His Little Sunshine by Della Cain

Chapter Four


I didn’t want to leave Diner Time, but it was getting late. I enjoyed spending time with Brad like that…just the two of us. And each part of our conversation felt like he was unwrapping a part of himself just for me. There were times when I first met him when he was all work. He had a persona slapped on him that was 100 percent about being professional. And even then, I thought he was attractive and would’ve taken him home without question had we met in a bar or something.

But since Declan and he started their business and he began coming around more, I saw a whole new side of him. He was gifted in his work, which I already knew, but he wasn’t all work. He cherished the sweet moments and kept them locked away to remember them. Listening to Brad talk about his grandmother really emphasized that part of him.

“Declan called, looking for me.” Brad had his phone in his hand as I climbed in the driver’s side of the truck. “What should I tell him?”

“That depends.” I shut my door and grabbed my seat belt.


“Is this a date?” I winked at him. “If it is, tell him you were on a date. If it isn’t, tell him you grabbed dinner and are bringing back pie.”

“It was a date.” He looked to me as if for approval. “Do I still need to tell them about the pie?”

“Pretty sure withholding Mama’s pies is a quick way to lose friendships.”

He chuckled and tapped away.

The ride home was far shorter than I wanted it to be and, because I could, I took the back way in to buy us a few more moments together.

“What are your plans?” I asked him. “You said you were staying tonight, which I took to mean you were maybe heading back to the city tomorrow? I think Ethan and Sebastian are sticking around. Not sure about anyone else.”

“I hadn’t really thought about it.” He didn’t sound overly sure. “They all came in one van, so it’s all or none for them though.

“Hadn’t thought about it, or their staying changes things and now you need to reevaluate?” I turned onto the long dirt road, the truck bouncing as we hit the bumps and holes.

“I had planned to stay originally, and then I thought maybe not and now…my bag’s in the car. I was hoping to get a bit of work done this weekend while I was here, but if Declan was having a play weekend, I could go home easily enough.” It came out as almost one word, he talked so quickly.

“I like it when you tell me what you think like that,” I praised him. “When you just say it like it is without trying to form it into what you think will sound best.”

He didn’t respond at first and, given the road we were on, my gaze had to be glued to the path before us. Between the potholes, the grooves, and the odd animal here or there, it was better for everyone I did. I should’ve saved it for a time when I could watch his response.

Finally, he said, “I do that. Don’t I? The what-will-sound-better thing, I mean.”

“Yeah. But, in fairness, I’ve mostly seen you while you are here for work.” I slowed as we approached the turnoff to my place.

“It’s not only work.” Sadness colored his voice, and I was glad we were almost there so I could park and give him my full attention. “It was how I was trained.”

“Trained?” What did that even mean? He wasn’t a horse.

“My parents used to say ‘they trained me up.’” And that explained the sadness. “But, back to the original question. I maybe will head back. If they are all staying to have an extended playdate…it’s not really…I don’t know. It would probably be better if I left.”

We came to the house, and I put the truck in park.

“I doubt if they will play all night though. They’ll probably use the fire pit or something. But if it makes you uncomfortable, there are plenty of rooms in my house, too.” I was careful not to make him think it was an invitation into my bed.

Did I want him there? Heck yeah, I did. But also, the more I talked to him, the more I got my hopes up that this might have the potential to be more than that. So, baby steps it was.

“Let’s see what they’re doing when we bring the pie.” He opened the truck door. “Don’t notice, but the cake might not be edible.”

“I won’t,” I promised. “What should we do with your special?”

“Can I put it in your fridge? If I bring it to the main house, someone might dive in.”

They wouldn’t, but I wasn’t going to argue with him. In the back of my mind, I wanted that to be the reason he was keeping it here.

“Absolutely.” I climbed out of the truck and grabbed the pies, Brad already holding onto his meal.

We went inside my house together. I’d have been fine just sending him in, but given how he was before, I thought he’d be more comfortable with me there, too. Besides, our date was coming to an end, and I was planning to savor every minute of it.

I probably needed to talk to my cousin anyway. Not to ask permission. Just to feel out whether or not he and Declan would be okay with me pursuing Brad since he was Declan’s business partner.

I set the pies on the counter and opened the fridge for him. “Anywhere you find a space.” There were a lot of spaces. I needed to go shopping.

“Thanks.” He placed it on the top shelf. “Do you and the other hands all eat together or something?”

“Sometimes.” I shut the door. “But it’s bare because I need to head to town.” I didn’t tell him it had been my plan for this evening. Dinner with him was a much better choice, even if tomorrow would be cold cereal for breakfast, possibly without milk.

“That’s cool. There is a little community here.”

“I like it.” I grabbed the pies.

He held out his hand and, for a split second I thought he wanted my hand, but then he quickly added, “I can carry one of the pies.”

“I’ve got it.” They weren’t exactly heavy.

He leaned in closer, his face getting deeper shades of pink as he did, and kissed my cheek so fast that if anyone was looking, they might’ve missed it.

“Thank you.” He rocked back on his heels. “Dinner was great.”

“Knock knock.” Holden’s voice echoed through the screen door. I needed to talk to him about his timing. Although, given he didn’t walk in, he saw the kiss. At least I wouldn’t need a conversation starter. “I’ve been sent down to collect the pie.”

“We’re coming.” Brad bounced toward the door. “How was the playdate?”

“Do you want the details?” Holden asked. He wasn’t being sassy; he was information seeking. Holden was good at that, seeing when someone has cracked a door and trying to figure out if they want it fully open.

“Nope.” Brad popped the P. “I want pie.”

“It’s Mama’s. Everyone wants pie.” I walked out the door, and the three of us wandered over to the main house, talking about anything and everything related to pie and my mind on anything and everything related to Brad.