A Lock Of Death by Beena Khan


An hour later, a Bratva doctor had come in and stitched me up.

No words were exchanged between us. After he finished, he said he would return after a week to remove the stitches.

I stood alone in the bathroom mirror after a clean shower. I stared at my surroundings, at the marble floor beneath my wrinkled bare feetthat’s what I get for staying in the rain. The golden bordered rims shone under the artificial light above my head as I stared into the mirror. I wrapped my fingers around the edges of the porcelain, delicate mirror as I looked at my wounds.

I caught a glimpse of my neck that had seven stitches. Dimitri’s teeth had widened the little area. I drew in a shaky breath. I hadn’t expected that from him at all when he’d taken the tracker out. With a sigh, I exited the bathroom and moved toward my bedroom’s nightstand with my tired feet. The throbbing in my forehead came, and I wanted to relax.

I opened the drawer and picked up my baggie of colorful pills. I would have to ask Madame Gospel for some more.

I popped two into my mouth, swallowed, and sat on my bed.

My roommate’s side remained empty.

Cracking my shoulders, the knots buried deep inside my body loosened. Layers of weight lifted from my tensed body and left. It sagged in desperation.

A breathy sigh of relief left my lips as I pulled out a Vicks VapoRub ointment from the drawer and sniffed it. The menthol smell almost burned the small hairs in my warm nose.

So minty and bitter that it brought tears to my waterline. I couldn’t stop smiling. My fuzzy brain spun around in small circles of slow motion.

The world around me was beautiful, and I had so much love for every single person in my life. Well, I didn’t have anyone.

I was a fucking loner but still in love with the earth, the sky, the moon, and the sun.

I am at peace.

I wanted to dance and be around people.

I popped another pill in my mouth. One too many. Two was my limit, and with the third, I couldn’t focus.

Tranquility fluttered beneath my eyelids and the ache in my head faded as I sank deeper into oblivion. I leaned back on my bed on my elbows with my head lifted toward the ceiling.

A belly of weightlessness floated in my body. The sensations that I craved kicked through me. My head spun, and the blood in my ears roared. Adrenaline flooded my system, removing all of my worries, and butterflies swarmed in the pit of my body.

Disorientated, I blinked at the ceiling above me.

Why hadn’t I painted that, though?

Oh my God… I should paint it.

Yes. Smiling, I shifted and landed on my stomach.

Glancing up, I stood on my feet, but it took more strain. Frowning, my legs almost gave out underneath me. I glanced up at the ceiling like it was my latest mission. I reached up a shaky hand for the ceiling, my sky, but I couldn’t reach it. It was too far away even though I was on the bed.

I jumped on my bed, reaching for it again, but I still couldn’t reach it. Every time, my shaky limbs jumped, my brain moved with every lunge and my heart pounded against my chest.

Sighing, I stared down at the bed. My ears perked up when my bedroom door opened before it closed.

A clicking sound came a second later.

Who had locked it?

Shifting my body to the door, I moved rapidly and collapsed on the bed. Hysterical giggles left my throat, and I covered my mouth with my hands.

I’m so fucked up.

I wondered if my roommate had come in.

“I was hoping to catch you alone.”

That didn’t sound like a feminine voice.

I rose to my feet, but I lost my balance.

Yelping, I caught myself before I giggled again.

I glanced at the figure in front of me with my dazed wide eyes, but all I caught was a black, fuzzy figure. I couldn’t make out the features. Who was in front of me?

That deep voice sounded familiar, but I couldn’t place it.

A man.

With a sigh, I sat back down on my bed. I blinked a few times and tried to clear my mind, but it didn’t help at all. I collapsed on the mattress dramatically.

“Blue, is that you?”

“Blue?” the man repeated.

His voice sounded too far away, and I had to strain my ears to hear him. I smiled. He didn’t know why I called him that.

“Dimitri,” I murmured, eyeing the fuzzy figure. “What are you doing here?”

He stayed silent for a moment before he replied, “You’re a newly wedded bride.”

That reality didn’t sound so bad anymore.

“Yes. Fucking congratulations to me.”

I laughed because it was the most beautiful thing in the world. I was beautiful. Everything was beautiful.

My body turned lightweight, and all the energy in my body vanished. My limbs had turned into soft jelly, and I reached down and poked myself in my belly. I couldn’t feel it. I blinked slowly like I floated in the atmosphere around me. I couldn’t feel my elbows anymore and I sighed.

Footsteps moved toward closer until the figure loomed over me. I still couldn’t see clearly.

He climbed on top of me, and my breath hitched.

My laughter stopped.

His heavy body pressed down onto me, pushing me deeper into the bed. Cold hands reached for my warm ones, pinning them against the sheets.

My mind lulled in and out. I tried to shift a little, but his weight kept me pressed down.

With my back flat on the bed and Blue hovering about me, I leaned up and rubbed my cheek against his shirt, seeking his warmth. A throb pulsed through my brain and against my forehead. I closed my eyes and my mind lulled, fading in and out. It took the edge off life. It was nice to just sit back and think about nothing for a while.

“What are you doing here, Blue?” I whispered. “Are you here to take me to the sky?”

I laughed hysterically. My tongue felt so heavy in my mouth. I sighed when his lips brushed against the sensitive spot on my neck, on the other uninjured side.

“Your eyes are my sky.”

I’d only met him a couple of times, but I was obsessed with his eyes.

“You’re my sky.”

I didn’t know if I would think the same if I was in my senses.

His lips paused, and I tilted my head to look into those beautiful eyes of his, but he was a black blob of hair.

I wanted to reach out and rake my hand through it, but he still pinned me underneath him. I cocked my head, puzzled as I looked up. A small smile formed on my lips.

“I didn’t expect you to come back. Are you here to give me a whipping for real?”

“For real?” he questioned, his voice laced with confusion.

Why would he ask me that?

“I would let you,” I whispered before I could regret it.

I didn’t know why I said that at all.

A flush ran through my body, shooting tingles through my core. I wanted to cross my legs together, but I couldn’t move at all. Maybe I had lost my mind.

“Today is your wedding night,” he replied after a beat.

My eyes snapped open and I stared up. My breath caught in my throat, and I wondered if I had misheard him. Swirls of blobs of color greeted me, and I couldn’t see his face. I tried to clear my head, but it was no use. How many pills had I popped?

“I thought you might want to do it with me before Boris takes you away.”

I blinked, my heavy eyelids fighting to stay open. My heart thudded his words. That was sweet of him to say…

One night of reckless freedom, to do whatever I wanted.

I waited for him to kiss me, but instead, he let go of one of my hands and pulled the strap of my lacy nightie down before he pulled my panties off. Before I could reach out and touch him with my free hand, he pinned it back against the bed.

“Fucking stunning,” he said roughly.

My heart raced with each passing second.

“Good nipple structure.”

I paused, and an uncomfortable shiver ran down my spine.

What a strange thing to say…

It wasn’t something Blue would say but then again, I barely even knew the man.

I was surprised he even spoke.

Mr. Brooding hated speaking.

The bristles of his beard rubbed against my breast, and they hardened in the chilly atmosphere.

Dimitri didn’t have a beard though…

My thought faded, and I sighed in content.

My mind drew blank.

“Dimitri, what does moya mean?”

He paused. “Mine.”

Oh. I cheesed so brightly.

So, that’s what that little word had meant, the one he’d painted on me. I was his then?

Why would he let Boring Boris take me though?

Before I could ask him, his hot mouth landed on my cold breast, nipping my nipple. A small moan left my lips. He still hadn’t kissed me yet and I wanted to know why. His coarse and tongue whiskery tongue licked my sensitive bud.

I giggled when his hair brushed against my skin. He stretched out a nipple between his teeth and pulled it so far that I cried out. He still had his shirt on, and the soft fabric brushed against my skin like silk.

Dimitri didn’t wear silk though.


I pondered over that thought, but my mind lulled again.

A wrapper unfolded in the background, and I only blinked. His shaft was at my entrance. A thought popped into my mind.

“I haven’t had sex in three years,” I mumbled.

He chuckled. “Good. Only I deserve your body.”

I stared up at him hovering above me with my vision fading by the second. My mind swirled and a rainbow greeted me.

“Blue…” I murmured.

His shirt brushed against me as he thrust into me in one quick movement. Shit. I winced, unused to the touch and the size of him. I opened my mouth to tell him to go slow, but I didn’t get a chance because he thrust into me again.

A choked gasp left my lips, and I blinked back tears.

Gel, long black locks brushed against me.

So weird…

Dimitri had shorter hair.

My tight muscles clenched on him. His thrusts continued, and I grew wetter. My meatloaf limbs relaxed under him after a few moments. I purred like a cat every time he slammed into me. I never had sex like this before. I felt uncontrollable like I was on top of the world, and we ruled together.

This continued for a couple of minutes until my release trickled out of me. My chest heaved, remembering to breathe.

He still pumped in me when my mind faded away and lost consciousness.

The steady rain drummed against the balcony window, the droplets like a soothing melody, a natural lullaby.

My eyelids flickered open like two flashlight beams, illuminating whatever I looked at. I just laid there, drifting with the calmness of the rain, reluctant to banish my thoughts and begin my day. A throbbing headache met me, and I rubbed my head, halfway into wakefulness and halfway still into the dreams of the night. Reality hit me as the world came to focus.

I blinked a few times, wondering where I laid. A subtle awareness trickled through my body when my hands rubbed against the familiar cotton bedsheets below me.

Every thought of mine was in high definition. Electricity circulated in parts that didn’t before. As my slumber lifted, my soul flexed its wings, ready to rise.

Before I could, the door slammed open, and Madame Gospel entered. I grunted in annoyance before burying my head under my covers again.

“Wake up girls. Breakfast is ready,” she chirped.

Sighing, I licked my dry lips and popped out my head.

I cleared my throat, but an ache filled me up. I swallowed but my dry throat made that impossible. My eyes fell on the other bed across the room where my roommate Kiara slept, passed out like the dead. She must have slipped in last night.

I glanced down at my nightie.

One of my boobs was hanging out.

One nub was redder and more erect than the other soft one.

Frowning, I reached down a hand and touched it. I winced at the throbbing anguish. I glanced lower at my nightie.

It was pulled up to my stomach, and my white panties were still on. My eyes widened at the dry fluid sticking to my legs, and dreamland vanished from my mind.

I cringed.

How the fuck did that happen?

My mind replayed me having sex with… Dimitri.

Blue came again last night.

I grunted and smacked my forehead twice.

Was it real?

Looking up with groggy eyes, I asked, “Madame Gospel?”

She paused and glanced over her shoulder.

I chewed on the inside of my cheek.

“Did someone come after the doctor left last night?”

Her eyes narrowed and she replied with, “No.”

My lips parted as she closed the door behind me.

So… it wasn’t real after all.

I glanced at my unbruised wrists, the same ones that had been pinned last night. My heart rate returned steady, and my cheeks flamed scarlet. I couldn’t believe I dreamt of him.

I scolded my lusty desires and shoved them in the back of my mind. I rose to take a shower. By the end of the night, I didn’t think about that dream again.