Daddy’s Shy Little Girl by Jess Winters













I’m noy one of those little girls.

If Wendy wasn’t such a good friend, I might be worried about accepting a job from one of her friends.

This whole Daddy and little girl thing is a problem for me.

But so far, after almost a month, I haven’t had to deal with the whole Daddy/little girl thing at all. On the contrary, I’ve been very pleased with how things have worked out. I’ve found Janna to be a wonderful boss. She’s very attentive in making sure I’m comfortable and I understand what I need to do but not in any way overwhelming with me when it comes to monitoring me or making sure I do what I’m supposed to.

She makes sure I have everything I need but then trusts me to get things done.

Frankly, it’s breathtaking to work with her. It’s completely unlike anything I’ve ever done before because I’ve been given room to get things done without a sense of being completely controlled.

“Is everything ready?” she asks nervously. She’s nervous a lot when she’s about to meet new people.

“Everything is ready,” I say, “and everything is going to be fine. You’re the smartest person I know.”

She smiles. “Daddy says that to me all the time.”

I smile as well. “You know,” I say. “If the only people I knew who had a relationship like you were Wendy or you, I might think this whole little girl and parent thing is a good idea.”

“Not a parent,” she says. She reaches forward and adjusts my bow tie. “Thank you for dressing up to meet these people.”

“No problem,” I say, “and what do you mean it’s not a parent thing. You call you boyfriend Daddy, right?”

“Well,” she replies, “he’s my fiancé and not my boyfriend.”


“I’m just teasing.”

“And he’s not a parent because he takes care of me when the only obligation he has to do so is because he loves me.”

“I sure do,” Donnie says, walking in from the hallway.

“Daddy!” she says and rushes to him. I have to admit, the two of them love each other very much.

I don’t get to reflect on it at all. There’s a knock on the door. Both Janny and I freeze. Donnie smiles and walks to the door, pulling it open.

The man in the doorway looks like some kind of deity.

He also looks surprised. “Donnie?” he asks in an accent that’s almost English and almost… I don’t know. German, maybe.

“Val?” Donnie asks.

“I…” The man shakes his head. “I thought you were in Washington.”

“I moved here,” Donnie said. “My little girl… well, we broke up.”

Val says, “I don’t have a little girl right now either.”

“Oh,” Donnie says. “I have one. She’s perfect. We’re going to be married.” He gestures to Janny. “Come here, princess. This is Val. I had no idea he’s the Valentijn you’re meeting with but he and I have known each other for years.”

Valentijn Mertens smiles and takes Janny’s. He brings it to his lips and kisses it briefly. Janny says, “And this is my associate, Sylvia.”

He takes my hand.

He kisses it.

If he’s a Daddy, I might be willing to reconsider how I feel about this whole lifestyle.


Did you like Daddy’s Shy Little Girl? Janny and Donnie are well on their way to a beautiful happily ever after, aren’t they? Wait until you see what happens with Sylvia and Val! He’s busy trying to get his new business venture off the ground and he doesn’t have time for a little girl. As for Sylvia, she isn’t sure about giving anyone her heart, much less to a Daddy. After all, don’t little girls just give up all their control to their Daddies? Can these two find a way to navigate the journey to a happily ever after that works for them? Find out in Please Me Daddy’s Reluctant Little Princess, the next sexy story in the exciting Please Me Daddies series.