The Lies That Shatter by A.V. Asher

Chapter Two

Mercedes stared at the screen, the lump in her throat aching painfully.

Alec looked so damned amazing. She hadn’t seen him since she’d left him in his hospital room three months ago. Then, he’d been pale and broken. But now, the healthy glow had returned to his cheeks and his voice was strong. The ribbon of fear that had been running through her since she’d left him loosened enough to let her breathe. He was in his own home, looking comfortable and whole. That’s all that mattered.

Mercedes wiped at her lashes, thankful her mascara was waterproof. God, she missed him so damn much. These months without him had taken a toll, especially since she had little to do but think about him.

Today, she was especially grateful they’d been allowed to talk. Coming out of hiding to show up for a hearing against your abuser and one of the most powerful men in the world wasn’t an everyday occurrence. Alec was her anchor. A touch of sanity in the insane world she was in.

Mercedes left the office and joined Federal Marshal Larissa King in the hall.

“How’d it go?” Larissa asked, her smile stiff and formal.

“Good. He looked so strong.”

An intern from the US attorney’s office click-clacked down the marble corridor toward them. “Ms. Elliott, Mr. Whitley asked me to escort you back to the courtroom. We’re getting started soon.”

Mercedes gave the intern a tight smile. “Wouldn’t want to keep the man himself waiting.”

The intern didn’t respond, instead turning to lead the way. Mercedes followed until the two women paused in the wide reception area. The chatter from the gathered attorneys and court employees reverberated off the stone walls.

The sensation of being exposed and vulnerable clenched Mercedes’s insides. They shouldn’t be out here, they had private witness rooms set aside to keep her hidden. She ducked behind a large column where fewer people were gathered. Larissa and the intern were only steps away and engrossed in their conversation.

Mercedes leaned against the column, taking the weight off her aching feet. She hadn’t worn heels in a while, and they were certainly making it known.

It was easy to tune out the world and let her mind drift back to Alec. She wanted one more small moment where she could savor the glow of their talk. What she wouldn’t give to be back in his arms.

“You look as incredible as ever.”

The tender tone sent a shiver of fear running down her back. She turned to find Jason’s ice-blue eyes scorching through her. He’d slipped around the column without her even aware he was nearby.

What the hell?Where was the team dedicated to keeping this man away from her?

Jason’s face, still handsome and angled, was thinner than the last time she’d seen him. He wore a tailored suit, and his blond hair was neatly styled. A soft smile played on his lips and the longing in his expression hadn’t changed.

Memories of his voice, screaming at her to choose between Alec’s life or a bullet in the brain, came flooding in her mind. She searched around the room. Larissa was gone.

Where the hell was she?

Jason stepped closer to her, and she scrambled back. Too late. He had deftly separated her from anyone else who would care.

“Walk away, Jason. Or I’ll scream,” she rasped, hating how much her voice shook.

His smile widened and his gaze dragged up her body. “Oh, but I might like that.” The sex coating his words sent revulsion spiraling through her. “But how do you think they’ll take it?” He gestured over his shoulder.

A gaggle of journalists had entered the foyer crowding around the US attorney, Brenden Whitley, as he strode through the corridor. Whitley was barking answers as he went.


Up to this point, Mercedes had remained anonymous to the press. One peep of drama and they would swarm, feasting on every nugget until they tore her life and every ounce of safety apart.

Jason’s tone was gentle. “I only wanted to say hello, and to see for myself how you’ve been.”

How can he look so sincere?

He stepped toward her. “The last time we saw each other was pretty . . . tense.”

“Tense?” she snapped. “You kidnapped me, beat me and held a gun to my head and told me you’d kill me if I didn’t choose you. That goes beyond tense.”

“But you chose me.”

Anger flared in her. “Uh, yeah. Because of the gun.” She scowled and lifted her chin. “Even in your delusions, you know Alec is all I want.”

His eyes hardened and the warning bells she’d long since dismantled reared to life, screaming at her. She glanced around the room again, vulnerability increasing by the second.

You can not afford to piss him off.

But it was too late. The fake gentleness dropped, and a familiar rage took its place. “But you’re nothing to him,” he growled. “While you’re gone, he’s having all the pussy he wants. It only took Mariah batting her fucking eyes at him, and he was all over it. Probably fucking some skinny little whore right now, not giving a shit about you.”

Mercedes’s stomach turned at the vision, his words implanted in her brain.

No, no, no.

Mercedes made a dash to get past him, but he stepped in front of her. Her heart thundered, and the room tilted.

Jason’s lips twisted up. “That would make him just like all the others, right? They say they love you and then they fuck someone else.” He tilted his head and laughed. “You really think he’s going to wait for you? No one else would. No one but me.”

The truth peppered in his words sank her further. But she lifted her chin up and tried once more to go around him. This time, his hand snaked out and snatched her arm and jerked her into him. He pressed her against him, his breath grazing her cheek.

Fear froze her muscles. This man should have never been able to touch her again. And yet, she was powerless to stop him.

Jason groaned and he caressed her chin. “God, I’ve missed you so much.”

“Let me go,” she whispered. Full-on panic was shredding her resolve apart. The room spun sickeningly, stealing her ability to think.

“What the fuck?” A deep male shout cut through the air.

Suddenly, Jason’s grasp released. Mercedes tottered backward on her heels, her back smacking against the column. Relief surged through her veins, and she focused on counting out the seconds between each shaky exhale.

A large man stood between them, hand on the gun holstered to his hip. There was shouting and footsteps on the marble floors as other men came and escorted Jason away.

“Are you okay? Sadie?” Warm brown eyes came into focus. Federal Marshal Noah Ramirez leaned down to study her face.

Mercedes swallowed hard and nodded. “I’m okay, Noah.”

“I am so sorry. He never should have gotten so close to you.”

Mercedes pressed her back against the column, letting it cool her heated skin. A cold sweat had broken out on her brow. The US attorney was gone, as was the horde of journalists. She didn’t know how much of the encounter they’d caught, if any.

“Where’s Larissa?” Noah’s gaze swept the room. “Let’s get you out of here. You shouldn’t even be out in the open like this.” Annoyance tinged his words.

Straightening her shoulders, she smoothed the fabric of her blouse and ran her shaking fingers through her hair to tame any flyaway pieces. She still had a job to do. They’d worked too damn hard and given up too damn much to let Jason throw her off balance now.

Noah guided her gently, eyeing the members of the press as they skirted past them. He led her around a few corners to a room designated for witnesses.

“What did he say to you?”

Mercedes shook her head. “It’s not important.” She pulled in a deeper breath, trying to bring her focus on the testimony she needed to give.

“It is important. He violated the protection order. That bastard’s about to land his ass back in jail.”

That she hadn’t been the one to realize this showed how much Jason had rattled her. Her thoughts were so fractured that she couldn’t hold on to the good. Only seeing the bad. Jason’s taunting words were echoing in her head.

They say they love you and then they fuck someone else. You really think he’s going to wait for you? No one else would. No one but me.

“You’re right. I’ll give a full statement when I’m done.” Mercedes’s fingers tingled with the anxious energy pulsing in her veins. Bach’s Cello Suite Number One came into her head and her fingers worked the strings in her mind. Why a cello piece was anyone’s guess, but the tone and rhythm were perfect to soothe her fractured spirit.

She did her best to put Jason out of her head, to focus on Alec and the way he loved her.

* * *

While Mercedes waitedfor her car, she rolled her shoulders, attempting to ease the strain on her muscles. It had been a long day, and she was ready for a hot shower and sleep. Unfortunately, neither were in the cards for her immediately. The supervisor on her case hadn’t wanted her in the city any longer than necessary, so they would have to drive back to her safe house tonight.

The first time she’d been whisked away to a safe house, Alec let her lean against him while she slept. It’d been much more comfortable than leaning against the window would have been, but really, it had been an excuse to snuggle up with him. He’d wrapped his arms around her and held her for hours. It was the first time she’d felt safe in years. She wished more than anything to go back to that.

A black car with tinted windows pulled up, and Noah opened the glass door to escort her into the parking garage. He’d been sticking closer to her since the run in with Jason. She was grateful he was there for her. Sometimes Larissa was a little inattentive. Her wandering off was proof of that.

Noah came around the car and slid in next to her, flashing her a smile. “That went well today, don’t you think?” He was a big man, nearly as big as Alec, with warm brown skin and dark brown eyes. All he had to do was flash his dimpled grin and the ladies at the courthouse melted. Mercedes was pretty sure he wasn’t there for the ladies, but she didn’t know him well enough to jump into his business.

“Better than expected. With any luck, we gave them enough to take that asshole down.”

Larissa peered back at Mercedes through the rearview mirror.

“Ms. Elliott,” she said stiffly. “I wanted to apologize to you for leaving you alone this afternoon. The intern from the prosecutor’s office asked for a rundown of our protocol, and I got distracted. I should never have let Jason Hollis get so close to you.”

Mercedes shot a quick look at Noah. His face was impassive, but she wondered if he and Larissa had gotten into it. They couldn’t afford for these kinds of mistakes to happen. But it was done. “It’s alright. He likely would have figured out another way to talk to me. Hopefully, he’ll be locked away after this.”

Larissa gave her a tight smile and a nod. Then she maneuvered the car out of the garage, passing by the throng of press as they went. They must be nearly ready for the evening news cycle. Some noted the car, snapping a few pictures as they drove by. Mercedes had to hope her anonymity held.

The sun had set behind the buildings, casting an evening glow on the city. They had a few hours’ drive to the safe house outside of Sacramento. She kicked her heels off and laid her head back against the rest.

The car hit the ramp onto the Bay Bridge, and the traffic was flowing steadily. Mercedes looked back at the city she’d lived in most of her life. She shouldn’t miss this place. It was here every insecurity had been forged. Where she was let down time and time again by a mother who didn’t want her. Where the closest person in her world had loved and betrayed her. Where a man who said he loved her had beaten and torn her down. Pain was interwoven throughout the streets.

She shouldn’t miss it, but she did.

The sparks of city lights hitting the water stretched out all the way to the Golden Gate. The last sight of the western sun, long since set, cast a deep blue glow all around. She would always treasure the person she was now from the lessons she’d learned.

Jason was wrong. Alec wasn’t like the others. He loved her the way no one ever had. He’d bled for her. He’d killed for her.

When this was over, they’d be together. And then she’d get to go home.