The Lies That Shatter by A.V. Asher

Chapter Six

“It’s been a damn good week, Adam.”

Adam grunted his response and slid the offered glass toward him. Marcus Cooper’s smile hadn’t faded since Adam had delivered the news that Mercedes Elliott was out of the picture.

While it was always good to see the boss happy, Adam took no pleasure in killing like this. There was still a small part of him that wanted things to be different. But his guilt only extended so far. It’s not as if they had given him a choice. At least not one he could live with.

Adam sipped and hid his grimace at the taste of gin. Cooper was obsessed with this damn cocktail and always made them for everyone. It’s like drinking a fucking tree.

Cooper swirled his drink. “The lawyers think it’ll force Whitley to drop the federal corruption charges. He has nothing to tie anything to me anymore.”

“Well, that’s good news.”

“We still aren’t out of the woods, though. The negative press coverage is killing us and most of my investors are getting skittish.”

“That should die down once the press coverage eases.”

“I’ve seen nothing about Mercedes Elliott anywhere. If I were Whitley, I’d broadcast the shit out of the fact that a witness and two marshals are dead.” Cooper turned to Adam. “Why hasn’t he announced her death yet?”

Adam waved his hand dismissively. “Who knows why that fucker does anything. It’s not like anyone knew who she was. They kept her identity pretty locked down.”

Cooper nodded. “Still, I’m going to have to protect my assets in the company. With Sutanyl off the market, I can’t afford to have all my loans called in if my backers decide to run for it.”

“So, what’s the plan?” Adam set the drink on the counter. Cooper would probably scoop it up in a few minutes for himself.

“Unfortunately, I’m going to have to withdraw from the company, at least on paper. Hopefully, it will improve our image.”

“If you step back, who will take over?”

Cooper lifted his shoulder. “My son, Tyler, of course. He’ll start joining us for these little meetings.”

Ah, fuck.

Tyler Cooper was the epitome of the rich white kid, an entitled pervert who thought the world revolved around him. The fucker had gotten out of a slew of criminal charges without blinking his eye. Adam had helped to cover them up when needed, making sure Tyler’s indiscretions were never even whispered about.

The last thing he wanted was to have to report to that little dickhead.

Cooper seemed to read his thoughts. “I want to make sure the chain of command is certain here. Tyler will answer to me, and you will answer to both of us. Your obligations to me are inheritable.”

Adam’s jaw clenched tight. “Understood. I hope Tyler is open to coaching. Not like the incident with the girl.”

Cooper’s lips pursed. “Yes, that was an unfortunate event, and he almost fucked everything up. But it won’t be like that this time. He’ll keep his dick in his pants and his eye focused on the company. I’m sure he’ll do well.”

Not fucking likely.Little fuckheads like Tyler Cooper didn’t take direction from anyone.

“I’m sure we can keep an eye on him, sir. Teach him the ropes.”

Cooper leaned over and picked up Adam’s martini and gulped down the last bit. “Good, I’m glad we worked all that out.”

* * *

Jason walkedthe length of the yard, enjoying the sun on his face. He didn’t get a lot of time to be outside. Now that he was back in jail, they were keeping him on a tight leash.

Cooper thought he was being a loyal soldier. But Jason wanted the chance to see Mercedes as often as possible and staying up on the case was the only way to do that.

He could still hear the echo of her words, making the choice. Mercedes loved him. She could have picked McKinley, but she hadn’t. McKinley didn’t stand a chance against what he and Mercedes shared.

Getting to talk to her at the hearing last week was as close to heaven as he was likely to get for a while. But it had cost him his freedom.

Worth it.

She was so fucking beautiful in that outfit, with her makeup in place and that gorgeous hair flowing down her back. It made him so hot thinking of her. If anything, that hearing had given him fresh memories to use when he jerked off to her.

Jason jogged another lap, letting his heart rate increase before he hit the weight yard. This place wasn’t great, but at least they had a decent circuit. His doctor had ordered him to take it easy and let his wounds heal. But fuck that. He craved the adrenaline rush that came with lifting.

A guard came toward him.

What does this asshole want?

“Hollis, you have a meeting. Your lawyer is here, along with the US attorney and an FBI agent.”

Jason frowned. “What? I thought that was next week?”

“I don’t make the schedule. They’re here now. Move your ass.”

Jason wiped his brow on his sleeve and followed behind the guard back to the admin building. Brenden Whitley had been trying to get a plea deal out of him for months. He could take a dick.

The lawyers he had were pretty much useless. Cooper bought and paid for them. Jason was getting free representation and Cooper was getting to keep his finger on him. Jason let them act as his lawyers so he could stay in the loop. Eventually, he would need to sever his ties with the pompous shit bags.

The guard led him to the private rooms where inmates met with their attorneys. The US attorney and the FBI agent both stood when Jason came in, but his own lawyer barely looked up.

Jason didn’t return the tight smile Brenden Whitley gave him, instead flopping into the seat across from them. The guard cuffed him to the iron table between them and stepped out of the room.

“Mr. Hollis, you remember Special Agent Nick Kessler?”

The Black man offered a tight nod.

“I do.” Jason sent Whitley a smug smile. “This sure is an honor, Brenden. It’s nice to see you taking such a hands-on approach.”

“Thank you,” Whitley said tightly. “We think you might have a reason to take our deal now.”

Jason’s lawyer sighed and put his phone down, his bored stare aimed at the prosecutor.

“Why would I do that?”

“Because, two nights ago, Marcus Cooper had Mercedes Elliott executed in her safe house.”

Blood rushed to Jason’s head. He couldn’t have heard that right. “You’d better not be fucking with me.”

“We’re not fucking with you, Mr. Hollis. Mercedes, along with both of her security detail were killed. Do you know a man named Thomas Martin, otherwise known as Prodigy?” Kessler slipped a photo out of his folder. Jason stared at it. The bullet opening up the man’s head didn’t detract from his features.

Yeah, he fucking knew Prodigy.

They used that fucker for assassinations and nothing more. Jason’s breath became shallow, and a numbness washed over him.

This can’t be true. She can’t be gone.

He glared up at Whitley. “Why aren’t you showing me Sadie? If she’s dead, why wouldn’t you show me her too?”

Cooper’s lawyer suddenly joined in. “Mr. Hollis, you shouldn’t speak until we . . .”

“Shut the fuck up.” Jason growled at the lawyer. He turned back to Whitley and Kessler. “Show me.”

Whitley and Kessler exchanged a look, and Kessler pulled out another picture and slid it across the table.

Jason turned away to breathe through the bile working its way up his chest. The image of the burned-out corpse seared into his mind. Her sweet face charred and ruined. That beautiful hair, nothing but scorched pieces. The gaping hole that cracked open her forehead told him they’d executed her from behind. The same way they did in most of their targets.

His throat was threatening to close. “How did they get to her?”

“Jason,” his lawyer tried to intervene.

Whitley ignored the lawyer. “The investigation is ongoing. But she had one of the highest levels of security the government could offer. Somehow they still managed.”

“Did either of the agents with her have debt? Or maybe a few secrets they couldn’t afford to let out?”

Whitley and Kessler shared a look. “It’s possible.”

Those motherfuckers had infiltrated her security and betrayed her.

He’d always known it was possible, but fuck.

“That’s how Cooper gets us. He finds something we need and exploits it. You want to watch their families to see if someone benefited from this . . . assassination.”

Agent Kessler leaned forward. “You know, with Sadie gone, we don’t have as strong of a case.”

Anger clawed through him. “Why is that my problem? You fuckers are the ones who were supposed to protect her. What were you doing while these people tricked her into thinking she was safe and then slaughtered her? Hmm?”

“He’s going to get away with all of it, Jason.” Whitley’s words rang in his head. “Not just the case, but her murder too.”

“What do you mean? You have the assassin’s body. The fuck else do you need?”

“Proof,” Whitley snapped. “We know damn well he ordered the hit. But we have jack shit when it comes to proving it.”

That asshole Cooper would get away with her murder, only because he’d been rich enough to cover his crimes.

Not this time.

“What do you want from me?”

“Jason,” his lawyer tried again. “We need to end this conversation now. I need a moment with my client.”

“Fuck off,” Jason growled, rage coursing through him. “You’re fired. Get out.”

“But . . .”

“You don’t represent me. Tell Cooper to get ready. Now, get the fuck out!”

The rushing of Jason’s pulse in his ears drowned out the lawyer’s complaints as he left the room.

How was she gone? This couldn’t be real. She was going to come around. Jason had been so damn sure.

“Do you want to consult a different attorney?” Whitley broke through his grief.

“No, I don’t give a fuck. What do I need to do?”

“Write up a statement telling us everything Marcus Cooper has ever done and then testify. Make sure that fucker pays.”

Laughter burst from Jason’s chest. Fuck it. “All right. I do have a few requirements for my testimony.”

Whitley took out a pen, poising it above the paper expectantly.

“I want to be free and under protection while I await trial.”

Whitley tapped his finger on the table. “I can’t just make that happen. We have to . . .”

“I don’t give a shit.” Jason snapped. “I’m not going to rot in this fucking place. Make it happen.”

Whitley sighed. “What else?”

“Full immunity. Not even a hint of a charge.”

Whitley jotted that down. “I’ll see what I can do.”

“When is her funeral?”

“In a week.”

“I’d want to be there.”

Kessler shifted in his seat. “That might be tough. We don’t know where they’re holding it. It might be in London. If it is, there is no way you’re going.”

Jason’s head popped up. “Why would Sadie’s funeral be in London?”

“She was planning to return there when the trial ended.”

Jason’s heart faltered. There was only one reason she would want to live in that city again. Mercedes had planned to be with Alec McKinley, after all. After everything Jason had done for her, she would have still picked McKinley.

It didn’t matter anymore. She was dead.

Jason wanted to die too. But not before he fucked Marcus Cooper over.