No Escape by Julie Moffett


Chapter Twenty-Three




Lexi and I were the last to arrive in the dining room for the challenge. One glance at Mama’s face confirmed she knew exactly why we were late. But her eyes danced with delight when she looked my way, making me smile. More than anyone, she knew my heart and how happy I’d become since I’d met Lexi.

Brando stood chatting with Lorenzo near the fireplace. Once he spotted us, he clapped his hands to get everyone’s attention. “Welcome back. We’re fortunate to have you continue with the games. Both teams had an excellent showing for the first round, so congratulations. Are you ready for the next set of challenges?”

“Challenges, as in plural?” Dad asked. “Will we be splitting into teams again?”

“Yes, there will be two concurrent challenges,” Brando confirmed. “This time we’ll let you choose your teams, but the challenge will be assigned randomly. Please discuss the composition of your teams. You have five minutes.”

Two more challenges, two separate teams…again. I mentally sorted through the best plans of actions to move forward.

We gathered into one large group, and Alessa spoke up immediately. “Should we keep the same teams, Slash? It seemed to work well last time.”

I’d already considered it, so I shook my head. “In my opinion, no. I suggest mixing it up this time and have three men and three women on each team. We could divide by physical strength and puzzle expertise, unless anyone has a different suggestion.”

No one volunteered a different recommendation, including Lexi, who was watching me. She already knew I intended to separate us once again to help even out the teams’ mental capability. If she didn’t like that scenario, she didn’t show it. Instead, she simply nodded at me.

“What does that mean in terms of who’s on what team?” Clarissa asked.

I looked around the group, making an executive decision. “Team A will be me, Gio, Winston, Alessa, Mia, and Clarissa. Team B will be Lexi, Stefan, Tito, Oscar, Vittoria, and you, Mama.” I’d taken a risk putting Winston on my team, but we had to work on our relationship one way or the other, and there was no better time than the present. Or at least I’d convinced myself of that.

There were no objections, so we split into our assigned groups and waited for further instructions from Brando.

“Your teams are chosen and set,” the gamemaster said. “Regarding the two challenges—one involves games and the other water.”

I glanced quickly at Lexi and saw her face go pale. Water was not her thing and would make any puzzle exponentially harder for her and, by extension, her team. Unfortunately, this time we couldn’t assign the challenge to the team. I had to rely on chance, and I didn’t like doing that.

The gamemaster held out his hands, which were folded into fists. “I’m holding a blue rock in one fist and a black rock in the other. The blue rock represents the water challenge, and the black rock represents the game room. I need one person from any team to come forward and choose a hand. Whatever rock they choose will be their team’s challenge.”

Before I could say anything, Mia darted forward. “Ooh, ooh! I want to choose. Can I?”

No one protested, so Mia studied the gamemaster’s hands and then tapped his left one. “This one. Our team wants this one.”

Brando opened his fist to reveal the black stone.

“Games!” Mia shouted, jumping up and pumping a fist in the air. “We got the games. I love games.”

Someone groaned while others laughed at her declaration. Brando opened his other fist to reveal the blue stone. Lexi quietly met my eyes across the room. But instead of dread, I saw determination. Water or not, she wasn’t going to let her team down.

“Team B, please return to your rooms and get dressed in your swimwear and meet me back here in ten minutes,” Brando instructed. “Now, I’m not saying that you will get wet, but as water is involved, it’s a possibility, and we want you to be prepared. Team A, if you have anything in your pockets, please empty them into the basket on the table and follow me now.”

Having already anticipated that, my pockets were empty. I waited until everyone else on my team had left the room. I took one final look at Lexi, who gave me a thumbs-up before following my team to our next challenge. Brando made a right turn and went down another hall that ran behind the marble staircases that led to the bedrooms.

As we were walking, Lexi’s dad fell into step next to me. “So, Oscar told me you had a little scorpion trouble in your room. You get that sorted out?”

I tried not to wince. “Yes, sir. All sorted.”

“Good. I’m counting on you to keep her safe.”

“With my life.”

Gio overheard our conversation and stepped up beside us. “Trouble does seem to follow you, brother. Good thing you have Lexi around to keep you safe.”

He and Winston laughed at my expense, and my father-in-law gave Gio a friendly slap on the back. I supposed I should be happy that Lexi’s father at least liked one of the men in my family.

Brando abruptly stopped before a door with a sign.

“The Game Room,” Mia read aloud.

“Isn’t this entire castle a game room?” Clarissa pointed out.

“Indeed, it is,” Brando replied, smiling. “Now, to complete this particular challenge, you must retrieve a golden disc like you found in the first challenge and exit the game room before the time is up.”

“When does our time start?” Gio asked.

“The challenge will begin when the last person reaches the room.”

“Reaches the room?” Alessa said. “What does that mean?”

Without answering, Brando opened the door. The room was dark until he reached inside the door and flicked on a switch. A light appeared as if at the end of a tunnel. “This way,” he instructed mysteriously.

I took the rear position, so I was the last to arrive at the spot where everyone had stopped.

“Are you kidding me,” Clarissa exclaimed. “Is that a slide?”