Daddy’s Shy Little Girl by Jess Winters













My eyes open in panic and I gasp. It takes me a moment to realize what has me on edge is a nightmare. I can only vaguely recall it and then it slips away entirely. I’m still breathing heavily, though, and Janna lifts her head from my chest and says softly, “It’s okay, Daddy.” She kisses my lips softly and then my chin and then my throat. “I’ll make you feel better.” She kisses down my breastbone and lower. I glance at the clock. It’s three in the morning and both of us have today off so we should be enjoying the chance to sleep in.

This isn’t the first time I’ve woken in the middle of the night, shaken by a nightmare I can’t remember. They started from the first date with Janna, and I know the nightmares are all about me being afraid I’ll lose her. She doesn’t know that. She assumes they’re some king of post-traumatic stress thing from my days in the service. This isn’t the first time she’s made me feel better with her mouth, either. In fact, in the year we’ve been together, she’s probably done this a dozen times.

The year.

It’s our one-year anniversary as a couple.

Just as her mouth reaches me, sending incredible pleasure through me, I reach down and bring her up to me so she’s atop me. I hold her and kiss her and we make love slowly and sweetly. It’s the first time I’ve done that instead of receiving the blowjob under these circumstances, and it’s wonderful. She falls back asleep with her head on my chest and I fall back to sleep. I wake uneasy again in the morning but not completely overwhelmed like before. 

A year.

A year.

My last little girl broke up with me on our first anniversary, and I resolved I would never have a little girl again.

And Janny changed all that. She changed it all because she needed me and didn’t resent needing me. My last little girl wanted all the fun of having a Daddy without really wanting a relationship that involved anything deeper. She wanted a Daddy who only took control during sex. She didn’t want to be a little girl. She wanted to be kinky.

Janny wants me.

Janny needs me.

And I realize now what it means to be in love. I guess I believed I loved my last little girl but now I know nothing I felt for her can compare to how I feel about Janna. It’s incredible even if it’s also the most terrifying thing I can imagine. What if I lose her? I don’t think I could survive that. I don’t think I could possibly survive that.

I roll from the bed, careful not to wake her up. I take a shower and after, I dress quickly and head to a little bakery for breakfast pastries and muffins. When I get back, I set up a continental breakfast and start coffee. I’m just pouring myself a cup when she steps out of the room, wearing a robe, a towel in her hair.

I smile at her. “Good morning, princess.”

“Good morning, Daddy,” she says, returning a smile of her own. She walks over and slips her arms around me. “I’m sorry you had another nightmare.”

“That’s okay, little girl,” I reply. “You made me feel better.”

She giggles and squeezes me. “I’m glad, Daddy.” Her grin turns mischievous and she slides her hand down into my pants. “I can make you feel even better right now, if you want.”

Heaven knows there’s nothing on Earth I want more than that, but I resist. She pouts when I take her hand out of my pants and I say, “Later. Right now, I have something to give you.”

Her eyes light up and she claps her hands. I smile and walk to the counter, retrieving the little box I left there the night before. Janna watches me, eyes bright with anticipation and I wait a moment to stare at her.

She blushes. “What are you looking at, Daddy?”

“You, little girl,” I reply. “I can’t believe how beautiful you are.”

Her blush deepens. “Thank you, Daddy.”

I walk over and hand her the box. When she opens it, she gasps. “Oh gosh, Daddy. They’re beautiful!”

She lifts the necklace and bracelet from the box and holds them up to the light. They are matching white gold with diamonds embedded in the chains. The pendant of the necklace is a bright green emerald. “I thought it matched your eyes,” I say. “Do you like it?”

“Oh, Daddy,” she says. “I love it. But you shouldn’t have done that!”

“Why not?”

“It’s too expensive! You didn’t need to spend that much money on me!”

“Oh, it’s okay,” I say. “I can afford it.”

She looks at me wonderingly and asks, “Are you… are you rich, Daddy?”

I hesitate before answering. My last little girl was only with me for my money and although I know it’s irrational, I can’t help worrying that knowing I’m wealthy might change Janna’s feelings for me. I brush the feelings aside quickly though.

“Yes, princess,” I say. “I am.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?” she said. Her voice is free of hurt or judgment. She’s only curious.

I should tell her why. I know I should. If our positions were reversed, I would encourage her to be honest with me. I don’t though. I don’t feel good about it but I can’t bring myself to tell her about my ex.

Instead, I deflect away from the question. “I don’t know. I guess it’s not something I think about all the time.”

“Wow,” she says. “How did you make money?” She blushes again. “I’m sorry. That’s a rude question.”

“Not at all. I owned a successful manufacturing firm for several years. We made aftermarket suspension parts for commercial vehicles that operate in rough terrain. We had a lot of customers in law enforcement, firefighting and search and rescue. I sold the business a few years ago and retired.”

“Why do you still work?”

“To keep myself busy,” I say. “I offer consulting services to local businesses looking to expand.”

Her eyes widen with excitement when I say that. “Really? Do you think you could do something for me?”

“Sure, princess.”

“There’s a company in Holland, a family company that has been making toys for generations. Mertens Speelgoed. They make really cool hand-carved wooden toys and high quality jointed stuffed animals.  Nobody out here sells them and I know they would import wonderfully. Do you think you can help me reach out to them and get them to expand their distribution to America?”

“With you as the exclusive distributor, of coure.”

She blushes and says softly, “Yes, Daddy.”

“Sure,” I say. “What’s their email?”

“Umm, they don’t have email.”

I raise an eyebrow.

“They’re really small and old fashioned, I think,” she says. “But I really love their products. I’ll give you their number. You can call—”


“No?” she aks, shocked.

“I’ll help you,” I say. “But you call them.”

She hesitates but only for a moment before confidently saying, “Okay, Daddy.”

I love her. I’m so proud of her.

She deserves better than someone who can’t even be honest with her.