My Billionaire Fling by Maci Dillon





Gabe is waiting for me when I return home from the clinic.

“Where the fuck have you been? We need to talk,” he snaps as I walk through the door.

“I went to see the doctor.” I have no intention of telling him about the pregnancy yet, but I can’t straight up lie to him.


“She’s prescribed some pills for my panic attacks…” I say, using my fingers to emphasize the diagnosis, “… and recommends I go talk to someone.”

“Okay. Good.” I frown when that’s all he says.

“What do we need to talk about?” I ask, going through my briefcase to check he retrieved everything I asked for.

He hesitates, suddenly uncomfortable. “Never mind, you need to rest today.”

“Don’t treat me like some fragile doll about to break, Gabe.”

“I’m not. I have some things to take care of in New York, and it’s urgent. Come with me.”

“Are you out of your mind? I feel like fucking shit, Gabe. Travel isn’t what I need right now.”

A frustrated sigh, and he’s grappling his five o’clock shadow as if he wants to remove it with his bare hands. “I don’t want to leave you alone.”

“Gabe, I’m fine. I’ve organized with Kelli to work from home for the rest of this week.”

I consider telling him Kassidy came with me today, and I could call on her if I needed anything, but the truth is, I’ve always been an independent woman, and today’s results don’t change that.

The next day, I manage to keep down my lunch after my breakfast smoothie forces me back to bed with a bucket by my side. According to my instructions, I have a phone appointment with a psychologist this afternoon, a colleague I trust immensely and have worked with in the past. But not on a personal level.

Not having heard from Gabe since he messaged to say he arrived yesterday, I’m not sure what to make of it. Tonight is our family night at Maximum, and I’m unsure how to attend without disclosing my news. After all, a pregnant woman shouldn’t be drinking cocktails like water, and showing up with a sparkling water is only asking for questions I’m unwilling to answer.

Roman finally wants to tell us about his big news after putting it off multiple times over the past few months. I know I must be there for it, but I wish Gabe were here too.

If someone told me three months ago that I’d be pregnant, engaged, and wanting a man by my side for any reason, I’d have laughed in their face at their foolishness.

Now I’m the fool.

Knocked-up at forty.

When I hang up from my over-the-phone assessment, I have a missed call and a message from an unknown caller. First, I add tomorrow’s in-person appointment to my calendar and try not to overthink what the session may reveal.

Opening the message, I tap on the image appearing to be a screenshot of a news report in the New York Times. Billionaire Investment Mogul Tells All in an Exclusive Interview with NYT.

What the hell?

Rushing from my office with my laptop, I turn on the television, sifting through the channels to find the global news in case they’re running the exclusive now. Tapping the headline into Google on my laptop, I wait for the results to load and click on the first article I find.

A tell-all interview has been filmed today with Gabe Lugreno, but the broadcast won’t be aired until Sunday evening in the United States. Reports hint at whether the exclusive interview is aimed at his personal or business life.

Questions are raised in the comments about our engagement. Is it all for show or will Gabe’s business ventures be outed for shady deals?


Will this be the demise of Lugreno Enterprises?

A Sneak Peek at the Billionaire’s True Identity will be Revealed.

Is the Tycoon’s Engagement a Media Strategy?


Immediately, I pick up my phone and dial Gabe’s number. The headlines, snide comments, and aloof speculations are made worse when the call goes directly to his voice mail.

Wondering if this has to do with his dealings with Danny Thorne, I revisit my research on him. But only after I try to call the number the message was sent from, I receive the message, this number is no longer in use, and my blood boils.

Something is wrong, but it’s time to get ready to see my brothers.

I arrive at Maximum early to talk with Maxine privately before the others show. The bar is quiet, and Max offers to talk in her office. “I don’t know how to tell you this and also request that you don’t ask any further questions.”

“Oo-kay,” she frowns.

“All my drinks from now until I say otherwise… I pause, unable to believe these words are about to come out of my mouth, “… please leave out the alcohol.”

“Umm, wha… are you pregnant?” she whisper-yells, her eyes wide with shock.

Believe me, not half as shocked as I am.

“I can’t deal with questions from Roman and Jarett right now, and Gabe doesn’t know. Please, can you prepare my drinks as usual but without the liquor, so I don’t have to answer questions or lie to the people I love?”

“Of course, anything for you. And I’m here if you need to talk about it.”

Shaking my head, I thank her. “I can’t talk about it yet, not until I come to terms with how I feel about it.”

“I understand.” She smiles. “There’s been something I’ve wanted to share for some time, but when I talk myself into it being the right time, the universe seems to have other plans and things to get in the way. But when you know, you know, and we have to trust that time will come.”

As I hold her gaze, I narrow my eyes. “That’s cryptic.”

She shrugs, a sorrowful smile on her lips. “I guess we each have a secret for our own reasons.”

We hug, knowing nothing mentioned between us will ever leave her office. Maxine has been a part of our life, our family for as long as I can remember. Roman used to force me to visit and play with the older girl next door, just so he’d have the chance to come across and fetch me. It took years until I learned that was his game plan. Maxine knew all along.

Despite everything that’s happened between her and Roman over the years, we have always remained close friends. Sisters for life.

Maxine returns to the bar to get started on our drink orders at the precise time the guys are due to show up, and I escape to the bathroom on my way. It turns out my excessive need to pee is also caused by my growing dilemma in my womb.

As I enter the speakeasy, the bar in my line of sight, I see Danny Thorne sitting at the bar with Jarett and Roman. All three of them are laughing at Max as she recounts a story, one I’ve heard a hundred times before.

“So-phi-a,” Danny pronounces in three drawn-out syllables as I approach.

“I’ve been waiting for you.” His wicked sneer sets off fireworks in my chest, and I glance at my brothers, who are yet to greet me.

“You two know each other?” Roman questions.

“No, but he’s trying to extort money from Gabe.”

The imposter laughs ferociously. “That’s what he’s told you about me? I don’t want his money, Sophia.”

With my arms crossed over my chest, I stare him down. “Then what exactly do you want?”

“Now all the family is here, I’d like to introduce myself.”