My Ten-Year Crush by Olivia Spring

Chapter Twenty-Three

Itiptoed up the stairs, looking behind me every few seconds to check no one was there. With every step, my heart beat faster. I felt like a criminal trying to avoid capture.

When I reached the fifth floor, it was eerily quiet. Most of the classrooms up here had glass walls, so were more revealing than the room we used for our lessons downstairs. Thankfully, though, there were frosted panels across the middle, so you could only see in if you went right up and peered over.

I walked to the end of the corridor and saw that the door was cracked open. I stepped inside. There were white sheets covering the furniture and I could smell freshly painted walls. As I looked towards the back, I saw Mike perched on top of an uncovered desk in the corner, smirking.

‘Well, hello there,’ he said.

‘Hello,’ I replied. As I walked over, Mike stood up, pulled me into him, wrapped his arms around my waist and closed his mouth over mine. My lips moved hungrily against his. He spun me around and pushed me gently onto the desk.

‘You still up for doing this, here?’ he panted.

‘Yes.’ The word spilled out before I even had time to think. ‘You don’t know how many times I’ve thought about you taking me on a desk.’

‘I doubt it’s as much as I have.’

‘Are you sure it’s okay, though? I don’t want us to get caught and you get fired or something.’

‘It is risky, but all the workmen have gone home and most of the lessons have finished apart from a couple of evening classes on the first floor, so there’s no reason for anyone to come up here. We should be fine.’

As soon as those last four words fell from his mouth, I pulled him closer, tugging on his belt. His hands slid underneath my maxi dress and glided up my thighs, causing the fabric to rise higher and higher. My whole body vibrated with anticipation.

I unzipped his trousers and reached inside his boxers, curling my fingers around him. Mike groaned, then crushed his mouth against mine. The pace of the kiss quickened and his fingers climbed until they were between my legs, brushing against my underwear. He slipped his hand underneath the smooth fabric.

‘Mmm,’ he groaned, kissing my neck, ‘You’re soaked, Bells. I love it.’

‘Can you blame me? I’m spread across a desk with a hot guy about to make love to me. This is the stuff I see in films.’

‘Oh really?’ He looked up at me, desire burning in his eyes. ‘What kind of films do you watch?’

‘You know. Just films…,’ I panted. I was finding it hard to talk whilst he was touching me. Mike continued stroking my clit with one hand whilst reaching in his back pocket with the other and pulling out a condom. ‘Here.’ I took the condom. ‘Let me do it.’

I released my hand from around him, opened the pack and slid it down him. I was glad at least he was prepared. I didn’t have any protection with me. Lately I’d never had any need to carry anything around in my purse.

Before I’d had a chance to catch my breath, Mike had rolled my dress up around my waist, pushed my knickers to one side, pulled me to the edge of the desk and slammed inside me.

‘Oh God,’ I groaned, wrapping my legs around him. I rocked my hips in time with his as he thrust deeper and deeper.

Mike started kissing my neck again, pulled down the top of my dress, followed by my bra, then took my nipple in his mouth, sending shockwaves through me. I raked my hands through his hair and the scent of his delicious woody shampoo flooded my nostrils.

As he continued sliding in and out of me, I felt like I was about to explode. I couldn’t believe this was really happening.

Here I was in a classroom with Mike, my teacher, screwing me on the desk. Even though it was after hours, there were still lessons going on in the building. Someone could walk in at any moment. A trainee from our class. A cleaner. Even another tutor. This was so dangerous. And yet somehow I didn’t care. I didn’t want him to stop. It felt too good.

‘We shouldn’t be doing this,’ Mike whispered in my ear, as if reading my mind. If I was feeling more like myself—sweet, good, pure Bella—I would have pushed him away. Told him he was right. That this was totally wrong and illogical. And I almost did, until he picked up the pace and pumped in and out. Harder and faster.

‘Oh God.’ I tried to catch my breath. That felt unbelievable. There was no going back now. ‘I know we shouldn’t, but… please don’t stop. I’m close.’ I threw my head back, gripped his bottom and pushed him further inside.

Fire burned through me. I never normally reached the edge of climax this quickly, but the thrill of doing something bad, having Mike’s mouth and hands on my body and feeling every inch of him inside of me, was an explosive cocktail. I honestly didn’t know how much more pleasure I could handle.

‘Close isn’t enough.’ Mike lifted his head from my breast. ‘I want to take you all the way.’ He released a hand from around my waist, reached down and circled my clit with firm strokes, causing it to pulse, then spark like a firework display.

I gasped sharply as my legs shook. Mike wanted to take me all the way, and as my whole body pulsed, I knew I’d reached my destination. My gasps became long, loud moans as I shuddered, then completely fell apart.

Mike continued thrusting until he came and collapsed on my shoulder.

‘Wow,’ I panted. ‘That was…’

‘Yeah…’ Mike’s chest heaved and he struggled to speak. ‘It really was.’

My head was spinning. In the best way. Mike rested his face on my chest. I didn’t want to move from here. I just wanted to sit and enjoy the feelings rushing around my body.

We stayed still for a few minutes, the sound of our heavy breathing vibrating through the room.

Just as we’d caught our breath, I heard a noise and froze.

‘What’s up?’ Mike whispered.

‘Did you hear something?’

He stepped back and zipped himself up quickly. We both glanced at the door, then over the frosted glass panel. There was no sign of anyone. Thank God.

The reality of what we’d just done hit me. I climbed down from the desk and my dress dropped back down to my ankles. My legs wobbled. It was hard to stand.

‘We should go,’ said Mike, echoing my thoughts. ‘Just in case. You leave first, then I’ll wait awhile before going down.’

‘Okay.’ I nodded. ‘I’ll go to the bathroom on the third floor to clean up and will text you once I’ve left the building.’

‘Cool.’ He leant forward and gave me a long, slow kiss. ‘Speak later.’

‘See you in class, tomorrow, sir,’ I smirked.

I smiled, then walked towards the door, glancing both ways before slipping into the corridor and down the stairs.

Well, that was unexpected.

This time, I glided down the staircase. I was buzzing.

If someone had told me forty-eight hours ago that I would be sneaking out of a classroom after just having sex on a desk with Mike, I wouldn’t have believed them. I didn’t do that kind of thing. It was so out of character. So unscripted. So risky. But what Mike had said in the lesson earlier was right—I always overplanned. Thought too much. If this was what happened when you just went with the flow, I was converted. I felt free. Alive. Naughty…

And I couldn’t wait to be bad all over again.