Vicious Desire by Leslie V. Walker

Chapter Twenty-Five


I watch the sun as it appears through the horizon on my doorsteps.

My mother sits next to me, her cheeks dried with tears after coming from the police station, finding out everything her husband has done over the past years along with the abuse.

I hold her hand with mine as I relish back to everything I’ve just learned.

One thing is this world is cruel; some people in it are monsters hiding in the dark. It’s the worst I’ve ever experienced.

After the police arrived, they sent us to the station with them to give our report. I stayed clear of Brendan, embarrassed about what my father did.

I don’t know how he could even approach me, but he tried—several times to talk to me. It was all too much; the emotions running through his eyes had me close to shattering right then and there.

My very own blood ruined his life, and yet he still finds a way to look at me with those dark green eyes reminding me of peace and safety.

There’s no coming back from him, from all of this. And I know that. But I needed to be with mom now; I can see the war in her body. She wants to give up, but I won’t let her.

“I want to go to Europe,” my mom all of a sudden says.

“What?” I turn to face her, watching a small smile grows.

“I met this guy online a few years ago, and we’ve been talking since then. Only talk. But he’s always mentioned how much he loves to travel and how I should join him to go and explore.”

My heart grows happy, knowing she can find happiness through this all.

“I’ve always wanted free from this marriage, and now I am. I want to go travel the world.”

“Then go, Mom. Nothing is stopping you anymore.”

“Oh, Ayanna. I can’t leave you. You’re my baby.” She palms my cheek with both hands, tears starting to swell in my eyes.

“You won’t. I’ll come and visit as best as I can. But mom, I won’t be alone; Jason’s parents won’t hesitate to let me stay. Now more than ever so they can get the feel of another woman’s presence in the house.

Jason’s parents decided to take in a learning exchange student for her college years.

“I just don’t want to leave you after everything that happened.”

“You’re not. Mom, you’ve put up with Dad for years. You deserve all the happiness you can get. Go for it. Don’t waste any more time.” She breathes in my words, resting her head on my shoulder, and I pray she will go. Go travel and have a happy life as she deserves.

I don’t mind staying behind, as long as it’s with all of them.

I watch him from afar as he chats with Gunner when Victoria pulls me aside.

There’s a cage fight going down in Eastview, where we are. Brendan and the guys have decided to let Eastview keep its hangout going if they play by their rules.

For the first time in what feels like forever, Westview and Eastview kids are hanging together. Of course, they’re standing on different sides, but this is one step closer.


“I found the girl you were looking for.”

“Summaya?” My eyes widen.

Victoria pulls out her phone from her back pocket. “This is her today.” She clicks on a photo showing me a girl with long blonde hair and blue eyes; they shine so bright just how I remembered.

Yeah, that’s her.

“Where is she?” I ask as she pulls her phone away. Victoria is good with computers; she’s considered a hacker in terms. She gets money for what she does, so she calls it a professional legal job.

“Same place she’s always been. Here in Eastview.” Victoria brings her soda to her lips and sips the last remaining bit.

Here? I mean, I know I never used to go out much, but I should have at least seen her once, right?

“I finally remembered her once I saw her photo. I’ve seen her a few times here and there. But other than that, nothing. She barely goes out, and when she does, only with a few of her friends. But recently stop once her mom died.”

“Her mom died?” My heart hurts for her and how she must be feeling. Victoria nods. “The day we met, turns out she got a call from the police and left the fight club.” It’s why she was running. Holy shit.

“She doesn’t go out much or have friends. I didn’t get much, but one thing I do know is she’ll be attending Ashbourne Hills College this fall with you all. So, you might see her there.”

Guilt settles deep inside me, the fact I never once tried contacting her that summer. Even though she didn’t try herself, I still can’t help but feel it was all my fault.

“She means a lot to you, doesn’t she?” I stare at the floor.

“Yeah.” I nod. “She was my first ever friend. And she disappeared one day, and I never knew why.”

Victoria gives me a sad smile. “Well, now you can find out.”

I nod, smiling as I look for him. I want to talk to him. It’s been hours since what happened, and I need to speak to him.

“I have to go. I have customers to go to and stupid math to do. I’ll see you later.” I hug her, and she leaves, stopping by her brother to say bye.


The guys and I are at Eastview as the cage fights go on. Ever since we got Gillian to run the place, everything’s been running smoothly, and we’ve been earning way better profit than we did with Neo around on both sides of town.

Everything has been silent lately with Neo and Patrick. No one knows anything about them. But it’s only a matter of time before they come back. But this time, it would be for a different reason.

They wouldn’t try to take it all again. This time, I feel the big guy is coming out and ready to play, slowly but viciously.

“How do you know he won’t post the video?” Zane asks as he watches the fight play out in front of us.

“Because everyone with a beating pulse is out looking for him. He wouldn’t be stupid enough to add another charge to his record. It’s child pornography.”

“I still don’t understand why the fuck you let him get away. We had him and my piece of shit of a father at the tip of our fingers.” He growls, turning to look at me. He’s furious. I never gave any of them a reason for letting them off. They just did as told because they knew I had another angle to it. They don’t know how bad it is.

“Someone else wants to deal with him more than us.”

“What the fuck are you talking about? You have more reason than anyone in the world!” I shake my head, sighing as I pat him in the back.

“You’ll understand. Eventually.”

“Hey.” I turn my head to the sweet voice I’ve been dying to hear since this morning.

But I’ve been waiting for her to make the first move. I don’t want to scare her away; her father almost did.


“Can we talk? Privately?” She points upstairs to one of the empty rooms. We still have yet to do anything with them.

I nod, standing up, motioning her to lead the way.

I watch her every move until we make it inside the room. Then, I close the door behind me, giving her time to talk.

“I’m sorry,” is the first thing she says, “for what my father did.”

“It’s not your fault.”

“I know.” I watch her as she plays with her black hair loose around her shoulders, wanting to run my fingers through it.

“Why don’t you tell me what you actually wanted to.”

She looks up at me, hesitant for a brief second. “I’ve been thinking for the past few hours, and I think we should give this an actual try. Not just sex but something real.”

“And who says it hasn’t been real this whole time?” I ask, taking a step closer until we’re chest to chest.


“Ayanna Wilson, this has been real since the first day of summer camp when you came waltzing in. I’ve been fascinated by you since the beginning but scared as shit to approach you. Because how could a perfect girl love someone as hideous as me?”

“You’re not hideous.”

I smile. “And I knew the moment you sat down with me, and I ranted at how lonely I was. You were there for me ever since then, and I could never get you out of my head. You consumed my body and soul, and I wouldn’t have asked for a better drug.”

Tears fall from her beautiful face, and I wipe them off, cursing them to hell. “I love you, Wilson. I don’t know why you thought you had a choice to walk out on me, but you don’t. Your mine to the moon and back.”

A sob leaves her, but I cover it with a kiss pulling her toward me. She stands on her toes, her hand coming to tug on my hair, causing me to groan.

“And I love you, Brendan Carter. There’s no one else like you.”

I kiss her hard, never once separating from her. Having her in my arms forever feels so fucking good I never want it to end.