My Billionaire Fling by Maci Dillon




Three Months Later - March


“I think we should tell your brothers about us before your party next weekend.”

Pausing with my fork full of brisket midway to my mouth, I frown. “Tell them what?”

I imagine the awkward conversation with my brothers over for dinner, where I introduce Gabe as my casual fling and the man who’ll be accompanying me to my birthday celebrations.

Yeah, not going to happen.

“You obviously don’t care about me meeting them, or I wouldn’t be attending. So, what is it, Sophia?”

I grunt, irritated by the direction of the conversation.

“Can’t we enjoy our meal and celebrate my last night with you in my thirties?” I’m not beyond whining to get out of having this discussion tonight or any other.

“Of course, sweetheart.”

If I were a glass of wine, I’d be pouring over with gratitude. My birthday might be a week away but Gabe flew in today and will be gone in less than twenty-four hours. I won’t see him again until the day of my birthday and I’ll be fucked if I’m going to spend that time hashing out my sex life with my brothers.

“Thank you.”

Gabe lowers his fork and tops up our glasses.

“As soon as you answer the question.”


How do I politely tell him I’m not interested in a meet-the-family situation?

Not now, not ever.

“We’re fucking, Gabe. Why do we need to meet with them privately to disclose it? They’ll assume that all on their own when you show up with me.” His gaze drops at my words, and I instantly wish I’d thought before I’d spoken.

“Trust me, they won’t be expecting me to bring a date, even for my birthday party. To my family and most of my friends, I’m the epitome of a spinster. I wouldn’t be surprised if they have a delivery of cats sent to my apartment for when I return home from the party.”

I offer a laugh to lighten the mood, but Gabe has disengaged.

After spending my days and many nights setting up couples for meet and greets, which often turn into happily ever afters, my personal dating life is non-existent.

Except for my casual fling with Gabe while he’s in the country.

And the weekends when he picks me up and treats me to a few nights in Paris.

Or the few times I’ve flown to meet him in New York for a quick visit.


“The point is, I’m not looking for whatever this is to change anytime soon.”

“So, you still want to pass this off as a casual fuck?”

As I glance around the restaurant, I’m grateful we’re situated far enough away that other diners will not overhear.

“Isn’t that exactly what this is, Gabe? We’ve never discussed anything different.”

I’m confused by his sudden push for this to be more.

“It’s been almost a year since we met at the gala, Sophia.”

“And what a great year it’s been. I’m not denying I enjoy spending time with you, Gabe, but why change something that’s working?”

“Maybe this no-fucks-given attitude toward our relationship isn’t working for me anymore.”

A waiter scoots past our table on his way to a nearby table when Gabe flags him down and requests a whiskey for himself and a Cosmo for me. “What are you saying, Gabe?”

Holding my breath, I wait for the words I’m sure will follow. He wants to end this.

“I’m saying I want more than a casual fling with you, Sophia. Is that too much to ask?”

No, it’s not.

But anything more than what we have is knocking on the door of commitment and asking for heartbreak to follow.

I never imagined tonight I would be breaking up with my billionaire fling because of a fear of commitment and having to buy batteries on my way home.


“As far as I see it, next Saturday night you’ll be the man on my arm… my date and the sexiest man in the room. And I’m willing to beat off any women with a stick if they try to seduce you on the dance floor.”

Mr. Broody delivers a smirk. “Would fighting for my attention make you jealous, sweetheart?”

Not that I’ve considered this before, but yes, it would, and I tell him so.

“Fine, you win. Only because it’s you’re focused on your birthday celebrations, but this discussion isn’t over.”

Nodding, I share a grateful smile with him. In other words, we’ll soon revisit the conversation and decide on a label for our relationship or part ways.

Neither of which I’m particularly happy about.

After spending the morning with Kassidy—Jarett’s one and only fling, whose holiday turned into a twelve-month stay—shopping for her costume for my party, followed by a pampering session with my girls in preparation for my big night tomorrow, I treat myself to an early night, knowing Gabe will be on his way to me shortly.

“Hi sweetheart,” he answers my phone call.

Yawning as I sprawl out in bed, he laughs. “Sounds like I’m keeping you up. How was your day with the girls?”

“Freaking fan-tabulous! But I’m knackered. Are you coming here or going to your hotel when you arrive?”

There’s a brief pause on the end of the line. “I didn’t know that was an option. You’ve never allowed me to spend the night at your apartment before.”

“Technically, it won’t be the whole night as you don’t arrive until the early hours of the morning.” I chuckle nervously, unsure why I even expected him to come to me. Or why I suddenly want to be his first call when he arrives.

“I’d love—”

I cut him off, on the brink of an emotional freak-out. “Never mind, I need my beauty sleep, it’s probably best to see you in the morning, after your meeting.”

“As you wish, Sophia. Goodnight.”

“Goodnight, Gabe.”





I arrived at two in the morning on the red-eye, slept a few hours and met with Kassidy, my new hire for a project I’m working on with Jarett, Sophia’s brother. As soon as I leave our meeting, I all but run to Sophia, desperate to see my birthday girl.

When I show up at her apartment an hour earlier than expected, Sophia leaps into my arms and I never want to let her go.

“I missed you too, sweetheart.”

She squints at me. “I never said I missed you.”

Laughing, Sophia pulls me inside and kisses me fiercely.

“So, tell me about your meeting with your new contractor. Everything go as planned?”

“It did. I’m comfortable I’ve made the right decision. She’s perfect for this new project.”

Sophia gives me the ideal opportunity to tell her I’m working with her brother on this project, and I fail to mention it. Why, I don’t know.

I’d planned to tell her so many times prior to today, and it’s part of the reason I mentioned wanting to meet with Roman and Jarett before the party. The awkward turn in the conversation when I brought it up last week, had me thinking better of it.

Worst case scenario, tonight may be our last night together, but I doubt Sophia is that petty. It’s not as if my business colleagues are something we discuss. But the thought of Sophia not being part of my life causes an ache in an unfamiliar part of my chest.

My only plan for today is to seduce the woman I’m falling for, to own her body in a way she knows she belongs to me.

And me alone.

Before I make my intentions clear to her family. Tonight.

Which, against my better judgment, should’ve been done before tonight. To say Sophia’s brothers welcome me with open arms at her party is a stretch.

As Sophia and I descend the stairs at the speakeasy, I catch a glimpse of Jarett by the bar. He stands beside a man I assume to be Roman. And I nearly trip as I recognize the woman at Jarett’s side as Kassidy, my new hire, dressed in a barely-there corset.

Sophia squeezes my arm, bringing my attention back to her as we near the bottom step. Dressed as she requested as a twenty’s gangster, she outshines me in her whorish outfit—a sequin-covered gold corset—deliciously curvy and busty—a head of jewels, and her brown hair pinned up in a bob.

As we step into the limelight, I remove my hat and glance around the room, proud to be at Sophia’s side. The shock on Jarett and Kassidy’s faces is a look I’ll never forget. And regretfully, it could’ve been avoided.

“Presenting to you, Ms. Sophia Evans accompanied this evening by Mr. Gabe Lugreno. Please raise your glasses for a toast. Happy birthday, Lady Sophia, and congratulations on forty fabulous years. May the next forty be equally as brilliant.”

Not only is Jarett pissed that I arrived with his sister, but it was a surprise to all of us that his girlfriend, Kassidy, is the one and the same who now works for me.

If I were honest with Sophia about my business with Jarett and if she had agreed to let us meet before the party, the Kassidy situation wouldn’t have come as such a shock on the night we were supposed to be celebrating Sophia’s fabulous forty years.

The night passes too quickly despite the awkward beginning. Sophia introduces me to everyone as her date, although I don’t have the opportunity to catch up with Kassidy or Jarett again, and every time I get near Roman our moment is cut short.

I’m happy for a taste of what’s to come if Sophia ever accepts me as more than a casual fuck. I can see myself in her life and will do anything to be the man at her side through her next forty years.

Weeks have passed since I was last in London but tonight is the annual gala and one year since I first laid eyes on Sophia in the flesh. The internet photos, while beautiful, didn’t do her any justice, and she’s grown even more beautiful these past twelve months as she has edged her way into my heart, whether she likes it or not.

“What are you thinking about?” Sophia loops her arm in mine when I return to her side now that her brothers have walked away. She’s proudly watching the crowd mingling in the ballroom with Kassidy by her side, unaware of my presence.

“I was remembering our brief introduction in this exact ballroom at last year’s gala and thinking how different we are today.”

“Oh please, spare me the romantic bullshit. The only difference is you wanted to fuck me then, and now you are.”

A throaty chuckle bubbles up, and I slap her ass. The sudden movement as she jolts forward alerts Kassidy to my arrival. “Gabe.” She smiles. “I didn’t realize you were in town. Are we set to start on the contract?”

Before I have a chance to answer, Jarett and Roman arrive at her side with what-the-fuck is he doing here expressions on their faces.

Welcome to my world.

A world where I not only have to fight for Sophia’s love but for the acceptance of her overprotective brothers as well.

Jarett acknowledges me with a slight nod, lacing his arm around Kassidy’s waist, pulling her tightly toward him as if I might take off with her if given the chance.

Sophia’s entire demeanor changes once they join us, and I hate it. She appears nervous, ready to flee the conversation at the first opportunity. That’s until I respond to Kassidy’s question, “This trip is all pleasure.”

My arm rests across Sophia’s back, and my hand sits protectively on her hip. She nestles closer, and my heart dances when she smiles up at me, her eyes filled with more emotion than I’ve seen from her so far.

I continue explaining how it’s been a year since we originally met, and Jarett’s broodiness kicks up a notch. His glare directed at me alone. “So, you two have been dating for a whole year?”

Gritting my teeth, I refrain from causing a scene when I answer yes, and Sophia simultaneously says no.

“Okay, well, this has been lovely. When do the auctions begin, Sophia?” Kassidy assists with a swift change of subject.

“Yes, I should get a move on,” Sophia responds. “This event won’t run itself. Thank you all for being here.” She smiles at everyone and shocks the fuck out of me as she pulls me in for a heated kiss and leaves the four of us staring at each other.

“I trust this won’t be awkward for you, Jarett, with us being in business together. Or for you, Kassidy.”

“You mean the fact you’re fucking my sister?”

A grin pulls at my lips in response to his avid distaste of the situation. “Expect to be seeing a lot more of me.”

Roman frowns and tucks his free hand into the pocket of his trousers, his expression solemn.

“Sophia’s not the dating type, so whatever you’re thinking, don’t,” Jarett spits back at me.

“I meet a lot of women on my travels, but none who have affected me like Sophia. She may not realize it yet, but we’re meant to be together.”

Roman and Jarett laugh while Kassidy offers a hint of a smile.

“Mark my words… I’ll do whatever it takes to make her mine.”