Dark Destiny by Avelyn Paige


Riding highfrom my court case earlier, I arrive back in the cell block just in time for supper. I grab my tray and glare down at the gruel on it, thanking my lucky stars I had a badass Barbie like Brooke working to get my ass out of here and off to where people keep the real food.

I plop down in my usual spot and scan the crowd for Buddy. He’s always here first, so the fact that I beat him means I’m on a roll today.

“Hey, man.” Gibbs plops down at the table, taking his time arranging his tray before looking directly at me. “Look, uh… some shit went down while you were gone, and I’m gonna tell you, but…” He glances around. “You gotta promise to keep your shit together, okay?”

My fists clench as I stare at him, not liking where this is going. “What is it?”

Gibbs sighs. “You gotta promise, man.”

I lean closer. “Gibbs, no disrespect, but if you want to keep your head exactly where it is on your shoulders, you’ll fucking tell me what’s going on.”

Gibbs swallows and takes a moment to collect himself. “Okay. So, Buddy’s gone.”

“What do you mean, gone? How can Buddy just be gone?”

“Something happened earlier, and they cleared out his cell. I think he’s in solitary, but only until they’re able to move him to the state prison. Pretty sure he’s not coming back here.”

A heavy ball of dread forms deep in my gut. “Explain.”

Gibbs raises his hands. “Now, I just know what I heard, okay? I don’t know the details, but from what I was told by one of the guys in solitary until a couple of hours ago, some shit went down in the animal rescue program. I heard a lady was attacked.”

My body goes rigid.

Gibbs continues. “Now, I don’t know if it was your lady or a guard or what. All I know is that a woman was attacked by an inmate, and Buddy walked in on it. Pretty sure he killed the guy.”

“And what happened to the woman?”

Gibbs presses his lips together and shakes his head. “I don’t know. I heard there was an ambulance here, though.”

“Jesus.” I jump out of my seat and rush toward the bubble where two guards sit watching us. “Where’s Buddy?” I ask, unable to stand still, my whole body vibrating.

“I can’t tell you that,” the guard says, a sad look in his eyes.

“What happened? Who was the lady that was attacked? Is she okay?”

The guard stands and moves a little closer. “Look, I can’t give you any information on this at all. It’s still under investigation, and I honestly don’t know the specifics of it, anyway. All I can tell you is that Buddy is okay, but he won’t be coming back to this cell block.”

“What about the lady? Can you at least tell me who it was?

The guard looks around as if ensuring nobody else can hear us. “You didn’t hear it from me, Darby, but I don’t think your animal program will be continuing after this.”

Holy fuck. What the fuck is that supposed to mean?

I move toward the door. “I need to go to the kennels. I need someone to take me down there.”

“I’m sorry, Darby, but that’s not going to be possible.”

I run a hand along the top of my head and draw in a breath, trying to maintain some semblance of control. “I need to see her.”

The guard doesn’t say another word, but the apology in his eyes does very little to ease my mind. How the fuck am I supposed to find out what’s happening when I’m behind these fucking bars?

The guards will never tell me, and I can’t just walk out and go see for myself.

“Fuck!” I roar, making a beeline for the row of telephones attached to the wall on the far side of the room.

Picking up the closest one, I press the buttons necessary to call Judge.

“Miss me already?” he says, a smile in his voice as he greets me.

“Judge…” I clutch the receiver so hard, I’m surprised it doesn’t burst into dust. “I need a favor.”

“Name it.” The smile is gone from his voice, and now he’s all business.

“I need you to find my girl. I need you to make sure she’s okay.”

Judge says nothing for a long time. And then, after I begin to wonder if he’s still on the line, he barks out, “Since when do you have a fucking girl.”