The Lies That Shatter by A.V. Asher

Chapter Twenty-Six

“Are you okay?” Kristin’s soft voice broke through Alec’s thoughts. She slipped her hand into his. The afternoon sunlight cast shadows and light across her worried face as their cab made its way west to Luke and Charlotte’s house.

Even before they had left the courthouse, Kristin was watching him warily. Not that he could blame her. Everything was in bloody shambles.

“Aye, I’m fine.”

He wasn’t fine, nothing was as it should be.

But he couldn’t tell Kristin how the revelations from this afternoon meeting shredded him.

Mercedes hadn’t signed the document. She’d fought to tell him.

So, they fucking drugged her.

You should have let me go at the hospital. It gave me hope, and I can’t rely on hope.

Jesus, this was a disaster.

Kristin’s face was filled with worry. “We don’t have to go tonight. If she’s going to upset you, I’d rather not.”

Now that her testimony was over, Mercedes was being allowed visits with Charlotte. Charlotte had practically begged Alec to come to dinner that evening. He’d declined, not thinking it right to leave Kristin on her own. But Charlotte invited her too, saying she had already talked to Mercedes about it. Charlotte’s wide hazel eyes became misty when she talked about having her entire family together and Alec couldn’t refuse.

Not that he wanted to. The desire to be around Mercedes was overwhelming.

“She won’t upset me.”

Kristin sighed. “She could. And then I’m left picking up the pieces.”

“I know this can’t be easy for you. You don’t have to go.”

“If you’re going, then so am I. I came all this way to help you through this, I’m not going to leave you when you need me.”

Alec didn’t need her, and that was the problem. Kristin wasn’t a pillar of strength holding him together.

“I can’t wait to go home tomorrow.” She stared out the window, her brow furrowed. “Won’t it be nice to get back to normal?”

Normal? Kristin had never known him when things were normal. She’d only had the moments of unrelenting grief.

“I’m not going home tomorrow.” Kristin’s gaze snap to him. “I need to see this through.”

The thought of leaving Mercedes while the trial was ongoing made his stomach churn. Now that he knew she hadn’t signed the order to destroy his heart, he was struggling with what he should do. But getting on that plane would be to abandon her completely.

“Alec . . .”

“You should still go.”

Kristin’s mouth fell open. “Are you ending this with me?”

Alec didn’t say anything for a second. “I don’t want to hurt you, but I think it might be for the best.”

Tears welled in her eyes. “Alec, I’m pretty sure I’m in love with you.”

He winced at the words he hadn’t wanted her to say. “Kristin . . .”

“I haven’t had a problem waiting for you to be ready because I knew you’d be worth it. You and I have been together for months, longer than you ever had with her. I don’t think it’s unreasonable to ask that you wait for the dust to settle before you send me packing.”

Alec nodded. His emotions had been everywhere over the last few days. The joy of knowing Mercedes still existed in this world, the anger in processing what they had taken from them again. He owed Kristin the courtesy of trying to make it work.

“Still, it might be better if you went home.”

“If you’re staying, then so am I.” When he opened his mouth to speak, she interrupted. “Alec, the only way I get on that plane alone is if you tell me you’re done. As long as I still have a chance, this is where I belong.”

The cab stopped in front of the house, and Alec paid the driver. Once they got out of the car, Alec stopped. “Kristin, I don’t know what’s going to happen. I can’t make any promises to you other than I’ll be honest with you.” He leaned toward her and cupped her cheek. “I have never wanted to hurt you.”

“I know, Alec. Just give me a chance. That’s all I ask.”

At his nod, she leaned up and kissed him. It was light, one they had shared many times before. When she opened to take more, his reflex was to lean back. He tried to cover the reaction, but it was written on her face.

“I’m going to try,” he said

* * *

Chaos was movingthrough the McKinley dining room. Alec and Kristin walked into a flurry of activity. Mason was helping to move chairs, and Declan was opening a bottle of wine in the kitchen.

“Put that glass over there.” Charlotte was directing Shake. He shifted the stem of the wineglass on the table again, trying to find the perfect placement until she said, “Yeah, that’s it.”

“I don’t think Sadie needs all of this, my love,” Luke said. “She’s probably just happy to see you.”

“I know,” Charlie said, wiping down a plate and placing it on the elegant table. “I need to keep busy.”

Alec looked for Mercedes, but there was no sign she’d arrived yet.

Shake saw the look. “They got a little tied up with her lawyer, mate. She went to her place to change, but she should be here soon.”

Alec took in the elaborate table setting. “Do you need any help?” He wasn’t sure he wanted to touch anything on the table. It looked like a photo shoot.

“Oh, no I think we’re just about ready.”

A knock came at the front door, and Alec’s heart dropped. Charlotte rushed to greet Mercedes as she stepped inside.

Jesus fucking Christ.

Everything about her was perfection. She wore a black V-neck top that lined her body and tight jeans that cuffed at the bottom with a pair of black high-heeled sandals. Her hair piled on top of her head with wisps framing her face. Three sets of necklaces hung at various lengths around her neck. Alec imagined her wearing only those, and his pulse quickened.

After Mercedes had given Charlotte a long hug, she stepped back. “Oh god, don’t cry. If you cry, then I will.”

“I’m sorry. This baby wants me to sob all the time.”

“Well, that’s okay then.” Mercedes turned to her companion and grabbed his arm. “Charlie, this is Noah. He’s saved my life and my sanity a few times.”

“We met the other day,” Charlotte said, snatching Noah up into a hug.

Mercedes scanned the room until her gaze landed on Alec. He saw when it happened. The shift in her demeanor, the way her shoulders dropped back and her chin lifted. The smile was too perfect.

The veneer was in place.

Except for her fingers. They never lied to him.

She walked to Kristin, the smile never faltering, “You must be Kristin,” at Kristin’s nod, she held out her hand. “I’m Mercedes. It’s nice to meet you.”

“You too.” Kristin’s smile was tight, and her hand immediately went back to Alec’s arm.

Mercedes looked up to Alec and smiled. “Alec.”

Her greeting cut right through him. Formal and passive, with a touch of hope in her tone. She only acknowledged him because it was expected. He opened his mouth to respond, but nothing came out. Her smile faltered and the veneer almost came crashing down.

“Where the hell have you been, you gorgeous bitch?” Cressida called out.

Another genuine smile spread across her face. “Damn, I’ve missed you, girl!” She pulled Cressida into a tight hug.

“Look at this fucking outfit.” Cressida stepped back and took in Mercedes clothes. “You’ve been on point all damn week. Where have they been hiding you? Milan? Good Christ!”

“Ha! I wish.” Mercedes laughed. Then her eyes caught onto Declan. He grinned at her.

“Dec!” She practically ran into his arms. He held her for longer than Alec expected. Declan was murmuring into her ear, and she was clinging to him.

He’d never envied his cousin more.

“So, she knows everyone,” Kristin said under her breath. Alec wasn’t sure if he was meant to hear it.

A knock came at the door and Mercedes stepped away from Declan.

“Are we expecting anyone else?” Alec asked Luke.

“Aye, just one more,” Luke said. “Charlie invited him.”

Mercedes brushed her hand through her hair and smoothed her shirt down. Alec caught the nervous drumming of her fingers. She knew who was coming.

When Ezra Coulter walked in the door, it was like a punch to the gut. Ezra made her nervous. Alec watched them greet each other, jealousy curling through his chest. He hadn’t spent a lot of time wrapped in the sensation, but the only woman who had ever invoked it was giving all her affection to a man who didn’t deserve her.

“You look incredible. I—” Ezra cleared his throat. He reached out and tugged Mercedes into his arms. She didn’t resist when he buried his head against her neck. When she drew away, she gave him a shy smile.

She was studying Ezra and Alec wanted to drag her out of this house and keep her to himself. Ezra had already made it clear he wanted her back in his life. Now she was sending signals that she wasn’t opposed to the idea.

Ezra pushed a lock of her hair from her face. “Can we talk? Not now, but soon?”

She nodded. “Maybe after dinner?”

Alec had a sudden and violent desire to beat the ever living fuck out of Ezra Coulter.

“Maybe she’s ready to move on too?” Kristin said quietly to him. Alec knew what Kristin was doing, but it didn’t make it any less effective.

Charlotte broke the moment, announcing that dinner was all set and ready. The group shifted with people walking to the dining room, but Ezra kept his hand on the small of Mercedes’s back. Guiding her to the table. She didn’t shrink from his touch. In fact, she seemed to welcome it.

When they settled around the table, Kristin’s eyes kept shifting to him. They stayed rather quiet while the rest of the table moved the conversation forward.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen eggs be both overcooked and raw until I made breakfast with Sadie one day.” Declan teased. Everyone snickered at Mercedes’s notoriously terrible cooking.

“Ha! I’ll have you know I only burn my eggs about thirty percent of the time now.”

Declan’s eyes went wide. “Oh, aye? Only thirty percent lass? That’s impressive!”

“It is, isn’t it? And that’s only because Noah is an angel and has patience for days.”

Noah grinned at her. “You’ve made a lot of strides from when we first started out, mi cielo. The first time we made enchiladas, I thought you were going to kill me with cumin.”

“More is better right,” Mercedes said with a laugh.

Noah’s grin widened. “Not when it comes to cumin.”

Mercedes giggled. Alec was mesmerized by that laugh.

Kristin popped up, her voice carrying across the table. “What does that mean? You call Mercedes, mi cielo, what does it mean?”

Noah’s dark eyes met with Mercedes’s. “It’s a term of endearment. It means my sky or my heaven.”

“Oh, that’s so cute.” Kristin’s gaze shot between the two of them, clearly implying that Mercedes and Noah were together.

Noah gave Kristin a crooked grin. “Oh, it’s adorable, but we did it for practical reasons. Sadie’s been my ‘wife’ for about ten months. Both of us struggled to call each other by our cover names, so we went with endearments to make it easier.”

“I called him sweetie, mostly,” Mercedes said. “Although one time I called him sugar boo in front of a priest. I thought he was going to throw his shoe at me.”

Alec bit back a laugh. Even after all she’d been through, her sense of humor remained as charming as ever.

“You look so natural together.” Kristin added. “I thought maybe there was something there.”

A flare of irritation ran through Alec. Kristin was reaching on this one. They had none of the tension that drove him crazy when he thought of Mercedes and Ezra.

Mercedes and Noah shared an amused look. “I’m gonna let you handle this one,” she snickered.

Noah grinned. “Ah, when it comes to selecting a partner, Sadie and I have very similar . . . tastes, if you know what I mean. We’re pretty incompatible.”

“Oh sorry! I didn’t realize . . .” Kristin stammered.

“No, it’s okay. Most people don’t look at me and think I’m a gay man.” Noah laughed. “And Sadie and I’ve been through a lot together, so I think it made our fake marriage seem more natural.”

Charlotte leaned forward and put her arms on the table. “Can you tell us what happened? They said you were in the hospital for a while. I . . . sort of need to know.”

Everyone grew quiet. Alec’s heart sped up. He hadn’t been able to stop thinking about her revelations, that the US marshal had been responsible.

“I was in the hospital because I had a gunshot wound and I burned my hand pretty badly trying to get out of the house.”

Charlotte sucked in her breath and covered her mouth with her hand.

“You were shot?” Alec said. She glanced at him in surprise and he realized it was the first time he’d spoken to her since she arrived. “Where?”

“In the leg.”

The room spun a touch. Alec was well aware of how painful a bullet ripping through your body could be. That she’d lived through that on her own made him sick.

Mercedes and Noah revealed all that had happened the night they supposedly died. That Noah wasn’t supposed to be there, but a personal matter had driven him to the house. How his partner lured Mercedes into the open, and when that didn’t work, had aimed her own gun at Mercedes to take her out. Mercedes didn’t go into detail of the agent’s death, but Alec could see it on her face how traumatized she was by it.

Now that he knew what had happened, Alec looked at Noah in a completely different light. This man had killed his own colleague to do his job and protect her. Her fight to keep Noah on her detail made perfect sense.

Mercedes smiled and pushed back her chair. “I’ll help with dishes, okay?”

It was clear she wanted to change the subject. She and Charlotte disappeared into the kitchen and of course Ezra followed them, his eyes all for Mercedes. Her laughter coming from the kitchen was more than Alec could take. She could destroy him with her casual flirting with Ezra.

It wasn’t the first time Alec had agonized over Mercedes finding another man attractive. The chemistry Alec thought existed between David Kennison and Mercedes wouldn’t touch what was happening right now in front of him.

Ezra already knew her. She’d loved him once and had given her heart to him. She was slipping further and further from Alec’s reach.

“Hey, I need a word.” Declan’s voice came from behind him.

His cousin sent him a look and Alec took the hint. He leaned toward Kristin. “I’ll be back in a minute.”

Kristin looked between the kitchen where Mercedes was and the living room, where Cressida had her phone in her hand. “Can’t I come with you?”

“I just need a few minutes of his time,” Declan said. “You can hang with Cressida if you like.”

Alec didn’t miss the flash of distaste that crossed Kristin’s face. “I’ll be right back.” He disentangled his arm from her grasp. It hadn’t gone unnoticed how much she had taken to clinging to him since Mercedes had returned.

Alec followed Declan down the stairs to the music room in the walkout basement.

Declan peered up the stairs to see that they were alone. Then he turned to Alec. “I’ve been trying to figure out a way to say this all week, but what the fuck are you doing?”

“What do you mean?”

“You know exactly what I mean.”

Alec blew out a deep exhale. Keeping it all in was tearing him apart. He ran his fingers through his hair. “Fuck, Dec,” his throat tightened. “What am I supposed to do?”

“I don’t know. Maybe not sit there glowering at her. Meanwhile, Ezra fucking Coulter is ready and willing to be there for her.”

So he wasn’t imagining the chemistry between Mercedes and Ezra. His chest hurt with the thought of them together.

“Goddamn it. This fucking sucks so bad.”

Declan frowned at him in disbelief. “It’s quite simple, really. You talk to her and tell her you’re sorry for being a total prat. And you let her know how much you’re still absolutely mad for her, and then you find a bed to take her to. It’s not that hard, Alec.”

Alec scoffed. “It’s way more complicated than that. What about Kristin? Today she told me she loved me and asked for a little time before I broke it off with her. I think she deserves that.”

“Aye, maybe she does. But is Kristin the choice you’re making?” Declan’s eyes narrowed. “Because if that’s the case, you’d better be damned sure. Sadie isn’t going to wait for your dumb ass forever.”

Jesus, how did he end up here?

Declan’s expression softened. “Look, I get you don’t want to hurt the lass. They’ve put you all in a shitty situation.” Declan leaned over and put his hand on Alec’s shoulder. “But I literally held you while you grieved for Sadie, and it broke my heart. If you think back to where you were then, I know you would have given anything to have her back. And now she’s here, you’re going to fuck it up?”

A shuffling on the steps drew Declan’s attention. He shot his gaze to Alec with a look of ‘I told you’.

Ezra was leading Mercedes down the stairs. Her hand was firmly in his. Alec took one look and nausea filled his stomach.

“Oh, sorry, guys. We were looking for a quiet place to talk. We can go up to one of the bedrooms.” Ezra’s flirty tone was directed at Mercedes.

I could kill him now.

“Nice try.” Mercedes bantered back with a laugh. “We’ll go out on the patio.” She walked to the door to the daylight basement, tugging on Ezra’s hand. “Are you guys going to be here for a while.” Alec could feel her eyes on him, but he was too lost in the jealousy boiling in his gut.

“Oh, aye. I got the guest room,” Declan said.

“I have to take Kristin back to the hotel,” Alec ground out. Regret immediately slammed into him.

What a dick thing to say.

“Well, you have a good night then.” Alec could hear it in her voice. He’d just fucked up.

Mercedes led Ezra out onto the patio and closed the door behind them.

“What the fuck was that?” Exasperation coated Declan’s tone. “Couldn’t resist pushing her face into it a little harder?”

“Shit!” Alec buried his face into his hands, his fingers trying to ease the ache across his brow. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me, Dec.”