Dungeon Daddy by Golden Angel

Chapter 16


It was babygirl heaven. Or littles heaven. Whatever. She would have killed for this room when she was five. Or twenty-five. Forget a red room; she was all about the pink.

Light pink walls, pink carpet, white furniture, and a pink canopy on the bed with a pink comforter that dripped with white frills. There were stuffed animals on the shelves, books, a rocking horse, a white table, and chairs—she ignored the rings on the furniture that showed how easily it could go from a coloring space to a kink space—and pretty much everything she could want. Her head was already shifting into babygirl space, which she wasn’t sure was a good thing, but in a room like this, she couldn’t help it.

“The actual sleeping quarters are through here,” Master Lawrence said, moving to the back of the room where there was another door.

Esther peeked, but only for a moment before she turned her attention back to the pink room. That room was boring compared to this one. It looked like a normal hotel room.

This was the fun room.

She went to the shelf and picked up a white stuffed bunny. It smelled clean and fresh as though it had just come out of the laundry and was so soft and furry against her cheek. Giving it a squeeze, she tucked it against her chest as she explored while Jax and Master Lawrence went into the second room.

There were several cabinets hanging on the walls and a dresser with a bunch of drawers. Esther opened each of them.


Found the sex stuff.

The dresser was filled with brand new toys, still in their packaging, and the cabinets had all sorts of implements that could easily be cleaned and sanitized. She assumed in case someone forgot something or decided they wanted to try out something new. Kind of like a minibar, but with vibrators and butt plugs.

“What do you think?” Jax asked.

Esther turned around to face him. She’d been so busy exploring, she hadn’t noticed him back into the room and Master Lawrence already on his way out, the door to the hall closing behind him.

“This is amazing,” she said honestly. “I would love if Gavin had something like this at the Outlands.”

“Yeah, the private fantasy rooms are a nice touch.” Jax looked around, shaking his head with bemusement. “This is an awful lot of pink, though.”

“I think it’s just the right amount,” Esther sassed back without thinking. Her babygirl side had snuck up on her, and from the flash in Jax’s eyes, he recognized it. Immediately, her stomach did a little flip, waiting to see how he reacted.

“So, you wanted to eat downstairs?” he asked.

Even though the answer was yes, and even though she had explicitly said she didn’t want to jump straight into the sex stuff, Esther was a little disappointed. This room…

Well. There’d be time enough for that later.


* * *


The pink room was amazing, even better than it had looked in the pictures online. Jax was already making plans in his head. He could tell the room was getting to Esther. It was designed to bring out that side of her. Getting both of them into the right headspace would be no chore at all.

In the meantime, they could eat a wonderful dinner at the restaurant downstairs. As they passed, Morgan stopped them to let them know there was a back hall and elevator that would take them straight up to their room if they wanted to return while the show was going on.

Hearing that, Jax thought Esther might change her mind about not watching the show, but after a moment, she headed for the stairs. Ah, well, definitely tomorrow night. Anticipation would make it more exciting.

A restaurant in a busy city on a Friday night, Marquis was bustling, with plenty of opportunity for people-watching. He and Esther tried to pick out who might be kinky and who was there for the food.

“What do you think about our server?” Esther asked after the young woman dropped off their dinners. “Kinky? Or totally unaware of what’s going on upstairs?”

“I mean, I think even if they’re not kinky, anyone who works here has to have an inkling of what’s going on upstairs. Everyone at the Outlands knows what goes on downstairs, even those who only work the dayshift.”

“True.” Esther dug into her risotto, her lips curving up in a little smirk. “I can only imagine it would be hard to squash gossip in the kitchen. Someone’s gotta be working upstairs where the show is.”

“Hopefully, they warn them ahead of time,” Jax said with a wink, making Esther burst out laughing. The idea of a total newbie walking into a kink show, ready to serve dinner, was hilarious.

A tall, curvy redhead—beautiful, though not in as showy as Morgan—came to a halt next to their table, her lips curving in a smile to meet Esther’s laugh. In a silky bright-red shirt, a black skirt that hugged her hips and fell to her knees, and high heels at least three inches high, everything about her screamed ‘manager.’ One look at her and Jax’s instincts also screamed ‘Domme.’

“How is everything here? Enjoying your meal?” she asked.

“It’s wonderful,” Esther said, beaming up at her, practically bouncing in her seat.

“Fantastic, thank you.”

“Good, good. I’m Olivia, and I manage Marquis. Let me know if you need anything. Hope to see you at the show tomorrow,” she said with a wink before walking away.

“Domme,” Esther whispered to him with a giggle. “There is no way she’s not part of the club, and she’s definitely a Domme.”

“Oh, really? What makes you think that?” he teased back, sliding his arm around the back of her shoulders.

Esther rolled her eyes.

“You mean, other than when she looked at me, I wanted to kneel on the floor when I’m not usually submissive that way?”

Jax had to laugh. There weren’t too many Dominants who could make Esther sit up and pay attention—she was a true babygirl brat. Jax was one of them when he was in Daddy mode, and Gavin was another, but there weren’t many others at the club—including Aiden. Esther had a finely tuned sense of which Dominants would and wouldn’t indulge her.

Apparently, she sensed Olivia wouldn’t, and Jax knew to trust Esther’s instincts on that matter.

* * *


Dinner had been wonderful, but now that they were heading back upstairs to their room, anxiety was striking.

Now what?

Things had been nice at dinner, but she didn’t know what Jax would expect from her once they got upstairs, especially with that room. Even though she knew he hadn’t been cheating on her, hadn’t been out looking for a more ‘sophisticated,’ younger woman, there was still a part of her hesitant to jump back into calling him Daddy. No matter how much she wanted to.

Jax’s hand squeezed hers as if he could feel her anxiety. Maybe he could. He’d always been observant. Well… he had when he was her Daddy. Maybe that was part of why things had gotten off track between them. Esther was used to him noticing her emotions and acting on them, but it wasn’t an excuse for not talking to him if she was unhappy and he wasn’t noticing, but it was still an interesting revelation.

“How does a movie sound when we get upstairs?”

“Yeah?” Her voice wavered as though she was asking a question herself rather than answering his.

“Yeah. There are televisions in both rooms, and the room comes with streaming channels, so we can watch just about anything we want.”

It only took about two seconds for Esther to decide what she wanted to watch.

“The Princess Bride.”

Jax chuckled, reaching into his pocket with his free hand to grab the keycard with his left hand rather than letting go of her hand. He winked as he opened the door for her.

“As you wish.”

Was it any wonder she wanted to go all melty and soft for him?

Esther sat down on the canopy bed while Jax got the movie ready, then joined her. They laid on their sides, Jax’s big body curled around hers. She started off tense… and not just because of the screaming eels. Jax’s hand stroked her stomach while they watched, and by the time Wesley was climbing the Cliffs of Insanity, she had relaxed against him.

Apparently, he was serious about keeping things PG tonight. Which was fine… it was… except the more he respected that line, the more she wanted to cross it.

She shifted her hips. Just a little. A wiggle to get more comfortable. That’s all it was.


Jax’s fingers kept gently stroking her stomach as if he hadn’t really noticed how snugly her bottom fitted against his groin. This had been a lot easier when they were younger, when a mere brush of touch against his dick got him hard. Still. She shifted again.


Felt movement against the curve of her bottom.

Waited a few minutes.

Another wiggle.

Jax’s fingers stilled against her stomach.

Breathe. She could hardly play innocent if she held her breath.

The movie rolled on, and Jax’s fingers started stroking her stomach again. She couldn’t decide if she was disappointed. She could feel he was half-hard, partial erection nudging her butt. She’d had some effect.

Esther focused on the movie, totally invested in the banter between Miracle Max and his wife. Yup. She giggled at their antics. Wiggled. Because she was giggling, of course. It was a totally normal movement that just happened to press her ass firmly against Jax’s growing erection because she was laughing so hard.

Jax’s fingers splayed out against her lower stomach, and he rocked his hips forward, his now completely hard bulge in his pants wedging between the crease of her ass.

“Babygirl, you are playing a very dangerous game,” he growled in her ear, making the little hairs on the back of her neck stand up.

“What game?” she asked, her voice as innocent as possible. Whoops. Might have overplayed her hand there. Naughty girl.

Yeah, her babygirl side was out in full force.

Teeth nipped at her earlobe, making her gasp, as his hand moved over her hip to the curve of her bottom and squeezed, sending her senses on high alert. Her nipples hardened, tingling with anticipation, her pussy throbbed and clenched, and she squirmed again, but this time because she truly couldn’t help herself.

“Keep it up, babygirl,” Jax murmured in her ear, his voice deepening. “Daddy’s happy to take care of you tonight if that’s what you need.”


It was like setting off a bomb inside her libido. Every part of her yearned. She arched her back without thinking, firmly pressing her ass against his groin.

“That’s it.”

Before she could protest or say she hadn’t meant to, Jax was upright and pulling her over his lap. The position was oh-so-familiar, making her heart pound and her thighs press together against the tingling between them. She loved and hated being here but had missed it so much, she hadn’t cared until she was actually in it. Or maybe part of her hadn’t thought he would really do anything. She’d been testing her limits.

Either way, now that her ass was on the line, she was regretting the impulse to tease him.

“Wait! The movie’s still going!”

Really, Esther? The movie is still going? That’s the best you can come up with?

At the moment, yes. Give her a few days, and she might come up with something better.

“No problem.” Jax hit the pause button. “I’m sure it will wait, and my naughty babygirl will have an easier time focusing when she has a nice, red-hot bottom.”