My Billionaire Fling by Maci Dillon





The words I’ve longed to hear finally leave her lips, and I’m so preoccupied with the threat of losing her, it’s hard to feel good about it.

Danny fucking Thorne called me in the middle of the night. He hinted at leaving a package for Sophia but seeing us both together at Maximum, it was clear to him that she hadn’t received it. I assume it’s package number one with copies of the same contents I received.

Proof of what I’ve been hiding, the exact information that will tear Sophia and me apart. I need access to her office to run interference and make sure that package is never discovered. Thankfully, she agreed to stay home today and let me pick up some things for her. I only hope Kelli allows me into her office to look for myself.

Once I find it, I need a plan B to get rid of this asshole once and for all.

“Ronnie,” I rush the moment he answers the call. “Tell me you’ve found something on this bastard I can use against him.”

“I’m afraid not. He’s a loner, Gabe. There’s nobody important to him, he has struggled with a gambling addiction for years, and it looks like he used your payoff to settle the last of his debts. It seems he’s a drifter with no ambition.”

“No, his ambition is to ruin my life the way my father ruined his.”

Viktor gazes at me through the rearview mirror as we approach Incontro. He knows a little of my story, but not all of it.

“I suggest you come clean with Sophia, son. It’s the only way. Tell her before he does.”

Because he’ll tell her everything. Ronnie doesn’t say it, but we both know this is how it will end.

My secret getting out won’t only destroy my relationship, it could have a severe negative impact on my business. If investors get wind that I’ve hidden my true identity, regardless of its impact on my business, my name will be dragged through the mud, and I’ll lose all credibility.

Unless I act first.

“Hello, Kelli.” I grin, walking through the doors of Incontro.

“I’m worried about her, Gabe. Sophia doesn’t get sick, not even at this time of year.”

I can’t help but wonder if Sophia’s concern is elevated by my lack of emotional presence lately. “You and me, both. That’s why I’m here to collect some work for her. It’s best she’s out of the office for a few days until whatever is causing these attacks goes away.”


I sigh. “She woke with a panic attack this morning.”

Kelli’s concerned expression mirrors my own. “Go on…” she waves to Sophia’s office, “… give her my love and make sure she knows we have everything under control here.”

Nodding, I assure her, “She trusts you, Kelli.”

Sifting through the documents she asked me to find, in search of…

“Gotcha,” I whisper to nobody.

A large white envelope addressed to Sophia in the same scrawled ink as the one I received yesterday. So far, it remains unopened, and I breathe a sigh of relief.

Packing up her laptop, calendar and the paperwork she requested, I load up her briefcase which she never leaves in the office and make my way out. Grateful for once she’s let her guard down and left everything she needs at the office, gives me a solid reason to be here snooping around.

With the envelope tucked inside my jacket, I thank Kelli for her assistance and step outside. While I wait for Viktor to return and collect me, I call Elise and apologize for running out on her yesterday.

“There’s one more thing I need you to do.”

When I request her to arrange an interview with the New York Times, she does something she’s never done before. Elise questions my plan.

“Gabe. Mr. Lugreno, is this something to do with Danny Thorne?”

My breath hitches in my throat, my airways closing in. “What do you know about Danny Thorne?”

“He’s waiting for you in your office. I was just about to call.”


“Stay with him. Don’t let him out of your sight. I’m on my way.”

“He knows, doesn’t he?”


Elise has known since the day she started work for me that my legal name isn’t my birth name. Until I started to pursue Sophia, she never knew why. Now, she knows everything.

Storming into my downtown London office building, I have one thing on my mind. To finish this once and for all.

“Thank you, Elise,” I growl as I step into my office, my eyes focused on Danny.

Once Elise leaves us alone, I stalk across the room, filled with rage, and pull Danny Thorne to his feet by his cheap Walmart collar. Driving him into the nearest wall, I seethe through gritted teeth. “The fuck kinda game are you playing at?”

Dropping him to his feet but not letting go, his slimy grin spreads across his fucked-up face. His eyes are void of emotion, his soul void of empathy.

“I told you we’d be meeting soon. You shouldn’t underestimate me, Gabriel.

My skin crawls at the mention of my real name. The name my mother gave me. Lugreno was her maiden name which I happily took when I was looking for an alias and a fresh start.

“You can’t hurt me. I have a tell-all interview booked with the New York Times, and Sophia will forgive me because she loves me.”

His wicked laugh grates my last nerve, and I sucker-punch him in the throat. Gasping, he falls to the floor, hands around his neck but his grin never falters.

“You think a public declaration will make me go away? Even if Sophia doesn’t leave you, I’ll remain a thorn in your side forever.” A choked laugh squeezes from his throat as he picks himself up off the floor. “See what I did there? I’m thinking of legally changing my name to Thorne, so you’ll always remember what I am to you.”

“You’re a sick son of a bitch. You didn’t deserve what my father did, but I washed my hands of that monster the day I found out the truth. He ruined my life too.”

What Danny fails to acknowledge is the pain from his actions affects all five of us. Five children were orphaned that day because of one shady deal and a desperate decision made by my father.

“Imagine her face when you finally tell her the truth. And she learns you’re only telling her because you felt threatened by a nobody like me.”

My fists clench at my sides, my desire to draw blood from this fucker is almost too much to bear. “Ben didn’t take it too well when my colleague filled him in today. Thinking all these years since college that he was your best mate, only to learn he didn’t even know your real name.”

Bullshit. This has nothing to do with Ben, and it changes nothing. But it’s time to fly home and secure some loose ends.

First, I need to tell Sophia.