Dark Destiny by Avelyn Paige


The guard leadsme into the courtroom for a second time, but this time, I see an angel smiling over at me from her place amongst my brothers in the MC.

I’m shuffled toward the defendant’s table, but all I can do is stare at her gorgeous face, complete with a bruised cheek and black eye. It’s been an entire week since I’ve seen her. Judge had kept me posted, and from the sounds of things, he and Delilah were developing quite the friendship.

I’m not ashamed to admit that makes me wild with jealousy. Not that I believe Delilah would ever sleep with Judge, or that Judge would even look at another woman other than his Grace. It’s because he gets to spend time with her. He gets to see her outside of that fucking jail cell. He knows what she looks like in the sunshine.

When I reach my seat, the guard stumbles, not expecting me to keep walking. I don’t go far, and he doesn’t try to stop me.

Just a few steps past my table, I reach the waist-high wall that separates the spectators from the defendant. My hands are cuffed behind my back, but that’s okay, because as soon as I get within reach, Delilah’s hands dart out and grasp the sides of my face, pulling me to her and pressing her lips to mine.

“Your face,” I say when we break apart.

“I’m fine,” she assures me.

“If that fucker wasn’t already dead, I’d kill him myself.”

She kisses me again. “I’m fine.”

“Miss Miller-Stewart, get your client to the table, please, or I’ll have to hold him in contempt,” the judge orders, sounding none too happy.

“Go, baby,” Delilah whispers, sweeping the side of her nose against mine. The gesture is small and private, but somehow it feels monumental. It’s making a statement to me and everyone else that she’s mine.

“Mr. Darby, you need to sit,” Brooke advises from behind me.

Leaning in, I press one last kiss to Delilah’s lips and head for my seat. Everyone in the room has their eyes trained on me, but I couldn’t care less. That moment with my woman had been fucking worth it.

“Mr. Darby,” the judge begins as soon as the room grows silent. “I’ve needed the extra time to consider your case because to me, it wasn’t so cut and dry. I’ve read your medical history, and the reports Miss Miller-Steward had presented about your military career.” He cocks his brow. “However, as further evidenced by the men behind you, I think it’s safe to assume you don’t exactly live a totally law-abiding lifestyle. Am I correct in that assumption?”

I stare up at him, knowing this moment means something. I don’t know what he’s looking for here, but instead of feeding him some kind of horse shit lie, I tell him the truth. “That’s correct, sir. We’ve had our share of run-ins with the law.”

“But you still have no prior criminal record. Is that also correct?”

“Yes, sir.” And it’s true. I don’t know how the fuck I’ve done the things I have without acquiring myself a record, but I’ve somehow managed to keep it clean.

“After reading over some of the files on your military career, I have to say, I thank you for your service and for the sacrifices you had to make in order to fulfill your role as a Marine for this country. Most men wouldn’t have survived the things you have and still been able to function in society.”

He doesn’t know the half of it. I know my file is full of reports on the missions I’d been a part of, but I know it doesn’t say word one about the pain I’ve had to endure witnessing the death and destruction I once had. It also doesn’t say anything about nightmares I continue to have anytime I get even a whiff of a campfire, or the night sweats that rip me out of a solid sleep during a rainstorm.

“Thank you, sir.”

“Considering all of that, along with the fact that Officer Dolan used excessive force, causing bodily harm to you upon booking, I’ve decided to sentence you with time served, plus one thousand hours of community service to be completed within five years’ time. You will remain on probation for the next two years.”

As he speaks, I hear whispered hoots of excitement from behind me. Though that same excitement is racing through my heart at this very moment, I don’t react. “Thank you, sir.”

“Mr. Rhett Darby,” the judge says. “You’re free to go.” Lifting his gavel, he thumps it down onto the judge’s bench. “Bailiff, clear the courtroom for the next case.”

My entire being vibrates with excitement as the guard removes the metal chains around my ankles, and then my wrists.

“Thank you,” I say, looking Brooke right in the eye. “You may look like Barbie, but in a courtroom, you’re the scariest bitch I know.”

Brooke grins. “Damn right.”

Once I’m free, I turn to my family behind the partition and nod before reaching out and grabbing Delilah around the waist and pulling her to me. “Time to collect on that treat you owe me.”