My Ten-Year Crush by Olivia Spring

Chapter Thirty-Five

Isat down on the bus and pulled the book Hanh gave me out of my bag. I tried flicking through it, but my mind was racing, turning over the possibilities that had flooded into my brain.

Before I explored my idea further, I needed to mull it over a little more, make sure I was a hundred percent certain of my decision.

Hanh was right. Vietnam looked amazing. I knew Mike had been a few times before, and there was no way he’d return if he didn’t love it. I realised, especially over the past couple of weeks, that with a few exceptions, Mike and I liked the same things. So if he loved it there, I was confident I would too.

Yes. I was seriously considering going. Just thinking about it made my heart race. It was a scary decision. Probably the biggest I’d ever made in my life. Was I sure? Kind of…

A notification sounded on my phone. It was an email from an address I didn’t recognise. The subject line read:

Here’s Your Gorgeous Photo!

I opened it up and saw it was from the event organiser at the hotel Mike and I visited a couple of weeks ago.

Hello, Bella and Mike,

Hope you’re both well. Thank you once again for visiting our pop-up beach bar and taking part in our How Low Can You Go? Limbo Competition. Mike, you were a very worthy winner! I hope you enjoyed the champagne.

Please find attached a copy of the photograph as promised. You two make a gorgeous couple!

If ever you’re looking for a venue for parties, events or even weddings… we hope that you will consider us.

Please let me know if there’s anything further I can assist with.

Kind regards,

Persephone Rogers

I clicked on the photo.


My heart almost burst with joy. Persephone was right. It was a beautiful photo. Mike wasn’t looking at the camera. His head was turned and he was gazing straight at me. Looking at my face with such love and adoration. As if I was the most precious thing he’d ever seen.

No one had ever looked at me like that before or made me feel so loved. But that was Mike all over. I always felt special and supported whenever he was with me. It was like, with him by my side, absolutely anything was possible.

My happiest moments had always been when we were together. And the saddest were when we were apart.

Ever since I’d walked out of that pub on Friday, right up until seeing him a couple of days ago, I’d been miserable. Even knowing I’d passed the course and with the exciting opportunity at Hanh’s salon. Just like over the past decade, I’d done everything I could to try and forget him, but I couldn’t get Mike out of my head. I couldn’t just turn off the feelings I’d had for so long like a tap. And thinking about it, why should I?

This was under my control. The difference between now and before was I knew how he felt. He actually wanted to be with me. Us being together finally was possible. If I wanted to, I could be happy. The only thing holding me back now was fear.

I’d been living in fear all of these years. Afraid of letting my dad down. Afraid of telling Mike how I really felt because I was scared of rejection. Afraid of asking what really happened that night. I’d wasted so many years of my life.

By letting Mike walk away, I’d be repeating the same cycle. I’d be letting fear rule my life again because I was afraid of taking a leap, leaving my job and joining him in Vietnam. But he was right. Life was for living. Not next year or the year after. Now.

Why wait to travel? I’d played it safe for far too long.

Melody’s words also rang in my ears.

You and Mike have been apart for ten years. Did you find anyone in that time that even remotely compared to him? Trust me, as you get older, it gets harder to find someone. He’s your soul mate. Don’t waste this opportunity.

There was no doubt in my mind. Mike was the one. Melody knew it, Sophia knew it, Cassie knew it, my mum knew it—everyone close to me knew it. So what was I playing at? If one of my friends were in this situation, I’d tell them to go for it. It was time I took my own advice. It was time to step out of my comfort zone.

And it was at that moment that I knew that I not only wanted to go with Mike to Vietnam, I had to go.

Before, I’d thought that going would be completely illogical. But now I saw that not going would be illogical. Letting a man who loved me unconditionally slip through my fingers would be plain dumb. Giving up on the opportunity to travel and gain invaluable experience pursuing the career I’d dreamt about for years would be stupid.

Yeah, it didn’t fit with my original plan, but so what? When the plan doesn’t work, it’s time to change the plan.

I quickly texted Melody.


I’m doing it—I’m going to Vietnam with Mike!! Not sure how or exactly when yet, but I’m going!

I’ll message him this afternoon to arrange to meet tonight or before his flight tomorrow so we can work out the logistics.

I’m scared, but excited!! xxx

I don’t think a minute passed before her reply came through.


YES!!!!! That’s my girl!! Glad you saw sense! Soooo happy for you both! Message me tonight once you guys have met up.


Even if it’s at midnight! I won’t be able to sleep until I know it’s really happening!


Will do! Wish me luck!


You don’t need it! You two are going to be great together. Always have been. Always will. xoxo


Thanks for always rooting for us! Speak later xxx

Right. Time to change that plan. First, starting with my brainwave. I dialled Cassie’s number.

‘Hey!’ she answered quickly.

‘You okay to talk a second?’

‘Yep. Perfect timing, just about to go on my lunch break. Hold on whilst I go outside.’ Without realising it, I crossed my fingers. If this worked, it would mean a huge weight would be lifted off my shoulders. I held my breath as I waited for Cassie to come back on the line. ‘All good now, what’s up?’

‘So… I got your text earlier. Thanks for messaging about my meeting. It went well, but that’s not the reason I’m calling. In your text, you went on a bit of a rant about your flatmate…’

‘Don’t even get me started on that. Seriously, Bella, she is driving me up the wall!’

‘Yeah, I know, which got me thinking… I know you’ve still got some time left on your contract, but are you still looking for a place to move to after that?’

‘Yes! It’s a nightmare, though. Everywhere is either too expensive or miles away from a train station. All the flat shares I’ve seen are with weirdos or the places are disgusting shitholes. I don’t know what to do.’

‘Well, what if I told you that a one-bedroom flat had just become available with very reasonable rent, in a great location?’

‘I’d say you’re lying. I check the property websites religiously every morning, lunchtime and night. I even looked half an hour ago and there was nothing.’

‘That might be because this flat just became available literally two minutes ago and hasn’t been advertised. It’s in Streatham, with two train stations nearby and is being rented out by a very kind landlady…’

‘Wait, what?’ Cassie paused. I could literally hear the wheels in her brain turning. ‘Are you talking about your flat?’

‘I am…’

‘But…? Are you…? Have you decided to go to Vietnam with Mike?’

‘I have!’

Cassie screamed down the phone and my eardrums almost burst.

‘Oh my God! That is the best news! I am so happy for you! And proud. I know this can’t have been an easy decision, but I really believe you guys are meant for each other. You’re going to have the best time!’

‘Thanks! I really hope I do. So is that a yes to renting my flat, then? I’ll be gone for a while and I’d feel so much better knowing you were there. I probably can’t go straight away because of my notice period, but that could tie in nicely with when your contract ends. You’d be helping me out because then I wouldn’t have to bother with estate agents, viewings and all that stuff.’

‘Er, yes! Not just yes. A big fat hell yes!’

‘You might need to share the flat, though, with someone. Don’t worry, she’s lovely and I already know you’ll get on well. I need to ask her first, though, and I’ve still got some other things to sort out, but I’ll let you know later, okay?’

‘Yes! And I’m more than happy to share with someone. If you vouch for them, that’s good enough for me. And she can’t be any worse than my awful flatmate. Thank you! You’ve saved me more than you know. And congrats! Does Mike know yet?’

‘Not yet. I need to arrange to see him. Better go.’

‘Can’t wait!’

I exhaled. That had gone even better than expected. Step 1a done. My flat would be in safe hands, which was a huge relief. I’d need to work out the rent, but I knew it would be fine for Cassie. As long as I had enough to cover the mortgage and she took care of the bills, that was all that mattered. I already felt lighter.

Now for Step 1b… I dialled her number.

‘Hey, Bella-boo?’ she said. ‘You texted Mike?’

‘Not yet, but I will. How’s Andrea doing?’

‘Not great, but we’re going to try sleeping in the living room tonight, see if that helps.’

‘Actually, your accommodation was the reason I was calling. How do you fancy coming to live at my place? I hate the idea of you being in that awful house. If you don’t find somewhere by the time I go to Vietnam, why don’t you move in? My mum could look after Andrea during the day to give you time to look for work or whilst you go to work part-time or something.’ The line was silent. ‘Mel?’ Suddenly I heard sobbing down the phone.

‘Th-thank you…,’ she stuttered. ‘You have no idea what that would mean for me. For us.’

‘Don’t worry. We’ll get you back on your feet again, hon. You’d be sharing the place with Cassie, too, though—would that be okay? Maybe you and Andrea can have my bedroom and Cassie could have the sofa bed in the living room or something. Not perfect, I know, but you could share the bills, so you’d both be paying next to nothing. What do you think?’

If I’d had two bedrooms, it would have been so much better, but I still thought it could work. I could even get some sort of divider in the living room or something so there would still be a separate sleeping/living space for Cassie.

‘I think you’ve just made my day, my week, my month and my year! It’ll be amazing. I love Cassie, and I remember when she met Andrea she was really lovely with her.’

That was true. Cassie was great with kids.

‘Maybe you can have girly nights in too.’

‘OMG! It will be so nice to have someone to chat to in the evenings. I can’t wait!’

‘Brilliant. I’ll let Cassie know the good news and talk to you later.’

Step one had gone well. Now it was time to address step two: tackling the current job situation. In other words, speaking to Dad.

Something told me this wasn’t going to be easy.