Holding Her Heart by Melissa Tereze


“Okay,”Eden paused, pencilling Blair’s wedding date into her business planner and personal planner. “I’m so happy you and Dom figured everything out.”

“I was a fool to think she could hurt me. I know better than that.”

“You do, but you’ve had some massive changes in your life over the last few years, Blair. And I think maybe that’s why Dom kinda understands.”

Blair cleared her throat. “Still. I could have handled things better. Dom has never done a single thing to break my trust in her.”

“Well, it’s over now. And I’m excited to get to work on your wedding plans. As your maid of honour, of course.”

“I trust you to only send in the very best when it comes to planning. I know you want to take the reins, but I’ll need you to stop me from turning hysterical on the day.”

Eden would love to handle all of this, but Blair had been adamant from day one that she didn’t want Eden to plan the day. And that was perfectly fine. “They know I’m here if they have any issues. That doesn’t mean I have to work your wedding rather than be a part of it. My team knows what they’re doing.”

“They do. You wouldn’t have them on your team if they didn’t.” Blair was right. Eden didn’t hire just anyone when it came to event planning. “But I have to go now. I’m meeting Dom and her mum for dinner. If I don’t leave work now, I’ll hit the rush hour traffic.”

“Call me next week if you have a day off. I’ll clear my afternoon, and we’ll have lunch.”

“I’d love that. Now, I’m leaving work and you should do the same, Edes. Go and spend the night with Aster.”

Oh, if only. Aster had too much on, and Eden wouldn’t likely see her this evening. That knowledge sat low in her belly; she hated going home alone lately. One taste of Aster and nothing had been the same. Six weeks since meeting Ted, Eden couldn’t deny she was head over heels in love with Aster Bennett. “Maybe I’ll get an hour with her later. If I can prise her away from that bloody suite.”

“Go in there with a little extra cleavage on show. She’ll be crawling out the door on her hands and knees to be with you.”

“Goodnight, Blair,” Eden laughed, shaking her head. “Say hi to Dom.”

“Bye, love. I’ll see you soon.”

Eden locked her phone and shoved it into the side of her bag. It was Friday, there were no events booked in for tomorrow, but Eden found herself feeling a little more miserable than she should. Aster’s talent had only grown since she joined The Garden of Eden, and now everyone who booked in with them wanted Aster to capture the day. That meant more work for her and less time with Eden. Honestly, it wasn’t what either of them wanted. But that was the life when you were in demand. Eden only knew it all too well.

She powered down her computer and grabbed her belongings. Eden would love nothing more than to sit around the office all night so she could be with Aster, but she was dead on her feet today. The sooner she got her heels off, the sooner Eden could spend the entire weekend relaxing. In an ideal world, she would spend her time in pyjamas until Monday morning.

Yawning as she turned out the office light, Eden stepped out into the reception area and locked up for the weekend. Her secretary had left an hour ago, the only sound the ticking of the clock on the wall above the entrance. Six on a Friday night…and she was still working. I didn’t create this business so I could work stupid hours week in, week out. Dragging a hand through her hair, she spied the suite door Aster was behind. They hadn’t even had lunch together today.

She knocked gently, turning the handle when Aster called out for her to come in. She sounded tired, worn out, but Eden knew better than to ask Aster to leave work at the office. Her girlfriend prided herself on finishing tasks when they were handed to her.

“Hi,” Eden said as she leant against the doorframe. Aster had dragged her hair up into a bun, discarded her blazer and pumps, and sat with her knees pulled to her chest in her huge office chair. “How goes the work?”

Aster’s tired eyes found Eden’s. “Mm?”

“Work. How is it going?”

“Oh, yeah. Fine.” Aster yawned and Eden immediately followed. “You headed home now?”

It saddened Eden to know she was going home alone. All week, she’d prayed that they could spend the weekend together, but as with last weekend, it didn’t look as though it was going to be.

“Yeah. Thought I’d just order in. No use cooking if it’s just me.”

Aster frowned. “Am I…not invited?”

“What? Of course. But we both know you have no intentions of leaving that chair until you’ve finished. And I’d ask you to bring it back to mine with you, but I’ve asked you that several times over the last month, and I’m yet to see it happen. So, I thought I’d head home and just see you when you were finished. I know you hate it when I nag.”

Aster climbed from her chair, almost slipping on the tiled flooring in her socks. “Whoa.”

Eden instinctively reached out her arms to save Aster, smiling when they collided. “I really don’t want any broken bones in here. Maybe you should wear nonslip socks if you’re going to be here until late in the evening. At least then I can go home with the knowledge that you’re safe.”

“Babe, have I been neglecting you?”

Eden almost burst out laughing, but Aster had a deadly serious look in her eyes. Did she honestly believe that? Wow.

“No, you haven’t. Work is important to you. Getting it right the first time around is what you thrive on. And I understand that.” Eden lifted her hand, settling it against Aster’s cheek. “I’m so proud of you, you know.”


Eden smiled. Aster still had issues with taking praise. “You’ve become invaluable here. Clients love you, my team thinks you’re Jesus, and I know how hard it is for you to accept that, but I am. I’m so proud of you.”

“Thank you.” Aster blushed, pulling away from Eden.

“Uh, where are you going? I wasn’t done looking at your gorgeous face.”

Aster held up a hand as she bent towards her computer screen. A few clicks of the mouse and the screen turned black. “I’m done.” She slipped her pumps on and grabbed her camera bag from the desk in the window, turning back to Eden and smiling fully. “So, how about we head out of here and make dinner together?”

“You’re…done?” Eden’s heart jumped at the prospect of walking out of here with Aster. But that happened more often than not lately. Just the thought of climbing into bed alone was enough to ruin her entire day.

“I wanted to spend the weekend with you. Unless you had plans?”

“Oh, no. I want you to spend the weekend with me. Get your crap and let’s go.”

Aster stalked towards Eden with a smirk plastered on her mouth.

For the first time in weeks, Eden knew exactly the weekend she would have. Alone with Aster was a different kind of special. Just being in the same room as Aster had Eden’s blood pumping harder through her veins. Really, she could barely remember a time when Aster wasn’t making her feel that way.

“Let’s go, pretty lady. I’m going to lie on the couch and snuggle the shit out of you for the next two days.”

Eden’s fingers laced with Aster’s, a content sigh slipping from her mouth. In an ideal world, Aster would never leave Eden’s place. She was beginning to understand Blair’s reasons for lack of social interaction since she met Dom. Eden would happily lock the world outside and spend forever with this woman.

But for now, the weekend would do just fine.

* * *

Aster watched Eden as she perched herself on the kitchen island. Dinner was cooking, and Eden was sipping wine while she went through a recipe they would try together tomorrow, her gorgeous dark hair dragged over one shoulder to expose her delectable jawline. You’re one lucky bastard, Aster Bennett.

In the three months or so that they’d been together, Aster felt pure bliss coursing through her veins from the moment she woke up. Now that Angela seemed more enthusiastic about their relationship, Eden had no qualms when it came to telling people she had a girlfriend. Some friends had looked at her funny, others had rolled their eyes and laughed, but Eden didn’t appear to have a single care in the world when it came to those people. A couple of family members seemed pretty vocal about it, a lack of contact from them ever since, but Aster struggled to care. If Eden was happy, so was she.

It would be easy to give into the pressure Eden likely felt when it came to suddenly dating a woman at the age of 42, but Aster believed that Eden knew exactly what she wanted, and this was anything but a phase. With the way she felt about Eden and the way Eden looked at her, it couldn’t possibly be anything of the kind. No, it was love. Without a doubt.

Now Aster just had to pluck up the courage to tell Eden that. But fear of her running still sat at the back of her mind more often than she would like. She’s not going to run. But she could. And then Aster would find herself in a position she’d never been in before. Heartbroken.

“Okay,” Eden paused as she spun around. “Did you want to make this with beef or chicken?”

“I don’t mind.” And Aster really didn’t. So long as she was cooking with Eden, she’d eat whatever was put on a plate in front of her. “What do you think?”

“Well, we’re having chicken tonight, so…beef?”

Aster nodded, smiling as she studied every inch of Eden’s face. She itched to reach out and touch her skin, to tell her just how in love she was, but Eden was looking at her funny. “What?”

“Beef? Yay or nay?”

“Beef is fine. Looking forward to it.”

Eden set her wine glass down and came to rest between Aster’s legs. “You seem in your own head. Is everything okay?”

“Why wouldn’t everything be okay? I’m spending the weekend with you.” Aster wrapped her arms around Eden’s shoulders, cocking her head.

“I don’t know. You seem a little distant tonight.” Eden leaned up and kissed her softly. That continuous thrum of love in her chest heightened, but Aster still couldn’t say the words. “If you have something on your mind, I’d like to hear it.”

“Oh, I have a lot on my mind. But some things are better left unsaid.”

Eden took a step back, her forehead creased. “O…kay.”

“Wait, that’s not what I meant. It’s nothing for you to worry about.” Aster dragged Eden back in, their lips crushing into one another’s. Just say it. She pulled back and gazed into Eden’s eyes. Right now, they were filled with apprehension and confusion. Aster never wanted Eden to feel that way around her. “Babe…”

Eden swallowed and lowered her eyes between them. “Look, if this isn’t working for you, all this time we spend together, just say. I just thought that being together was what you wanted.”

Oh, no. Eden really did have the wrong end of the stick. “Eden—”

“I just thought you were busy the last few weekends. But if this is too much, if I’m too much, I can handle you telling me so. It’s…I hate being apart from you, Aster. When you’re here, life is so good that I don’t even know what day it is, but when you’re not, I’ve never felt so miserable.”

Aster grinned. Hearing Eden speak so honestly was something beautiful.

“Is that what this is? You worrying about telling me that we’re together too much?”

“God, no.” Aster slid down from the island and took Eden in her arms. “I don’t think it’s possible to spend too much time with you. It’s all I want to do.”

“But?” Eden quirked an eyebrow.

“But nothing.”

“Aster…” Eden paused as she blew out a deep breath. “I need to say something to you, but I need it to not change anything between us. And I know you’ll be a sweetheart and let me down gently, but I’m prepared for that.”

“Let you down gently?” Okay, Aster was officially lost.

“I love you.” Eden didn’t miss a beat, her eyes focused fully on Aster. And the way in which she spoke those words, so sure, Aster felt them deep in her belly. “I’ve known it for some time now, but I didn’t know when the right moment was to say it. I’ve…never been in this position before.”

“Hey,” Aster said, tilting Eden’s chin and leaning into a kiss. Eden’s lips mirrored how she was feeling, but Aster knew her girlfriend was still panicking, so she pulled back and whispered, “I love you, too.”

“Yeah?” Those luscious eyes brightened and softened all at the same time.

“Aren’t we a right pair?” Aster laughed, lightening the mood. “I can’t believe it.”

Eden frowned. “I-I don’t…”

“I’ve been going out of my mind panicking about when I should tell you. But that was ridiculous on my part. I had no reason to worry.”

Eden rested her head on Aster’s shoulder, sighing as her arms tightened around her waist. It was a simple action, but one that had Aster swooning for this woman all over again. Aster got the impression that Eden was a little overwhelmed, so she simply pressed a kiss to the top of her head and waited until Eden was ready to allow their conversation to sink in.

“I feel so lucky to have you in my life.”

Aster ran her fingers through Eden’s hair, smiling. “I feel lucky too.”

Eden lifted her head, those full lips curling as the realisation hit her. Aster understood, though. She couldn’t quite get her head around what this year had involved either.

“Y-you really love me?” Eden asked barely above a whisper.

“I do. I really love you.”

“Wow.” Eden dragged a hand through her hair and grinned hard. “I mean, wow.”

“Give yourself a little credit, babe. These last few months have been unbelievably good. That wouldn’t have happened if it weren’t for you.”

“God, I’m so happy.”

Aster turned off the stove and pulled Eden out of the kitchen, almost tripping over the back of the couch. It didn’t matter what plans they had this evening. It had all gone out of the window the moment they spoke those three little words that meant everything. “Then I suggest you get your delicious ass into the bedroom. Dinner can wait.”