foreplay, was Noah teaching her how to escape a trained attacker. Their workouts comprised a little cardio, strength training and then Noah jumping her from different angles.

Knowing that Jason was going to be nearby at the trial made her want to practice even harder.

“Hey Sadie,” Noah called out. “Your man’s on TV.”

“What?” Mercedes dropped the blouse in her hand and ran to the living room. “He’s here?”

Her heart soared as Alec moved through the airport. She let out a breath, unsure if she’d get it back again. His hair was longer than it had been and mussed from his journey. Mercedes imagined him running his fingers through it, like he did when he was nervous. That scruffiness on his jaw made him look a little rogue.

Delicious as ever.

“That is one fine man you have there,” Noah said, appreciating the full shot as Alec stopped, waiting for someone else.

Why the hell hadn’t someone communicated this with her? Would they bring him directly here?

Unease cut through her moment of joy. “How the hell does the press even know who he is?”

“They said his testimony is set to begin in the next two days.”

Mercedes frowned. She hadn’t realized Alec was playing a role in this.

A blonde woman stepped into the shot, and Alec reached his hand out and pulled her to his side.

“Um . . .” Noah said, alarm in his voice.

Shock slammed through Mercedes’s body. “Who the fuck is that?”

The two of them walked together while the camera followed. Alec’s expression shifted to annoyance, and he kept the woman close to him. There was no question of the intimacy between them. He wrapped his arm around her, and he rubbed her shoulder. The cameras followed them outside to the curb. The woman gazed up at Alec while they waited, her fingers gripping onto his waist.

Mercedes bit back the nausea crawling up her throat.

Stay in love with me. Tell me you’ll be mine through it all.

The reporter shouted his name, but Alec ignored them.

The camera swung to catch Cressida, who came to stand next to them. She picked at her nails with a bored expression on her face. Once the car arrived, Luke jumped out and helped load their luggage while Cressida climbed into the passenger side. Alec wrenched open the door and helped the woman into the back seat.

I won’t want anyone else. I love you, Sadie.

Utter betrayal ripped through her. How could Alec do this? Why the fuck would Luke and Cressida go along with it?

Then I’ll wait forever, aye?

There was no way . . .

No way.

“He doesn’t know,” she whispered.

And her fractured heart shattered into a thousand pieces.