All of Me by Tiffany Patterson

Chapter 13


I finally made a decision. I would tell Gabriel that I was willing to become more intimate with him, but we had to keep a friend with benefits type of relationship strictly. That was all that I could offer.

It’d been two weeks since the hot air balloon date, and I couldn’t deny the physical chemistry between us got to me. I would talk to him later that day when I went over to No Sweat for lunch.

Proud of myself, I stood up from my desk with all of my production equipment on it and stretched my hands overhead.

A grin crossed my face as I rubbed my fingers across the keys of the keyboard on my desk. While I hadn’t come up with any new music, as a practice, I’d done some rearrangements of a couple of my favorite songs. One of them was my song, “Broken Kisses”.

I always wondered what it would sound like with a slower melody, but my production team at the time overruled me. Nate added his opinion by reminding me that while I was good enough at the lyrical side of things, I needed to be hands off when it came to production.

“Know your strengths. Producing ain’t one of them.”

Over the past few days, the curious side of me had won out over the ghosts of his voice. I let the song play for the fourth time in a row. I listened wistfully, swaying to the slower pace of the song.

While the song was about the missed opportunity of lost love, it still held the sweetness of love’s possibility. Before I knew what I was doing, I danced around my makeshift studio to my song, singing along with it. I felt uninhibited. And when I closed my eyes, I wasn’t surprised to see an image of Gabe staring back at me.

I danced and sang as if I were performing for him. For a tiny moment, I let myself feel all of the hopefulness of a relationship that I wouldn’t allow myself to fall into. In my own space that I’d created into a studio, I let myself be free.

The background bass guitar ramped up the song's mood, and I swung my hips from side to side. I remembered the joy I felt while writing that album, but this time it was coupled with new freedom.

“This is good,” I said when the song ended. No, it wasn’t a new song per se, but it felt energizing to produce something without any help from anyone.

But then the doubt moved in.

I was the only person who’d listen to the song. Maybe it wasn’t as good as I thought. Possibly, it was only my desire for it to be good that it sounded good to me.

My phone buzzed with a text message.

Wolf: 1:00. You, me. Lunch at my office.

I rolled my eyes but grinned.

Lena: I remember.

Gabriel had gotten his car back from the shop. He’d sent me a picture of it, and it looked brand new.

This visit would be my first time going to No Sweat.

That reminder brought me back to the decision I’d made about our relationship.

Friends with benefits made the most amount of sense. We would both get our physical needs met and keep our emotions out of it. That way, this thing wouldn’t blow up in both of our faces.

I was pretty confident Gabe would go for it since he’d made it pretty clear that he was physically attracted to me. We could both have our desires met and then move on when the time came.

Exhaling, I lifted my chin, resolute that I’d talk to him during our lunch to clear the air.

I turned off all of my equipment and changed into a floral-patterned romper. While it wasn’t summertime officially, the temperatures had reached as high as ninety degrees. Almost everyone I talked to warned me to brace myself for the Texas summer and the potential triple digit temperatures.

I made sure to purchase extra summer clothing.

As I locked up the house to head to lunch, my phone rang. “Hey, Demetria,” I greeted. “Everything okay?”

“Yeah, everything’s fine,” my assistant said. “I’m just checking in with you to make sure you’re okay.”

I got in the car and waited for the BlueTooth system to connect to my phone. “Everything’s peachy.”

“That’s good to hear. Well, I did want to follow up with you about a few things.”

“What’s that?” I asked, only half paying attention as I pulled out of the driveway.

“You remember your trip to New York in a few weeks, right?”

“Yep,” I said before blowing out a deep breath. New York was one of the last places I wanted to go to anytime soon. But I had to be there. I couldn’t put business off forever. Not when I signed a contract.

“Okay, I’m trying to make your travel arrangements, but it’s hard to do since I don’t know where you’re flying in from.”

“Huh, I can see how that’s an issue.” Biting my bottom lip, I thought about it. I could tell my assistant where I was, but I'd come to enjoy my anonymity in Harlington.

While I trusted Demetria not to run to the press and spill my location, I also wanted to keep where I was close to the chest for the time being.

“Um, how about I work out the travel details for this trip.”

I could picture her face twisted in confusion as she asked, “Are you sure?”

“Yeah, it’s fine. Thanks. Is there anything else?” I turned onto the main highway that led to Gabe’s office.

“Uh, well, one more thing,” Demetria said. There was a high-pitch in her voice that wasn’t usually present.

I held my breath, thinking I already knew what the next subject would be about before she mentioned it.

“Nate called and said he needed to get in touch with you. He insisted that it was urgent.”

“I know.” I let out a sigh. “It’s okay you gave him my number. He’s called already.” Luckily, he hadn’t called back since that initial call. But I knew he’d given my parents my new number.

I brushed aside thoughts about Nate. “Anyway, I’m on my way to lunch. I’ll reach out to you if I need anything before New York.”

“All right. If not, then I’ll see you in New York.”

I flinched, not wanting to go. I had to tamp down on the urge to ask Demetria to reach out to DeLuxe Makeup and reschedule the photoshoot.

I hung up with my assistant and refocused on spending my afternoon with Gabe. More importantly, getting this much needed conversation out of the way. It would clear the air for both of us.

* * *


“Sure thing, Mr. Townsend,” the owner of the local Thai restaurant said. “Your order will be delivered in about thirty minutes.”

“Thanks,” I said as I stood in the center of my office, rubbing my hands together. Lena was on her way to No Sweat for the first time.

I planned to show her around the facilities before bringing her up to our offices for lunch.

“Hey?” Preston called as he knocked on my opened door.


“We need to work out the details for Eli’s fight in New York,” he said, as he entered and sat across from my desk.

I sighed. We were able to schedule Eli's first exhibition fight as an NFA fighter. The fight wouldn’t count on his formal record, but there was a $50,000 payout per fighter, and it would showcase his talents to sponsors on a larger stage.

I would take the trip with him since I needed to be in New York for my own sponsorship deals.

“What’s that look?” Preston asked.

“Do you think he’s ready for this?” I had some lingering doubts about Eli that I couldn’t shake. We talked to him a few days after he was a no show to training. He explained that a flat tire had derailed his getting to practice that day.

But Preston and I were more interested in his connection to Roger Wolcott and possible betting rumors. Those were the most detrimental to his professional career. He’d sworn up and down that he didn’t know shit about any illegal betting and that he’d never lost a fight intentionally to win a bet.

“You still don’t trust him?” Preston asked, closing my office door behind him.

I shook my head.

“But you went to bat for him to get this exhibition fight,” he commented.

“Fuck.” I stood from my chair. “He’s good. He can win this fight, and he’s shown up for training every day since he missed.” Plus, we hadn’t heard anything more about rumors and illegal betting from other potential sponsors.

“What’s your gut say?” Preston asked.

“It says he’s good. He can win, and he has a shot to be one of the best middleweight fighters in the league.”

“But …”

“But I can’t shake the feeling that he’s hiding something.”

“Me too,” Preston added. “Which is why making this exhibition fight one of his first is a good thing.”

I nodded in agreement. “We’ll watch him closely. Branson and a few of his staff are flying out with us to New York for this trip.”

“We’ll have Branson keep a close eye on Eli when you can’t.”

“Yeah.” I wasn’t Eli’s fucking babysitter, and neither was Preston. We were his representatives when it came to advancing his career. If he had secrets, that was his business. That is until it affected our bottom line and our reputation.

“We’ll touch base again before your trip.”

“Miriam will make the travel arrangements by the end of the week,” I said as he got up to leave.

Checking my watch, I noted that it was close to one o’clock. I thought about calling Lena but didn’t want to chance her answering the phone if she was driving.

The phone on my desk buzzed, interrupting my thoughts.

“Mr. Townsend, Ms. Lena Clarkson is here to see you,” my assistant said.

“On my way out.”

I bounded out of my office without another thought. When I turned the corner to the primary office area, the first thing that caught my attention was a smiling Lena. My cock stirred in my pants.

I had to remind myself that we were standing only a few feet away from my assistant.

“Hey,” I said at the same time I pulled her to me and pressed a kiss to the corner of her mouth.

The tiniest of shudders passed through her body, and a vein in her neck pulsed.

“Hi,” she said. Her voice was breathy.

That was the moment that I knew I was a saint. Part saint, at least, because how I’d managed to keep my dick out of Lena for this length of time was due to some insanely divine part of me. It had to be.

“The food will be here soon,” I said. “We’ll get the tour out of the way first.”

“Sounds nice.”

I stepped back and held out my arm in the direction of the front desk and my assistant. “This is our office manager, Miriam.”

“We’ve met,” Miriam said, smiling broadly at Lena. “Excuse me, if you don’t mind me saying,” she continued, “it’s such a pleasure. I’m a big fan.” Her smile was as wide as her face, and her eyes sparkled. “I—” She stopped, and her gaze darted over to me.

“Don’t worry about him,” Lena said, causing me to frown.

“I don’t want to intrude on your private time, but could I get your autograph?”

“No problem. Do you have a piece of paper?”

Miriam looked around her desk. In her rush, she almost knocked over the paperweight that held all of her pens and writing utensils.

“Shoot, excuse me,” she said before rising from her seat and handing Lena a blank page from her notebook and a pen.

Lena quickly signed it and handed it back to Miriam.

“If I see that on sale anywhere, I’m coming for you,” I said to Miriam.

She laughed, but when my frown deepened, she straightened her face. “Yes, Mr. Townsend.”

“Leave her alone,” Lena chided, pressing her hand to my abdomen. “Nice to meet you.”

“You too.”

“Hold my calls for the next ninety minutes,” I instructed before leading Lena out of the main office doors to the stairs.

“What happened to the office tour?”

“It’s still happening,” I assured. “I want to show you the gym first. And I needed to do this.” I pulled her into my embrace and brought our lips to kiss.

An insane yearning came dangerously close to overwhelming me. Only our location stopped me from stripping her and taking her against the damn wall, like a madman.

“Lunch isn’t the only thing you’re hungry for,” she said when the kiss ended.

“Damn straight.”

She pursed her lips. “We should talk about that.”

“About what?” I asked.

“Um, us.”

I didn’t like the way she said the word us. “We’ll do it over lunch. Let me show you around first.”

I led us down to the gym, where about ten athletes were training with the head coach. He waved at me, which I returned with a head nod.

“Should we be down here, watching them like this?” Lena asked, whispering.

Glancing down at her, I smirked. “Why shouldn’t we be?”

“Don’t you fighters like to train in secrecy and whatnot? I think I heard it on one of those YouTube videos about MMA fighters I watched.”

“You were researching my sport?” I found the thought amusing. Especially considering I spent more time than I cared to admit researching Lena’s career and watching old performances. It all gave me a small glimpse into the woman she was. But I preferred learning about her up close and personal.

And the more I did, the more I wanted her.

“It’s an interesting sport,” she said, lying her ass off. I could tell by the way she avoided looking me in the eye that she’d been looking me up.

I squeezed her hand in mine. “They’re not worried about their moves getting out. Especially since I manage a few of the guys here. The rest of them all want a shot at making it on our roster of athletes.”

She nodded and looked around, her eyes pausing on the sizeable, octagonal cage at the far corner of the gym.

“He looks familiar,” she said, peering into the cage.

Eli Gatlin was inside with another one of the coaches, practicing his sparring.

“He should,” I said. “You’ve met him before.”

She gave me a blank stare.

“The night we first met,” I reminded her.

After a beat, her eyebrows lifted. “I have a vague memory of meeting him.” She let out a laugh.

“What was that about?” I asked.


I started to ask again, but that’s when Eli stepped out of the cage and approached us.

“Hey, boss man,” he greeted with a cocky grin on his face.

“How’s training going?” I asked.

“Great. Everything’s looking good.” Eli turned and squinted. “You look familiar,” he said to Lena.

I moved, positioning my body between Eli and Lena.

“I’ve been told I have a familiar face,” she joked.

“No, it’s something else.” Eli shook his head, a wrinkle appearing in his forehead as he did so. Then, he snapped his fingers, his eyes going wide. “Shit, you’re that crazy chick.”

Although I couldn’t see her, the tiny rush of air that blew past me and the tension I felt from behind me spoke of Lena’s surprise turned to embarrassment.

“Yeah, the singer that lit her boyfriend’s shit on fire.” Eli, obviously not having learned when he’d put his foot in his mouth, kept going. He guffawed like a fucking jackle. “Yo, boss, if you’re dating this chick, I’d watch the fuck out.”

One moment he was laughing, and the next, his expression read shocked from my grip around his throat, pinning him against the cage. As a client, Eli had already caused me enough of a headache, but I’d be damned if I let him talk shit about Lena in front of me.

“Gabe, stop,” Lena shouted while tugging on my elbow.

“What the hell are you doing, man?” Eli asked, sounding as confused as he was surprised.

“Don’t ever disrespect her like that again,” I growled. “Let me know we’re clear on that before I let your ass go.”

“Gabe.” Lena sounded concerned, but I couldn’t focus on her right then.

“Say it,” I demanded, tightening my hold around his neck.

Eli’s face began to redden, and I saw him contemplate what to do.

“Y-Yeah, fine,” he choked out. “We’re clear.”


“I’m sorry,” he said.

“Not to me,” I corrected. “To her.” I tossed my head back in Lena’s direction.

Eli's eyes shifted to peer over my shoulder. “I-I’m sorry.”

“Don’t worry about it,” Lena said. “Gabe, he apologized. Let him go.”

I loosened my hold and took a few steps back, readying myself in case Eli was ready to take a swing at me.

He didn’t.

“Get back to practice.” I took Lena’s hand in mine again. “We’ll finish this tour later.”

As we headed back up to my office, the lunch I’d ordered arrived. Ten minutes after that stupid ass encounter with Eli, Lena and I sat side by side on my office couch with our lunch spread on the low-sitting table. In all that time, Lena hadn’t uttered another word.

I paused and looked at her. “Say it.”

“What was that all about?” she demanded, folding her arms over her chest.

Sitting back, I crossed my ankle over my knee and rested my arms across the back of the couch.

“I assume you’re referring to what happened downstairs with Eli?”

“You think?” Her eyes bulged. “Why did you attack him like that?”

“It was hardly an attack.” If I had really attacked him, he would’ve been a hell of a lot bloodier and more bruised. “His ego’s more damaged than anything.”

“He’s your client, isn’t he? You don’t go around beating up your athletes,” she said.

“Not until today.”

“How are you so calm?” She stood and began pacing in front of my desk. “Minutes ago, you were so angry.”

“Was?” I stood as well. “I’m still pissed and considering going back down and beating his ass for disrespecting you. I’m showing restraint right now.”

She shook her head. “Why?”

“Because,” I said with no follow up. Hell, I didn’t understand it all myself. One second I heard Eli’s laughter as he peered down at Lena, and I knew she felt embarrassed. The next breath, I had my hand wrapped around his throat.

“He doesn’t get away with embarrassing you. Not in my presence. No one does. I don’t give a shit who they are or what they are to me.”

Her lips fell open, but nothing came out. After a minute, she shook her head.

“Y-You shouldn’t let me get in the way of your business,” she said before retaking her seat.

I watched as she kept her eyes on the table in front of her. She plated some rice and curry chicken and took a spring roll before halfheartedly eating.

“Are you still hiding from the world?” I asked.

She stilled but didn’t look at me. “No, not quite.”

I waited for her to speak.

She snorted. “I still don’t know who put that video online.” That’s when she turned to me. “I assume it was one of the women I was with that night.”

“Your so-called friends.”

A humorless laugh escaped her lips. “I wouldn’t even give them that much credit. I barely knew them.”

“Then why were you with them?”

“Who knows?” She sat her plate down and blew out a breath before rubbing her hands up and down the lengths of her thighs as she stood up. “My ex introduced me to them. I only knew them for a few months. That night, I was pissed at him over something. I don’t even remember anymore.”

There was a far off look in her eyes as if she were reliving that night.

“We went out, had a few drinks. Then I got a text. It was of him in bed with another woman. That was what set me off.” She paused and finally looked directly at me. “That wasn’t the first time I’d received a video like that in all the years we were together. Do you want to know the whole truth?”

“I wouldn’t want you to lie to me.”

She smirked. “At first, I thought it was the video that set me off. That was just the final straw. It was the years of being jerked around by him. The fights, the backhanded compliments, and little put downs whenever something good for me happened. He said he did it so I wouldn’t get a big head.”

She stopped and shook her head. “That’s not all on him. It was me, too. I kept going back. I would argue with him for hours at a time. I would team up with my supposed friends and hunt down the girl he would cheat on me with. I’d made demands of the venues I performed in because he wanted it. He always had to have the most expensive champagne in my waiting room. I don’t even fucking like champagne.

“I earned a reputation for being difficult to work with. For being spoiled and too demanding. When word got back to me about what was being said, I made excuses. Others were just jealous. They wished they had the success I had.

“Anything to avoid the fact that it was my stupid commitment to him and his wants that was killing my career.”

She swiped at her eyes and blinked away the water I saw in them.

“I’m no good at relationships, Gabriel.”

Her voice was low, resolute.

Our gazes connected.

“I appreciate you’re trying to help me with my writing, and I’ve had a lot of fun with you,” she continued as I rose from my chair. “And obviously, our physical connection is insane. But that’s where it has to end.”

I moved in front of her and took hold of her elbows. “What the hell are you saying?”

“I’m saying I’m not the relationship type. So, we can continue this only if we can agree that it’s nothing more than two people with great physical chemistry who’ll never be more than friends with benefits.”

My chest rumbled with something thunderous. I tamped down on my immediate reaction as not to let myself fly off the handle.

“No.” My one word response came out harsher than I anticipated.

Lena startled with a shake of her head and looked up at me. Her eyebrows dipped. “What do you mean, no?”

“I mean, that’s all bullshit.” I held up my hand to stop her from talking. “I’m not that douchebag. And I’ll be damned if I settle for a piece or even half of you. Because that’s what a fucked up friends with benefits relationship would be. That was enough for me with the women in my past but not you.”

“Then what do you want?” Lena asked.

“All of you, Lena. I want it all.” I leaned in and brought us close enough that our lips were only a few inches apart. “I want all of you, and I won’t grace you with the pleasure of my dick making you call out my name until you say you want me to have all of you.”

Her mouth was pretty much on the floor when I pulled back. Those cinnamon eyes of hers were as wide as saucers as they searched mine.

“Let’s finish our lunch,” I said.