Forbidden Love Romance by Penny Wylder


A week after we finally started caving in to this addiction, Dad and Susan decide they want to host a party for the neighborhood. We don’t have too many neighbors, strictly speaking, but if you count all the cabins in this neck of the woods, you wind up with a pretty decent population. About 20 families all told, some of them with kids in tow, so that makes for an even larger get-together.

Dad is cooking, Susan playing hostess, and I surprise myself by even recognizing some of the older couples. The neighbors I used to run into at the corner store or exploring the neighborhood with Josh.

Mr. Johnson is there too, and he smiles and greets Josh and me by name. He’s the only one who doesn’t make some awkward comment.

“Look how grown up you two are! And my, didn’t you both turn out handsome and lovely,” one of the neighbors I recognized, Mrs. Hamilton, points out. She even goes so far as to pinch Josh’s cheeks. “What a sweet thing, your parents getting together. You make a lovely family.”

At that point, I have to excuse myself. I mumble an excuse about checking on Dad, but when I stumble past the fringes of the party, I skip right past the barbecue grill and keep on going.

I make it about halfway up the path on the far side of the lake, into the woods, when I hear footsteps behind me, jogging to catch up.

“You okay?”

I hesitate. Turn around to find Josh following me.

“I’m fine. Just a little weird seeing so many people, with… With our parents…” I gesture in the direction of the party.

He casts a glance over his shoulder too, nodding. I know he understands the feeling. What it’s like to be seen as family, as siblings. “I gotta admit, it’s pretty strange.” When he turns back around to face me though, he’s smirking. “Sis.”

I punch his shoulder. “Don’t you dare.”

“What’s the matter?” He lifts his eyebrows, wiggles them. “Don’t like me reminding you that you’re my little step-sister?” He steps closer, lowers his voice. “Is that because you’re still thinking about the way my cock felt in your mouth last night?”

My cheeks flare, red-hot. I glance over his shoulder too, instinctive. Making sure there’s no one close enough to hear, or to see how close we’re standing, or the way his hand drifts toward mine. Trails up my arm, from my wrist to the crook of my elbow, up over my bicep, until he’s cupping my cheek, and I’m leaning toward him, helpless against this pull between us.

Luckily, there’s nobody else in sight. But we’re still visible, the party going full force in the distance.

As if reading my mind, Josh catches my hand and tugs me after him, jogging up the path deeper into the forest. We walk until we’re well out of sight of the cabin, the yard, the party. Or anyone else, for that matter. We’re the only people in the world, and that’s just the way we like it.

Josh’s lips collide with mine, desperate and hot. I run my hands through his hair, and he pulls mine a little, crushing me against him.

But he’s right. I can’t stop thinking about last night, about the taste of his cock. He pulled me up to kiss him before I could get him to his climax, because he wanted to fuck me—and don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t protesting. But now, with the fresh adrenaline of his kiss pumping through me, I want a do-over. I want to lick and suck his cock, want to take him as deep into my mouth as I can, and make him lose control the way he’s so good at making me lose it.

I break away from our kiss to catch his earlobe between my teeth instead. I bite down gently, just enough so he feels it, and grin as he shivers visibly. I keep going, nipping at his neck, the spot where his neck meets his shoulder, and I only pause to pull his shirt over his head. Toss it aside, and then run my lips down his pecs. I flick his nipple with my tongue, and he laughs a little, though his hands tighten in my hair. Especially when I keep going, farther down, licking his abs, biting gently at his hip.

He sucks in a breath of air between his teeth. “Paulina…”

I glance up at him as I drop to my knees before him. “I want to taste you, Josh.” I undo his jeans, tug them.

“You’re insatiable,” he says, but he’s grinning. I can see already the bulge in his jeans, straining against the fabric. I pull them down, let them drop to his ankles, and trace my hand over that bulge with only his boxers in my way now. He’s still growing harder under my fingertips, his cock tense and thickening with lust. But I keep my eyes on his for now, enjoying the way they darken, focus on me with an intensity that I’ve never seen anywhere else before.

“What can I say? You make me thirsty.” I smirk, and with that, tug his boxers down to fall after his jeans.

His cock springs free in all its glory. He’s hard as a rock now, thick and flushed from desire. His cock curves slightly upward, his tip glistening with a single drop of precum. I lean in, quick as a flash, and lick that first. As usual, he tastes amazing, better than I’d ever imagined a man could taste. He tastes just like he smells, salty and heady, a scent and flavor that goes straight to my animal brain. It makes me want more.

I turn my head to lick along his length, slowly, first one side, then the other. Then I lick beneath him, along the top of his cock, teasing him, drawing this out. With every touch of my tongue he seems to breathe harder, his hands tense in my hair.

But when I lean back to finally take him into my mouth, pull him between my lips, those hands clench on my hair, hold me in place.

“Wait,” he says.

I hold my breath, gaze up at him. Is he going to stop me again, pull me away, just when I’ve finally got him where I want him?

But just then, he loosens his hold on me a little. “I want you to look at me when you take my cock in your mouth,” he says.

So I do. I keep my eyes locked on his, and wrap both hands around his cock. Hold him steady as I part my lips, and slowly, slowly, begin to slide him into my mouth.

He’s so thick that my jaw strains fully open to take him in. I wrap my lips tight around him and with every inch deeper that I draw him, I press my tongue harder against the underside of his cock. I savor his taste, the heat, the silky smooth skin of his cock and the hardness beneath it. When he’s fully inside my mouth, I wrap my hands around the base of his cock, the part that doesn’t fit inside, not unless I try to take him into my throat, something I’ve never done before.

As I do, I keep my eyes locked on his, and almost as good as his taste is the way his eyelids lower, his eyes laser-focused on me, his mouth parted with pleasure. I love making him do this, seeing him lose control and knowing that it’s because of me, that I have this power over him.

“Fuck, Pau.” Josh grits his teeth as I tighten my lips around him, begin to slide backward slowly, rocking on my knees to let him feel every inch of the motion as I draw his cock out of my mouth once more.

I rock back and forth a couple of times, until his cock is slick and wet. With one of my hands, I cup his balls, tugging at them, toying with them.

“Suck them,” Josh orders, eyes still half-shut, and I part my lips, pull his cock all the way out so I can lean between his legs and lick his balls. I slide them into my mouth too, one after the other, and roll them along my tongue as he moans.

“I want to fuck your mouth,” he murmurs. “I want you to take my cock all the way into your throat. I want to throat-fuck you, Paulina.”

I moan softly at the thought, and he does too, as my lips vibrate around his balls. “As long as you promise to come in my mouth,” I reply, peering up at him. “I want to taste your cum.”

“Anything my thirsty little naughty girl wants.” He smirks.

I take him into my mouth again, and this time he leads. He pulls me along his length until he fills my mouth.

“Relax,” he says, and I try my best to obey. To let my jaw go slack and my mouth open wider. His cock hits the back of my throat, and my body tenses, but I try to concentrate on him, his taste, the feel of his hands in my hair, guiding my head, pulling at my hair as they tighten.

“That’s it, Pau, right there,” he murmurs. “Deeper.”

His cock inches into my throat, a centimeter at a time, and my breath catches as I finally take all of him, every inch, inside, until my lips touch the base of his cock. Then my throat tightens, but he’s way ahead of me. He pulls me back by my hair, draws me off him again, and I inhale sharply, fresh air flooding my lungs.

“Have you done that before, naughty girl?” He smirks.

When his cock slides out of my mouth fully again, I lick his tip and return the smirk. “Never.”

“So you’re a natural cock-lover then.” He winks.

Then he’s pulling me back onto him, and I let him guide me once more, loving the feel of him in control, taking his pleasure from me as he wants.

We start to move in earnest now, and he drives into my mouth, over my tongue, into my throat, faster every time he thrusts. Before long, he’s fucking my face, his hips driving right up to my lips each time.

“You like that?” he hisses between gritted teeth, eyes half-shut with concentration. “You like having your face fucked?”

I moan in response, and he groans, a low, growling sound at the back of his throat.

“Take it, take my cock, take it all the way,” he says, voice getting louder as he continues to fuck me. I wrap my hands around him, let my fingers dig into his ass to pull him closer. He’s pulling my hair hard enough to make my eyes water, and my breath comes hard and fast—I have to gasp for air between every thrust. I let him take control completely now, arch my tongue up into his cock to add to the friction between us, and clamp my lips hard around his length.

“Fuck, Pau, I’m gonna come,” he murmurs, a few moments later, as the pressure begins to build. I feel him tense against my tongue, the tip of his cock twitching against the back of my throat. He’s right on the brink when we hear the voices.

Somewhere nearby, getting slowly louder.

I don’t stop. I can’t, not now, not when we’re so close. I keep sucking at him, even when his hands still in my hair.

“Fuck, Pau…” I don’t know if he hears them yet, if he notices. I don’t care. I tighten my lips and yank him against me, one last thrust, burying him deep in my throat. That does it. He loses control and comes, growling with the force of it, his hands pressing my face flat against his body. I swallow every drop of his cum, the delicious, white-hot liquid tasting better than I could have imagined.

I forget about the voices, forget about everything, because I finally made him come for me. I lean back, start to lick his cock clean, when we hear them again, accompanied by the crack of twigs and the crunch of leaves now.

Someone is here.

We freeze, me still on my knees, his ass still bared to the world, and lock eyes, as the voices round the bend near…

Before I have time to react or come up with a plan, Josh grabs my hand and pulls me to my feet. He bends down to yank his jeans up, clasps them hastily, and we spin around trying to figure out which direction the voices are coming from.

“… Really great idea, getting everyone together,” someone is saying.

I don’t recognize the voice, an older woman. At least it’s not our parents, I have time to think. Then someone else replies.

“I just can’t believe how long it’s been.”

Shit. Mr. Johnson.

He can’t see us. Him and whoever he’s with. If they spot us here, the state we’re in, my hair a mess, and Josh still red-faced, breathing hard, they’ll know. They’ll mention it to someone, probably our parents…

“Come on,” Josh hisses, pulling me away, in the opposite direction.

We run silently, dodging any leaves that look particularly crunchy, until we reach the trunk of a pine tree. I glance at Josh with a furrowed brow, questioning. But he’s already pulling himself onto the lowest branch.

“Climb,” he says.

I hesitate. It’s been years since I’ve done this. The last time I climbed a tree was with him, in fact. A pine tree similar to this one probably—there’s a whole copse of them near the cabin that we used to scale all the time. But I remember the general idea, and Mr. Johnson and his lady friend are rounding the bend, so I pull myself into the tree.

We climb out of sight behind some thicker branches, high overhead. From here, we can’t see the ground or Mr. Johnson and his friend, which means they can’t see us either. But we do hear them, as they settle down in the clearing where we just were, chatting carelessly. Clearly they mean to stick around for a while.

I glance at Josh, eyes wide, trying to express my distress. What are we going to do? We’re stuck in this tree.

Josh grins back at me, and I don’t trust the smirk on his face.

Sure enough, a second later, he leans over to spread my legs. I cling to the branch I’m on, next to his. It’s wide enough to support me easily, but not wide enough that I can afford to lose my balance.

Unfortunately, that’s probably going to get hard, since Josh is pushing my skirt up around my hips.

“What are you doing?” I whisper.

The voices in the clearing pause. “Did you hear something?” Mr. Johnson asks, and I inwardly curse myself and clamp my mouth shut.

“No,” the lady answers after a minute. “Must be the wind.”

So I can’t talk. Which means Josh can’t answer me. He seems to enjoy that. He winks at me, then bends his head between my legs again. He catches my panties in his teeth and inches them down my legs. My breath catches, and I twist a little under him. But he won’t be denied.

He grabs my waist with one hand, his other holding himself in the tree, and swings to a slightly lower branch, so he’s standing in front of me, and his face is level with my now-bare crotch.

He runs his tongue from my knee up to the crease where my leg meets my hip, making me shiver and arch my back. The tree branch shivers with me, but Mr. Johnson and his friend seem to dismiss that as more wind, and keep right on talking.

I arch my back, teeth gritted to keep any possible sound I might make trapped within, as Josh lets his tongue explore me. He licks across my smooth mound, then along my pussy lips, carefully keeping from touching my clit or from delving any deeper between my lips, into my slit. His tongue is hot and wet against my skin, and when he leans back to blow lightly on the spots he just licked, I can’t help a faint gasp, the cool air stark and sudden.

He doesn’t let me cool off for long. He leans back in and licks from my ass all the way up to the edge of my entrance, tasting my slit, the juices that have already dripped from my pussy. I’m already wet from sucking his cock, from the white-hot desire I felt when he fucked my face.

He pushes his tongue inside my pussy slowly, carefully. Licks along each of my walls in turn, back and sides and front. My lips part in a silent moan when he hits my G-spot, and he circles against it for a moment, tongue pushing hard on it, making a climax start to build inside my belly. I dig one hand into his hair, my other still wrapped around the tree branch.

Below, Mr. Johnson and his friend continue to chat, oblivious. I clamp my whole mouth shut, desperate to stay silent. It’s hard, nearly impossible with him eating me out the way he is, like he’s hungry for me, loving every second. He licks hard, fast, pushing his tongue as deep inside my pussy as he can.

Just when I think I’m going to lose it, he pulls his tongue out, replaces it with two fingers, and keeps fucking me with those while he runs the flat of his tongue over my clit. I’m so close to the brink already that it doesn’t take me long to reach it. He keeps up the pressure, licking my clit and fingering my G-spot, curling his fingers inside me so they drag along my wall, filling me, making my pussy ache.

He circles his tongue over my clit, keeps it moving in that circle, zeroing in on my sweet spot. That does it. My whole body shakes as I hit the wall, the orgasm sweeping through me like a tidal wave. He pulls his fingers out of me to steady me on the branch, his arm wrapped around my ass, fingers digging into my thigh as he pins me in place. He keeps his tongue on my clit though, licking me hard as the final spasms die away and leave me breathless and panting in their wake.

Below, Mr. Johnson and his friend begin to meander away, still chatting, but their voices growing softer now as their feet crunch across leaves in the distance. We wait until the sounds fade away altogether, and then Josh slides back into the branch across from me and pulls my face to his for a deep kiss. I can taste myself on his tongue, as I’m sure he must be able to taste himself on mine. We pull apart only an inch, rest our foreheads together and gaze into one another’s eyes.

“Our little secret?” he whispers.

My chest aches. “Of course,” I reply. But the truth, the terrifying truth, which I’m just starting to realize, is that I want more than that.

I don’t want to be his secret. I want to be with him for real.