The Lies That Shatter by A.V. Asher

Chapter Eight

Alec’s heart fractured with every beat. That morning, he’d carried the urn onto the flower strewn stage and placed it on the cloth-covered table. Just keeping his legs from buckling under him was a chore.

There were so many people filling the seats. Musicians and lawyers. Bartenders and restaurant owners. Mercedes had an eclectic group of people in her life.

Alec stuck close to Charlotte. She’d asked him to sit next to her during the service. Luke remained next to his wife, anticipating her needs before she could ask. Alec watched his younger cousin’s gentleness with his wife and was thankful Charlotte had him. He’d always been the sweeter of the three of them.

There was a buzz in the crowd behind him. Cressida and Shake had leaned in together and were whispering to one another.

Ezra Coulter made his way through the crowd. Broad chested and tall, he would have stood out, even if he wasn’t famous. Tattoos peeked out through his sleeves and his long blond hair was neatly tied back. When Ezra spotted Charlotte, he walked toward her, not seeming to notice the whispers of people around him. They weren’t just gossiping over a celebrity in their midst. Most of the musical crowd seemed to know him, too. Ezra stopped to shake the hands of several people on his way to Charlotte.

When he reached her, he pulled her into his arms. “Hey kiddo, how are you holding up?”

“I’m doing my best,” she said, muffled against his chest. Alec could see Charlotte’s resolve was slipping. She clung to Ezra, tears streaming. When Ezra drew away, he dabbed at his eyes.

“I’m glad you’re here,” Charlotte said, rubbing Ezra’s arm.

He laughed ruefully. “I doubt she would have felt the same.”

“I don’t know about that. I think she’d moved past it.”

“I hope so.”

Charlotte touched Alec’s arm. “Ezra, this is Alec McKinley.”

Green eyes rimmed with red turned to Alec. “Oh, damn. You have to be related to Luke.” Ezra held out his hand to Alec.

Alec smiled and took it. “Aye, I’m his cousin.”

“Ah, did you know Mercy?”

The name threw Alec. He’d never heard her called that before.

Charlotte stepped in. “Alec and Sadie were together. She was planning on joining him in London when the trial was over.”

Ezra nodded, studying Alec. There was a little envy and a lot of regret on his face. “You’re a lucky man to have had her love you.”

“Aye, thank you. I know.” Alec managed a smile.

A violinist took to the stage to open the celebration of life. Ezra stiffened and said to Charlotte. “I’ll be close by, kiddo.”

Alec followed Charlotte and Luke to the front row. The violinist played a quiet tune, which was agonizing to listen to. Most of the service came and went in a blur. Mercedes hadn’t been particularly religious, so they filled the service with music and stories told by the people who knew her.

When Ezra walked to the stage, the room seemed to collectively hold its breath while he struggled to speak.

“Many of you know who I am, but only a handful of you know me. The real me.” He scanned the audience and smiled and nodded at a few old friends. “Most of you, I met because of Mercy. The music world should have known her name, not mine. She was so much better than most of us. I would be nothing if not for her. Quite literally.” The last words came off as a jest and the crowd tittered. “Mercy and I had a special connection. We lived across the hall from each other, and our mothers seemed to be in competition for who could be the worst person in the world. She was my best friend, and I screwed it up. I will live with that regret for the rest of my life.”

Alec watched Ezra walk off the stage, knowing he should feel something for this man, but he was too engulfed in his own pain to spare anything.

After the service was over, they moved to the reception in a nearby dining hall. Fatigue was pulling Alec down. He shook hands on autopilot, managing tense smiles and thank yous to guests as they said their farewells.

Mason was suddenly next to him, his considerable weight keeping Alec from passing by him. Alec frowned at his friend. “Everything alright, mate?”

“Eh. We need to head to the car.”

“What?” Alec shook his head. “We still have a lot to do before we can leave.”

“Dec and I can take care of it.” Mason grasped his arm and tried to guide him toward the back door.

“Mason, what the hell?” Alec resisted the hold. “Are you losing your wits, man?”

Charlotte let out a soft gasp and Alec turned his gaze to where she was looking.

Jason fucking Hollis was standing only meters from them.

Luke pulled Charlotte behind him and took a step toward Jason. “What the fuck do you want?”

Jason gave Charlotte a sad smile. “I came by to let Charlie know I’m here if she needs anything.”

Alec’s exhaustion dropped away like lead, and an overwhelming need to beat the ever-loving fuck out of Jason Hollis rushed through his veins. He moved, ready to unload the rage he’d been storing away.

Mason already had Alec by the waist. “No, no, no, man. Can’t do that.”

“What the fuck are you doing here?” Alec growled.

“I’m not here to cause problems. I’m just . . . saying goodbye.” Jason had peppered his tone with enough anguish to seem sincere.

“You’re not welcome here. You need to leave.” Charlotte’s voice trembled.

Jason took a step toward Charlotte, and Alec lunged against Mason and now Shake’s grip. “I will snap your fucking neck,” Alec warned.

Declan moved between them and got in Jason’s face. “You need to get the fuck out of here before we let him go.”

“You don’t want to do that now that I’m the one who will be taking down Cooper.” Jason smirked.

“What are you on about?” Declan frowned.

“Didn’t you hear? Since Alec went and let Sadie die.” Jason’s taunting smirk roiled Alec’s blood. “I’m the key witness now. They begged me to testify.” Jason peered past Declan’s shoulder at Charlotte, and his eyes softened. “I’m doing this for Sadie.”

“Get out of here,” she said in disgust. Her gaze shot to the man who appeared to be escorting Jason. “Why has he been allowed here? This is a private service.”

The escort stepped toward Jason. “Alright, let’s go. Clearly, they don’t want to talk to you. They didn’t give you permission to come here to cause problems.”

Jason shrugged off the grasp, but he turned to walk up the steps. His gaze landed on Ezra, and he stopped.

“You let this fucking guy stay?” Jason said incredulously. “He literally fucked another woman in your sister’s bed. You’re good with that?”

Charlotte gasped. Ezra straightened up to his full height and glared at Jason.

“Un-fucking-believable.” Jason looked Ezra up and down. Then he let his escort lead him from the room.

Mason released his hold on Alec. “Sorry, man. Didn’t think it would be a good idea for you to get arrested here.”

Alec’s temper was working back down to a simmer. “Aye. Probably a good call.” He straightened out his suit and inhaled a deep breath.

Ezra caught Alec’s eye and he could tell he was trying to shake off Jason’s words, too. That was Jason’s gift. He knew a person’s weakness before they did. Then he exploited it.

Alec stepped closer to Ezra. “Hey, mate.” Ezra looked up, his expression desolate. “I know for a fact she forgave you, a long time ago.”

“You do?” Ezra’s brows creased.

“Aye. And she missed having your friendship. I thought you should know.”

Relief came to Ezra’s face, and he held out his hand. “I appreciate it.”

“Anytime.” Alec gave him a firm handshake. “We’re heading out to Baker Beach to let some of Sadie’s ashes out to sea. You should come with us.”

Ezra sniffed. “Okay, thank you.”

Alec nodded and then made his way back up the stairs to the stage. He inhaled deeply, the scent of the roses and lilies filling his senses. Carefully, he picked up the urn and held what was left of Mercedes to his chest.

The world would never be the same, and Alec was unsure he would ever find his place in it again.