My Billionaire Fling by Maci Dillon





Midday Tuesday, I have a few hours to spare between appointments. With my mind wandering through unchartered territory about tonight’s dinner invitation with the perplexing Mr. Lugreno, I find myself at my favorite vintage store pushing back items on the rack in search of who knows what.

In need of some perspective, I ask Holly to meet me last minute. As always, my childhood friend since the age of five comes running to my aid, loaded with every type of response she thinks I might need.

“I knew this was about a man the second you called.”

“It’s not about a man. It’s about Gabe… he’s different.”

Holly laughs, pulling a hideous off-green sixties dress from the back of a nearby rack and holding it up against her.

“What’s so special about this one?”

“The dress?” I joke.

“The man,” she clarifies, rolling her eyes at me.

Frustration pours out of me with a string of words I don’t understand until they’re out in the open. “I never said special. Different, as in, I think I want to go on a date with him, and we both know I don’t date. Fuck, Holly, I only entertain a man if I really have an itch to scratch. I’m almost forty with no interest in a relationship, casual dating included. Yet, here I am, considering a date with a younger, successful man who commands my attention with a single look and softens my need for control in a dangerous way.”

Holly stares back at me as I take a deep breath, her eyes wide. My admission comes as a shock to both of us. For once, I let the words flow without inhibition. I’ve trained myself to only divulge certain pieces of information which pertain to my personal life, as this is required in my line of work. And quite simply, most of my waking moments involve work with or for my clients.

“Holy shit, lady. Who is this guy who’s got you so twisted up?”

“I mean, he’s American, arrogant, and incapable of taking no for an answer, but he doesn’t live here, so—”

“Exactly! Date the guy, fuck his brains out, and give in to your need for control for once. Let him own your body for a good few hours and wave goodbye forever once he’s back on that plane.”


“Excuse me?”

“I doubt he travels internationally on a passenger flight. My guess is, as the CEO of a multi-billion-dollar company, he has a jet.”

Holly pouts sarcastically at this news and swats my shoulder.

“Do it already. Say yes to the date and forget all about him. Loaded or not, let’s assume he’s young and dumb and needs a woman like you to remind him he’s not all that.”

Now it’s my turn to laugh.

I’m certain he knows he’s all that and more. As for young and dumb—I bet my monthly turnover that he’s used those eyes to pull more women into bed than I’ve had lattes—his strong forearms and perfectly crafted hands suggest he’s a man of many pleasures in bed.

I’m so screwed.

Yet, ten minutes before seven, I give myself a quick once-over in my office’s private bathroom. Giving the girls a squeeze, I ensure they’re plastered in place beneath the low-cut fifties swing dress I have cinched at the waist with a wide belt and finished off with a pair of strappy stilettos.

Scrunching my thick brown locks, I give the few curls I added with my portable curling wand an extra boost. With an extra coat of blood-red lipstick, I smack my lips together loudly. I’m asking for trouble looking this damn hot for a date with the devilish Mr. Lugreno.

Clutch in hand, I turn off the light on the way out of my office. As I’m setting the alarm and locking the main door, a town car arrives on the street behind me. Turning, I swoon at the sight of Gabe as he exits the back seat in a dress shirt rolled to the elbows and dress pants filled to perfection in all the right places.

His eyes narrow in on my face, heated and needy as they descend the length of my dress and return to my cleavage. Exactly the reaction I expected.

“Right on time, Mr. Lugreno.”

“You look incredible,” he answers, a hungry grin crossing his face.

To steady me as I make my way inside the vehicle, he offers his hand and I’m all too aware of the sizzling heat in his touch. With a single inhale, I already know his masculine scent will be hard to forget. “Hello, Miss Evans,” his driver greets me politely.

“Meet Viktor, my driver while in London.”

“Lovely to meet you, Viktor. Whatever did you do to deserve Mr. Lugreno as your boss?” I joke.

Gabe smirks as he buckles up.

“Mr. Lugreno is the best boss an old man like me could ask for.” Viktor laughs, winking at me over his shoulder before he turns his attention to the road and driving us to our dinner destination.

“You have five minutes until we get to the restaurant. Now is your only chance to talk business.” Gabe glances at me, waiting patiently.

“Fine. I’ve looked over the details with a few confidants and sent it through to my legal team for review. At first glance, it appears to be an opportunity I’m happy to pursue further.”

Gabe nods. “I thought it might be a perfect fit, although a slightly different clientele to what you have here.”

“Yes, I believe we can expand and diversify the clientele with time. Do you mind me asking why your friend’s cousin is wanting to sell?”

“Medical expenses are piling up for Bree’s parents, and all responsibility falls back on her. The sale of her business is the only opportunity available to her to satisfy them. Sadly, it’s not her first choice but the only one.”

My heart twists for the agony she must be experiencing with such a decision, if having sick parents wouldn’t be enough stress. “Would she consider staying on to run the agency after the sale? Tremendously compensated for her efforts, of course.”

Gabe’s expression softens after a brief look of surprise. “Is that something you would consider?”

“Of course, I’d want to meet with Bree and get a feel for her as a person and a business partner, but if it could be helpful for both of us, why not? Taking over an established company of any form, replacing employees isn’t my preferred choice. I’d rather work with those who are already committed to the success of the business.”

A small smile lingers as he contemplates my answer. “I’m sure Bree would be happy to hear this. When do you think you could get out to New York?”

“As soon as possible, preferably. End of next week? Thursday and Friday perhaps, for an in-office tour and to meet the staff on a casual basis. I could do with a weekend away, so I’ll arrange to stay until Monday. It won’t take much to reschedule my responsibilities here, and my team is more than capable in my absence for a few days.”

“We’re approaching now, sir,” Viktor calls from the front, and Gabe acknowledges with a slight nod in his direction.

“Consider it done. Book your flights and send me the details.”

Glancing out the window, I notice we’re pulling up to the city’s most honorable French dining experience. Not only does it have three Michelin stars but also houses the most famous dining table in London.

I’ve never had the pleasure of experiencing it personally, but I’ve heard the table is situated in the middle of the dining room, and shimmering lights fall around it, creating an opulent and private dining experience.

“Wow, you sure do pull out all the stops, don’t you?”

“What’s the point of making bank and not enjoying an expensive meal out with a beautiful woman?”

While I choose not to live the billionaire lifestyle with drivers and private jets at the ready, I can’t argue with his logic in the slightest.

He takes my hand when the car hums to a stop in the valet entrance, and Viktor rushes to open the door. Gabe sends him off with the promise to call when we’re finished with the evening.