It Started with a Snap by Piper James

Chapter Sixteen


Istepped back several yards from the house, surveying my handiwork. I’d gotten an early start this morning—before it got unbearably hot—and finished the paint job on the exterior. And with that last stroke of my paintbrush, I was done.

I waited for the feeling of accomplishment to hit, and it did, but it was faint. I felt restless. Once I cleaned up my mess, there would be nothing else to do. I’d just rattle around this perfect house by myself every day and probably find a million things I didn’t like about it just so I could change them, giving me something to do.

And the next few days were going to be the worst. With the company closed down for a couple of weeks and Glowing Embers sealed up tight for the fumigation, I really had nothing on my plate.

I didn’t know what was wrong with me. I’d never had any problem filling my time. I’d always enjoyed peace and quiet. I could relax, read, or sit on my front porch and just be. But lately, none of those things appealed to me.

I found myself craving chaos, which was off-the-charts crazy. I hated chaos. Yet, here I was, thinking nonstop about a certain blonde tornado and wondering what she was up to out there all by herself at the Golden Eagle Ranch.

Was she bored? Lonely?

By the time I cleaned up the paint, brushes, rollers, and tarps, took a shower, and got dressed, I’d convinced myself I should go out to the ranch and check on her. Ryder was busy with the baby, and Chase was with Daniel as he prepped for his tonsillectomy tomorrow, so I really was the only one available to make sure everything was going well at the ranch. I could make sure there were no issues with the house or property. It really was the brotherly thing to do, keeping tabs on it for Noah while he was out of state.

So what if I took extra care styling my hair and making sure my mouth was fresh and clean? I was a hygienic guy like that. The tight jeans and even tighter blue t-shirt that matched my eyes? My usual attire. And that stop at the burger joint to grab lunch for Ember and me? Common decency.

And if I kept this up, I might as well sell myself some oceanfront property in Arizona.

My nerves hit as I turned onto the long, windy drive that led to the house. I might come bearing food, but I was also coming unannounced.


I should’ve called or texted first. I could see her truck through the trees as I rounded the last curve, so I knew she was home, but what if she was sleeping, or something. It was noon, but who knew what her sleeping habits were when she didn’t have to be at work?

Deep down, I knew why I didn’t call. She’d probably tell me to fuck off and leave her alone. Showing up unannounced benefitted me, taking away that option. Shit. That made me sound like a total sleaze.

Parking my truck next to hers, I grabbed my phone from the center console and pulled up Ember’s number. It rang three times before the call connected.


“Hey, Ember. It’s Ethan.”

“Yeah, I know,” she said, her voice devoid of its usual venom. “What’s up?”

“Have you had lunch?” I asked, my heart pounding in my chest.

There was a long, quiet pause, and I checked my screen to see if she hung up on me. Seeing it was still connected, I brought the device back to my ear in time to hear a shaky exhale.

“No. I was just about to make something, though.”

“Well, uh…I’m in the driveway,” I said, those last four words coming out in a rush.

“What?” she asked, and three seconds later the front door swung open.

I waved at her, saying into the phone, “I brought burgers and fries.”

She stared at me for a long moment, her phone still up to her ear. It went on for so long, words of retreat were forming on my tongue when I saw her nod slightly.

“Well, come on in, then,” she said quietly before pulling the phone away from her ear and ending the call.

Swallowing thickly, I opened my door and climbed down from the truck. Tucking my phone into my pocket, I grabbed the bag of food and made my way toward the porch. When I joined Ember by the front door, she took the bag from me and led the way inside. She wasn’t smiling, but she wasn’t frowning, either, so I called it a win.

Then she spoke, looking back over her shoulder as she headed toward the kitchen.

“As you can see, it’s just me, here. No slutty rendezvous or group orgies. Not today, at least.”

My steps stuttered to a halt, my mouth twisting into a frown as my spine stiffened. Ember glanced back, her own steps faltering. Spinning to fully face me, she propped her free hand on her hip.

“Relax. I was kidding,” she said, arching a blonde brow at me.

“I don’t know how else to apologize for that,” I said, my words slow and heavy.

“No need,” she said backtracking to stand in front of me. “I should be apologizing to you, actually. Come on.”

She waved me forward as she turned and started walking. I followed behind her, a little dumbfounded by her words. I’d spent so much time prepping myself for her hostility, I didn’t know how to handle this calmer, friendlier version of Ember.

Grabbing two plates from a cabinet, she set them on the center island while I fished the burgers and fries out of the paper bag. She plucked a fry from one of the paper cartons and stuffed it in her mouth, her eyes falling closed with a quiet moan. I gulped, trying my best not to focus on how fucking sexy that sound was.

“Are the burgers the same?” she asked pointing to the sandwiches I still held in my hands.

“Oh, yeah. I didn’t know what you liked, so I just got them with everything. I figured you could pick off anything you don’t want.”

“Everything is great,” she said, taking one of the burgers from me, unwrapping it, and setting it on her plate. “Let’s eat. I’m starving.”

She grabbed two bottles of water from the fridge and set them on the bar that separated the kitchen from the dining room. Walking around, she slid onto one of the stools, motioning me toward the other. I took as seat, and she angled her body toward mine after taking a big bite of her burger.

“Listen,” she said after swallowing the bite and clearing her throat, “I meant what I said earlier. I’ve been torturing you for saying something about me that I was never meant to hear in the first place. Meanwhile, you’ve been nothing short of amazing, taking all my shit while basically saving my ass by doing this renovation. I’m sorry I’ve been such a bitch to you, Ethan.”

I just stared at her in silence for a long moment. She took another bite of her burger, keeping her gaze locked on mine as she chewed. I cleared my throat as I broke the eye contact, grabbed my bottle of water, screwed off the lid and took a long drink.

I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t expect this. Not in a million years.

Finding myself wanting to defend her anger in some way, I looked back at her and said, “I understand why you were mad. I just hope you’ll believe me now when I tell you I didn’t mean it.”

She cocked her head. “Then why did you say it?”

“I…I don’t know,” I stuttered, feeling my face heat.


Her eyes narrowed as she studied me, but thankfully, she didn’t push. She shrugged, opened her own water and took a sip.

“Whatever the reason, I think we should put it all behind us. Start fresh. Truce?”

She wiped her palm on her jean shorts and held it out to me. I stared at it for a second, my brain still trying to comprehend what was happening. Was this for real?

Ember raised her brows and wiggled her hand, which was still hanging in the air between us. Snapping into action, I slid my palm against hers and curled my fingers around her hand. We shook, and the truce was official.

And I totally ignored the electricity that sparked through my veins as we touched. Well, mostly.

“I’ll tell you,” she said as the handshake broke off and she grabbed a couple of fries, “it’s going to be really hard, maintaining peace between us when you’re such a stuck up pain in the ass.”

My eyes narrowed at her when she looked back at me, but there was a sparkle of humor in her expression. I shook my head.

“I don’t know how you’re going to do it,” I replied, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

“I’m strong. I will persevere,” she shot back.

My mouth stretched into a wide smile. “I’m sure you will.”