Fiancée for Rent by Elizabeth Grey

Chapter 14


I lounged on Kylie's bed, counting my blessings as I watched her get dressed for the company for the big holiday. I would have been nervous about meeting more family had I not been so distracted by what happened the night before.

"Stop staring," she chided.

"I can't help it," I managed, taking in how beautiful she looked even in the most ridiculous, oversized Christmas sweater.

"You weren't there when I woke up."

"I went downstairs to get something to drink and ran into your father. We started playing around with his guitar. Does the man never sleep?"

"No, he doesn't sleep much. Anyway, I've never seen you with a guitar in your hands off stage."

"Yeah, he started talking about music, and for the first time in forever, I had the urge to play. So we just hung out and jammed for a bit."

"He must've loved that, to play with the great Liam Hendrix and son-in-law to be," she stated, though she had a far-off look in her eye. "Thank you."

"No need to thank me. I loved it, too. And I love being here with you. I can't imagine what today is going to be like."

"Oh, way more food, way more family, and presents to boot. Now, put on that stupid sweater, and let's go. I think I can hear everyone."

"Is that what all of that commotion is? I'm not sure I'm ready for all that."

"No choice, now come," she demanded, a silly snowflake sweater in hand.

Given the obnoxious tree with actual decorations hanging off of her sweater, I figured they'd gone easy on me with the blue and cream pattern on mine. As Kylie forced it over my head, I pulled her to me for a kiss so hot there was no need for a sweater.

"You two, stop kissing and get your asses downstairs. The family is dying to meet Liam!" Molly huffed, grimace turned to smile in seconds.

I semi watched the sister's embrace. I didn't know how much more of this family time I could take. Each moment, I stood in amazement. All my dreams of holidays like this one had missed the mark.

The scene downstairs, though, went beyond. Each cousin, aunt, uncle, and grandparent proved more flamboyant than the last. I couldn't tell if they were interviewing us or giving an exam. Worse, I felt we were failing the test as we stumbled over our answers, unable to come together to paint a picture of two people in love.

"It's been such a whirlwind. I don't think we've been able to stop and catch our breath until we got here. All the events start to blend," Kylie offered up an excuse that could explain any holes in our story.

I breathed a sigh of relief when it was time for dinner. Everyone shoved around the table, so much food there had barely been enough room for our plates. Finally, the topic turned from us to tales of past holidays. The way they teased and laughed at each other had me feeling like a kid with a sugar rush.

"There must be something to cooking with love. I've had my share of five-star cuisine from the best chefs in the world, and nothing has come close to that stuffing, those mashed potatoes, and that pecan pumpkin pie duo. Everything was amazing," I said at a lull in the stories.

"Well, thank you, Liam. The pie is an old family recipe. First of the many meals you'll enjoy here," Mrs. Davis said. "You're a welcome addition to the family. We're all thrilled to see our Kylie so in love."

"Mom," Kylie warned, her face's flush deepening.

I broke off a bite of the sugar cookie on Kylie's plate when the stories resumed. I was already full, but I wanted to get a taste of everything. While there had been a mountain of cookies, I feared if I waited until tomorrow, I might not get to taste one.

"Remember that Christmas Eve we were pulled over for speeding trying to get back home in time to meet holiday curfew?" one of Kylie's cousins said with a laugh. "Kylie shoved a pillow up under her shirt to pretend pregnant. Not sure if the cop believed her or tried to call her bluff, but he offered to escort us to the hospital."

"Then David..." someone said, and I zoned out at the name.

My chest tightened. The stories of David brought a bittersweet tone to the mood of the day. He'd sounded like a great guy and had been a massive part of this family. All I could see were the tears in Kylie's eyes.

Jealousy fought with the urge to comfort her. I hated to see her hurt. Yet, as much as I wanted to be the one to soothe the pain, I didn't want to compete with her dead lover. As far as our contract, it wasn't my place.

Thankfully, after we'd sat at the table for what seemed like hours, we were shooed out so Mrs. Davis could clean up. As we walked past the back door, I pushed Kylie out and toward the car we rented, now tucked in behind several others.

I didn't know what I wanted, but I needed to be away from everyone. When I closed us within the back seat, I took in a deep breath to calm the trembling within my stomach, the clutch within my chest. I could hear Kylie's breaths coming in more shallow pants from the way I pushed her into the car and directed her across the seat without patience.

"I'm sorry," I spoke to fight the silence that hung like dark, heavy clouds between us.

"It's okay. I'm okay. What’s going on?”

"I had to get out of there. I don't know what's going on with me. I saw you hurting. All the stories…."

“Oh. Shit. I’m sorry. Family gatherings can be a lot. It was rude for us to reminisce like that. Can I make it better?" she reached for one of my clenched fists and tried to pry my fingers open. I released, but they shook. Embarrassed, I tightened them into a ball again.

"I don't know. The day has been so much," I said.

Kylie went back to work, opening my closed fist, smoothing my hand out. I took note of her slim fingers, her manicured nails. I wanted her touch. Damn, I wanted her touch. The idea, the implications, swirled within me. My hand trembled anew with desire, need. My breathing became shallow, quick, making it so I could no longer hear hers.

"Liam," she whispered my name before leaning in for a kiss. She brushed her lips with mine, parting them with her tongue, slipping it inside.

I forced out all that was bothering me and kissed her back. My hand traveled its way up under her sweater to cup her lacy bra. I pushed her onto her back, thankful for the tinted windows. As we kissed, I couldn't help myself from wanting her, far beyond a casual fling.

I struggled with her sweater. I finally managed to get the bulky cotton off when she sat up to help, only to reveal David's necklace falling in between her breasts.

Following my gaze to the necklace, she closed the distance between us.

"I'm sorry, I can’t," I muttered, pulling back.

I can't what? Can't have sex with a beautiful woman? Why the hell not? My inner voice scolded me.

"Liam," she said, her eyes downcast, her hand gripping the necklace. A prick of pain shot through my temple as my eyes narrowed. Her face scrunched up in response to what I assumed was a grimace on mine. Her hands tightened on the necklace, the heart disappeared into her palm, protectively. A bolt of lightning went through my heart as it skipped a beat. Damn, I can’t be jealous of a dead guy. I had to get it together, and I had no idea how to explain my actions.

"Liam, talk to me," she implored as she finally let the necklace drop.

"I don't know what to say."

"Tell me what is bothering you?"

"I'm not so good at the sharing and talking thing. I didn't have a family like yours. We didn't talk. We said what had to be said to go on living."

"So, try now."

"I can't, Kylie,” I said, my voice sharper than I wanted it to be.

In my mind, she had chosen another man over me. I wasn't proud of the thought. Still, it tortured me. I let the silence blanket the air in the car. The sound of air being pulled in and expelled from our lungs was the only sound, beating out the passage of time, time wasted or time ignored. My thoughts whirled in my mind until they took to a tornado of pain within my head. Beyond care as to how silly or stupid I'd seem, I now had to get away from her, her beautiful lips, her caring eyes.

"Sorry," I muttered again as I reached for the door handle. "I just can't..."

The truth I ran from remained out there, hung in the air around me as I made my way across the land. I couldn't be falling for a woman in love with a dead man. The idea repeated on a loop in my head. I didn't have the strength to deal with my shit, let alone hers.