Bound By Her Shocking Secret by Abby Green


WHENTHEYARRIVEDback at the house a short time later, Mia felt ultra-aware of Daniel. In spite of her best intentions and instinct for self-preservation, she feared that today and then this evening had fatefully worn down her will to resist the temptation Daniel offered. It hummed between them...the invitation.

He turned around to face her. The house was silent. Mia felt a mixture of panic and illicit excitement.

Ridiculously nervous, she said, ‘I should check on Lexi.’

‘She’s in Odile’s room.’

‘Oh, yes,’ she said weakly.

Daniel wasn’t fooled for a second. He moved closer and Mia refused to let him see how conflicted she felt. She knew she should walk away...but she couldn’t. She felt bound to him in a way that she hadn’t felt before.

He brought his hand up, trailing a knuckle lightly along her jaw, which was almost as incendiary as if he’d kissed her.

‘Mia, you know I want you. But, like I said, if you’re strong enough to resist this then I won’t push you.’

Mia’s heart thumped so loud she was sure it must be audible. She swallowed. ‘Last I don’t know what’s happening...where we are. How to...navigate this...’

‘What’s happening is inevitable when the chemistry is this strong. Maybe instead of fighting it, trust that it’s taking us in the right direction. As a family. We’re a family now, Mia, no matter what.’

It was that word that seemed to dissolve the last of the barriers that Mia had been so intent on throwing up. The chatter in her head stopped. She wanted Daniel. She’d never stopped wanting him. She’d used to look at men and wonder why they left her cold. Would any other man ever turn her on again?

The answer was standing right in front of her, and suddenly it seemed so simple.

‘Trust that it’s taking us in the right direction.’

All Mia knew right now was that there was only one direction she could go.

Towards the fire.

She stepped forward and reached up, wrapping her arms around Daniel’s neck. Eyes fixed on his mouth. Firm and sensual. Anticipation mounted.

‘Take me to bed, Daniel.’

He bent down slightly and suddenly Mia was being lifted into his arms. He carried her through the stunning house perched on a hill between the sea and the tropical forest and laid her down on his bed as if she was made of china.

He stripped himself bare and then, oh, so slowly, undid the buttons on her dress, one by one, kissing each piece of flesh as it was revealed, lavishing long moments on her breasts, until Mia was begging and writhing and panting.

Only then did he remove the rest of her clothes and, after donning protection, join his body to hers with such a powerful thrust that she was helpless against the spontaneous waves of pleasure that exploded from her core, wrenching any sense of control out of her grasp, making a mockery of her attempt to feel as if she’d been the one in control last night.

When Mia woke up, the first thing she noticed was the lingering sense of Daniel’s arms around her, even though she knew she was alone in his bed. She stretched luxuriously, her limbs deliciously heavy and a sense of deep satisfaction flowing through her blood.

She couldn’t even begin to analyse what had happened last night; she just knew that on some level she’d trusted Daniel enough to capitulate.

Trust. She’d thought she’d never trust anyone ever again after her first boyfriend. But she did trust Daniel. With Lexi, at least. His growing bond with her was genuine. Mia was sure of it.

As for herself, physically what they had was more than tangible. It was explosive. Last night had proved that. But emotionally... Mia knew she’d be very naive if she thought for a second that sharing confidences meant that things had changed.

She heard Lexi’s babble and got up, not wanting to think too much about what Daniel had meant by moving forward as a family. She blushed when she picked up her dress and pulled it on, recalling Daniel undoing each button so slowly.


She looked up from doing up enough buttons to be decent to go back to her room and take a shower. No underwear underneath. Daniel was wearing shorts and a T-shirt, no shoes, and he looked rested and...smug. Too smug for Mia’s liking.

Her hair felt like a rat’s nest, tumbled around her shoulders. She must look a sight. She’d been so weak...

As if reading her mind, he said, ‘Don’t be hard on yourself. I’m quite irresistible, you know.’ He handed her a cup of coffee and Mia’s heart lurched at this side of him she hadn’t seen since they’d been lovers the first time. Flirtatious. Playful. Funny.

She took the coffee and resisted the urge to throw it over his head.

He said, ‘I’ve told Odile to take the rest of the day off. Lexi has had breakfast and I’m going to take her down to the beach. Join us when you’re ready.’

Once again, the ease with which Daniel was becoming a part of their lives was disorientating. Feeling prickly and exposed, Mia said, ‘Make sure she’s got sunscreen on, and a hat.’

Daniel’s smugness increased. ‘Of course. And Odile has packed a bag with essentials.’

He disappeared, and Mia stood staring stupidly at the empty space he’d left behind for a long moment before she finally moved.

A little later, feeling somewhat refreshed after a shower and some breakfast, and dressed in cut-off jeans and a T-shirt, Mia made her way down to the beach. She spotted Daniel and Lexi and walked towards them. They were building a sandcastle and there were various items strewn around them. Toys, buckets, shovels.

Daniel looked up, shades covering his eyes. He should have looked ridiculous, cavorting with a toddler, but he didn’t. Damn him.

Lexi stood up and came and grabbed Mia’s hand. ‘Mama, play.’

Mia dutifully let her daughter drag her down to the sand. Lexi handed her a bucket and said something incomprehensible.

Daniel said, ‘I find it’s best to pretend you know what she’s saying.’

Mia’s heart clenched at this further evidence of Daniel and Lexi bonding, even as every self-preserving instinct she had urged her to grab her daughter and run, far away. Which obviously was not an option.

Growing tired of bossing them around, Lexi wandered off a little way to fill her bucket with sand.

Daniel caught Mia’s arm when she moved to follow. ‘Wait a second. I want to say something.’

Mia looked at him warily. ‘What?’

He pushed his shades onto his head. ‘I know I mentioned marriage before—’

Mia stood up in one fluid motion, panic galvanising her movements. He was too close. Things were moving too fast for her to be able to assimilate how she felt. ‘No way. I’m not talking about this again.’

Daniel stood up too. ‘Just hear me out. You don’t have to say anything now.’

Mia folded her arms, but she didn’t walk away and she didn’t say anything else.

‘When I mentioned it before it was a reflex. I admit that. I saw it as a solution to a problem. But I really mean it, Mia. I want us to marry and be a family. Because we are a family, whether you like to admit it or not. I don’t want Lexi growing up on the other side of the city, only to see her once a week or less. I want her to be with me every day.’

A ridiculous dart of envy made Mia say tartly, ‘And me? Do I fit into this neat equation?’

Daniel took a step towards Mia and snaked a hand around the back of her neck. His gaze roved over her face and she saw the lick of heat in his eyes. An answering heat bloomed in her belly.

‘Of course you do. I want you, Mia. You know that. I haven’t stopped wanting you, and the more I have of you, the more I want. We have amazing chemistry. We like each other. We respect each other. And we have Lexi.’

But I don’t love you. That was what he omitted to mention.

‘You never wanted this, remember?’ Mia couldn’t quite keep the bitterness out of her voice.

‘I know. But that was before Lexi existed. I don’t regret Lexi, Mia—not for a second. Neither of us had the family experience we wanted. She deserves more.’

Damn him. She’d told him too much.

They stared at each other for a long moment. And then, from a few feet away, came, ‘Papa!’

Mia saw the shock on Daniel’s face. He dropped his hand and looked at Lexi. ‘What did you say, mignonne?’

He went over and bent down. She said, very clearly, ‘Papa make castle.’

Papa. Mia put a hand to her mouth, emotion rising before she could stop it. Tears pricked her eyes. Daniel looked up at her and she couldn’t hide the emotion.

He said, ‘I’m just asking you to think about it, okay?’

Mia swallowed the lump in her throat. She owed him that much at least. She nodded.

That night Mia lay wide awake in bed, Lexi was on her back, legs and arms akimbo, in the cot nearby. She’d come to bed early, using Lexi as a pretext, afraid that Daniel would look at her and scramble her brain cells again—or, worse, touch her and make her agree to something she really wasn’t sure she was ready for.


She’d always thought she was against the idea after her upbringing, until her first boyfriend had exposed her weakness for the dream. She’d learnt a harsh lesson. And then, with Daniel, she might not have dreamt of marriage, but she’d certainly come close to letting her defences down, to trusting him.

And she’d been humiliated again with the news of his arranged marriage. Reminded of her unpalatability. The fact that Daniel had acknowledged that last night only made her feel more vulnerable now.

And yet Mia knew that hundreds of thousands of marriages started with a lot less and lasted for a long time. Chemistry, respect...a child. Those were all solid foundations on which to build a lasting partnership. She’d convinced herself she would be happy with such a union, built on respect and mutual trust.

But she knew she wanted more. She wanted Daniel to love her as she still loved him. It was pointless trying to keep denying how she felt. She’d fallen for him two years ago and she hadn’t stopped loving him, no matter what she might have told herself. Now she was fathoms deep, with no hope of escape. And the fact that he was growing to love Lexi and building such a good relationship with her only made her love him more.

Mia turned over and thumped the pillow, trying to plump it up. What it really came down to was this: was she selfless enough to sacrifice her own happiness for her daughter’s?

In her heart of hearts, she knew there was only one answer to that.

The following day was the last day of the ad campaign shoot. They were down at the edge of the sea this time. So far Daniel had kept his distance from Mia, which she’d been simultaneously grateful for and irritated by.

Odile had brought Lexi to visit the set today, and Daniel was behind the table of laptops, monitoring proceedings with Lexi in his arms.

Everyone had oohed and aahed over Lexi—who had, of course, lapped up the attention.

It was seriously distracting. But Mia focused as best she could and eventually the assistant called out, ‘That’s a wrap on Delphine, everyone! Great job!’

Mia felt wrung out, but also exhilarated, if she was honest. She’d never worked with this calibre of crew and it had been a whole new experience, demanding things of her she hadn’t been sure she could deliver. But she had.

Adele came over and hugged her impulsively. ‘You were fantastic, Mia. Seriously, you need to prepare yourself for global attention once people see these pictures.’

Mia hugged her back. ‘Well, I hope so, for your sake, but I really don’t mind.’

Adele slid an expressive glance to where Daniel was handing Lexi back to Odile. She said with a wry smile, ‘I guess I can’t blame you. You have a beautiful family, Mia. I wish you all the luck in the world.’

Family. It would be up to her if they were actually to become a family.

Trying to block out the sense of impending pressure, Mia went with the stylist to the tent, to change out of the last outfit and back into her jeans and a shirt. She wiped off as much of the make-up as she could.

When she emerged nearly everyone was gone. She saw Odile walking back up the beach with Lexi, towards the house. Daniel was standing looking out to sea. A safe distance from the incoming tide. That detail made Mia’s silly heart clench.

She knew this was it. He’d be expecting an answer.

She went and stood beside him, her body humming with awareness just to be near him.

He said, without looking at her, ‘We’ll fly to New York tomorrow for a couple of days, before returning to Paris.’

Mia barely heard him. Her answer was rising up inside her, and she was afraid if she didn’t get it out she might change her mind.

‘Okay,’ she blurted out.

Daniel turned to look at her. ‘ New York?’

Mia looked at him. ‘No, I mean, yes...whatever. I mean, okay, I’ll marry you.’

He went still. ‘Are you sure?’


But she nodded. ‘Yes, it’s the best thing...for Lexi.’

‘What about you?’

‘Like you said, we have chemistry, respect...’

‘Is that enough for you?’


Mia searched Daniel’s expression to see if she could see even a smidgeon of something...but he just looked genuinely concerned. Which was even worse.

Without answering him directly, she said, ‘You’re right. I want more for Lexi too, and she deserves two loving parents, together.’

But just not in love with each other, hissed a little voice.

She pushed down her misgivings.

Daniel closed the distance between them and cupped her face in his hands, tipping it up to his. He smiled, and for a moment Mia could almost pretend that maybe—

‘You won’t regret this, Mia. I’ll do my best to make you and Lexi happy. I promise.’

He covered her mouth with his and Mia stretched up, wrapping her arms around his neck, bringing her body as close to his as possible. The familiar fire raced along her veins, heating her blood. She could feel his body responding to hers and she felt that if she could just have this effect on him...and if he could just never stop kissing her, making love to her...then maybe she could pretend that it would be enough to sustain her.

‘You want us to get married in New York?’

Mia’s voice was a hissed whisper across the aisle of the private plane that was taking them from San José to New York.

Daniel didn’t like the look of sheer panic mixed with horror on her face. He shrugged. ‘Why not?’

Her mouth opened and closed a few times.

She looked...amazing. She was wearing a light green silk shirt dress. Casual but sexy. Her skin was even more golden after their time in Costa Rica, and more freckles were liberally dotted across her nose. Her hair, too, had turned lighter, and she’d plaited it today. It hung over one shoulder, enticing Daniel to wrap his hand around it and pull her over to him so he could take that look off her face by kissing her.

He needed her.

She’d been packing last night, and by the time he’d wrapped up his own work she’d been in bed, with Lexi asleep too. He dragged his gaze back to her face. She was still looking stunned.

Finally she said, ‘I thought we might have a period of engagement. To get used to the idea.’

Something curdled in Daniel’s gut at that suggestion. The need to make Mia his wife ASAP was a compulsion he didn’t want to analyse too deeply.

He reached across and took her hand. ‘I want us to be a family, Mia. Why wait?’

Her eyes were huge. She bit her lip. ‘Can it even happen that quickly?’

Daniel nodded. ‘Once we obtain a licence, we can marry in twenty-four hours.’

She glanced behind, to where Odile was occupying Lexi with a game, the little girl chattering happily. Daniel saw Mia’s expression soften and felt a spike of jealousy—at his own daughter! But then Mia looked back, and Daniel knew he didn’t want that softness to go out of her expression.

He said, ‘I want everyone to know you’re my wife and that we’re a family.’

Mia looked a little pale. ‘I guess there’s no reason why we should wait. Things aren’t going to change, are they?’

There was a quality to her voice he couldn’t quite decipher, but the rush of triumph drowned out the need to analyse it.

He took her hand and pressed a kiss to the palm, her scent filling his nostrils and heating his blood. ‘I’ll let my office know to obtain the licence.’

At that moment Lexi’s voice rang out. ‘Mama!’

Mia took her hand from his and made her way to their daughter.

It was the strangest sensation, but even though Mia had just agreed to marry him within the next few days, and Daniel had exactly what he wanted, he felt inexplicably as if something was slipping out of his grasp.

Later that afternoon, after they’d arrived at JFK and then taken a helicopter ride into Manhattan, during which Lexi had stayed wide-eyed and silent, they’d landed on a tall building which turned out to be owned by Daniel. It housed the North American offices of Devilliers, plus his private apartment and a shop on the ground level.

They were greeted by staff and taken down to the apartment—a vast, elegant, luxurious space with a terrace overlooking Fifth Avenue and the greenery of Central Park visible just a few blocks away.

Mia was looking around the fully stocked nursery which was across the hall from the master bedroom suite. She felt Daniel’s presence behind her, and all the little hairs on her body stood up.

She didn’t turn around, afraid he’d see something of the emotion she’d been feeling since earlier, when he’d told her he wanted to marry her as soon as possible.

‘You really didn’t have to kit out an entire closet full of clothes,’ she said. ‘She’ll have outgrown most of them within a couple of weeks, she’s growing so fast.’

‘I’ll ensure anything that isn’t used is donated to charity.’

‘That’d be good.’


She turned around, careful to shield her expression. She felt too raw at that moment, as the enormity of their impending nuptials sank in.

Daniel was leaning against the doorframe, impossibly tall and broad. He said, ‘My staff have obtained the marriage licence, and someone will come up with the paperwork you need to fill out shortly. They’ll also have a pre-nuptial agreement for you to look at. All going well, we’ll be getting married tomorrow afternoon.’

So it really was happening.

Mia’s heart-rate sped up. This time tomorrow she would be Mrs Devilliers. Lexi would have two parents who loved her. She would be part of a family.

In spite of everything, Mia felt a tiny flame of hope flicker to life. Maybe by becoming a family they could truly be one. Daniel could grow to love her.

And then Daniel said, ‘But first I need to give you something.’

Mia frowned. ‘Wha...?’

Her voice faded when she saw Daniel take a box out of his pocket—a small velvet box—and she tensed. He opened the box and she sucked in a breath. It was a circular cut emerald ring, with two small diamonds on either side, in a platinum setting. It was simple and...perfect.

Daniel said carefully, ‘This isn’t like what happened to you before, Mia. This is the real deal. I would be proud and honoured for you to become my wife.’

She hated the emotion that clutched at her chest.

As if he’d been waiting for her tacit permission, he took the ring out of the box and picked up Mia’s hand, sliding the ring onto her finger. It fitted.

Mia knew this marriage was really little more than a marriage of convenience, and yet right now it was hard not to hope that perhaps it could become something else.

She looked up at Daniel, but his expression was unreadable. Very quickly she doused the rogue emotions. She was losing it. She had to keep it together.

‘Is it okay?’ he asked.

Mia pulled her hand back. ‘Yes, it’s lovely.’

‘You won’t mind wearing it?’

Mia felt exposed again. ‘I’m sure I’ll get used to it.’

Daniel took a step back. He became brisk. ‘I’ve arranged for a stylist and a hair and make-up team to come to the apartment. The stylist will bring a range of choices for you to choose a wedding outfit from. They’ll also have clothes for Odile, who will be our witness, and Lexi. I have to go down to the offices, and I’ll probably be working late, so you guys go ahead and eat dinner.’

Mia’s head was spinning with all the information by the time he walked away. She found Odile feeding Lexi a late lunch in the kitchen. The young woman was beaming.

‘I can’t believe you’re getting married tomorrow,’ she said. ‘It’s so romantic.’

Mia smiled weakly. It couldn’t be less romantic. ‘You don’t mind being a witness?’

Odile’s eyes looked suspiciously shiny. ‘I’d be honoured. You and Daniel and guys are amazing, and I’ve already seen so much of the world because of you.’

Mia gave her a quick, impulsive hug. She’d become very fond of the girl, and was glad of a grounding force when everything suddenly seemed to be spinning out of her control.

Within hours the apartment had become a hive of activity, with assistants from Daniel’s office bringing paperwork to sign, and then the stylist and her team coming to help Mia prepare for the following day.

Mia signed the pre-nuptial agreement, which to her eyes would be ridiculously generous if she should ever divorce Daniel. The outlined custody arrangements in case of a divorce were also fair, and skewed in Mia’s favour. She really had nothing to complain about.

By the time she and Odile and Lexi had eaten that evening she was wrung out, and more than happy to crawl into bed not long after Lexi had gone down to sleep.

It was only when she woke a few hours later, instantly aware that Daniel was in the bed beside her, that she realised that of course the master suite was his room too. And, as his fiancée, of course she’d be sharing his room.

She didn’t open her eyes and she held her breath, even so her body came alive, knowing Daniel was just inches away. But, as much as she was tempted to drown out all her concerns and doubts and fears by losing herself in the physical, she felt it was important in that moment to hold back. As if by not giving in to Daniel’s silent but potent pull, she could exert some last vestige of control.

Somehow—miraculously—she managed to fall asleep, and she didn’t wake when Daniel curled his body around hers and wrapped an arm around her waist, holding her to him.

When Mia woke the next morning she almost wondered if she’d dreamt that Daniel had been in the bed beside her last night. There was no sign of him now.

She heard Lexi babbling in her room and got up to tend to her, seeing a note on the pillow beside hers.

She picked it up.

Morning. I didn’t want to wake you.

Mia’s heart thumped. So she hadn’t imagined him beside her.

The note went on.

I have to do some work at the office, but I’ll be back at one p.m. to take you to the venue for the wedding.


Mia sighed. Not even an X. Her flicker of hope yesterday mocked her.

She got up and went to Lexi, her heart swelling at the sight of her beautiful baby girl. Picking her up and hugging her close, she told herself she was doing the right thing. Lexi would grow up secure and loved. By two parents. She would make this work.

A few hours later, Mia surveyed herself critically in the mirror. She’d chosen a very simple white Stella McCartney wide-legged trouser-suit, with a sheer lace body underneath. She’d matched it with white high heels, the pointy toes just peeping out from under the trousers. The only jewellery she wore was her engagement ring.

Her hair had been washed and blow-dried into big loose waves. Her make-up was minimal. She wanted to feel like herself as much as possible, and at all costs avoid anything floaty and romantic. This wedding was not about romance.

A hush went around the dressing room, where she’d been getting ready, and she looked up to see Daniel standing in the doorway in a steel grey three-piece suit. Jaw cleanshaven. He looked breathtakingly handsome.

And in his arms was Lexi, who was wearing a white dress, with a flower clip in her hair.

She put out her arms towards Mia. ‘Mama...’

Mia could see that she was feeling a little overwhelmed with all the activity and cuddled her close. Lexi put her finger in her mouth.

Everyone who had been getting her ready melted away discreetly.

Daniel said, ‘You look...stunning, Mia.’

She felt shy. ‘Thank you, so do you.’

Odile appeared behind Daniel. She looked very pretty in a deep red maxi dress, her hair up. ‘The car is downstairs when you’re ready to go.’

Mia’s heart pumped.

Daniel led the way to the elevator and down. The lobby of the building was empty except for some security men and the concierge, who said, ‘Best wishes, Mr Devilliers and Miss Forde!’

Mia smiled. Lexi waved, perking up again.

Then they were in the car and heading to a hotel, where a room had been booked for them to have a private ceremony.

Once inside the beautiful Art Deco hotel—one of Manhattan’s most exclusive—they were whisked up to a private suite by the manager. Apart from Odile there was a staff member from Daniel’s office, acting as the other witness, and a handful of guests, some of whom she recognised as his legal team.

The ceremonial part of it was a bit of a blur to Mia, who still couldn’t quite believe that it was happening. Daniel slid a plain gold band on the finger where her engagement ring had been—she’d put it on her other hand for the ceremony—and Odile handed her a slightly thicker ring for him, which she slid onto his finger, feeling something very possessive wash over her. Primal.

When Daniel kissed her at the invitation of the officiant Mia found herself tensing, aware of everyone watching them. She felt like a fraud and pulled back. Daniel frowned slightly, but then just took her hand and led her out of the room to the sound of everyone clapping.

‘Do you mind that we didn’t have a bigger reception?’

Mia looked at Daniel where he stood on the apartment terrace beside her. They were both holding champagne glasses. They’d returned a short while before and the staff had met them with a little fanfare and champagne. It had seemed churlish to refuse.

Daniel had taken off his jacket and his tie was gone, top shirt button open. She’d taken off her jacket too. And her shoes. Odile had just taken a very overtired Lexi off for a bath and then bed.

Mia shook her head. ‘No, it was perfect. It’s not as if it was a real wedding.’

‘It was a real wedding. You’re officially Mrs Devilliers now.’

A flutter came from deep inside Mia’s belly. She stamped it out. ‘You know what I mean. Anyway,’ she said, ‘I’m not really one for big glittering functions.’

Daniel leaned on the terrace wall and surveyed her. ‘I hate to break it to you, but there’ll be a few for you to go to as my wife.’

Mia immediately felt daunted, but forced a smile. ‘I’m sure I’ll cope.’

‘I have no doubt you will. You’re formidable, Mia.’

She shook her head, hating how his words made her feel, made that hope flicker. ‘I’m really not—and you don’t have to say those things. It’s not as if you need to woo me, Daniel. We’re married now.’

An expression crossed his face, but it was too fast for her to decipher. He said, ‘Yes, we are married.’

Daniel moved closer and took Mia’s champagne glass out of her hand, putting it down with his on a nearby table. He drew Mia into his arms and the thin material of her lace body and the silk trousers was no barrier to the heat and steely strength of Daniel’s body, not to mention his arousal.

Instant heat flooded Mia, and unlike the previous night, when she’d felt the need to keep a bit of herself back, right now she desperately craved the exquisite oblivion Daniel could offer her. She needed to be reminded of what was binding them together apart from Lexi.

She stretched up, winding her arms around Daniel’s neck. When he lowered his head, though, to cover her mouth with his, she moved instinctively, pressing a kiss to his hard jaw, avoiding that intimacy without really understanding why, knowing only that it was necessary in that moment.

‘Take me to bed, Daniel.’

‘Your wish, Mrs Devilliers, is my command.’