Dungeon Daddy by Golden Angel

Chapter 18


When Jax talked dirty in that smooth, deep, sexy voice of his, Esther couldn’t help but blush. Dirty talk was not something that came naturally to her, but the words always seemed to trip easily off his tongue. Half the time, she was sure he did it to make her turn pink, but the other half, she knew he did it because he liked it.

She liked it, too.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, she scooted into place. The long t-shirt she was wearing fell around her hips, covering her upper thighs.

“Lie back,” Jax reminded her, sliding his hands and arms under her legs. She didn’t have much choice but to obey as he gripped her hips, pulling her forward to the edge of the bed, with her legs draped over his shoulders. Esther fell back, and the movement shifted her shirt enough, she was now totally exposed below the waist.

There was something especially naughty about being half-clothed while Jax’s face was between her thighs. Being fully naked should feel naughtier, but it didn’t. Being partially covered made it feel more taboo, more as though they were doing something they shouldn’t be.

Lips pressed against the inside of her right thigh, and she moaned, trying to squirm closer to him, but his hands tightened their grip on her hips, holding her in place. He kissed her again, closer to her pussy, but not nearly close enough to satisfy her. His goatee tickled her, teasing her even more.

“Daddy,” she whined, her hips moving up and down as best she could while he had her pinned to the bed. “Please…”

“Please what, babygirl?” Jax licked along the outside of her pussy, his tongue swiping up to pass over her clit but not actually touch it. Esther squealed, then groaned. He wanted her to say it, knowing it would make her blush even harder than his dirty talk.

“Please… kiss me.” Her brain urged her to spit the words out and get it over with, but her mouth never obeyed. Something hidden in her psyche always resisted, and she never understood why.

It was as if she enjoyed being sexually tortured.

“Kiss you where?” he asked, planting a kiss on her left thigh, directly across from where’d he’d started on her right. The sadistic tease. Esther squirmed, her hips lifting.

“You know where, Daddy.”

“I do, but I want to hear you say it.” He licked the opposite side of her pussy, tracing his tongue along the lip, teasing her.

Esther gripped his wrists where he was holding her place, writhing with her need. She panted for breath, unable to catch it, and strained. His hot breath wafted over her wet, needy folds, his mouth hovering just out of reach.

“Please… please, kiss my pussy.” Heat climbed into her face, saying the word out loud, but the reward was worth it.

Jax’s tongue slid between her lower lips, a smooth stroke from the bottom to the top where he circled her clit, and Esther moaned, her hips jerking upwards. He didn’t kiss, he feasted, sliding his tongue up and down her slit, laving her clit, then circling around to do it again.

“Oh, Daddy!” The combination of the sensation and finally calling him her Daddy again sent Esther soaring. Releasing his wrists, she pressed down on his head, the smooth skin giving her nothing to grip, but that had never mattered.

He sucked her clit into his mouth, and she cried, pussy rubbing against his face as her ecstasy spiraled. The hands on her hips gripped her harder, holding her in place as she came, pleasure crashing in waves over her. Esther thrashed her head back and forth, shuddering and squeezing her thighs together before going limp and panting for breath.

Staring at the pink canopy above her, she knew this wasn’t how she’d expected this evening to go, but she wasn’t sad.

Jax sat back, letting her legs drop, and Esther blinked in surprise when he got to his feet. The bulge at the front of his pants was still prominently displayed as he stretched upward, but she could already tell from his demeanor he wouldn’t do anything about it.


Letting his arms drop, Jax winked at her.

“Tonight was about you, babygirl. No sex, remember?”

Yeah, she remembered, but she hadn’t expected to be so disappointed.

Still, half an hour later, as they curled up together on the much larger bed in the hotel room behind the pink room, Esther had to admit—as before—him resisting just made her want him even more. She had a feeling he knew it, too. Her devious Daddy.

* * *


Someone was being very naughty this morning.

He came out of sleep to the sensation of fingers curling around his hard cock. Falling asleep with an erection hadn’t been fun, but he’d been happy to do it for two reasons—he’d promised Esther and had realized how frustrating it was for her. He did enjoy teasing his babygirl.

Apparently, she’d had enough teasing and had taken things into her own hands this morning—literally.

Opening his eyes, Jax looked down his body to where Esther was kneeling at the side of his hip, fingers wrapped around his cock.

“Good morning, Daddy,” she said impishly. Tossing her long, dark hair over her shoulder, it brushed against his thigh, adding to the enjoyable mix of sensations as she pumped his cock.

“Good morning, babygirl.” He raised his eyebrows. “You’re being very naughty.”

Esther stuck out her tongue and licked the tip of his cock, making him groan and flex his hips as pleasure rushed through him. She was completely naked, even though she’d gone to bed wearing her long shirt, sans panties. Jax enjoyed the view. He’d always loved watching her play with his cock.

Sliding his hands under his head, he propped himself up so he could watch as she stroked him, her tongue flicking out to tease the sensitive head and slit, while she peeked up at him to see how he was reacting. When their gazes met, she giggled and dropped eyes, so she could open her lips and take the tip of the head between them.

Groaning, he pushed his hips up again, pushing deeper into the hot, wet heat of her mouth. Fuck, that felt amazing. First thing in the morning, he had less control than later in the day, especially when he hadn’t been expecting to wake up to Esther in a sexy mood. That she was starting his day off with her mouth…

He debated pulling her pussy up to his mouth again and reciprocating, but seeing how much she was enjoying focusing on him, he decided to let her have her fun. His babygirl wanted to play, and he was happy to let her. Besides, that would help start her day off in a sexy mood, which would persist if she didn’t get hers right away, and that would be fun, too.

At first, she teased, using mostly her tongue and only taking the first few inches of his cock into her mouth, her hand pumping in time. Jax relaxed, enjoying the teasing, loving watching her play. Giving her a stern look every time she peeked up at him made her giggle, and the vibrations played pleasurably over his cock.

Eventually, her patience ran out before his did. She moved her hand, sliding it down so only her forefinger and thumb circled the base of his cock and she could slide her entire mouth over him. Groaning, Jax abandoned his efforts to remain casual and let her have her way.

Reaching down, he threaded his fingers through her dark hair, twining it around his hand so he could take over her movements, which turned her on even more. He could tell from the way she started wiggling and humming when she slid her lips over him.

“Fuck, babygirl…” He jerked beneath her as her lips moved down to press against her fingers. She sucked hard, her tongue flicking along the sensitive underside of his cock.

Moving her head up and down, he established a fast, hard rhythm that left her whimpering and gagging, yet she didn’t even try to stop or slow him. She kept going, suckling him, taking everything he had to give her until his pleasure finally peaked, and he pulsed inside her mouth. Her throat worked, massaging the head of his cock as he throbbed and jerked until he finally went lax with a shuddering gasp.

A moment later, Esther sat up with a very ‘cat who got the cream’ smile on her face and licked her lips. Jax pulled her down next to him for a cuddle, his cock soft and satisfied against his thigh.

“Naughty girl,” he said without any real heat.

Giggling, Esther squirmed beside him, then tipped her head back to meet his eyes. It didn’t matter they’d grown older together or if there were lines on her face where there hadn’t been before. She was still every bit his babygirl—as she always had been. Why the hell had he let things go between them for so long?

Never again. That was his new vow to her. The old adage that marriage took work was something he’d always believed, but now, he also realized, it wasn’t so much work as it was wooing. Courtship. Noticing the simple, beautiful little things every day, like how much Esther’s eyes lit up when he called her naughty girl or good girl and taking pleasure in it.

“So…” She walked her fingers up his chest before stopping and rubbing the center, right between his pecs. “What are we doing today?”

Chuckling, Jax glanced past her to look at the clock.

“Up to you… zoo, museums, or Monument? Or do we want to try for more than one?”

Pursing her lips, Esther gave it a moment of thought. As well as he knew her, he wasn’t surprised at her answer.

“Zoo first. Then if we have time, museums or Monument.”

“Sounds good to me.”

Even though he knew they were in the middle of the bed, he still double-checked to make sure the edge was very far away before he rolled over on top of her, pressing a kiss to her lips. She squirmed beneath him as she kissed him back, horny since she hadn’t gotten her morning delight, and Jax grinned.

Yup. He was definitely going to let her simmer again today.

“Come on, babygirl,” he said. Rolling off her, he reached back to flip her over and give her bottom a hefty swat. Esther squealed, her hand going to the spot and rubbing. Since it wasn’t a real punishment, he let her. “Let’s get moving. I need some breakfast. And you need something other than sausage.”

Esther groaned, but she couldn’t hide her smile. “That was terrible, Daddy.”

“You loved it.” Standing, he groaned. Damn, his back still hurt, but stretching out the muscles helped a little.

“Aw, poor Daddy.” Behind him, Esther got off the bed and placed her hands on his shoulders, thumbs digging into the sore muscles, though he was pretty sure it wasn’t just his muscles that were sore. “Maybe we should get a massage while we’re here.”

“Let’s see how I feel. Moving around might help, but that may end up being our afternoon plans,” he admitted, relaxing against her hands. That felt good.

She trailed her fingers down his back and gave him a little pat.

“Okay, old man, let’s get moving.”

Growling, Jax chased her into the bathroom, spanking her ass every step she took. Sassy brat. She would be a handful this weekend, and he was going to relish every second.