Hotshot and Hospitality by Nora Everly

Chapter 20


On shaky legs, I rushed through the empty kitchen to the downstairs guest bathroom to clean up and recover from my erotic escapade in the back of Everett’s Bronco. I slammed the door and checked myself in the mirror. I couldn’t wipe off the satisfied smile. I pulled a sad frown, then stuck my tongue out at myself but the residual smiley O-face would not go away. I sighed and splashed water on my face to cool the hot flush of my cheeks. Garrett had strong hands and he knew how to use them. I’d gone off like a rocket in under three minutes. Unless I was using one of my Lelos, that was unprecedented for me. It was also kind of embarrassing, kind of like premature ejaculation. Was there a female equivalency? Whatever—I’d been in a long dry spell. My last Chris and I broke up almost a year ago. Apparently, wearing a dress patterned with cats and ordering two desserts was unacceptable when meeting a man’s parents. I still didn’t get why it was such a big deal; I paid for them myself. Alas, it had been me and my trusty toys ever since. With a sigh, I left the bathroom to get to work. I’d rather spend the day exploring the various and sundry ways Garrett could put his big hands to use, but a girl’s gotta make a living.

The morning sped by. I’d left the inn’s day-to-day in Landon’s capable hands and now I was sporting my favorite merkitty—that would be a mermaid cat—sundress and on my way to the Piggly Wiggly to try and scrounge up a last-minute baby shower gift for Sabrina Monroe, since my lunch with Clara and the girls was really a surprise lunch hour baby shower for Sabrina. She had insisted she didn’t want a party, but now that she had missed her due date and was ready to pop like one of those little red buttons on a Thanksgiving Day turkey, Willa and Becky Lee had decided to throw her a quick little party anyway. If you thought about it, it was really just lunch with presents and cake. She should be okay with the attention since there wouldn’t be any baby shower games or hoopla. I wished I could end every lunch hour with a present. How much better would working be if you got a gift every day?

I’d become pretty good friends with Sabrina since Willa had come back to town and brought her into the Hill sister circle of trust—which previously had only included me and Leo as non-sisters. She was adorable, sweet and shy, and an assistant librarian at the Green Valley Public Library. She was one of those rare people who, despite being my opposite in every conceivable way that existed, did not judge me for being such a loudmouth weirdo. I would punch anyone in the face who dared to speak a negative word about Sabrina Monroe, and that was a fact.

Supposedly there was an eggplant parmesan recipe that would put a woman into labor—Sadie swore it was the thing that finally worked when she had her twins. We’d be eating that for lunch, followed by a nice drive in Sadie’s minivan over the brand-new speed bumps in the Piggly Wiggly parking lot. Rumor had it the speed bumps had been installed on account of those Winston boys’ propensity for semi-regular peel outs. I’m just glad it wasn’t because of me. I’d been known to speed out of there too, on occasion. Green Valley was a small town and ex-Chrises had to buy groceries just like we all did. Well, except for Chris number one, whose mother still shopped for him—don’t even get me started on that.

I parked, hopped out, and found myself a buggy. Even the Piggly Wiggly had a baby section, so I was sure I could find something awesome. Sadie was supposed to meet me here so we could pick out the present together. After taking a cruise through the gift wrap aisle for a big bag and a bow, I headed to the baby section. I was running out of time; Sadie was running late, and I figured diapers and wipes would work. Not so fun, but always necessary. I tossed in a variety of sizes, some wipes, and a few cute little bottles, then turned and crashed carts with Jackie. Lacy was right behind her, chugging along with her purse hooked over her elbow—no buggy. Freaking great.

“Expecting already? Didn’t you and Garrett just start dating? Easy doesn’t even begin to describe you. You do know that condoms are at the end of this very aisle, don’t you?” Jackie had that mean girl look on her face—she was ready to take me for a ride in her bitchmobile. Nothing I had ever said to her would sink into her tiny little brain and stop her, so I rarely bothered trying to defend myself to her anymore.

I looked past her to Lacy who, upon closer inspection, was still wearing Great-Aunt Jade’s ring on her finger. What the hell?

I was stuck in what was surely about to become a rumor cyclone. A perfect storm of bullshit that all revolved around poor, unsuspecting Garrett.

I decided to continue ignoring Jackie. She wasn’t worth my time.

“You need to give that ring back to Garrett, Lacy,” I declared, because why not? I had the upper hand now, literally. I’d just had it in the back of a Ford Bronco and now I didn’t have to be jealous of stupid Lacy anymore.

Jackie piped in, as always not minding her own business and keeping her nose firmly planted in mine. “Oh yeah, Lacy. Molly’s gonna need that ring since she’s in the family way. Such a slut.” She tossed her hair behind her shoulder and smirked at me like she just scored a point, as if I were still playing her stupid childhood games.

“Hey, y’all!” Sadie swanned into the aisle, tossed her purse into my buggy and faced Jackie with a huge smile—the scary one that reminded me of Harley Quinn that said she was about to go off. “Did I just hear my old high school nickname? Oh, how I miss the sound of the word slut echoing down the hallways of Green Valley High . . . I missed you too, Jackie Oh No!” Yeesh, she dropped Jackie’s hated nickname, which meant it was on. Unless Jackie ran away, like she always did from Sadie.

“I’m not talking to you, Sadie,” Jackie huffed. “In fact, I have to go.” Jackie was afraid of Sadie. Honestly, a lot of girls we went to high school with were afraid of Sadie. She didn’t mince words and she could—and did—kick anyone’s ass who crossed her back then, even dudes.

“What exactly is your problem with me, Jackie?” I hollered to her retreating back. She ignored me, as usual. Calling her out only made her retreat. I shouldn’t have bothered. I watched her shove her buggy down the aisle while simultaneously texting on her phone. I should lay odds on how fast the news of my nonpregnancy spread across town and make a few bucks.

“She is such a bitch,” Lacy complained.

My head whipped to Lacy because what the heck?

Sadie’s head jerked back on her neck. “Uh . . . I literally don’t know what to say right now,” she huffed. “That was the pot calling the pot a pot. My work here was done for me and honestly, I feel a bit lost.”

Lacy stuck her hand with the ring on it in Sadie’s face. “The damn ring is stuck, okay?” she griped. “I’ve tried everything to get it off, well, everything except for lube. I’m here for the KY. I just called and they finally restocked it today. Hang on a sec, because if it works, you can take this freaking cursed-ass ring back to Garrett. The ding-dong dummy jeweler in this Podunk, nosy-as-hell town wouldn’t cut it off for me. He recognized the stupid thing and didn’t want to ruin it. Do you believe that shit?”

“What the hell is going on?” Sadie’s face scrunched up in confusion. “Why are you being so nice, Lacy? Don’t make me apologize for calling you a bitch, or a pot, or whatever. Jackie wouldn’t let me blow my rage wad and I’m about to get blue balled with suppressed anger right here in the gosh dang Piggly Wiggly.”

“Look, y’all, I just got a divorce and I was feeling lonely. Garrett is nice, hot, and extremely skilled, if you know what I mean.” We stared at her blankly, both of us too shocked to snark. “I wanted to get laid—duh! So I took my shot. I wore the ring to like, blast him to the past or something. It failed, obvs. Right, Molly?” I just stared at her since my gast had been flabbered. “Molly was there,” she addressed Sadie. “It was a huge embarrassing thing. I didn’t get to blow my wad either, Sadie.” She snickered at her own joke.

“Uh, okay. I feel that deeply,” Sadie commiserated. She too, was divorced and apparently horny.

Lacy smiled at me and spoke as if we were friends and I hadn’t secretly hated her guts for years. “Molly, for future reference, Garrett is an absolute sucker for tears. Hence the waterworks at his cabin.” My jaw dropped a little bit. “Don’t try and tell me you wouldn’t do the same damn thing. You know he’s worth it, just for the dick alone. I won’t even get into what else he can do.” She stuck her tongue out and wiggled it around. Sadie and I locked wide eyes before turning back to Lacy. “God, y’all, I have to pause and reflect on that memory.” She held a hand up and took a second before continuing. “Okay,” she said with a shiver. “Now that stupid cow Jackie has been spreading it all over town that I’m after his future Monroe & Sons’ money. I don’t want, nor do I need his money,” she scoffed. “I got a killer settlement in my divorce. I’m never getting married again. Oh, and yeah, I was still pissed off and horny when I saw you at the bakery, Molly. I’m so sorry about all that. It was super rude of me. But I have since banged one of your ex-Chrises, so now I’m all good down below and my mood is way improved. Green Valley is a small world after all, ain’t it?”

“Holy shit,” was all I could think to say.

“That about covers it,” Sadie agreed. “Give me your hand.” She took Lacy’s hand, squirted on a huge dollop of KY and gave the ring a wiggle. It slipped right off. I guess KY could help get anything off. Huh.

“Yes! Thanks, Sadie! I’ve got to motor. Y’all, can you buy the KY? I’ll do a round at Genie’s next time I see you there. I’m in town for good now. Toodles!” She waved and hightailed it out of the store.

I watched Lacy leave, too shocked to say goodbye, then turned to Sadie. “I—I mean, what the frick was that? I almost feel guilty for hating her all that time.”

Sadie shook her head side to side as she stared me down. “Never feel guilty for that. She deserved it. Garrett is your property, and everyone knows it.”

“You’re crazy as hell, Sadie.”

“I know. Sometimes I wonder if I’m still in a weird place in my life or just a natural-born pain in the ass.” She shrugged. “So, what are we getting Sabrina?” She nosed around in the cart, then tossed in some diaper cream and a few bibs. “That oughta do it. Let’s go pay. Oh! Wait.” She took my hand and slipped Great-Aunt Jade’s ring on the finger. It was a perfect fit, just like Cinderella and the shoe.

“You do know that I’m waiting for Clara before I ask you about the dick skills, right? Don’t think you’re getting away with anything.”

I nudged her shoulder with mine. “Yeah, I know.” I was not one to kiss and tell and she knew it, but there was no point in arguing now since I had no knowledge of the dick skills—not yet, anyway. I could write a freakin’ sonnet dedicated to his finger skills though, but I’d be keeping that happy bit of information to myself.

“Let’s get out of here.” She took charge of the buggy and headed to the front.

* * *

Once more I had found myself in Becky Lee’s dining room, but this time the table was decorated with white lace and pink roses instead of grilled meat and pickles. Pink streamers, flowered bunting, and balloons festooned every windowsill, archway, and chair—because obviously Sabrina and Wyatt were having a girl. But the piece de resistance, from the Donner Bakery, created and delivered by Green Valley’s own Banana Cake Queen herself, Jennifer Winston, was the most gorgeous pink and white confection I’d ever seen. “Welcome, Cora Louise” was piped across the center. Everything was stunning—it made me wish I actually was pregnant so I could have a party like this of my own.

“This is gorgeous, Becky Lee! You outdid yourself.” I hugged her neck.

She hugged me back, then pulled away to pat my stomach. “Oh, honey! I’m all aflutter today. I can hardly even think straight. If I were any happier, I’d drop my harp plumb through a cloud! Being able to throw this party for Sabrina and the baby is all such a blessing. Then I got a call from Jackie. She told me your wonderful baby news and accidentally let it spill that you’d been secretly seeing Garrett for months! I’m not even mad that y’all didn’t tell me! And I’m thrilled that you and Jackie finally made up. She was so happy for you and Garrett!” She took my hands in hers to give me a squeeze, her eyes got big when she looked at my hand.

Oh snap, the ring!

“Oh! My god! And you’re wearing Auntie Jade’s ring too! Ahh! I don’t have time to properly congratulate you now! Another party is coming up and this one has your and Garrett’s names on it!” She grinned huge before hurrying off to the kitchen.

Oh shit oh shit oh shit . . .

I did not have enough IQ points to process this. Why was I such a dumbass?

How long before all of this got back to Garrett?

Damn that Jackie. I should just forget that she’s Leo’s twin and beat the crap out of her.

I wandered out to the back porch to plop on the porch swing and sort through the sudden burst of mental images of me and Garrett making a baby that had just popped into my head. What would that be like?

Get out of my brain, sexy distractions!

I shivered at the awesome prospect of the baby-making but shuddered at the thought of having a real baby. What if something happened to me? Or to Garrett? Whenever someone was at the center of your world, they ended up going away somehow. Nothing ever lasted and I could never do that to a kid.

My thoughts shifted to how to explain to him what was going on when I didn’t even understand how all of it had happened myself.

“Molly! Girl . . .” Clara ran up the walkway from the side fence, eyes big, hands waving, and her blond hair flying behind her. “Where’s Sadie? We only have like, ten minutes before Willa gets here with Sabrina and we have got to talk.”

“I do not even know where to begin right now, Clara—”

Sadie darted out the back door, sliding it shut behind herself. “I’m here! Do not start without me! I had to tinkle—”

Clara rolled her eyes. “Ew.”

“Everybody pees, Clara.”

Blech! Back to Molly.” Clara sat across from me on a deck chair while Sadie joined me on the swing. “I just got a text from freaking Lacy of all people, warning me that Jackie is on a tear. I do not know how she got my damn number.”

It occurred to me that maybe, hopefully this was all just a dream. I closed my eyes real tight, then opened them to see Clara and Sadie laughing at me.

“That never works. Haven’t you learned that by now, Molly?” Sadie laughed and shoved my shoulder.

“It was worth a try,” I protested. “So, we don’t hate Lacy anymore. I guess that’s the first bit of news—”

The door swung open and Garrett poked his head out, his face an unreadable mask. “We have to talk,” he said.

“Oh shit,” Sadie mouthed, her back to Garrett. She made big eyes at the ring on my hand.

Oh shit. I gave the ring a tug, but the dang thing was stuck.