For Crying Out Loud by J. Preston

14Horrible Kisser

When we were fourteen, Jason said onions are the only food that makes you cry. I threw a coconut in his face.

- Aiden


After a satisfying session of Ben & Jerry’s finest—also known as ‘suck it diamonds, ice cream is the real girl’s best friend’—Carter drove me back home. It’s funny how that boy has proven over and over that he’s got the biggest heart when all I used to think about him was that… Well, that he’s a massive player. What I realize now is that beneath all that player persona and the incessant innuendos, he is truly a fantastic friend, one that I want to keep forever.

I toss and turn all night, unable to forget the image of Aiden and Chloe being cozy with each other. Chloe had her talons on Aiden’s shoulder whenever I looked their way. She’s like a harpy, that one. Once the harpy left him alone for a minute, I decided it was the time to confront him about hanging out with the spawn of Satan. I stalked towards him, ready to scream at him until his head fell off, but one look at his gorgeous green eyes and I had all but forgotten why I was in front of him in the first place. Until my gaze fell on his lips, and I saw that stupid smirk on his face. Then it was a free-for-all, and thank heavens that Carter showed up in time to make my exit that much more punchy.

It’s the morning, and I feel a bit shitty about letting Aiden think that Carter and I are anything more than friends. Then again, he deserved it for hanging out with Hell’s finest. Plus, he was the one who insisted that the kiss we shared was a mistake and not to be repeated. That kiss…

While washing my hair, I decide to do some squats. Girl’s gotta work out, ya know? Turns out, that wasn’t the brightest idea. I slip in the shower and bang my elbow on the floor. Will I ever learn? Not likely.

Once dressed, I head towards the kitchen, drooling at the thought of breakfast. I’m starving and can’t wait to have some avo toast. Speaking of toast, I’m also quite curious to check up on Edward. Both Hayley and I bet on a couple of dates for The Day, and things are getting competitive. Maybe I could pierce the bag and let the air in? Nah, that’d be stooping too low.

The shower is on, and I figure Jason must be in it. The door to his room is closed, but Aiden’s is ajar. My heart stops in its tracks, and I hesitate for a second but then decide it’s probably a good idea to call a truce with the annoying Brit. She-devil aside, I want to talk about that kiss. That kiss…

Maybe I can persuade him to kiss me again? Just a little. No need for a big hoohaa about it. Teeny-tiny kiss. Like a goodbye one. That’s all I’m asking. Who am I kidding? I’d never stop at just one if I had my way… Sigh.

I reach his door and softly knock. “Aiden?” His bedsheets rustle, followed by a sound of soft footsteps. I must have woken him up. I brace myself for what must be a glorious view of his body… Didn’t he say he sleeps naked? Oh, please let him be naked. I’ll go to church every Sunday if he is, I swear! I lick my lips as the door opens and my jaw hits the floor.

In a stunned silence, I watch Oompa-Lumpa lean against the door jamb and sleepily look me up and down, appraising. She’s wearing an oversized t-shirt, which I recognize immediately as one of Aiden’s. It’s got a dancing hula girl on it. Her hair is all over the place, messy and matted, her makeup smudged just a little. The word ‘sex-hair’ pops into my head. She narrows her puffy eyes at me when I reach them in my appraisal. Fuck my life.

“What are you doing here? Are you following me?” she growls.

“I live here.” My voice sounds distant compared to the deafening sound of my breaking heart.

“Really?” She looks up at me quizzically.

“Yeah…” I slowly turn to walk back to my room.

“Aiden is in the shower.” My head whips back at the sound of his name. Chloe is standing with her arms crossed and a triumphant smile on her face. “Now scoot little minion,” she says as my shoulders sag. “We don’t need the interruption. I’m hoping for round two when he gets back.”

Shit. The. Bed.

I turn and storm into my bedroom, slamming the door behind me. No way in hell am I giving the two of them the satisfaction of seeing me upset about this. They both deserve each other—little conniving turds! I have not been this pissed since some asshole doctor pulled me out of my mother’s vagina. Seriously.

Grabbing my car keys, I stalk to my window, anger rippling down my body in waves. I tear the window open and jump in one swift motion out of my room, landing on both of my feet like a seasoned traceuse. Parkour, baby. Channeling my inner caveman, I inhale deeply through my nostrils then spring up and stalk to Kitt, crouching down underneath Aiden’s window. I must look like a feral child right now, but honestly, I don’t give two little, scrawny Aidens. Oh yes, I decided just now to officially swap in my dictionary the word ‘shit’ for the word ‘Aiden’. It works. Trust me.

Either way, I would not walk past that room again in case I heard something that would turn me into a murderer. I’m too pretty to go to prison. I stalk toward Kitt and jump over the door inside, glad that I left the top down, making my escape that much easier. As I jam the keys into the ignition, I briefly consider the fact that I have become quite awesome at jumping out of and into things. I should put that ‘Aiden’ on my resume: ‘Excellent at graceful jumps over hurdles; can land without injury’. I’d get a job as a stunt woman in a jiffy.

I plug my phone in and select the song that best depicts my current mood. Doesn’t get better than STUPID by Ashnikko. I turn the volume to the max, press play, and rev the engine, pulling out like I’m a street race driver, screaming the lyrics along to the song.

‘Stupid boy think that I need him.’

I inhale deeply, trying to calm my shaking hands. The song starts for the third time when I find myself outside of Carter’s apartment, still heaving with anger. I walk up to his door and ring the bell. He opens straight away, like he was waiting on the other side all this time, and smiles at me.

“Well hello, grasshopper. Miss me already?”

I open my mouth, but nothing comes out. Carter looks at me questioningly, drawing his eyebrows together. “Grasshopper?” He looks behind me and his eyes go huge. He probably noticed Kitt parked haphazardly on his lawn. I might have destroyed some of the greenery. There may be one bush overturned, but it was like that when I arrived! I swear! Adrenaline leaves my body at the same time that my legs decide to stop working. He catches me as I slide down to the ground. “Jenny! What’s wrong?” He’s panicking. I can see the fear in his eyes. Who wouldn’t be afraid if a crazy woman arrived at their door, acted like a freaking goldfish gasping for water, and then decided to take a little nap on their doorstep? I open my mouth again and what comes out sounds a lot like a pterodactyl on drugs.

“Jenny, please talk to me.” Carter takes both of my hands into his. We’re sitting side by side on the steps. I turn towards him; blink twice; take a big, shaky breath; then open my mouth.

“He’s the biggest asshole in the universe. He’s worse than fucking Voldemort and Darth Vader combined,” I state, managing to keep my voice steady.

“Okay, let’s rewind. Last night you didn’t want to talk about what got you angry, except for he-who-must-not-be-named, that is. Is today’s crazy behavior also connected to him?”

I nod.

“Right…” Carter drops my hands. “I need details.”

I breathe in deeply, then exhale. My hands are shaking without Carter holding them steady.

“Last night,” I start, focusing my gaze on a leaf stuck to one of the steps below us. “Aiden was fraternizing with the enemy.” I close my eyes. “It seems he’s been fraternizing throughout the night and also this morning…in his bed.” I clench my jaw. Carter puts his arm around me and pulls me into his chest. “I’m not heartbroken,” I say in defence, opening my eyes and pushing him away. “I’m pissed off that out of all the girls he could choose to sleep with, he chose the one he knew is a bitch to me.”

“Jenny.” Carter’s voice is soft.

“I don’t need your pity. I just need someone who I can get angry with.” My voice is robotic.

“Who’s the enemy? Should we go TP her house?” He sighs.

My lips lift in a half smile.

“Her name is Chloe Price,” I say, lifting my gaze to Carter’s face. He looks shocked.

“Chloe Price? Are you sure?”

I cock my head to the side. “Yes, why? Do you know her?”

“I guess you can say that…”

I narrow my eyes. “Not in the mood for that. Spill.”

“I think you’ll be better off asking Jason for the full story,” Carter starts, but, seeing my expression, rolls his eyes and continues. “I suppose I can tell you the bulk of it.” I nod, curious. “Last year, Jason dated Chloe for about a month. She got obsessed and started stalking him when he dumped her. She’d place herself in situations where she knew he’d be; she’d barge in on him in the morning if he stayed over with another girl going all crazy-bitch, screaming and throwing things at him. Once, she even told Jason she had slept with me just to make him jealous. Needless to say, that never happened.” She did what?!

“So the psycho-bitch is prone to lying?”


“That still doesn’t explain what she was doing in Aiden’s room this morning with bed head and nothing but his t-shirt on,” I say.


“Oh indeed.” I nod solemnly. I knew the whole situation didn’t bode well.

“Well, not that I want to defend Aiden…but psychos often know how to get their way and make things appear a certain way. Trust me.” Carter chooses his words carefully.


“Just talk to him, let him explain first. It might be true, but it also might just be another Chloe scheme to get Jason jealous.”

“Fine,” I exhale. “It’s just that…I confronted him about her last night, you know? And he still brought her back home, even though he must have known it would piss me off…”

“That’s true, but don’t forget we left together, making it look like we were up to no good…”

“I’m still pissed off,” I say, crossing my arms. “Why are you even defending him?” I narrow my eyes at him.

“I’m not.” Carter laughs. “It’s just that I’ve been in a similar situation and don’t like it when people are manipulated into thinking something is true when it isn’t.”

“I hate it when you make sense.” I huff.

“I know, grasshopper. I’m not all good looks and a fantastic sense of humour.”

I laugh. “Why would he bring her home though…” I trail off. “Shit… It’s me, isn’t it?”


“I’m the horrible kisser! I was the one all along! He’s trying to let me down gently.”

“Somehow I don’t think that’s the case, Jenny…”

“How would you know? I’m sure that must be it. First he goes away without contact, now he brings other girls to the house. That must be it! He just doesn’t know how to tell me that I’m a horrible kisser!” I exclaim.

“Jenny,” Carter has a playful smile plastered across his face, “I don’t think that’s it.” He gets up and extends his hand to me. I take it and he pulls me up. He looks into my eyes then gently pulls me into a hug, kissing the top of my head. I exhale loudly into his chest.

“Well I’m pretty sure that’s it,” I mumble into his shirt.

Carter’s chest lifts up and down in a chuckle then goes still, stiff almost. After a second he relaxes and takes a small step back from me.

I look up at him questioningly as he brings his hand up, lifting my chin up. His eyes are focused and dark, looking down intently at me. His jaw is tight and it takes me a few seconds to comprehend that he is leaning down toward my face.

Instinctively, I close my eyes when his lips connect with mine. The pressure is gentle, as if he’s unsure whether or not I’ll kick him in the nuts for his action. When I don’t, he presses his lips firmer to mine. I rest my arms around his waist, and it seems that was all the encouragement Carter needed. He moves his hand from under my chin and pulls me up so that I’m barely on my tiptoes. I move my arms to grab ahold of his neck, moving my lips to the rhythm he’s dictating.

Carter leads this kiss, like a professional dancer leads his companion around the dance floor, skilfully and with a hint of determination. When he moves his tongue across my lips I melt a little. Where the hell is this coming from? This kiss is so different from the one I shared with Aiden. This kiss is gentle and giving and a bit hesitant, whereas Aiden’s kisses were all need and passion and desire. I open my lips and let him sneak his tongue in between. I can taste the coffee he must have drank before my arrival. I move my tongue along to the rhythm he set. It’s nice. Kissing Carter is nice, but is it enough to make me forget about kissing Aiden?

I gently move away and Carter leans himself further into me, unwilling to break the kiss before he realizes what’s happening. Then he finally steps away.

“Fuck, grasshopper…” he says breathlessly, making me notice how breathless I am. His eyes are dark and his chest is rising up and down quickly. I take stock of myself. My cheeks are flushed, my breath is quick, and my knees are wobbly. It seems my body responded to the kiss even with my brain going for a walk around the neighborhood. “It’s definitely not about the kissing,” Carter finishes his sentence at last.

He turns away from me muttering curses under his breath.

“Carter?” I gently touch his shoulder.

“Yeah?” His voice is still hoarse, and his back stiffens at my touch.

“You ok?” I ask as he turns around.

“Yeah… I just,” he sticks his hands in his pockets as if to keep them to himself, “wasn’t expecting that.”

Yeah, me neither…