It Started with a Snap by Piper James

Ember: Hey.

Me: Hey.

Ember: What are you doing tonight?

Me: Sitting at home, thinking about you.

Ember: Oh, yeah? What are you thinking about, specifically?

Me: How amazing this afternoon was.

Ember: This afternoon?

Me: When I had my face buried between your legs, licking your sweet pussy while you sucked my cock until I came.

Ember: Holy shit.

Me: Hey, you asked.

Ember: I know, I know.

Me: What are you up to?

Ember: Well, now I’m thinking about sitting on your face as you devour me with your expert oral skills.

Me: If you were here…

Ember: If I were there…what?

Me: I’d…

A knock at the door stopped me from finishing the reply. I pushed myself up from the couch with a sigh, adjusting my hardening dick so it was a little less obvious in my shorts before I pulled the door open. Ember stood over the threshold, smiling with a bottle of wine in one hand and her phone in the other.

I stepped through the doorway, pulling her into my arms and kissing her lips. I quickly broke off the kiss, pulling back to look at her.

“Were you texting and driving?” I asked, arching a brow.

“Nope,” she said, pushing out of my arms to step around me and walk into the house. “I didn’t text you until I got here.”

“Why didn’t you just come to the door?” I asked, stepping in behind her and pushing the panel closed behind us.

“Well,” she said, spinning back to face me, “it occurred to me when I got here that I probably shouldn’t just show up uninvited and unannounced.”

“Why not?” I asked, tilting my head.

“Because…I don’t know,” she said, shaking her head and handing me the bottle of wine. “I know we’re in an exclusive relationship and all, but I’m kind of learning the rules as I go. I don’t really know what’s acceptable and what’s not when it comes to stuff like this.”

I cocked my head the other way to peer at her more closely. “Would you be upset if I just showed up unannounced…like I did this afternoon?”

“No. Of course, not,” she said quickly.

“The same goes for you, Ember. Any time you want to see me, come over. Please. I always want to see you, and I’ll never be upset or annoyed. I love—having you here. With me.”

There was a tiny little pause as I caught myself before saying the word “you.” I’d almost said “I love you.”

Holy shit.

I wasn’t freaking out because I loved her. No, I’d felt that emotion growing for a while now. While I hadn’t defined it before, it had been there inside me, steadily expanding until Ember held my entire heart in her beautiful hands.

No, I was freaking because I’d almost said it, outloud, and I knew Ember well enough to know she wasn’t ready for that yet. I knew she cared about me, and maybe she even loved me, too, but I seriously doubted she’d even admitted it to herself. And I didn’t want her to panic and run, or even worse, say it back out of some distorted sense of obligation.

I moved forward and pressed a kiss to her temple before continuing on into the kitchen to find some wine glasses. I pulled the cork from the bottle and set it down, letting it breathe for a moment before pouring it. It also gave me a minute to collect myself as Ember made herself comfortable on one of the padded barstools across from me.

I poured the wine, sliding a glass across the bar to her while taking a drink of my own. She hummed with pleasure as she sipped it, and my throat tightened.

My girl found pleasure in even the smallest things. She loved life, and she made me love it, too. She made me love her.

Clearing my throat as well as my mind of those thoughts, I asked, “So, now that you’re here, what do you want to do?”

“I might have a few ideas,” she said, setting her glass down and sliding off the stool. “Wait right here.”

She hurried back to the front door, throwing it open before running out. I waited, curious, until she came back in carrying what looked like a tall boom box with a digital screen on the front.

“Is that…?” I asked my words trailing off as I grabbed her wine from the bar and met her in the living room.

“Yep,” she said, grinning. “We’re having a karaoke party!”

“Just the two of us?” I asked, motioning between us with my wine glass.

“Yes, but not until later. We both know what happens when I hear you sing.”

“Give me the mic,” I ordered, holding out my palm.

She laughed, and the sound warmed my soul. Shaking her head, she tucked the microphone behind the machine and pushed me toward the couch.

“Later,” she said. “I want to hang out for a while first.”

“Okay,” I agreed, plopping down onto one side of the sofa, careful not to spill my wine.

Ember curled up beside me, tucking her legs to the side as I put my arm around her. I plucked a remote from the end table, hit the power button for the sound system, and tuned the music streaming service to a love song station. The volume was low enough to keep it from being too distracting, but high enough to give the room a little romantic ambience.

We sat in silence for a while, and I wasn’t sure if I’d ever felt more comfortable with a person outside my immediate family. She fit against me like a missing puzzle piece, making me feel…complete.

“What are you thinking about?” she asked, breaking the silence.

“Nothing,” I said so quickly, she lifted her head to look at me. At her arched brow, I sighed. “Fine. You complete me.”

Her head tilted the tiniest bit. “Jerry Maguire? Are you using romantic movie quotes to get into my pants?”

“I don’t know. Is it working?” I asked, my mouth dying to capture hers in a kiss.

“Maybe. But if I try to play along and say ‘Show me the money,’ that would make me a prostitute, wouldn’t it?” she asked, smirking.

I chuckled. “I’m pretty sure she said something more along the lines of, ‘You had me at hello.’”

“Right,” she said, stretching her arm out to set what was left of her wine on the coffee table.

Taking my glass, she set it next to hers and crawled onto my lap. Her knees straddled my hips, and she circled her arms around my neck. I didn’t move, content to wait and see what she would do or say next.

“In that case,” she said, rubbing her chest against mine, her voice softening to a whisper as she brought her mouth close to my ear, “you had me at ‘I brought burgers and fries.’”

A laugh barked out of me, and I tightened my arms around her before flipping her onto her back. Stretching over her, I kissed her throat.

“That was the day everything changed between us,” I murmured against her skin. “The day we became friends. Those burgers were magical.”

“Actually, I’d already decided to let go of my anger and be nice to you,” she said. “The magical burgers were just a bonus.”

Her hips bucked as she said the words, her legs tightening around my waist as she rubbed her hot center against my growing erection. I reached down with one hand, squeezing the flesh of her ass I as pressed her harder against me.

“Tell me what you want,” I said, scraping my teeth over the skin of her neck.

“Sing to me,” she replied, her voice thick and husky.

I sang along with the music playing over the sound system as my hand left her ass to slide under her shirt. My fingers found her breast, tweaking the nipple as I sang quietly into her hair. She went a little wild, moaning as her body rolled and bucked beneath me.

I pushed myself up abruptly, rolling to my feet to stare down at her. She looked back at me incredulously, her chest rising and falling harshly with each breath she took.

“I believe you said something about sitting on my face and letting me devour you in our text messages,” I said, holding out a hand to her.

Her face brightened, a wide smile stretching her lips as she took my hand and allowed me to pull her to her feet. I bent at the waist, pushing my shoulder into her stomach and lifting as I straightened. She shrieked, her top half dangling down my back as I held her legs tightly against my chest.

I swatted her ass as I strode forward, taking her to my bedroom, where we spent the next several hours fulfilling each other’s every desire. It was late when we finally fell asleep, wrapped up together so tightly, I didn’t know where Ember ended and I began.

And nothing had ever felt so right.