My Billionaire Fling by Maci Dillon





I’m unable to leave my apartment for fear of being accosted by the paparazzi so I indulge in conference calls one after the other with my team. A team I can’t help but feel I’ve let down and disappointed.

First, I speak with Kelli and give her a list of media contacts to reach out to on my behalf. My public relations manager, Stacy, is in damage-control mode before I get her on the phone. “Stay inside, don’t answer the door, and ignore any incoming calls from numbers you don’t know. I’m drafting a press release to have sent to you within the next hour.” There’s a pause on the line.

“What is it?”

“Forgive me, Sophia, but to do my job, I need to ask…” My eyes flutter closed in frustration.

“The entire story is bullshit. Gabe isn’t a client, never has been, and we’ve been seeing each other regularly for a year now.”

“And you’re getting married? Was this planned pre or post the reports in this morning’s news?”

Groaning, I bite out what she already knows to be true. “Post. Gabe thought he was helping to save my reputation.”

“I thought as much, and he might be right. Act the part, and we can weave this as an epic love story for the woman who’s devoted her life’s work to creating lasting love and happiness for thousands of couples.”

“Huh. You think that will work?”

“I’m good, if not excellent, at what I do, Sophia. That’s why you pay me the big bucks, remember?”

“Of course, you’re amazing. I don’t doubt your abilities.”

The doubt is in my own ability to keep this under wraps and play the part of a woman in love. Over the past year, I’ve grown fond of Gabe and our time spent together, but love?

“I have issued a statement to all the staff. They know exactly what to say if approached by the media, and my team is working on contacting all current members to lay any concerns to rest. We’ve got this.”

“I’m glad you do because I feel like a wrecking ball has torn a hole through my life this morning, and now, I have a fucking wedding to plan.”

Stacy laughs, and I release a weak chuckle. “The plans can wait. We’ll say you weren’t ready to tell the world yet, and more details of your fairy-tale wedding will be some time away.”

After hanging up the phone in my office, I bury my head in my hands.

What would my mother think of the mess I’ve made? I can’t fathom the idea of a wedding and not having my parents there. As a little girl, I dreamed of the day my father would accompany me down the aisle and hand me over to my prince charming.

Except he’ll never get that chance, and I don’t want another man in my life who could one day be ripped away from me.

“How are you holding up?” There’s a knock on the door behind me, and Kassidy steps in with a steaming hot cup of coffee.

“Oh, you know, a nervous wreck full of uncertainty and fear of losing everything I’ve built.” I offer a weak smile, but deep down, I know it sounds worse than it is. Tomorrow, the media will find something more scandalous to share with their readers, and my so-called misdemeanor will be long forgotten.

Kassidy sits on the corner of my desk. “I don’t want to leave Jarett and Gabe alone for too long, all that pent-up testosterone and stuff, but I wanted to see how you were doing.”

I squeeze her hand. “Honestly, I’m fine. I could drive a nail file through Gabe’s eye for saying we’re getting married, but apart from that, my team has a handle on the press issues.”

“To think I’d have missed all this drama if I returned to Australia at the end of my holiday.”

“Nah, even if you went home, I have no doubt you and Jarett would’ve found your way back to each other.” It’s true. My brother is one lucky son of a bitch to have Kassidy in his life.

She smiles beautifully. “Thank you.”

“That said, if this clusterfuck hasn’t blown over by the time your contract is up, I might move back to Oz with you.” Laughing, it dawns on me, if that were to happen, Jarett would likely pack up his life and cross the ocean with her.

“Stop. You’re overthinking it. We all agreed not to consider what the end of my contract looks like. It’s only just begun, and you’re right, if we’re meant to be, everything will work out exactly as it’s supposed to.”

Clutching the coffee in my hands, I take a much-needed hit of caffeine. “Jesus, I forgot how strong you love your coffee. I’m not sure why you bother to add milk at all.”

Kassidy shrugs. “Figure you could do with the extra shot today. It looks like you barely slept last night.”

“Yeah, it was almost daylight when we finally closed our eyes. Waking up to a wedding announcement isn’t my idea of a lazy Sunday, though.”

“May I ask…”

“What’s the real story?”

“Yeah. Last night at the gala, Jarett asked if you two were dating. Gabe said yes, and you answered no, taking off like your dress was on fire.”

Chuckling, I nod. “Gah. I wasn’t prepared for the question, you know? I mean, after showing up to my birthday party together, I assumed it was self-explanatory. But when asked, I panicked. We never actually defined what we are. For all I know, he’s seeing any number of women back in New York.”

“You can get that theory out of your head immediately,” Gabe’s voice breaks over our conversation, not hearing him approach. “I haven’t been on a date with any woman, other than you, since last year’s gala.”

Kassidy glances at me, her smile wide. I picture animated love hearts flashing in her pupils. “Aww, that’s where you two met, right?”

Gabe acknowledges the fact with a single dip of his head, his eyes glued hard and fast to mine.

“Right, well, Jarett and I should get going and let you two figure some things out. Do you need anything before we leave?”

“Thanks, but…”

“I’ll be here until tomorrow morning. If she needs anything, I’m good for it.” There he goes again, taking charge and acting like I’m incapable of looking after myself.

Kassidy either doesn’t notice or couldn’t give a monkey’s dick. She leans in to kiss me goodbye as Jarett joins us. “I take it we’re heading off?”

“Yeah, we promised Roman we’d stop by to fill him in on everything after we saw you. He’s worried but couldn’t leave the café.”

I nod, appreciating the sentiment.

Kassidy’s glance bounces between Gabe and me, her body language suggesting she’s bursting to divulge something but holding back. “What is it, Kassidy?”

Flicking her finger back and forth from her to Gabe, she says, “It’s not going to be awkward? Us working together, I mean. With you two dating or getting married, me with Jarett…”

“Not weird unless you make it that way.”

“Noted.” She nods thoughtfully before wishing us good luck and allowing Gabe and me to finish our discussion.