My Billionaire Fling by Maci Dillon




New York City - June


Gabe is waiting for me as I disembark and collect my luggage at JFK. Although I’m only staying four nights, I have ample outfits to see me through a month. Nobody will ever accuse me of packing light. I considered paying extra for a second suitcase of shoes, but I figured I’d have plenty of time to shop for new ones on my mini vay-cay.

We have a meeting with Bree at Heavenly Matches in two hours, and Gabe assures me I’ll have plenty of time to check in at my hotel and freshen up.

“You made it.” He grins, looking behind me at my oversized case, the wheels screeching at the strain of the weight. “I thought your return ticket was for Monday or was that Monday next month?”

“Don’t get smart with me, Lugreno. Who knows what I might need over the next few days? I included something sexy for every occasion.” I wink.

He holds his hands up, his expression serious. “Not arguing with sexy.”

I flash him a sarcastic look as he takes my bag and leads the way to the car.

“I really didn’t need you to collect me. I’m quite prepared to Uber into the city.”

“My driver is on my payroll. He gets paid whether he’s working or not, so you may as well utilize him during your stay. I’ll send you his number, be sure to call him any time.”

Not familiar with New York, I appreciate the offer, though it’s completely unnecessary.

“Henry, this is Sophia Evans,” Gabe introduces me to a frail older gentleman standing by the car with the door open and waiting. “I’ll program her number into your phone. She’s free to call you for any of her travel needs while she is visiting.”

Henry nods in my direction, “Welcome to New York, Miss Evans.”

“Thank you. Nice to meet you, Henry.”

Mid-morning traffic into Manhattan is as bad as our peak hour back home. I’m grateful to have Henry at my beck and call if this is what I can expect. It’s approximately forty-five minutes in this craziness to my hotel.

“I upgraded you to the suite at your hotel, no extra charge.”

My head whips around at Gabe, almost forgetting he was sitting beside me as I take in the city streets. “Um, thank you. How di—”

His sharp glare cuts me off. He doesn’t take kindly to questions of his ability to get shit done.

He’s Gabe fucking Lugreno—people bend at his will.

Two hours into my meeting with Bree, I’m reluctant to finish up. She’s an absolute gem of a woman, whose business sense and management skills rival my own. After meeting all of her consultant team, checking out the agency’s internal workings, and going through the books with her, I’m convinced the purchase of Heavenly Matches is the perfect opportunity to take Incontro international.

“So, you would be willing to stay on in your current role at the agreed salary?”

Bree reaches across the table at the coffee shop, directly opposite her office, and squeezes my hand. “I’d be honored. I can’t express how grateful I am for the opportunity.”

I wave off her gratitude, “There’s nobody more suited for the position.”

“There you two are.” I turn at the sound of Gabe’s voice. “I’m amazed you stopped talking long enough to eat,” he adds, pointing at the dinner plates pushed to the corner of the table.

“What are you doing here? I thought I was meeting you for drinks at five?”

“Bree’s cousin, Ben, will be meeting us at our usual cocktail bar. I thought I’d extend the invitation to Bree. Would you like to join us?”

Bree smiles sadly. “Thank you, but I’ll have to pass. I’m going to the hospital tonight to visit with my father before his next surgery scheduled for tomorrow.”

As strong as her exterior is, I feel her pain on a level I wish I never knew. “Of course. I hope everything goes well.” I offer her a sympathetic smile, the kind I always hated to receive, but it’s difficult not to sympathize.

Gabe nods. “Sure. I trust your meeting with Sophia has helped to lessen the burden for you.”

A genuine smile crosses her face, and she clasps her hands together in excitement.

“Yes, it has. Thank you for setting this up. I believe my baby will be in the best hands with Sophia, and I’m looking forward to seeing where she takes us.”

Ready to leave, I stand and secure my handbag over my arm. “I’ll have my team prepare the documents and send them through to you early next week. Thank you for meeting with me and showing me around.” Bending to hug Bree goodbye, I wish her all the best.

“Didn’t mean to interrupt,” Gabe says as we leave.

“No, I need to finish up, and I have some paperwork to address before we meet for drinks.”

Ignoring me, he continues, “You’ll love Ben, he’s a straight shooter and a real ladies’ man.”

The jet, the suite upgrade, plans for drinks, meeting a friend, it all sounds a little too much like a couple’s weekend trip away. Concerned about giving Gabe the wrong idea about us, I explain, “This isn’t a date, you know. You and me,” I say, pointing between us. “This is just business.”

“Ahh, yes. And you’re about to go into business with Ben’s closest cousin, so think of it as meeting the new business family.”

“Whatever you say.” I smirk, unable to miss his cheeky side grin from the corner of my eye.