Holding Her Heart by Melissa Tereze


God,Eden looked stunning.

In her ivory floor-length gown, the split finishing at the top of her thigh, those silky-smooth legs teasing Aster with every moment that passed…this was a dream. One Aster never wanted to wake from. But then Aster always knew Eden would look remarkable on Blair and Dom’s wedding day. Was it possible for the bridesmaid to look better than the bride? Aster wouldn’t say that out loud, but Eden really had turned heads. Aster’s more so.

Still can’t believe she’s mine…

“You know, I think it’s time I settled down and found myself a wife.”

Aster frowned, turning to find Fi standing behind her. She couldn’t fathom why Dom or Blair had invited Fi today; she caused nothing but trouble. But it wasn’t Aster’s wedding…or business.

“Don’t you think, Bennett?”

Aster’s brows rose. “I mean, sure. If you’re ready to settle down.”

“What about you?”

Whoa. Was Fi asking Aster what she thought she was? Surely not.

“I don’t mean with me, stupid ass.” Fi punched Aster’s upper arm, laughing as she shook her head. Aster didn’t know whether to laugh or be offended that Fi found the idea so hilarious. “I mean with your woman. She’s gorgeous.”

“Uh, yeah. And taken. So if you could stop drooling over my girlfriend while you’re standing next to me, that would be great.”

“What? I’m allowed to admire a beautiful woman.”

Aster groaned internally. Fi made it a habit to rile the team up; why did Aster think she could get away with it? “You are…just not mine.”

Fi winked as she wrapped an arm around Aster’s shoulders. “Even if I wanted to, I couldn’t take her off your hands. Eden only sees you. It’s kinda sweet at times.”

“Are you drunk?”

“Nope. Perfectly sober. I haven’t even finished my first glass of champagne.”

Aster was impressed by Fi’s attitude today. Maybe she really was considering settling down. Aster believed she had more chance of seeing a chair walk, but if Fi was contemplating it, Aster would refrain from offering her opinion.

“Seriously, Bennett. That woman loves you.”

“She does,” Aster agreed, her eyes settling back on Eden as she spoke with Angela. “And you know what? She’s perfect for me.”

“This could be you next.” Fi winked as she turned and walked away.

Aster would admit to allowing the idea to float through her mind once or twice, but she wasn’t sure at what point it was acceptable to seriously think about such an event in her life. She’d marry Eden tomorrow if Eden asked her, but marriage hadn’t been something they’d discussed with one another since they finally got together. Perhaps Eden was all out of wedding days. She spent so much time planning everyone else’s, maybe she no longer wanted one of her own.

But it didn’t matter today. This was Dom and Blair’s day, and it had been truly beautiful so far. Even though Blair didn’t have her parents or much family here, Aster knew she had everyone she needed. Family wasn’t always everything; Aster understood that even though her own family were her world. But it was nice to see Eden’s mum here and enjoying herself. They were on better terms, but Aster felt Angela watch her every move. If she was waiting for her to mess up, she’d better take a seat and get comfortable, because Aster wasn’t going anywhere.

Eden walked towards Aster, weaving through the tables in the marquee. Aster’s breath quickened. Just the mere thought of Eden in her space sent her head spinning. “There she is,” Aster said, smirking. “The most beautiful woman in the room.”

“Don’t let Blair catch you saying that.” Eden grinned as she leaned in and gently pressed her lips to Aster’s. “But thank you. You’re always really good for my ego.”

“Seriously, babe. You look incredible.” Aster slid a hand around Eden’s waist, bringing her lips to Eden’s ear. “You’ve no idea the kind of thoughts I have running through my head.”

“If they’re anything like mine…I know exactly what you’re thinking. You look excruciatingly good today.”

Aster shivered with those words. Knowing Eden wanted her out of her suit only meant the rest of this day was going to be painful. “Yeah?” Aster smiled against Eden’s ear. “We could slip off somewhere…”

“Oh, the anticipation is so much more fun.”

“Ugh. Speak for yourself.” Aster swigged her beer from the bottle, the idea of standing around with a glass of champagne not really up there with her top priorities. She couldn’t stand the stuff. “How’s Blair?”

“God, she looks so happy.” Eden pulled Aster towards the edge of the marquee, stepping out onto the decking. “This is all I ever wanted for her. To be happy and smiling because she was in love with someone who couldn’t bear to be apart from her. And now that she has it, I feel like my own heart can fully settle for the first time in so long.”

“Are you happy?” Aster touched Eden’s cheek lightly, guiding her fingertip down to Eden’s jawline. “With me?”

“You know I am.” Eden’s eyes closed, her lips parting as she leaned into Aster’s touch. “Happier than I’ve ever been.”


“Are you?” Eden countered, her deep brown eyes soft and inviting. Gentle.

Aster had so much she had to thank Eden for, but right now wasn’t the time. Or maybe it was. “When I walked into your office fifteen months ago, the last thing I expected was you. I didn’t even expect a full-time job, let alone a girlfriend, so it feels kinda weird knowing that we’re here now at a wedding together. You know?”

“Neither of us were looking, Aster.”

“And maybe that’s why this all worked out so perfectly. Because that’s exactly what you are to me, Eden. The very definition of perfect. We didn’t pressure ourselves or one another, it just happened as it happened.”

“I wouldn’t change a single thing.”

“No. I wouldn’t either.” Aster leaned in, pressing a kiss below Eden’s ear. She’d wanted to kiss the face off her girlfriend all day, but she wouldn’t be responsible for ruining Eden’s makeup. “Come on. Let’s go and mingle. I’ve never mingled at a wedding as one half of a couple before.”

“No, me neither.” That realisation seemed to hit Eden, a slight frown gracing her beautiful face. “But that changes right now. Because I’ll always have you by my side, right?”

“Always, beautiful.”

* * *

Eden relaxed back in her chair, crossing her legs as Blair flopped down in front of her. Considering Eden hadn’t been allowed to touch or plan a single thing today, she was impressed by her staff. She’d found herself trying to take over once or twice, but Aster gave her a look, and Eden immediately took a step back. It wasn’t that she wanted to interfere, it was just in her blood to change the position of a flower arrangement or a seating plan.

“My God!” Blair placed her hand to her chest as she flung herself into a seat. “I’ve never been so shattered. Is it bedtime yet?”

“Oh, we all know why you’re looking forward to bedtime.” Eden wore a smirk as she studied her best friend. She couldn’t recall a time she’d looked more beautiful. “How has your day been?”

“Amazing,” Blair said, scanning the room. “Everything I could have wanted. Magical.”

Eden sat forward, taking Blair’s hand. “I’m so happy you got your happily ever after.”

Blair reached out a hand, tucking Eden’s hair behind her ear. She smiled fully, tears in her eyes. “It’s time for you to have your happily ever after now, honey.”

Eden blushed, lowering her eyes. She’d never felt so loved and well looked after, and she’d never felt so compelled to return those very same feelings. But Aster…God, she made it easy for Eden to love with every fibre of her being. They got one another, they shone when they were together, and Eden couldn’t imagine a world where Aster didn’t exist. “I am happy. I’m so happy, Blair.”

“I know. And I love that.”

“I want so much more with her,” Eden said, spying Aster as she threw her head back laughing, her suit jacket discarded to show strong biceps in her short-sleeved shirt. “So much.”

“You and I both know Aster is the one for you. So, whatever you want, grab it with both hands.”

“Is it that simple? Can I really have the life I’ve always wanted…with a woman?”

Blair’s brow rose. “Forgive me if I’m wrong, but that’s exactly what you’re doing right now. You lost a few friends and family along the way, but you’re happy. You’re thriving. You work with the woman you love, and I’d say that’s more than most people have.”

Eden had lost some friends and family along the way, but it wasn’t anything she missed. Those friends had been the very same friends who’d talked behind her back for the best part of twenty years. And the family, well, they didn’t matter. Her mother had come around to the idea, and that was the most important thing. Blair was right. Eden could have the life she wanted.

“I have you.”

“Sweetie, you’ll always have me. Forever. You and I have been through too much together.”

Eden cleared her throat, shifting her seat closer to Blair. Aster smiled as she caught her eye, winking in Eden’s direction. But then Eden blew out a deep breath as she leaned in towards Blair. “Do you…think I’m too old for kids?”

Blair rested a hand on Eden’s. “Not at all.”

“Are you sure? It’s just that I’ve been thinking about it lately. I’m not sure how Aster feels about it, and it’s not something I desperately crave, but I think it could be something to consider bringing up. She’s never mentioned it, but I know how much family means to her. I’d…like to be a family with her.”

Blair smiled, a tear slipping down her cheek. “I think that’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard.”

“I won’t get my hopes up, but I wanted to run it by you first. See what you thought.”

“I think…” Blair paused as she turned in her seat and took Eden’s face in her hands. “That you would be a wonderful mum. You’ve got the biggest heart of anyone I know, Eden. Use it. Fill it with as much love as you possibly can. Tomorrow is never promised…be happy.”

Eden closed her eyes when tears threatened to fall. The last thing she needed was to ruin her makeup; she’d managed to keep it together all day. “Thank you,” Eden whispered, her hand settling against Blair’s. “For cheering me on. For encouraging me. I know it didn’t quite go to plan in the beginning, but without you, I wouldn’t have told Aster how I felt.”

“Sometimes we just need a little push in the right direction.” Blair replaced the hand on Eden’s cheek with her lips, and then she wrapped Eden up in a strong embrace. “Now, the first dance is about to begin, so I should go and find my wife. While you go and find the one who will be yours one day…”

Eden watched Blair climb to her feet, squaring her shoulders as she did so. And then she caught Aster’s eyes again as her girlfriend rested against a pillar across the room from her. The love Aster’s dark eyes held took Eden’s breath away, the sheer thought of spending her life with this woman turning her entire body to jelly. Aster Bennett…the love of her life.

* * *

Aster was ready to head for their room. It was after eleven, everything was winding down, and Eden looked dead on her feet. Right now, they needed to relax. And by relax, Aster meant that Eden needed to lie on the bed while she undressed her slowly. Grinning at that thought, she left the table she’d been sitting at for the last twenty minutes and approached her girlfriend.

“Hi.” Eden’s eyes lit up. “You look tired.”

“I am. You ready to head back to our cabin?”

“Absolutely. Let me find Blair and say goodnight.” Eden took Aster’s hand. “Come with me?”

Oh, Aster would follow Eden to the ends of the earth.

Blair spun around when Eden called her name, smiling as her eyes landed on their entwined hands. “You know, I’ll never get tired of seeing you two looking so fucking gorgeous together.”

Aster lowered her eyes, heat creeping up her neck. This hadn’t been in her future, the idea of her settled down and happy, but here she was…ready to fall to her knees for anything Eden wanted.

“We’re heading back to our cabin. We’ll see you in the morning for breakfast, okay?”

Blair’s face fell. “Um, excuse me?”

“As much as I’ve loved this day, your wedding is over, Blair.”

“It’s not over until you do the one thing you promised me you’d do.” Blair paused, frowning. “Seventeen years ago.”

“I…don’t remember what I promised you seventeen years ago. I’ve slept since then, Blair.”

Aster was suddenly intrigued. “What did she promise you?”

“Dina Carroll?” Blair arched an eyebrow, and then she stared Eden down. “You told me, when I came out to you during my marriage to Barrett, that when I found my one true love, you’d sing it at my wedding.”

Aster’s world lit up. She would never tire of hearing Eden’s voice, and tonight, after so much love throughout the day, it would be the perfect ending to this gorgeous occasion. “Oh, she did now?”

“I don’t remember that.” Eden held up her hands. “And if I did say it, this is the first time you’ve brought it up since then.”


“No can do. I’m not a wedding singer. I’m just…me.”

“No, you’re not a wedding singer,” Aster said as she wrapped an arm around Eden’s waist. “But you have one hell of a voice, and I’d love to hear it again.”

Eden shook her head and lowered her eyes.

“Oh, come on. This is the greatest gift you could ever give me, Edes. For me, please.” Blair stuck out her bottom lip. “And Aster.”

“Fine.” Eden puffed out her cheeks as she wrung her hands. “The things I have to do for the pair of you.”

“I’ll ask him to get the track ready.”

The giddiness in Blair had Aster laughing, a soothing hand placed on the small of Eden’s back. “You don’t remember saying that to Blair?”

“Of course I do. I just hoped she wouldn’t bring it up.”

Aster frowned. “Why?”

“Because I hate singing in public,” Eden explained, running a hand through her hair. Aster noted just how pristine she still looked, twelve hours on from getting ready this morning. An absolute beauty. “But I said it, and now I have to come good on my promise.”

“Did you know…” Aster pressed her body to Eden, wrapping her arms around her shoulders. “That the moment I fell in love with you was the night you got up in the bar and I heard your voice for the first time?”

“You don’t have to encourage me. I’m doing it anyway.”

“Oh, I’m not. That’s the truth.” Aster ghosted her lips over Eden’s. “That voice. How you looked into my eyes. I fell in love with you, Eden.”

The sudden clearing of Blair’s throat through the microphone pulled them apart, Eden’s body tensing as Aster loosened her grip. “I love you.”

Aster brushed a thumb across her cheek. “I love you too. Everything about you.”

Aster reluctantly released Eden, taking a seat at an empty table along the edge of the white marble dance floor. As the backing track floated through the marquee, Aster swallowed. Was Eden Kline really hers? It was hard to believe most days.

Eden’s soft voice reached her ears. Just that one opening line—the look in Eden’s eyes—Aster felt as though she would slip from her chair and fall to her knees at any moment. This was what heaven felt like, surely. Blair and Dom slow danced, the room silent except for Eden’s serenade, and Aster…well, she was falling more and more in love every minute of the day.

As Eden reached the chorus of Don’t Be a Stranger, a shiver worked its way through Aster, every nerve ending tingling. Right now, tonight, Aster had never felt so whole. So…accomplished. With Eden Kline in her life, it was hard to feel any other way. Everything just worked. Better than it ever had. And as Aster gazed into Eden’s soulful eyes, she knew life would always be something special with Eden around.

Eden was hers, and she was Eden’s. Wow…

Aster sighed as the song came to an end. This day was officially over, but she wished it wasn’t. Eden was always charming and looking drop dead gorgeous, but today it all felt different. Like, Eden had fully accepted who she was and the path her life was taking once and for all. Radiant and certain, that’s the impression Aster got. And she loved it.

Blair and Dom pulled Eden into a hug, but it was Aster who really wanted to have her arms around her girlfriend. Preferably in bed and naked.

After Eden kissed Blair on the cheek and gave Dom one of her beaming smiles, she turned her attention to Aster. She had that look in her eyes that told Aster they should be alone, and as beautiful as this day and night had been, Aster had to agree. They may have spent most of the wedding together, but it didn’t feel as though they’d actually spent time together. It was time to do exactly that.

“You ready to go, beautiful?” Aster lifted her suit jacket from the back of a chair and slung it over her shoulder.

Eden sidled up beside her, that smile spreading further. “Absolutely.”

* * *

Eden threw the cabin key onto the coffee table, rolling her head on her shoulders as she relaxed for the first time since last night. The day had been unbelievably beautiful, but she hadn’t felt as though she could truly switch off for a single moment. Call it the event planner in her, but she’d spent so many years doing this that the thought of taking a day off terrified her. Especially when it was her best friend’s wedding.

“You looked beautiful today,” Aster whispered as she stepped up behind Eden, arms wrapping around her waist. “Really amazing.”

Eden smiled as her eyelids fluttered closed, tilting her neck as Aster worked her skin with her lips. “Thank you.”

“And I kinda want you out of this dress, but then I want you to leave it on all at the same time.”

Eden settled her hands on Aster’s against her stomach. “Well, if you knew what I was wearing underneath, I think you’d want me out of it.”

“Is that so?” She felt Aster smirk against her neck, those safe arms tightening around Eden’s body. “Maybe I should do the honours and get you out of it then…”

Eden turned, swallowing as she stared into Aster’s soft brown eyes. All day her mind had swam with what the future held, and as much as she wanted to lie on the bed while Aster worked her up, Eden wasn’t sure she could hold it in any longer. She needed to gauge what Aster wanted in the months and even years to come.

“What’s wrong?” Aster pulled back, but her arms remained.

“Nothing. I just…today has been so lovely.”

“It has, babe. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so loved and in love as I have today.”

Okay, that was helping Eden with her whirring thoughts. “Yeah?”

“Honestly, I just wanted to whisk you off somewhere quiet and kiss you. I wanted you all to myself so I could show you, tell you, exactly what you mean to me.”

Eden lifted a hand, feathering her fingertips across Aster’s cheek. When she said things like that, Eden wondered why she hadn’t found Aster sooner. There would never be enough years left to make up for wanting this woman. “I know what I mean to you.”

“I-I don’t think you do,” Aster said quietly.

All Eden could do was focus on Aster’s beautiful face. That little button nose always warmed her heart, but it was Aster’s gentle lips that had Eden wild with love and want over the last year. Aster’s lips…she had no words.

“I mean, I know I tell you I love you every day, but I fear it’s not enough. And I don’t know how to show you, how to guarantee that you’ll always be mine. But I do, Eden. I love you so much.”

Eden leaned in, smiling into a kiss. Aster didn’t often get flustered, but when she did, it was Eden’s favourite kind of Aster. “You don’t need to guarantee anything. I’m not going anywhere.”

“I’m sorry. I don’t want you to think I doubt how you feel or that you worry I don’t feel the same way, but today has only shown me how much I love you. How much I want to still be at weddings with you in ten, even twenty or thirty years down the line.”

Aster pulled Eden towards the bed and took a seat, frowning when Eden didn’t join her but instead stood between her legs. “I want to be doing the same things with you.”

“You seem…like you have something on your mind, babe. Is everything okay?”

Eden smiled as she cocked her head. “For the first time in my life, everything is so okay that I’m waiting for it to fall to pieces.”

“Yeah, that’s not going to happen. Not with us, anyway.”

“And I don’t know, Aster,” Eden paused, caressing her girlfriend’s cheek. “I have so many things I want to say to you, but I don’t want to scare you off.”

“Babe, it’s been a year. And in that year, my love for you has grown so much that my heart probably can’t take much more. There is nothing you could say to me that would scare me off. Trust me. I love you.”

Could Eden be brutally honest with Aster? She felt as though she could, Aster had never shown any discomfort in anything they’d done or shared over the last year, but this was still all very new to Eden. Aster had always been so sure of who she was, but Eden…sometimes she got the impression that she was still coming to terms with the fact that she was in love, and living, with a woman. “I want something different…”

“Different?” Aster visibly swallowed, her grip slowly loosening on Eden’s waist. “W-with someone else?” She scrubbed a hand over her face, blowing out a deep breath. “I mean, am I not giving you enough?”

“N-no. That’s not what I meant.”


Eden sat beside Aster, taking her hand and squeezing it. “I said that wrong. I’m sorry.”

“You had me worried for a moment then.” Aster offered a hesitant smile, but Eden could put her mind to rest. At least, she hoped she could.

“I know things work really well how we are, and I know I’m happy with where we’re at, but do you ever wonder what the future holds for us, Aster? Do you ever lie in bed at night and think about what the next step for us is?”

“Honestly?” Aster quirked an eyebrow, and Eden nodded. “Yes. I do.”


“And in an ideal world, we’d be married with kids down the line. But it’s not something we’ve ever talked about, and if I’m being truthful, I didn’t have the courage to bring it up with you.”

“Why?” Eden turned fully, taking Aster’s other hand into her lap.

“Fear of you rejecting the idea. That sheer panic of losing you because we may want different things.”

Oh, Aster.

“But as this year has gone on, I stopped thinking about it too much. Because when all is said and done, you make me happier than I’ve ever been, and that’s enough for me. If this, how we are, stays the same…that’s okay.”

“I don’t ever want you to disregard what you want in your future to make me happy.” Eden trailed her thumb over Aster’s knuckles, a hint of sadness sitting in her eyes. She hadn’t witnessed that look from Aster since they’d gotten together. “Please, don’t ever feel like you can’t talk to me.”

“Babe, can we do this another time?” A tear slid down Aster’s cheek as she lowered her eyes to their hands. “Today has been so gorgeous, and I just…I want that feeling to last a little longer.”

“If that’s what you want, yes.”

“It seems like we have stuff to talk about, stuff I didn’t know you’d had on your mind, but for tonight…can we just be together?”

Eden’s forehead creased when she realised what Aster was saying. Did she…think they were breaking up? Oh, God. Not in a million years. “Hey, I’m not ending this with you.”

“Really? Because it feels that way,” Aster said quietly, picking at an invisible spot on her pants.

Eden got to her feet, lowering the hidden zip to the side of her dress. When Aster looked up, confusion in her eyes, Eden simply smiled. “What I’m saying,” Eden paused as her dress gathered at her feet, “is that I want more in our future.” She curled her fingers under Aster’s chin, bringing her gaze back to her. “I want it all, Aster.”

Aster’s eyes widened when she caught the white lace lingerie Eden was wearing. Sitting back on her hands, a grin spread wide on her mouth, those dreamy eyes pricked Eden’s skin as they travelled the expanse of her body. “Y-yeah?”

“Mmhmm.” Eden straddled Aster, surprised when Aster suddenly flipped them and settled on top of her.

“Do you have any idea what you do to me when you wear lingerie like this?” Aster’s fingertips brushed Eden’s cheekbone, the gentlest of touches caressing her skin. “I mean, you’ve got my head up my arse with everything you’re saying, but you’re definitely not breaking up with me, right?”

“Never.” Eden curled her hand around Aster’s neck, pulling her into a kiss. “Aster…” Eden said, whimpering as Aster pressed her thigh between her legs. Eden lifted her head and took a swipe up Aster’s ear with her tongue. And then she whispered, “They’re crotchless.”

Aster lowered her head to Eden’s shoulder. “Sweet. Fucking. Jesus.”

“And I’m so wet for you.”

Aster lowered her hand down Eden’s stomach, her eyes fluttering closed as she was, in fact, met with hot, wet heat. “Shit, babe. You’re too much.”

Eden braced herself for what she knew was coming. Aster seemed to have a thing for her in sexy underwear. The issue was, Aster was still fully clothed, and that wouldn’t do. “I need you naked with me.”

“Oh, you’ll get me naked. Right after I’ve fucked you good.” Aster grinned, holding herself up on one elbow. When she pressed a finger to Eden’s clit, Eden cried out, arching into Aster. “I can’t wait another second to have you. And this…tonight…isn’t ending anytime soon.”

“No?” Eden smirked, her eyes holding Aster’s.

“Oh, no.” Their lips met, gentle but so demanding. “Where do you want me?”

“I-inside.” As Aster lowered her hand and teased Eden’s entrance, Eden gripped her wrist, her heart bursting with unimaginable joy. “Marry me.”


“Marry me.” Eden’s heart leapt up into her throat. Perhaps right now wasn’t the time to propose. She didn’t even have a ring to offer. Shit!

Aster’s confusion turned into a heart stopping grin, her soft fingers gathering Eden’s wetness. God, that look, the intensity of Aster’s eyes as she stared down at Eden…incredible. “Yes.”


Aster eased two fingers inside Eden, moaning when Eden’s walls contracted. “Fuck, I’d marry you right now.”

Satisfied that they would have the perfect ending to a perfect day, Eden relaxed and gave herself over to Aster entirely. But as Aster buried her face in Eden’s neck, smiling against her skin, Eden’s heart swelled. This woman…was her world.

Aster pressed her thumb to Eden’s clit, moving slowly inside her. The love, the care, was mirrored in her every move, and it only encouraged Eden’s first of many orgasms. “Aster, I-I…”

“You feel so fucking good,” Aster whispered as she curled her fingers. “And you’ll feel even better as my wife.”

Aster’s voice, her words, tipped Eden over the edge, her orgasm crashing through her as she cried out Aster’s name. Those incredible fingers slowed, and then Aster eased out, wrapping Eden up in her arms.

“I can’t believe you’ve just asked me to marry you.” Her voice broke as she buried her face deeper into Eden’s hair. “I can’t believe just how lucky I feel this evening to have someone like you in my life…wanting to spend forever with me.”

“I want a life with you,” Eden paused, her own arms wrapping around Aster. “I want a life and a family with you.”

“Yeah?” Aster lifted her head, tears slipping down her face.

“Together.” Eden searched Aster’s face, the love shining from her eyes stealing her breath.

And then Aster leaned in, kissing her slowly, their foreheads pressed together. “Forever…”