The Lies That Shatter by A.V. Asher

Chapter Eighteen

Jason’s blood seethed as he watched Alec McKinley from across the reception area. The bastard was in the conference room, deep in conversation, his back to Jason. Every time he moved, Jason wanted to kick his fucking teeth in.

He was eating up Jason’s much-needed press coverage. Jason was the one who had brought the most damning information to the table. McKinley was supposed to be the sideshow. The second act, whose only job was to enhance Jason’s story of the corruption in Cooper Pharmaceutical.

McKinley hadn’t even spent an entire day on the stand and the press fawned all over him, sucking his dick everywhere he went.

The little blonde that followed McKinley around like a puppy caught Jason’s attention and he observed her.

Cute enough, but a little plain.

She was another sign that Mercedes had meant nothing to McKinley. If she had, he never would have brought a woman with him.

The woman strolled around the reception area, clearly waiting for the group to finish up. Her eyes followed the ceiling and walls as if she were taking in a museum and not a federal building waiting room.

Little blondie looks bored as hell.

McKinley had no idea how to keep a woman happy.

Jason slid a look at the agent assigned to his detail. “I’m going to stretch my legs.”

His agent, Gary, or possibly Terry, shot him a disinterested look and nodded. “Don’t leave this corridor.”

Go fuck yourself.But Jason gave him a tight nod and got up from his seat.

Jason walked over to a plaque of some politician and put his hands in his pockets disarmingly. He was right in the path of little blondie.

When she came into view, she was gazing up at the wall of picture frames. He watched her with amusement as she caught sight of him and gave a little start.

“Hey there.” He smiled, letting his look take on a hopeful quality.

She swept a lock of hair behind her ear. “Hello.”

No recognition crossed her face. She hadn’t been around for Jason’s testimony, and since no cameras were allowed in the courtroom, she didn’t seem to know who he was.

Too fucking perfect.

“Are you a part of the big case?” Jason tilted his head, gazing at her with an intensity that had once won over a better woman.

She blushed beautifully. “I’m not, but someone I’m with is.”

“Oh, who is that?” He let his gaze fall to her mouth, then trail back to her eyes. “Is it Declan McKinley?”

“Um . . . No.” She let out a little laugh. “His cousin, Alec. He just finished his testimony.”

“Oh, I know Alec. We’re old friends.”

Her face lit up. “You are?”

Jason turned his mouth up into a crooked smile and he held out his hand. “Yeah. We go way back. I’m Jace.”

“Kristin.” She took his hand, her smile broadening. That she didn’t immediately back away told him all he needed to know. Alec McKinley hadn’t kept her satisfied and now, just like Mercedes, she was aching for someone who would make it all better.

A fucking lamb he could lead off to slaughter.

Jason looked away for a beat, then back to her. She responded immediately, flushing a deeper red and looking away. Oh, she was too fucking easy.

Suddenly, a giant mass was between them, and Alec McKinley glared down at him. “Back the fuck up.”

Jason gave a laugh. This was going to make his day.

“Alec, what are you doing?” Alarm and surprise coated Kristin’s voice.

“Yeah Alec,” Jason taunted. “What are you doing?”

“Stay the fuck away from us, or I’ll snap you in half,” Alec growled.

Kristin gasped. “Alec!”

Jason’s grin widened. “You should use better manners in front of Kristin. What are you thinking?”

McKinley’s expression turned deadly, and he stepped in closer. “Fuck you.”

Everyone seemed to realize what was going down at the same time. Lazy ass Gary jumped between them, his hand on his gun. “Back off, sir.” He pushed back against McKinley’s chest.

McKinley stepped back, but murder was still in his eyes.

Jason smirked, making a little shooing motion with his hands. “Back off, Alec.”

Kristin stared at him in disbelief, so Jason gave her a sweet smile. “When you’re tired of him, sweetheart, look me up.” He licked his lips. “McKinley knows he’s got nothing on me.”

* * *

“Fucking Hollis!”Alec’s rage was palpable now. “How the hell did he get access to us?”

Cressida spoke up first. “The protection order against him was for Sadie, not for you. And even if she were here, it would have long since expired.”

Anxiousness roiled in Alec’s chest. “What do I have to do to get one?”

His lawyer answered. “I can draw up the needed paperwork and appeal to the judge. But the trial is winding down so he shouldn’t be a problem after this.”


Alec inhaled to clear his mind. This was nearly over. He’d given them all he had on the stand. Now he had to be available if they wanted to recall him. After this week, Jason Hollis’s smug face would be a distant memory and nothing more.

Kristin touched his arm. “Alec, I’m so sorry. He told me his name was Jace. I didn’t know he was the Jason you talked about.”

Alec let his breath out. “No, I should have told you more about him. Are you okay?” He reached tugged her to him.

She wrapped her arms around his waist. “Yeah, I’ve never seen you so angry before. It scared me a little.”

He would imagine so. “I’m sorry. That man certainly brings out the worst in me. Please tell me you’ll keep your distance from him and stay with either me, Declan or Mason, alright?”

Kristin nodded against him and tightened her hold.

This was his own fault. Alec had done little to bring Kristin into his past, or told her the things he’d done to protect those he cared about. When they returned home, he’d tell her everything. Open himself up and let her see who he really was.

A cough from behind him broke through Alec’s thoughts, and he turned to find Nick Kessler standing behind him. Alec narrowed his eyes. “I thought you were hiding from me.”

Nick’s brow creased. “I know, and I’m sorry. But I need to talk to you. Right now.”

Alec scoffed. “You’ve been avoiding me all day, but now you want to talk?”

“Yeah.” The seriousness in his tone cooled Alec’s irritation. “But not here. Come on, Charlotte’s already waiting for us.”