Hollywood Rebel by Misti Murphy

Chapter Twenty-Four



I tug on the collar of my button-down shirt while one of Harley Roberts’ show assistants swarms around me like a bee to honey while she sets up my microphone.

My blood pounds in my ears. Woosh. Woosh. Woosh.

I’m not nervous. I’m uneasy. I’m pissed at the world for painting me as a monster when they have no clue what really went down between me and that vile piece of shit, Hawthorne. I’m angry at Ro for not being able to stand up for herself and for shutting me out. I don’t give a shit that I spent six months in prison for my part in it, but both of us deserved better.

Summer gives me an encouraging smile and a thumbs up from where she stands behind the camera men who are taping the entertainment show. Summer is nothing like Ro. She’s tough and brave and ready to take on the world. But I’m angry for her too. Because she can’t be vulnerable with me when all I want is for her to let me in.

I take a deep breath as Harley winds down her current interview.

Getting Summer to open up to me is going to take patience. I’m not, on the surface, the most likely candidate to earn her trust, but that doesn’t mean I can’t do everything in my power to prove that she can have faith in me. In us.

“Thirty seconds,” the assistant says as Harley prepares to call me to the stage.

This interview is going to be easy. A quick chat about what I’m up to now. Copper Rock. The new movie that I’m in discussions over. That kind of thing. Summer and I approved the questions a week ago. I bounce on the balls of my feet. Blow out a breath.

“Let’s welcome Rebel Maddox,” Harley says.

I plaster a smile on my face and stride onto the stage to kiss the leggy blonde journalist on the cheek before we settle in opposite each other. “It’s good to be here. Thanks for having me, Harley.”

“Mmm. It’s been quite the wild ride for you these past eighteen months, hasn’t it? Substance abuse. Assault. Prison.”

I clasp my hands together between my thighs and glue my feet to the floor so I don’t jiggle my knee as frustration pours through me. I knew she would skirt the questions we told her not to ask, prepared for them, but it still feels like shit to have my faults aired. “That part of my life is behind me. I’ve dealt with it and now I’m concentrating on moving forward. I’m just happy to be back, Harley. Working on a new movie and with this boutique distillery, Copper Rock.”

“It’s interesting that someone who partied as hard as you did would choose to create a whisky brand. Rebel Rye? Why not a cologne?”

“Because I prefer to drink whisky,” I joke.

The journalist gives a canned laugh and leans forward to touch my arm, giving the impression that we’re good friends. We’re not. It’s all fake. She’s here for the sensational. A story. And if she can possibly manufacture it, a scandal. “Good point. Well, I’m sure we’re all glad you’re back. Can you tell us a little about the movie that you’re working on?”

“Not yet.” I make a mime of zipping my lips and throwing away the key. “Except to say that the script is amazing.”

“Well, we can’t wait to see the movie when it comes out. And neither can the audience at home. When do you go into production?”

“Next month.” I relax back into the seat, stretch my arm over the back, using body language to look like I’m an open book.

“And can you tell us who your co-star is?”

I blow out my cheeks like I want to share a secret and can’t. “Sorry. That hasn’t been officially announced yet.”

“Alright, I guess we’ll just have to wait for more information.” Harley smiles, the wattage on her fake Hollywood smile far too bright for me to be comfortable. “And welcome our next guest.”

I glance off to the side where I was standing before I joined Harley on set to see Ro coming onto the stage. I climb to my feet, glancing out past the lights to where Summer is watching. I can’t see her. It’s too bright. Did she know about this? Did she know Ro would be here?

I turn my attention to Ro as she gets close. She looks good in a white and blue floral sundress that was probably picked to make her seem happy and carefree. But her smile is brittle and doesn’t reach her eyes as she hugs Harley.

She air kisses my cheek, her tone accusatory, “I didn’t know you were going to be here.”

“I didn’t know you were either.” There’s no way in hell I would be here if I’d known she would be too. I know how raw she is, and I hate that I make it hard for her to forget. I hate that she still looks at me like I let her down. “It’s still good to see you.”

She nods once and her eyes shine as she sits down. I stare at the area of the set where Summer should be standing. Wish I could see her face. Did she set this up and not tell me about it? It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve been sold out by someone I care about.

“Rochelle Kitt, it’s lovely to have you on our show today,” Harley says, her voice like an overdose of cotton candy.

It’s enough to make my teeth ache.

“It’s nice to be here.” Ro crosses her legs and perches her hands on top of her knees. “It’s been a while.”

“You took a sabbatical, is that right?” Harley asks.

“That’s correct.” Ro nods once. “I had some health issues. But I’m about to start shooting the next season of Holly—”

“The last time you were both on my show was… about the same time, I believe,” Harley says.

“Uh, that’s right.” Ro glances at me, uncertain, wary. She used to be able to deal with this kind of journalistic bullshit. There was a time she would have had Harley’s job for cutting her off like that.

“In fact, we did a joint interview then too.” Harley turns her attention on me.

I don’t know where she’s going with this, but it’s making me bristle. There’s another shoe and Ro and I both know it’s only a matter of seconds before it drops. “We were working on a movie together.”

“Yes, I remember.” Harley taps her chin with one blood red fingernail. “You two were so close. Until that night you almost beat Alec Hawthorne into a coma. What happened between the three of you? Did Alec Hawthorne steal your girl? Did you finally get tired of the drugs and alcohol and partying, Ro?”

I swallow so hard it feels like I’ve shoved a cactus down my throat. I knew it was a probability that this bitch would go off script. I was prepared for that. But I never suspected she’d get Ro involved.

“I thought we were here to talk about my show.” Ro is as white as a ghost and she gulps like she’s trying to keep from vomiting. Her gaze pleads with me to protect her and not spill our secrets. Her secrets.

“That’s really none of your business,” I say to our host. “Now, if you’d like to get back to the conversation about her new season of Hollywood Princess…”

“Why don’t you let her speak?” Harley asks, her saccharine tone not enough to cover her bitchiness. “Is it because you don’t want her to have a voice and air your dirty laundry for the rest of us?”

I wait for Ro to say something. Anything.

She stares at me with wide, guilty eyes. Her fingers twist around each other like gnarled roots. And still she doesn’t say a damn word beyond, “Rebel, please.”

I swallow again. Gulp down all the words that I want to say to her. All my anger. All my frustration. Climbing to my feet, I yank the microphone off and drop it on the armchair I’ve vacated. I never meant to be any kind of hero. I was only protecting her because she was like family. And I am sick and tired of being the monster. “I’m fucking out of here.”

I storm off the stage and directly toward Summer. Spit the words, “Did you know?”

“No.” She shakes her head as she hurries to keep up with me. “I had no idea.”

“Really? You’re pretty career driven, Red,” I toss over my shoulder at her as I shove out the door of the studio. “Did reuniting Ro and I earn you brownie points with your boss?”

“Are you kidding me?” Summer snaps as we come to an abrupt halt on the pavement.

“I don’t know.” I whirl on her. “It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve been sold out to the media by a woman I’ve slept with.”

Her green eyes bulge and those coppery streaks light up like lightning. “My job is to make you look good. Nothing about what just happened in there looked good. And I’ve figured out enough about what happened to know that putting you both on that stage was a guaranteed disaster.” She throws an arm out in the direction we’ve just come. “I’m the one person in this business you know wouldn’t do that to you.”

Clasping my hands behind my head, I drag deep breaths into my lungs as I try to calm my racing thoughts. I want to believe her. “How the fuck did that happen then?”

“I don’t know.” She approaches me like I’m a wild animal. “But it wasn’t me. I was specific about our terms. They agreed to them.”

“Looks like they worked out how to circumvent them.” Ro is still in there, but fuck her. I’ve protected her, I’ve given her space. I’ve done everything I can for her and I’m still paying the price.

My anger deflates at that thought. So is she. I chose to beat the shit out of Hawthorne. She didn’t choose what happened to her. I text Riot and Rogue to tell them where to find her. She’ll need their support, even if our friendship needs to be over now. For my sake as much as hers.

I’m ready to move on. I want to put it all behind me. I have Summer in my life. And the way I feel about her…I don’t want to be angry all the time. I want to be happy. I want to concentrate on getting to know this beautiful woman and getting her to open up to me. “I’m sorry.”

“I know.” Her eyes say that she does. The way she watches me, there’s been an understanding in them from the start. Even when I was a complete asshole she knew there was something inside me that she could work with.

Neither of us know how to trust easily though. We’ve both learned the hard way what happens when you have faith in people. But how can I expect her to trust me if I don’t give her that trust myself?

“Come here.” I take her hand and pull her into my arms. Rest my nose in her hair and inhale the fragrance of her shampoo. Just breathe her in until she calms my heart.

“Do you think it was Ro?” she asks. “She has unresolved feelings toward you. That much is obvious.”

I catch her face with my hands. “I don’t know what Ro feels about me, but if you’re worried about how I feel about her, don’t. I told you there’s nothing romantic between us and I meant it. I don’t even think we’re friends at this point.”

“I’m not worried.” Her hands press against my back, her body clinging to me. “At least not about that. I’m worried about you.”

“I’m good.” I press my mouth to hers. “Better when I’m with you. In fact all I want is to be alone with you for the rest of the afternoon. Does that sound okay to you?”

“More than okay,” she says, stepping back and smiling up at me.

“How about we order some pizza and spend the rest of the afternoon in bed? Don’t think about work or interviews or anything other than you and me? We can fuck and nap and fuck some more.”

“You had me at pizza in bed,” she says.

“Alright.” I swipe my lips over hers again. “Let’s get Emmy and go and do that.”


Ding. Dong.

I’m dick deep in Summer’s sweet pussy when the doorbell rings. Like a little meerkat she comes to an abrupt stop mid-fuck and sits straight up. “That has to be the pizza.”

I grip her waist with one hand and with a grunt pull her down hard on my cock. The other hand clamps to the back of her neck so I can ruin her mouth with my tongue. “Christ, kitten. Am I not doing it for you today? You’re supposed to be screaming my name not screaming for the pizza delivery guy.”

“It’s just…oh God…I skipped breakfast.” She whimpers as she rolls her hips to take me more deeply and get that bit of friction on her clit that she likes so much.

“Lunch too.” I groan at the heat of her.

Her stomach punctuates our famished state with a loud growl. It’s followed by a low moan as I drive into her. “Rebel, that feels so good.”

“Better than the idea of pizza?” I bite my lip while I fuck in and out of her. Concentrate on hitting that spot deep inside that makes her yell my name. I love when she does that. When she loses control and begs me to make her come. It makes me feel powerful.

“Mmhmm.” A sob, the good kind that’s chock full of need, gets caught in the back of her throat as her damp red locks tumble over her face, obscuring her beautiful green eyes. Her hands paw at my chest. Tweak a nipple.

“Fuck.” My insides tighten all the way to my dick and I arch off the bed to bury myself to the hilt. “That’s it.”

Ding. Dong.

Summer breaks stride as her eyelids lift from her lust heavy eyes.

“Don’t even think about it.” With a growl, I curl an arm around her waist and flip us over. It reminds me of the time we wrestled in the gym. Only this is a thousand times better because we’re naked and she’s letting me fuck her. Pulling out, I flip her onto her belly on the mattress.

She stares at me over her shoulder as I yank her ass up in the air. I thrust back into her slick pussy and fuck her harder. “You’re not getting that pizza until we’ve both come.”

“What if they leave?” She pants as I drag her up and down my length.

“Then we’ll order another one. Or I will make you pancakes.” Because there is no way I’m giving up this feeling of her wrapped around me for food. It’s just not going to happen. I reach around to rub her clit.

“Oh God. Oh shit.” Her hips buck. She’s right there on the edge.

Knowing that puts me right there with her. I swirl my fingers through her wetness, circling and tapping at the touchy little spot until her inner walls start to strangle my cock.

“Oh God, Rebel. Oh my, oh my, oh my… Rebel.”

“Milk me, kitten. That’s it. Fuck. Just like that.” The control I’ve been fighting to keep snaps as she pulls my climax from me. I collapse over her. Shift my weight so I’m not crushing her. Kiss her sweat dampened nape. The way I feel about her is…crazy. “Damn, you feel so good on me.”

“Pizza,” she says breathlessly.

I chuckle as I climb off her. “I’ll get it.”

“Hurry,” she orders as I pull on my jeans.

“On it, love.” I freeze with my hands holding both sides of the fly. It’s not that I can’t imagine getting to that point with Summer. I feel strongly for her already. It’s just I’m not really the guy who says shit like that. I sure as shit don’t say it unless I mean it. The last time I cared that deeply…fuck, it cost me.

“Umph.” She half raises an arm and drops it again. “Water too.”

My lungs work again.

“Be right back.” I spank her ass lightly and leave her to recover in post-sex bliss and take the stairs two at a time.

“I found a pizza guy on the front step. He had this pie.” Rogue helps himself to a slice from the box. “Sausage. Nice.”

“Get your paws off my pizza.”

He glances from me to the slice in his hand. With a shrug he folds it in half and shoves the whole thing in his gob.

I snatch the box out of his hands before he can pick up a second slice. Head to the kitchen.

“Riot’s still with Ro.” Rogue rests his hip against the counter. “In case you wanted to know.”

“I don’t.” I grab a couple of bottled waters from the fridge.

“Really?” His brow flicks up in the corners. “You’re not worried? That’s not why you texted us to go over there?”

“Of course I’m worried.” I collect napkins from the draw and place them on top of the pizza box. I have a beautiful woman upstairs waiting for me to feed her. I don’t want to be wasting time explaining this to him. “But Ro’s been pretty clear that she can’t be around me. I can’t change it. I can’t make her deal with what happened. Or make her move on. And I can’t spend the rest of my life in limbo either. I want something more than that.”

“Summer,” he says.

“Yeah,” I say, knowing I can leave it there and he’ll pick up what I’m putting down without me having to explain that Summer has me feeling all sorts of ways. Like I could actually be deep down and truly happy.

“Good.” He smiles. “I like her. You’re more you around her.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“You fight less to prove you’re an asshole when you’re with her. It’s like you don’t wake up with a giant fuck off chip on your shoulder every morning.”

“Whatever.” I smile as I shake my head. He might have a point.

Feet thunder on the stairs and Summer races into the kitchen. She’s wearing my T-shirt and not a lot else. “You’ll never…guess.”

“What the fuck, Summer? You’re naked,” Rogue screams like he’s scandalized.

“Shut your eyes before I pluck them out,” I tell him as I slide the pizza onto the counter and pull Summer into my arms. I run my hands up her thighs to her ass. Breathe a sigh of relief when my palm meets cotton panty. “Seriously, you know my brother’s a pervert. You couldn’t have put on shorts?”

“Your shirt practically goes to my knees.” She rolls her gaze at me while bouncing on her toes. Her body pressed to mine, that movement rubs against my dick and ignites new fire in my veins. “Besides, I couldn’t wait. I have an email from Hollywood Juice magazine.”

Hollywood Juice?” Rogue stammers. His gaze clashing with mine over her head. Oh-oh.

I feel as shocked as he looks. “No.”

“Yes.” She takes my hands in hers while she grins up at me like this is the best news ever. “Marty Kendall wants to interview you. I’ve been lobbying her for weeks and she finally agreed. Do you have any idea how huge that is?”

“I’m sorry, Red. That’s just not possible.” My voice feels like it’s coming from someone else, or from a tunnel, and then the real world rushes back at me in vibrant discord.

The last time I had an interview with Hollywood Juice my ex had sold me out for her career. Just up and tossed everything I thought we were away for a front page story. She put every single detail I’d tried to keep private in black ink on glossy paper like it didn’t fucking matter. My mom’s mental health and her prescription pill habit. Our life together. The fact that my sudden fame was making it so I couldn’t sleep. Everything that I’d trusted her with.

“Well, it’s happening. And it’s print. I’ve emailed them back with our stipulations. This time we control the narrative. I promise I won’t let what occurred today happen again.”

“Did you hear me?” I snap, grabbing her shoulders and pushing her back so she’s forced to concentrate on my face. “I’m not doing an interview with Hollywood Juice. It’s not negotiable, Red. Email them back and tell them to fuck off.”

She shrinks back. All that exuberance that was shining out of her shutters away. “Is there a reason why you can’t?”

“Shit,” Rogue mutters as he turns his attention to the other end of the kitchen.

I exhale and try to loosen up some of the fierceness I’m still feeling. “The last time I had an interview with Marty Kendall, I was dating her. She added her own thoughts to the interview. It didn’t end well.”

“It kinda fucked us all up,” Rogue adds.

I growl at him. But it’s too late anyway. He trusts Summer. So does Riot. It’s a good sign. They’re willing to accept her into the heart of us. Because I’m falling for her every day she’s here. But it’s a big deal too. We don’t let people in. It never ends well.

Not for me.

Or Rogue.

Or Riot.

But this girl, she’s giving us all pause. I see the warmth in Rogue’s eyes when she’s in the room. I hear the optimism in Riot’s newest songs. I feel it in my chest when she looks at me. I need her to stay.

She clutches her phone in her hand as she nibbles on her bottom lip for a moment. Finally she nods once and turns her phone over in her hand to tap at the screen. “I will cancel the interview.”

“I love her,” Rogue says over her head before he turns on his heel to leave the kitchen. “Summer Heart, I freaking love you. When you get sick of my twin, come and find me. I’ll lock you down so hard…”

I growl like a savage as I scoop her into my arms. “I’m not giving her up. You’ll have to fight me.”

She giggles and slaps at my shoulder. “Do not forget the pizza.”

“Right.” I pick up the box and she lifts the lid to steal a piece.

“Water too,” she says from her vantage point as a sexy sloth.

I pass her both bottles and tuck the box under my arm. “Let’s go back to bed.”

“Why?” She smirks like a wild thing, the pizza hanging between her teeth as she mumbles, “Want to watch me deep throat this pizza?”

“Fuck.” My cock hardens at her words despite the awful imagery. “There’s something else I’d prefer you choke on.”