The Lies That Shatter by A.V. Asher

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Mercedes was in hell. Not only did she have to sit and watch that woman latch onto Alec with that smug look on her face, but she had to smile and pretend it didn’t bother her. Like her heart hadn’t already hit the bottom of the well.

Alec barely spoke to her. Even after she had called out Whitley and his underhanded scheme, he was still so angry. It crushed her to see how much damage they had done to the man she loved.

Declan’s all-encompassing hug was a little bit of comfort. It immediately brought back the memories of sitting on a gurney in a London hospital, her arms wrapped around Declan as they both sobbed in relief that Alec was going to live. It seemed a lifetime ago.

“I lost him, Dec,” she murmured against him. “I didn’t think it could happen again.”

He squeezed her tighter. “You haven’t. He’s just had a hell of a go of it.”

“I know. And now he hates me,” she choked out.

“Not possible. Give him time.” He drew back, his expression filled with sympathy.

“I don’t have time.” Decisions had to be made, and soon. “I’m so grateful he had you.”

Mercedes stepped away, dabbing at her tears. She’d thought the well had dried up when Alec left her. But here she was, flooded with emotions over the love she lost.

Then there was Ezra.

He looked good. Too good.

The years had only added to his features. His striking emerald eyes and dirty blond hair had always been attractive, but the undernourished boy was gone. Instead, Ezra’s muscles filled out his tight T-shirt beautifully. The tattoos that decorated his corded forearms added a depth to him that hadn’t been there before. Like her own tattoos, they told a story only he understood.

When he pulled her into his arms, she let him hold her for longer than she should have. It was selfish, and she knew it. But it felt good to have Ezra comfort her. Even after all that had happened, she missed her childhood friend.

At dinner, Mercedes tried to focus on the conversation and not on Alec’s sharp gaze. He hadn’t said much more than a few polite words. Even after she and Noah told them what happened to her during the attack, Alec was stoic. She wished she knew what he was thinking, but he’d erected a wall between them, and she was left in the cold.

Mercedes and Charlotte cleared the table and washed up the dishes. She couldn’t get over how sweet her sister looked with her baby bump. Her own life might be shredded into pieces of heartache she couldn’t escape, but at least her baby sister had captured the dream. A kind husband who adored her, a career she loved, and now her dream of being a mother was coming true. Her happiness was tinged with a taste of envy. She would never have this chance for herself.

Piano music caught Mercedes’s attention as they were finishing up. Someone was playing Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony on the baby grand. Mercedes thought it might be Shake or Declan messing around. But when she entered the living room, she was stunned to find Kristin on the bench, tapping on the keys.

Mercedes’s heart fell out of her chest as Kristin played as if she owned the place.

And why not. She’d taken the most important thing in her life from her. Why not sit at her piano and play a shitty version of Beethoven?

Annoyance at Alec flushed over her. How could he think letting his woman touch her instruments was acceptable? She searched the room, but he wasn’t there. Instead, she caught Cressida’s eyes. Cressida’s brow was furrowed in a sympathetic frown. Mercedes shook her head and rolled her eyes.

Kristin looked up but didn’t acknowledge her.

A large, warm hand laced through hers, and she looked up at Ezra. “Is this a good time to talk?”

Mercedes cast another look at Kristin, who was plunking along as if she were at Carnegie Hall.

“Now would be great.”

Mercedes let him keep her hand in his as he led her downstairs. The smell of her old studio hit her. Damn, she missed this place.

Alec and Declan were already sitting on the couch, deep in conversation.

When Alec’s stormy gaze met hers, the wall was down. Pain and grief coated his expression, making her ache to wrap herself around him and hold him tight.

His eyes landed on her hand laced with Ezra’s, and the wall shot back up. Alec looked away, not acknowledging her presence.

“Oh, sorry, guys. We were looking for a quiet place to talk. We can go up to one of the bedrooms.” Ezra was already flirting with her like nothing had changed.

Alec’s gaze shot back up, and his face twisted.

“Nice try.” Mercedes tried to take away any sting his joking may have had on Alec. “We can go out on the patio.” She walked to the door, pulling on Ezra’s hand. “Are you going to be here for a while?” she asked both of them. Maybe Alec would talk with her one more time. She craved a warm word from him.

“Oh, aye. I got the guest room,” Declan answered with a grin.

“I have to take Kristin back to the hotel,” Alec said, his jaw set.

The flip of her stomach was nauseating. The image of Alec and Kristin kissing and ripping off each other’s clothes made her gut revolt.

Mercedes jerked open the slider. “Well, you have a good night then.” She choked out before she stepped outside. Ezra followed her, his hand resting on her back.

Once they were outside, she gulped in as much fresh air as she could.

Ezra’s sandalwood scent filled the space. She sat on the patio furniture and waited for her heart to slow its pace.

“Hey, are you okay?” Ezra tilted his head at her.

Just breathe.“I—I don’t know.”

Ezra looked back into the basement, where the light illuminated on Alec and Declan. Their dark heads were pushed together. Whatever the conversation was, it was deep.

“I’ve spent a little time with him after you were . . . gone. He seemed like a good guy.”

Mercedes nodded. “He’s the best guy.” She couldn’t keep the hurt from her voice.

“But he has a girlfriend.” Ezra’s tone was sympathetic.

She nodded. “Yeah. They lied to him, and he moved on. I’m doing the best I can.”

God, it fucking hurt.

Ezra tilted his head, taking another glance through the window. “I can’t imagine how hard this is for you.”

Mercedes could still see Alec, his head down and his fingers tented against his forehead. His eyes darted to the window a couple of times, like he was waiting for them to come back.

“It was worse for him.” She had to stop looking at him. It hurt too fucking bad. “What did you want to talk about?” She turned her attention to Ezra.

Ezra nodded. “I, um . . . I wanted to apologize.”


“Yeah, it’s long overdue.” His voice cracked with emotion. “I—I fucked up with you. So bad. You were my best friend. My only sanctuary during some of the worst times in my life.” He stood and walked around the patio furniture to sit next to her. “It was the worst mistake I ever made, and I wanted to tell you how sorry I was that I hurt you.”

The warm gaze of her oldest friend met hers. When she’d opened that door and caught him screwing one of her classmates, she thought she would fall apart. Up until then, Ezra had been the only one who had ever loved her for herself, and suddenly he was gone.

That was the pattern, wasn’t it?





There had been other men she’d dated, but these were the ones who had leveled her. They loved her enough to give her a taste of normality. Then they pulled the rug, leaving her devastated.

There was no pain that equaled the hell she was living in. Thinking of Alec naked in bed with Kristin would nauseate her forever. The knife would twist every time that woman gazed adoringly at what belonged to her.

Except Alec didn’t belong to her.

She looked into Ezra’s emerald eyes and tried to judge if the remorse was real. Years of Jason’s false apologies had left her jaded. But he seemed sincere.

“It was a lifetime ago and a different world for both of us. ”

Ezra’s breath let out with a whoosh. “Does that mean you forgive me?”

“Yeah. Life’s too short to hold on to grudges like this.”

Relief flooded Ezra’s face. “Can I see you tomorrow?”

“I’ll be here for dinner again. It’s not a good idea to be seen with you in public. Your fame would make the press go nuts.” She smiled up at him. “I’m proud of you, by the way. You’ve done some amazing things.”

“Thanks.” Ezra smiled. “I’m so grateful to have you back.”

He pulled her back into his arms and again, she didn’t resist him. In the back of her mind, she knew she would need to lay out some boundaries. She wasn’t about to fall all over him because she had a broken heart. But at this moment, letting him soothe her soul was irresistible.

When she drew away, he stayed close enough that his breath brushed her cheek. He leaned toward her like he was going to kiss her. She put a hand on his chest. “Ez . . .”

He grimaced and stepped back. “Sorry, I—”

“No, it’s okay. I’m not ready for any of that. Like at all.”

He nodded. “Because of Alec?”

“Yeah. Because of Alec.” She looked down at her hands. “A week ago, I thought I was his everything. That I’d finally found someone who saw me, all of me, and loved me anyway. So, I’m not ready. I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry. I get it, Mercy. When you’re ready, I’ll be here. I’m not going to fuck it up again.”

“Thank you. We should go in.”

Alec and Declan were still on the couch when they stepped inside. This time when Alec looked at her, he held her gaze. It was one of those soul shaking looks that could level her in a second.

God, she missed him so much.

She tore her eyes away and followed Ezra up the stairs.

Alec’s voice stopped her. “Sadie, do you have a minute?”

Her heart leaped into her throat. Alec stood, his stare piercing into her very soul. She would give him whatever he asked for. “Of course.”

“Alec, are you about ready?” Kristin called, her steps thumping on the stairs. “I was hoping we could get a drink at the bar before bed.”

Pain snapped through her like lightning. “It looks like you don’t though.”

Mercedes brushed by him, passing Kristin on the stairs. The high heels mixed with her trembling, and she nearly fell. She scanned the living room until she found Noah. He and Shake were bent over Shake’s phone, laughing at whatever was on the screen. Noah saw her and immediately stood.

Mercedes had reached her limit and needed to get the hell out of there now. She found Charlotte and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.

“I have to go, lovey. I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Wait, I thought we could . . .”

“I can’t. Tomorrow, okay?” She was already making her way to the door where Noah was waiting.

“Sadie, wait,” Alec said behind her.

It was too late. She was going to fall apart, and she’d rather be alone when it happened.

“Good night,” she called over her shoulder, jerking the door open. Somehow, she made it down the stoop and was nearly to the car when Alec grabbed her arm. She spun on her heel to face him.

“What?” she snapped.

Concern filled Alec’s expression. “Are you okay?”

She scoffed. “I’m great. Everything’s just perfect. Enjoy your drink.”

Mercedes wrenched the door open and slammed it behind her. She kept her composure long enough for Noah to pull down the street, leaving Alec on the curb.