Twisted Devil by Ivy Blake

Chapter Twenty


What did you want to talk about?” asked Rob as he came and joined me at my table at the back of the coffee shop.

I’d needed space from my parents and the house and had decided that some caffeine and cake would help me get my head straight. Instead, I’d spent the afternoon overthinking myself into oblivion over what Ruby had told me and the fight that we’d had the day before which had ruined what was supposed to be a lovely date. I knew that I needed to talk to somebody else about it to make sure that I wasn’t going crazy or to figure out if I was being unfair. I just couldn’t believe what she’d told me about Coach. It just didn’t seem like him.

“You have to swear not to tell anyone because this could fuck shit up for a lot of people,” I hissed, aware that there were people around us who could possibly be eavesdropping.

“Okay,” said Rob slowly as he slid into his seat. He started picking at my half eaten cake and nodded for me to go on. I cleared my throat a couple of times as I tried to figure out how to say what I needed to say.

“You know Bella, right?”

“From the swim team?” asked Rob, his eyes wide. I nodded. “What did she do?” his voice peaked up with excitement as if he was prepared for some more high school drama rather than the serious and possibly untrue but life-changing accusations that I held.

“Basically, Ruby told me that Coach apparently assaulted Bella, but…” I bit my lip nervously even though I knew that Rob was my friend and that I could basically tell him anything. “I’m not sure if I believe it.”

Rob dropped the piece of cake that was in his hand and sat back in his seat. His face dropped, and he looked as if he’d just seen a ghost. “Did you tell Ruby that you don’t believe her?” he asked after a moment. I nodded.

“Tyler, that’s really fucked up-”

“I know right, Coach would never do something like that-”

“No, you fucked up!” Rob cut me off, his voice getting louder. I looked around to see if anyone was listening, but Rob didn’t get any quieter. His eyes were blazing with anger, anger directed at me. I looked at him with confusion- how the hell had this become my fault? I’d brought him here to back me up.

“Regardless of what happened with Bella and Coach, it’s not the victim you should be accusing of lying. Ever! Especially in situations like this. Ruby must be so pissed at you man, you seriously fucked up.”

I looked down at Rob’s clenched fists and wondered how badly he wanted to hit me with them. I turned his words over in my head as I replayed my conversation with Ruby. Maybe I had been too quick to get defensive that I hadn’t even considered the alternative. What if Coach had actually done what Bella said he did?

“But what about the team?” I asked weakly. “What if this gets out?”

“See, there you go being selfish again!” exclaimed Rob. He closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose.

“Look, I love you, man, but you’re being really fucking ignorant and selfish right now. Fuck the team and all that shit. You just told me that someone got assaulted by a teacher and the first thing on your mind is how it affects you?”

“I’m not selfish!” I snapped, but there was nothing else I could say to defend myself. Rob was right. I had been more concerned for myself than I had been for Bella and if the accusations were true or not.

“How would you feel if Coach had assaulted Ruby?” Rob asked. He gave me a pointed look. I instantly felt anger burn hell hot in the pit of my stomach and I clenched my fists in fury as scenarios span through my head.

“I’ve been a fucking dick again,” I said after a moment through gritted teeth.

Bella was just as much a person as Ruby was and because she was her friend, that meant that it was my responsibility to look out for her too. Rob nodded enthusiastically, and I wasn’t 100% sure if it was because he was just enjoying me admitting to my shortcomings.

“It’s just- I can’t imagine Jenkins doing something like that, like why would he risk his job?” I asked. Rob shrugged and gave me a bemused look.

“Why do people do anything? Obviously, you couldn’t imagine him doing that because you’ve never been an object of desire to him. But don’t you remember those rumours going around about him like walking into the girls’ changing room and stuff?” Rob’s features curled into disgust. A light went off in my head and I nodded as I remembered.

“To be fair, I’d forgotten about those… I just thought people were joking but-”

“I wouldn’t be surprised if they were true,” Rob grimaced. He turned back to my cake and put the last remaining piece in his mouth and chewed on it thoughtfully. “There’s no smoke without fire.”

“What should we do? Surely-”

“People won’t believe us?” Rob cut me off, an eyebrow raised in a sarcastic fashion. I bit back my words as I realised I was being a hypocrite.

“At this point, I think Bella just needs support. Imagine how hard it was for her to come out and say that, especially about a teacher. I think standing by her is the best course of action against that fucking creep.” Rob scoffed in disgust. “I always felt like there was something off about him, but this is a whole other level.”

Even though it took pushing my ego aside to admit it, Rob was right. And I knew that I’d rather assume Bella was telling the truth because she’d have nothing to gain by lying about something like this than deny her claims because of the history I shared with Coach and the future of the swim team. It was a no brainer, and I felt guilty for having ever thought otherwise.

“Do you think I’ve fucked it with Ruby?” I asked Rob after we’d talked about how we’d go about helping Bella.

“Possibly,” he said grimly.

My shoulders slumped, and I felt the pit of sadness grow inside of me. I’d messed up again with the one person who had given me more chances than they should have in the first place, all because of my stupid ego.

“But there’s no harm in trying to apologise to her. Just be prepared for the worst, because you did do something pretty shitty,” Rob added. He checked the time on his phone and I knew what he was thinking. If it was a school day, we’d be on our way to swim practice right now.

“I can’t lose her,” I said honestly as my brain constructed images of Ruby rejecting me. The worst part was that I wouldn’t even blame her. If the roles were reversed, I don’t think I’d ever want to see her again, let alone speak to her.

“You just have to try then,” Rob said sympathetically.

It was the only thing I could do. I pulled out my phone and found Ruby’s number, not prepared for the tears that pricked at the corners of my eyes as her contact picture came into view. She was so beautiful and kind and compassionate and I was just a ball of anger and ignorance.

This is not the time to pity yourself.

I pushed my self-destructive thoughts aside and typed out a message, deleting and starting over when I felt like I was being too much or not saying enough before deciding that simple was always best.

Can we talk? I’m so sorry, I fucked up really badly and I want to make it right. - T x